Initiation Series: Series One Compilation (Terran Chronicles)

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Initiation Series: Series One Compilation (Terran Chronicles) Page 11

by James Jackson

  With a push of a button, a screen appears showing a vial with a swirling green gas. Radclyf and Hayato both stare at the screen in surprise; they catch each other's eye and nod slightly. “Some of you have had dealings with this biological weapon. One liquid drop forms a vapor that even at one part per billion is considered a lethal dose. It will take a few hours to kill at that level of concentration. The only cure we have must be administered prior to exposure.”

  Cindy has their undivided attention now. “Your mission is this; lay low in safe houses that we have prepared. Should you be discovered, your own governments may hunt you down in the name of peace. Over the last year, a number of weapons caches have been created in various cities. Each of you will be informed of what you need to know in regard to their location. Should our alien visitors get violent, we have enough of this material to rid the planet of them. In the meantime, you are to learn as much as possible about them. We need to find a way to get this material onto all of their spacecraft.”

  She pauses, and looks at the group in reflection, before continuing. “We knew something was out there in space, headed this way...”

  Her voice trails off as one of the medical personnel stands up and interrupts. “You knew they were coming and did nothing.” He is totally disgusted as he shakes his head and sits back down.

  Cindy gathers herself, and replies with renewed confidence, “Yes, we knew something was headed this way, but we only found out a few days before they arrived. Even then, the data was so obscure it was deemed inconsequential; we thought it could possibly be background radiation or anything but a space fleet. Finally, an Australian facility confirmed what was coming, and they only picked up a meteor shower. These aliens say they are here in peace, but, if they are not, you people are our contingency plan. You're our only hope to stop these Gamin, should they start a ground war. However, no matter what opportunity presents itself, you are not to start any action until instructed. We may yet find peace a possibility.”

  Cindy pauses to let her last few comments sink in. With mostly blank stares looking back at her, she continues. Radclyf wonders why Cindy is talking as if they were already at war with these aliens. “Okay, enough of this; listen up. There are three landing craft that we know of: one in St. Petersburg, one in New York, plus another is headed for France as we speak. The Gamin are calling this latest craft an educational facility. We are to be educated, people, so go and learn what you can, but be prepared. This is the one and only time you will be here, unless recalled. From now on, runners will handle information for you. Do not talk to the runners. They are not to be told any aspect of your lives, missions, et cetera. Assume at all times that they are compromised, or at the very least being monitored. You will hand them encrypted data via very special storage devices, details are in your assignment portfolios.”

  Cindy steps down from the podium and walks around the room as she finishes her speech. “Get to know each other. These Gamin say they come in peace, but we at the institute, feel otherwise. You are all to be inoculated with a variety of anti toxins prior to leaving. If you have no questions, then that is all people.” She waits for a few seconds, and then simply nods her head as she hands out folders to each person.

  Radclyf follows Cindy with his eyes as she continues to walk the room. He has concerns about her thinking. She is so focused on the aliens being hostile, that she cannot see anything else. Getting up, he finds Hayato to discuss the swirling gas and each other's involvement. The teammates from both sides also talk at length as they share a variety of combat stories. They do not share their assignments, of course, but both wonder if the future will find them working together. Hayato wonders if politics has been at work, as both his, and Radclyf's portfolios are the same size. Olaf, upon receiving his folder, leaves immediately; he’s apparently uninterested in talking with anyone.

  Radclyf’s assignment is to head to a safe house on the outskirts of Paris. He wishes Hayato well, and takes the keys for the safe house and a vehicle. Heading to the parking lot he finds his van, a nondescript grey utility van, much like many others. He is alone, and wonders if he will meet his team, or if they have separate assignments. Inside the van, he finds a small manila folder on the seat. He opens it, reads the additional information, and pockets the euros he finds there.

  Hayato looks at his orders and discovers that his team is to take two vans, and head to a safe house in Hong Kong. The long trip finds him travelling with Daitaro, while Chokichi and Akira share their own utility van. Both vans also have manila folders, though theirs contain renminbi for China, and some Hong Kong dollars to go with the enclosed euros.

  Radclyf hits the road and heads to Hotel Cecilia, a little under five hundred sixty miles away. After driving through the night, Radclyf pulls into the underground parking at about the same time as another utility van just like his. By the day's end, there are four identical utility vans scattered throughout the parking lot. Radclyf's entire team is here, and, though they are in different rooms, they are all on the same floor. He is perplexed by the way this has been handled; why not just send his team in one van?

  A fifth person has also taken up a room in the hotel, but is set apart from the others on the ground floor. His trip from the ferry has been far more leisurely. He is well rested and has taken the opportunity to acquaint himself quite well with the area. Smoke swirls from his pipe as he watches the evening news in his room.


  Forest area west of Clamart

  Paris, France

  With the loss of the FS Charles De Gaulle, and the announcement by these aliens that a spacecraft will land near Paris, many citizens take to the streets in anger. Demonstrators demand that the aliens do not land in France at all. Hundreds turn into thousands as the gendarmes seem powerless to stop the crowd from going wherever they please. Eventually, the French police force simply lets the crowd go and focuses more on protecting property and stemming what could easily turn into a city-wide riot.

