Pierced (Love like Yours Series Book 2)

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Pierced (Love like Yours Series Book 2) Page 6

by Nicole S. Goodin

  Quinn dumped the bags down on the couch and Lawson passed Stella to her before wrapping his arms around my waist.

  “I told you that you wouldn’t find the perfect dress in that wardrobe.” His husky voice tickled at my senses.

  “Thank you cowboy.”

  “Hmm hmm.” Quinn cleared her voice loudly.

  “Thank you Q.” I laughed without taking my eyes from my handsome husband-to-be.

  “Don’t worry Stella girl, I got you something pretty too.” Quinn started unzipping the bags.

  “Ah get out!” I shoved Lawson away in the direction of the door. “You can’t see anything.”

  His look of shock was quickly replaced with one of amusement. “Okay, okay, I get it.” He strolled in the direction of the kitchen. “It’s such a traditional day and all…” He teased over his shoulder.

  I waved him away with a flick of my wrist and a grin. I didn’t have time for his jokes.

  “Please tell me you have shoes?” I begged Quinn.

  “I have shoes.”

  “Oh thank god. What the hell would I do without you?”

  “You’d rummage through your wardrobe, spit the dummy and piss off your fiancé?” She offered.

  I rolled my eyes.

  Smart bitch.

  Quinn opened the giant bag and pulled out the cutest little silver dress I’d ever seen.

  “Oh hell, that is amazing!” I squealed as I grabbed for the tiny dress.

  “I know right?”

  Quinn rummaged through the bag again and pulled out some white tights and little silver Mary Jane’s.

  “Look Stella, you are gonna be so pretty.”

  Stella shrieked at the mention of her name and tossed her toy giraffe across the room.

  Stella was going to steal the show in this dress. There was no way I was putting her in it yet, she’d probably puke all over it within five minutes.

  “Okay are you ready?” Quinn asked as she unzipped one of the garment bags.

  I nodded as I set down Stella’s outfit and turned my full attention to the dress I would get married in.

  Quinn took a deep breath and pulled out the most stunning dress I’d ever seen. The underlay was white, with a stunning silvery grey lace and tulle overlay. It was full length and sleeveless and I absolutely adored it.

  “Holy shit Q.” I whispered.

  “Holy shit good?” She asked nervously.

  “Holy shit amazing.” I nodded. I reached out to touch the fabric. It was gorgeous. I couldn’t have chosen a dress more perfect if I’d tried.

  “Well thank god for that.”

  I laughed at Quinn’s relief. “Thank you so much, it’s perfect.”

  “You’re going to look so beautiful El.”

  I could feel tears building in my eyes and I quickly blinked them back. “Show me what you got for yourself?”

  Quinn had chosen a full length, long sleeved navy blue dress that would look absolutely flawless on her, whilst still being simple and understated. I had a feeling she had intentionally chosen something so simple to highlight my dress.

  “It’s beautiful Q.” A tear escaped my control.

  “Hey? What is it?” She asked, concern on her face.

  “Nothing.” I spluttered, more tears spilling over. “I’m just happy. He makes me so happy. I didn’t think I’d ever have this much love in my life.” I glanced down at Stella as I spoke.

  I truly have everything.

  Quinn pulled me in and squeezed me tight. “You deserve it babe. I’m insanely jealous, but I’m so thrilled for you El. The two of you are going to be so happy together.”

  “The three of us.” I amended. I pulled apart from her and swiped the tears away.

  Quinn bent down, scooped up Stella and lifted her into the air. “Yeah… the three of you.” She crooned through giggles. “Alright Stella girl. Let’s make Mommy gorgeous.”

  12. Quinn

  It fit her like a second skin. I’d never, ever seen anyone look so stunning.

  I knew it was a wedding dress, not exactly the kind of thing a person tended to wear more than once, but screw it – I’d make sure she wore this again if it killed me.

  “You are one hundred percent having a party to celebrate this marriage.” I told El as I pulled the zipper gently into place up her back.

