Hot Holiday Love: an Interracial romance

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Hot Holiday Love: an Interracial romance Page 13

by Solomon, Germaine

  “Oh, so, he’s a Georgia boy,” Daddy said, seemingly relieved. “Then it shouldn’t be a problem for him to come and meet us real soon like tomorrow .”

  “Um…well…um, Daddy— ”

  “Wait a minute.” My mom frowned and cocked her head to the side. “Something’s not adding up here. How can Hayden live in Marietta and never have heard of you before? I ain’t trying to blow your head up, but Zyeshia is Georgia’s most valuable treasure. Besides Martin Luther King Junior, Stone Mountain, and the Atlanta Braves, ain’t nothing more popular than you in the Peach State, chile.”

  “I never said Hayden lived in Marietta or even in Georgia. His parents live in the Marietta area.” I paused and whispered a silent prayer to Jesus, asking Him to have mercy on me as Ravie squeezed my hand for encouragement. “Hayden lives in Munich…as in Munich, Germany . He was born there. He’s German.”

  “Oooh, and you should hear him talk, Auntie Shavetta. His deep, bass rasp and that German accent will make a chick move straight to Hilterland to push out all his babies. And Lawd have mercy, he’s got grey eyes that twinkle like a pair of cubic zirconias. Show her the picture, Eesh. Show her. That man is so fine.”

  Like a hungry grizzly bear waking up from hibernation, Daddy growled, “Germany ?! What the hell?!”

  Chapter Twenty


  Frankfurt, Germany

  “So what are you going to do, sir?”

  I closed my eyes and gave Selig’s question careful consideration as my personal, Frankfurt barber, Uli, slid a straight-edge razor over my lathered scalp. “I’m not sure at the moment, but I’ll come up with a solution soon.”

  Since my late-night conversation with Natalie, I had been in crisis mode. Her parents, mainly her father , had a problem with her dating a man who lived in another country. According to her, it had nothing to do with the color of my skin or my ethnicity. Mr. Taylor just didn’t think that an international romance with some strange German guy she’d met in the Blue Ridge Mountains was in Natalie’s best interest. I respected her father for wanting to protect her, but there was no reason for him to be concerned about my relationship with his daughter.

  I loved Natalie from deep down within and I would never do anything to hurt her. I would much rather bring harm to myself than to cause her pain. I would gladly do away with all of my worldly possessions and money just to be with her. And because I wanted to spend the rest of my life as Natalie’s husband and the father of our many children, I now had the responsibility of proving my worthiness to her parents. It was important that I convince them that my heart was pure and filled with love for their daughter and that she would be completely safe and cared for with me. No matter what I would be forced to do to earn Mr. and Mrs. Taylor’s blessing, I was determined to make Natalie my wife.

  As far as my parents were concerned, they were thrilled that I had met a woman who possessed the magical powers to “tame” the viper. Even Aunt Gerda was happy about my announcement. In fact, the thought of a big German wedding inspired her to make a toast to Natalie in her absence last night at dinner. And then she went on to make several other toasts to no one in particular as she consumed an entire bottle of Mönchhof Ürziger Wurzgarten Riesling.

  After finishing off the bottle of wine, Aunt Gerda wanted to dance the night away. All of my cousins in attendance, who happened to be girls, gladly loaned her their husbands to be her dancing partners while my Uncle Max played classic hit after hit by one of Germany’s favorite rock bands of all time, Scorpions, from their early years.

  I smiled, thinking about how excited my family was about my news that I’d fallen in love with the perfect woman and I wanted to marry her. Of course, everyone begged to see pictures of my beloved. So, I shared the selfies Natalie and I had taken our last evening together in the mountains. All the men, especially Papa, raved over her beauty, which made me proud. Mom and Aunt Gerda cried and told me repeatedly how pretty they thought Natalie was. And they loved her hair just as much as I did. Then my mom started talking about grandbabies, which was my cue to walk away. Yes, I wanted Natalie and me to have children, but first, I had to get her down the aisle. Then we needed at least two years alone before starting a family.