  To make matters worse, the spacecraft appears in the distance; at first, it’s just a speck, but grows larger until it seems to fill the sky overhead. A strange hum can be heard as the craft approaches. Many demonstrators pull out hidden firearms and shoot at the spacecraft as it nears. Being almost one mile wide, and over two miles long, this space-faring vessel, like the others, has pock marked armor plates on its flanks and underside. With a narrower front, and wider midsection this craft looks similar in design to those in St. Petersburg and New York, though somewhat smaller. Many demonstrators, fearing reprisals and expecting to be attacked at any second, flee.

  Many a government official sits and sweats nervously. They have played up the hostility of the Gamin, even to the point of concealing that the two pilots from the carrier made it back to France unscathed. These politicians can only watch in horror at the panic that now strikes the city. Messages telling people to remain calm fall on deaf ears. Once again, city streets become chaotic as cars crash into each other, their panicked drivers ignoring traffic signals. The Prime Minister himself, appears on television in an attempt to calm the city, but to no avail. Off camera he shakes his head in shame; the aliens did not have to fire a single shot at them, and Paris, a city of millions, is in chaos for the second time this week.

  The spacecraft hovers over the forest area. With amazing precision, and unexpected care, it lands with minimum damage to the trees below. The armor plates do not retract as of yet, as they did on the spacecraft in New York. The massive spacecraft just sits there, doing nothing but waiting. Meanwhile, on the bridge of this vessel, the Prime looks at the city in chaos. He is most pleased at the discord created by their arrival. He knows that fear can be a great tool.

  “The natives don't like us much, do they?” One of the bridge crew muses out loud as his view screen displays a person firing at them with a rifle.

  “No, they don't,” responds the Prime. “Lockdown mode until otherwise instructed. Do not harm them; we will let them settle down before proceeding
.” The crowd’s projectiles are so insignificant that impacts do not even register on any system.

  Throughout the rest of the day and night, emergency crews work to get to the injured, and clear congested intersections. Soon, the military are called to take to the streets with the gendarmes in an effort to restore order. By morning, the death toll is in the hundreds, with thousands more injured. As if to add insult to injury, the spacecraft sends out a message in the same metallic sounding tone that is fast becoming associated with the aliens. “Regent Voknor of the Gamin wishes to share our knowledge with you. All medical personnel are invited to attend training sessions.”

  The message repeats throughout the day, indicating that the following morning will be the start of biological training for all those that wish it.

  At the urging of politicians, a few doctors and surgeons are encouraged to attend. Some others will also attend, though they are far from being in the medical field.

  Chapter Six - Training


  Manhattan Island

  New York

  Sometime during the night, deliveries are made to each residence. Many people are nervous, while others are excited, as they don their uniforms per instructions. George looks at his off-white jumpsuit with curiosity. Lisa's outfit has not yet arrived, so she plans to spend the day inside with their son Johnny.

  “It fits you well,” Lisa comments in an encouraging tone. Though scared, she tries not to show it.

  The morning news carries speeches from a number of politicians encouraging people to work with the Gamin. There is a brief discussion about the asteroid impact and subsequent loss of life in Manhattan being an accident. This collateral damage is an unfortunate result of our own missiles, at least according to one reporter. While the family watches the news, George is distractedly looking at his outfit. Suddenly, the wall screen changes, displaying instructions that he is to head outside and walk toward the spacecraft.

  “Well, it's time to see what this is all about.” George smiles as he puts on a brave face. “Love you and see you, umm, after work.”

  “I love you, too.” Lisa replies as she attempts to hide her fear.

  With trepidation, George gives his wife a soft kiss; then, ruffling his son’s hair, he smiles and heads out. His heart is heavy, but having worked all his life, he won't sit back and take handouts, not even from these creatures. Besides, he wants to learn about them and discover for himself the truth behind the destruction of Manhattan. Was this an accident, or did they murder his friends and family?

  Just like their counterparts in Russia, this morning finds a number of people leaving their rooms and heading toward the massive spacecraft. Some go out of curiosity and others, because they are still stunned at having lost everything to the asteroid strike. Yet, some go in hatred with thoughts of revenge on their minds.

  Once outside, George heads toward the alien spacecraft. A few others are also heading in the same direction. Within a few minutes, they form a small group that quietly walks along. A few more minutes pass and they do not seem to be getting any closer. Finally, entering its shadow, George starts to fully appreciate the size of this vessel. The underside of the alien craft stands high overhead and is easily the height of a thirty-story building. Looking up, he can see the underside of the ship where there are armor plates that seem to be linked together. He also sees that some of these sections are scorched, others dented, and some even seem to have holes and tears in them. As others gawk and point at various places, George realizes in awe that the damage must actually be quite great in order for it to be so clearly visible at this distance. Off toward the rear of the craft, alien cranes extend upward as strange, tracked vehicles move about.