  “Huh?” she asked, confusion in her voice.

  “Everybody needs to see you in this dress.”

  She giggled and shrugged.

  “No I’m serious El. You look stunning. Every single person you know needs to see this perfection. Hell, maybe you could even invite that little fucker Baxter and his bitch too.”

  El snorted and laughed. “You’re out of your god damn mind if you think I’d invite the two of them within one hundred miles of me – no matter how good I look.”

  I’d done her makeup only minimal; I’d decided there was no sense in covering up her smooth golden skin with heavy foundation. I’d made her eyes stand out and let her natural beauty do the rest. Her hair was tamed into loose waves and pinned back loosely off her face with the length trailing down her back. It was about all we had time for.

  “How’s he doing?” El asked nervously.

  I didn’t need to ask who she was talking about.

  “He’s doing fine.”

  He’s freaking the hell out.

  “He’s losing his shit isn’t he?” She replied calmly.

  She knew the man well.

  “Little bit.” I flicked her hair one last time and looked over her shoulder at her in the full length mirror. “He’ll be fine.”

  “I should go see him.” El moved to take a step forward.

  “Ah, ah, ah.” I pulled her gently back by the arm. “He’s fine. Logan and Reeve have him under control. He’s got Stella with him. He’s fine.”

  “Stop saying fine.” El grinned and swatted at my hand.

  “Fine.” I teased.

  “Did you get him his tie?” She asked, an almost panicked look on her face.

  I rolled my eyes behind her back. They were as bad as each other. Absolutely zero faith in me. “Yes. I gave him his tie.”

  Wish everyone would just calm the hell down.

  El pinched me on the hip. “I can hear that tone in your voice bitch.” She had a huge grin on her face.

  I laughed. “Well just relax. Y’all are as tightly wound as each other. It’s all taken care of okay? Just trust me.”

  She turned around and pulled me into her and squeezed me tight. “I love you Q. Thank you.”

  “I love you too.” I replied.

  I left El fussing over herself in the mirror and slipped on my own dress. It was a beautiful dress, on any other day it would have been an eye catcher, but not today, not with El in the room.

  I’d never seen my best friend so happy, so happy and so nervous at the same time. She was nothing like this on the day she married Baxter, she was completely blasé about the entire thing, she wasn’t worried about a single detail. I didn’t think I could recall her asking about Baxter even once on the morning of their wedding.

  I guess things were different now… he was the one. I thought about all of the firsts that Lawson and Ellerslie would have together and I could almost understand why they were freaking out. Everything was so important, so monumental when you were sharing it with the person you were meant to be with.

  My thoughts drifted back to Colt and how wrong it felt between the two of us, I’d been trying to end it, I really had. But he was sweet and kind, and so close to being right for me… but just… not. It just wasn’t right. He had feelings for me, I knew he did, and I knew it was wrong to keep seeing him when I didn’t feel the same way. He just wouldn’t fucking let me end it. I shook it off; it was a problem I would have to deal with another day.

  I knocked on the door to the games room before going inside.

  “How’s it going in here boys?” I asked before I got a proper look at them.

  Shit they looked good.
  “Wow.” I whispered.

  All three of them flashed me megawatt smiles. “We scrub up alright huh?” Logan chuckled.

  I nodded slowly. “Y’all look amazing.”

  They all had a tux on. Lawson had the silver bow tie I’d got for him paired with a black tux and a simple white on white striped shirt. He looked so handsome.

  I caught sight of Stella in her dress, Reeve holding her. “Oh hell Stella girl, this is meant to be Mommy’s big day.”

  “She’s a stunner isn’t she?” Reeve smiled fondly at his new niece as he jiggled her up and down gently.

  “Such a beauty.” I agreed as I took her hand and kissed it softly.

  “Is El ready?” Lawson asked me. I could hear the excitement vibrating through his voice.

  “She’s ready.” I tapped Stella’s nose lightly and turned to look at my brother. “And she’s perfect.” I smiled at him.