  My cell phone came close to destruction when I went into the kitchen to show the pictures of Natalie to my older, very overprotective cousins, Oda, Elif, Fabienne, and Loyce. They ripped the goddamn thing out of my hand and started screaming as they scrolled through the different pictures. I stood back and watched them, totally amused. They loved Natalie’s eyes, smile, lips, and her smooth skin. Even without makeup and dressed in a sweatshirt and leggings, they concluded that she was absolutely gorgeous.

  Then without warning, Loyce, the youngest of my cousins who was only a few years older than me, snatched the phone from her sister for a closer look at the picture of Natalie alone. That’s when my phone almost got torn apart. It was real crazy.

  “She reminds of someone, Hayden. Her face is very familiar, like we’ve met before. I never forget a face, cousin. I know her. What does this woman do professionally? Is she an American model or actress?” Loyce asked, still inspecting Natalie’s face thoroughly.

  “Um, no, she’s neither.” I reached for my phone, but she moved it out of my reach.

  My other cousins huddled around their sister, and I became insanely nervous. They began to pass my phone around and whisper to each other while I stood there watching and panicking. I started praying to Mary, the holy mother of God, that they wouldn’t be able to identify Natalie as Zyeshia. I became angry with myself for not even considering that someone in my family could be one of her fans before I showed them her picture. I was an idiot to have thought that her face would be unrecognizable without makeup and flawlessly-styled hair.

  “I think she was in a movie,” Elif chimed in and took possession of the phone.

  Oda snatched the phone and stared at the picture. “She reminds me of a girl I saw in a magazine.”

  “No, she looks smart like maybe a politician or a professor.” Fabienne reached for the phone, but Oda tightened her grasp on it.

  The two sisters began to argue and tussle for possession of the phone. All four hot-headed women started raising their voices at each other as they tried to gain control of my cell phone. It reminded me of when I was a little boy, spending time with them in Aunt Gerda’s home. The four sisters were high-spirited and bossy even back then. Their brother, Ewart, the eldest of us six cousins, used to call them mad female devils. I wished he was here tonight to tame them.

  As the commotion escalated, my phone crashed to the hard kitchen floor tiles, and an instant hush fell over the room. I was on the floor in a flash with my phone in my hand. My quick reflexes and competitive impulse caused me to react so fast that I accidentally put more pressure on my left knee than I should have. But thankfully, my phone wasn’t damaged, and I was grateful that I was still able to look at my gorgeous Natalie’s face anytime I wanted.

  I eyed my four pretty but feisty cousins and shook my head. “You girls are still as rambunctious as ever. None of you have ever met Natalie before, but I will introduce her to the family very soon. But first, you all must promise me that you’ll be on your best behavior.”

  “I promise to behave, Hayden,” Loyce said, making the sign of the cross over her chest.

  Elif raised her right hand. “I will be good too.”

  “Me too.” Oda smiled sweetly.

  Fabienne, the nicest and mildest of the sisters said, “I can’t wait to meet Natalie, Hayden. I already love her because you chose her as your bride.”

  Thank God my cell phone and I had survived the madness and I was able to enjoy the remaining time with my family at Aunt Gerda’s house last night. But now, as I prepared to report to the Bundesliga headquarters to be examined by the league’s physicians, I was worried about the condition of my left knee. It was kind of tender but fully functional. I rubbed it and shifted it side to side in an attempt to loosen the

  “Are you okay, sir?” Selig rushed to my left side and stood next to the barber’s chair. “Do you feel pain in your knee?” he whispered.

  “I’m fine. Do not worry, my friend. I will pass my physical examination.”

  My optimism was at an all-time high, but I couldn’t ignore reality. Without the injections and capsules that Sarden had treated me with before the league made its discovery, I wasn’t so sure if I could meet the fitness requirements to perform on the field. The microscopic rip at the very top of my ACL wasn’t very serious, but it was painful when I over extended my knee. I had been careful all season long under Sarden’s treatment and I would continue exercising caution all the way to the championship.

  “He’s looking good!” my team’s head coach shouted enthusiastically.

  The team’s owner nodded in agreement. “He looks magnificent !”