  George is in a group of fifteen people that approaches a trio of aliens. Though they vary a little in height, the shortest alien is still taller than most people. Their mottled green bodies appear very muscular, and their forearms and calves have bony spikes. These creatures look very alien, indeed. Two men suddenly break free from the group, and run forward, drawing hand-guns, they fire at the aliens relentlessly. The noise of gun-fire shatters the quiet day. George dives to the ground as people scatter in panic. Some people run, trying to put as much distance as possible between them, the attackers, and the alien targets. The aliens do not even move, they merely stare at the two men. One of the aliens turns to his associates, says something unintelligible, makes an odd gesture, and then looks forward again. The splintered crowd moves even further away from the two would-be assailants, as they run out of bullets. All are awaiting a violent response from the aliens, the ship, or something. The aliens lean toward each other, as if conversing. The two men throw their guns down in disgust, and start to back away. They are quite scared now, as their attack had no effect whatsoever.

  One of the aliens beckons with a hand gesture and says quite simply, “The rest of you may follow us.” The voice is mildly metallic, as is to be expected. “You two will be dealt with by your own authorities.” The beckoning hand now points at the two gunmen with its three-clawed fingers. The gunmen, see the gesture as menacing, and turn to run.

  Off in the distance, a wailing siren can be heard approaching. George wonders as he gets up what kind of deals the government has made with these aliens. It becomes clear the sirens are coming this way. The two assailants continue to run; perhaps they forgot that they are trapped. They make it half-way to a bridge as a squad of police cars pull up. With a final show of defeat, the two gunmen lay on the ground, arms and legs spread.

  With the excitement of the morning over, and no hostilities from these aliens apparent, the group moves forward. George mutters, “Well played,” to no one in particular. Heading toward the ramp, the sheer size of this spacecraft once again comes into perspective. George, plus the remaining twelve people, follows the aliens up the side of the ramp to a marked walking area. The ramp itself, is large enough for numerous vehicles to travel up and down simultaneously. A soft glow of light is visible up ahead inside the massive vessel.

  Entering the spacecraft, the group find themselves inside a cavernous hold. All types of vehicles are suspended from the ceiling, hanging on the walls, or are lined along the floor area. Some of these seem to be aircraft; others are tracked land vehicles. Entering a room off to one side, the group finds even more aliens. The expected chairs and desks do not exist. Everyone had anticipated a classroom environment, where they would be instructed in their upcoming duties. Instead, there is a number of what appear to be, exoskeletons.

  The doors to the room slowly close, and, in excellent English, one of the aliens speaks up. “Please come forward, and step into the bodysuits. These are training suits.”

  The aliens that led the group fade away right before their eyes. As the others hesitate, George steps forward, turns around and then positions himself against one of the exoskeletons. The suit closes around him, forming a snug fit. A helmet swings down, contacting with his head. A kaleidoscope of colors washes past his eyes. At first the colors are fuzzy and unclear, they make him dizzy, even queasy. Within minutes, they clear up and start to coalesce, creating a peaceful feeling. George gives a thumbs-up to those in the room. He knows that if these aliens really wanted to harm them, they most certainly could have done so by now.

  George looks out through a clear visor that also acts as a computer screen. Indecipherable information scrolls up and down from time to time. Out through this, he sees others falling out of similar suits, throwing up, or sitting down, obviously in distress. Only a few people, it seems, are compatible with these bodysuits. Those that are not, are led away leaving only five of their group in the room.

  A green-skinned alien steps in front of George. He holds up a screen with a picture of a three-clawed hand and points to the stubby end of the suit’s arm. Moving the arm up, George can see that it just ends. He thought there were attachments that plugged in. The Gamin points at the screen again, his vertical yellow eyes blinking. George looks at the stub where the suit e
nds and thinks that these suits are pretty useless without hands. At that thought, a human-like hand, large and metallic looking, appears. The Gamin holding the screen just stares at the hand for a moment, then holds up the screen, revealing another picture. This goes on for hours, as object after object is created, simply by George thinking about it. Others in the room seem to be having mixed success. The day goes by quickly, and before long, the small group of five people is lead back out of the spacecraft. George hurries back to his assigned room; he is quite thrilled by the day’s experience.

  Once inside, he again ruffles his son’s hair, and hugs his wife. “The aliens had us wearing special suits that could manifest objects from nothing.” His voice is tinged with a little excitement.

  Johnny is fascinated by what he hears about the suits. “Dad, do you think I could get one?”

  “Not yet, son; you’re way too young to be working. Schooling is what you need.” He glances at his wife with a quiet look that indicates they will chat later about his day.

  The family heads back out to the mess hall where they enjoy another great meal. There seems to be a few more people here this evening, but no one that any of them recognize. After a satisfying meal, the three of them walk hand in hand as they head back in their room. Lisa and Johnny chat a little about their day and fill George in on current events before they all retire for the night.


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