  “I know she is.” You could see the love and adoration he had for her pouring out of him. This was the happiest I’d ever seen him.

  I couldn’t help it, I pulled him in for a tight hug. “I’m so proud of you.” I murmured into his shoulder. “You are such a good man Lawson.”

  “I’m nervous.” He admitted quietly.

  I released him and laughed. “You don’t say?” I squeezed his shoulder. “C’mon, it’s time to go.”

  Logan clapped him on the back, Lawson took a deep, calming breath, and they walked out of the door.

  “She scares the hell out of me and calms my soul at the same time. Maybe that’s what love is – a total contradiction that somehow balances.”

  - Tammara Webber

  13. Lawson

  This was it. I glanced at my watch for what felt like the hundredth time.

  Quinn had sent Logan and me to the court house early. She’d organized a limousine to pick us up from the house and there was another one waiting behind it that would take Quinn, Stella, Reeve and El.

  We weren’t having a traditional wedding day but Q had insisted that El would be walking down a makeshift aisle. Reeve would give her away to me.

  I had to admit, the thought of her walking towards me looking so absolutely stunning, because I already knew she’d be breathtaking, was what had me fidgeting and twitching in my seat.

  Logan sat next to me and nudged me every few minutes when I started to get too jumpy. I’d shot him about fifty apologetic glances.

  I looked down the long corridor again. The doors we had entered through had opened exactly twelve times since I’d sat in this seat, each time my eyes flashed down there and I searched for her and each time I’d come up empty. I looked down at my hands and tried to sit still.

  C’mon El.

  I needed to touch her, see her… smell her. She calmed me down in a way no one else ever had or ever could.

  “You ready man?”

  Was I ready?

  I looked back at my best mate, my best man today. “Fuck yeah I am.”

  “Good. Up you get then.” He nodded his head in the direction of the door behind me.

  I swallowed deeply and slowly turned around. Quinn was carrying Stella, walking slowly towards us. I glanced quickly behind her, but there was no sign of El yet.

  I gave Quinn and kiss on the cheek and Stella one on the forehead as they reached us.

  I heard the whoosh of the door opening and everything else fell away.

  Holy fuck.

  I couldn’t move, I could barely remember how to breathe.

  She was so beautiful.

  I knew Reeve was walking next to her, leading her down, but I couldn’t acknowledge his presence. It was just me standing here, waiting for the most beautiful woman in the world.

  Her eyes sparkled and she gave me a shy smile.

  I felt a huge grin break out on my face.

  So beautiful.

  I felt Logan’s hand on my shoulder but I couldn’t look at him either, I wasn’t sure I’d ever be able to look away from her. The sight of her made me feel nervous, for the first time since I’d proposed to Ellerslie, I was worried that the words wouldn’t come, that nothing I could possibly say would be enough to convey what she meant to me.

  I wasn’t sure when they got to be right in front of me, but my hand reached out on it’s on accord to hold Ellerslie’s. I couldn’t take it anymore, I pulled her against me and lifted her off her feet. She giggled as I swung her around and around. I slid her slowly back down my body so her feet were on the ground once more.

  “I’m the luckiest man in the world.” I told her simply before claiming her lips.

  “I don’t think this is the part where you’re meant to kiss the bride cowboy.” She whispered, breathless from our kiss.

  I chuckled. “Fuck the rules remember?”

  “Lawson Pierce and Ellerslie Rush?” A voice called from behind me.

  “That’s us.” I called back, my eyes still not leaving El’s face.

  “You’re up.”


  All of our paperwork checked out and suddenly it was time to say our vows. I’d kept hold of El’s hands throughout the entire ceremony and now she gestured for me to let go.

  I shook my head. “I didn’t write anything down.” I admitted sheepishly.

  Hers eyes widened slightly before an ‘of course you didn’t’ look crept onto her face.

  “I knew I wouldn’t need too.” I reassured her.

  “Well by all means…” Amusement danced in her blue eyes.

  I took a deep breath and looked deep into her eyes.