  Sweat poured down my face as I ran at my normal speed down the field with full possession of the ball. My dribble had always been smooth and controlled since I was a boy, which at the moment, seemed to be frustrating my young defender. My feet were too quick and skillful for him to make a steal. Even with slight soreness in my left knee, I was still performing at the level expected of superstar footballer, Viper Drachenberg. I took my eyes off the ball for a millisecond to search the touchline. Bayern Munich’s owner, the entire coaching staff, and Selig were watching the one-on-one matchup attentively. League officials were there as well.

  I faked a crossover move to my left, throwing the defender off. Then I increased my speed, racing the few feet ahead toward the goal, and made a powerful kick to score. I bent over with my hands on my kneecaps and drew in air. Drops of sweat stung my eyes as they continued to stream down my face. A green-eyed ball boy with straight brunette hair suddenly appeared in front of me and wiped my face with a white hand towel. I smiled and took the Adidas water bottle he offered me.


  “Anytime, champ.”

  I stood to my full stature and took a huge gulp of ice cold water before I walked slowly toward the touchline where the group of men stood talking about me , of course. I was conscious not to limp or show any kind of weakness in my left knee. Earlier, during my physical examination, the doctor had detected no abnormality to either of my knees. Therefore, he didn’t order any imaging screens such as an X-ray or MRI. I thanked my lucky stars for that because the tiny tear my left ACL would remain a secret until the end of the season, at which time I would undergo surgery to have it repaired.

  I had already decided that the procedure would take place in Atlanta since I’d planned to spend the off season there with Natalie. Selig had begun a search for the most adept, experienced, and successful orthopedic surgeon in the city, and I was certain that he would secure me an appointment for an exam and an in-depth consultation with him or her by the season’s end.

  The owner gripped my shoulder. “How does it feel to be back, Viper?”


  “You look very-well rested and relaxed out there. Your energy level is immeasurable,” the coached complimented.

  I nodded in agreement and took another long swig of water. “I’m better than ever.”

  I walked a few feet away from the group of men to drink more water and enjoy a private moment of celebration for my achievement. I thought about calling Natalie, but my phone was inside my bag tucked away in the trunk of the limo. And besides, what would I say to her? She had no idea that her man was a pro footballer in Germany, but she would find out soon enough.

  Selig approached me with what he’d intended to be an unreadable facial expression. But because I knew him better than anyone else with the exception of Tilda, his wife, I could tell he was bubbling with laughter on the inside. He was happy for me and he was on the brink of bursting with emotions.

  “Congratulations, sir. You are now officially back in the game. Should we go out for drinks to celebrate this evening?”

  I swallowed the last gulp of water and shook my head. “No. I’ll enjoy a couple of beers and a long conversation with Natalie at my condo before I sleep. That’s about as good a celebration as I’ll have tonight.”

  “Very well, sir. We will celebrate tomorrow night during your New Year’s Eve appearance at the grand opening of your friend’s nightclub.”

  “Shit!” I frowned and rubbed the top of my head. “I’d totally forgotten all about that.”

  “You committed to the appearance months ago so you must be there, sir.”

  “Yeah, I know. I’ll show up at the club, but I won’t like it.”

  Selig and I walked toward the gate that surrounded the small practice field. Just as we made our exit and approached the parking lot, someone called my name. Without even looking in that direction, I knew it was Ilsa. I had no idea what she wanted with me, but I had no time for her.

  “Allow me to get rid of her, sir.”

  “No. I can handle Ms. Göbel, Selig. Give me a minute.”

  “Uggghhh!” he grumbled and slapped his forehead with his palm before I walked away.

  I stopped a half a foot away from Ilsa, bringing us face to face. “What do you want?”

  “We need to talk.”

  “About what?”

  “Us . I miss— ”

  I intercepted her hand before it reached my face. “There is no us and there never will be again.” I released her hand, turned around, and walked away.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  Frankfurt, Germany

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to wake you, but I couldn’t go to bed without hearing your sexy voice. It’s better than any lullaby. How was your day, babe?”

  “It was very long and busy. Then afterwards, I went shopping for my trip to Munich.”

  “You didn’t have to do that, Natalie. You should’ve waited for me to take you shopping after you arrived there.”

  “Maybe so, but I wanted to pick up a few essentials from my favorite boutique here.”

  “Mmm, did you buy anything for me?”

  Yeah, bae, everything I bought is for you.” She giggled with a hint of naughtiness in her voice.

  “Tell me about your purchases.”

  “Unh-unh. I want you to be surprised at all the treats I bought with you in mind.”

  “Come on, Natalie. Give me a hint or two. I beg.”

  She giggled again and my cock stood to full and painful attention, causing the bed sheet below my waist to rise like a tent. I was losing my fucking mind being away from her. I wished I had the power to make time fly. If I did, today would be the third of January and Natalie and I would be making scorching hot love nonstop in my bed in the master suite inside my mansion in Munich right now.

  “Stop laughing, woman and give me a few hints about my treats.”

  “Okay. Um, let me see. Red, lacy, and sheer…”

  I sat up in bed. “Go on. Tell me more.”

  “Black, silk, and crotch-less with feathers… How does that sound?”

  “Torturous,” I growled, stroking my dick as visions of Natalie’s naked body floated through my psyche.

  “I have edibles too. Chocolate, French vanilla, and butterscotch—take your pick or try them all.”

  “I don’t need sex candy or body creams. You taste pretty damn delicious to me, so take that shit back to the store. The only thing I want to lick is you , babe; all over, from head to toe, front to back, and inside and out. No edibles necessary.”

  “Okay. No edibles.”

  “Oh, there will be edibles indeed, but only the natural kind.”

  A soft gasp floated from Natalie’s lips through my phone’s earpiece and kissed my heart. Then it traveled through my bloodstream and rushed like hot bubbling lava to my already stiff and enlarged cock.

  “I miss you, Hayden,” she whispered sweetly. “I can’t wait to see you.”

  “I miss you more, sweetheart.” I paused a moment before asking the one question that had plagued my mind all
day long. “Do your parents know you’re coming to visit me?”

  Her laughter lacked humor. It sounded empty. “Yes. I told them this morning.”

  “How did they receive the news?”

  “Mom encouraged me to follow my heart, but she wants us to take our time getting to know each other. And she insists that you make a trip to Atlanta soon to meet her, my dad, and the rest of the family.”

  “I’ll do that. Um, what about your father, babe? What was his response?”

  “As expected, he warned me to be careful and call him twice a day while I’m over there. He also asked me to deliver a message to you from him.”

  “He did, eh? Let me hear it.”

  “Daddy said if you hurt me, he and all of his fraternity brothers are going to invade Germany and start World War III. Then after they find you, he’s going to execute you in public in the most barbaric way known to mankind.”

  “Wow! Your father sounds like a friendly fellow. I can’t wait to meet him.”

  I checked my watch for the tenth time in as many minutes. Time was moving much too slow for me. I wanted out of this place already. Aggravated to no end, I grabbed my bottle of beer from the table and took a generous swig. Looking around the crowded club, I saw a few of my teammates having a good time dancing with beautiful women and guzzling down strong libations. Edgar, the club’s owner and my former teammate who had retired from football a year ago, was walking around greeting his New Year’s Eve patrons. The grand opening of his new nightclub had turned out to be a successful event. The capacity crowd left standing room only as others fought their way inside.

  Edgar had been a decent teammate and friend to me the entire four years we played for Bayern Munich together. So, when he’d asked me six months ago to appear at his new club on New Year’s Eve as the honorary host, I readily agreed. I didn’t have to give a speech or shake hands with guests or anything. He simply used my celebrity status to promote the occasion. My face and name appeared on all forms of promotional material for the event, and I was expected to take the microphone shortly before midnight, pump up the guests, and do the New Year’s countdown. After that, my commitment to Edgar will have been fulfilled. Then I could leave and return to my condo to watch Zyeshia videos on YouTube and listen to her music on the stereo until she reached out to me on FaceTime to wish me a Happy New Year. I would probably drink a few more beers while I waited to hear from her.


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