  “Ellerslie Rush, I’m not sure there are words.” I told her honestly. “It struck me earlier, as I watched you walk towards me, that nothing I could say would be enough. Nothing I could say would truly be able to explain the way that I feel for you. The depths of my love for you can’t possibly be measured with words.”

  I squeezed her hands gently.

  “I wake up in the morning and my very first thought is of you, I miss you when you leave the room, hell, sometimes I miss you if you’re out of my reach. I fall asleep next to you, my mind filled with you, and I couldn’t imagine it any other way.”

  I felt El’s hands tremble slightly. I ran my thumb backwards and forwards over the soft skin on the back of her hand.

  “My life before you seems like a blur. You taught me what it means to love another person with everything you have – how to truly belong to another. All I hope for this life is to be a good man, a devoted husband and a hell of a father. You came into my life and pierced my heart, and I know I’ll never be the same again.”

  I watched a single tear fall down El’s cheek and I let go of one of her hands to gently brush it away. Taking her hand back in mine I smiled at her.

  “I love you El, I think I’ve been in love with you from the first moment we spoke. You keep me in check, you’re smart, you’re witty, you’re kind and you’re generous. God you’re beautiful… you are so beautiful El, I’ve never seen someone look as perfect as you do right now.”

  She blushed and I chuckled.

  “Like I said… no words are enough, but I’ve decided it doesn’t matter. I’ve got time, shit, I’ve got forever to show you how much you mean to me and how much love I have for you. You are my present, my future and my forever Ellerslie.”

  I took her ring from my pocket, lifted her hand and slid her simple platinum wedding band on. I lifted her hand to my mouth and placed a soft kiss on her knuckles, signaling that I was finished.

  El giggled nervously and swiped at the tears pooling in her eyes. I heard Quinn sniffing somewhere behind me.

  “You write part time for Hallmark or something?” She whispered – reliving an old joke of ours.

  Our small group all laughed at her.

  I chuckled deep in my belly. She was nervous – I could tell.

  “It’s okay pretty girl. I’ll love whatever you say.”

  She let go of one of my hands and reached behind me to take a sheet of paper and my ring from Q

  Breaking tradition, she took my hand and slid my wedding band onto my finger. I smiled at it there, the feel of it heavy and welcome.

  “I may not have had a dress ready, or shoes, or anything really.” She admitted with a smile. “But I do have this.” She indicated to the sheet of paper in her hands.

  “This, is the best I could do to explain how you’ve changed my life and how much I love you Lawson.”

  I nodded at her to go on. She locked her eyes on mine and I shivered under her gaze, I knew she was looking right into the very centre of me.

  “Lawson Pierce, you are the one thing I never expected, the one thing I never accounted for in my life. I thought, after living for twenty seven years that I had a pretty good idea of what it meant to love and be loved in return.”

  The hand holding her paper shook gently, but she went on.

  “But I know now that I had no clue. I had no idea what it was to experience true, pure love. Love like yours. You’ve shown me that. You love me without limitation, without fear and without judgment. And not only that, but you’ve taught me how to love you back the same way. I no longer hold fear in my heart. I know there isn’t a single thing in this world that you wouldn’t do for me if I asked you, and just that knowledge is enough for me.”

  My chest started to feel tight as I listened to her speak.

  She knows… she knows she’s my everything.

  “What I wanted to tell you Lawson, is that I know the way you love me, I see it in everything you do and everything you say… and I need you to know that I love you back just as much. No more – even though we joke.” She smiled. “And no less. You are my equal, my love… my life. I know what my life is like without you in it, and I also know that it is not a life I’ll ever live again.”

  She stepped towards me and let the sheet of paper fall to the floor. I wrapped my arms around her waist and her arms instinctively draped loosely around my neck.

  “I love you Lawson. I love you now, I’ll love you tomorrow, and I’ll love every day after that.”

  I didn’t know if she was finished and I didn’t care. I claimed her mouth with urgency and passion. I kissed her with everything I had, pouring my heart and soul into the moment.


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