Initiation Series: Series One Compilation (Terran Chronicles)

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Initiation Series: Series One Compilation (Terran Chronicles) Page 81

by James Jackson

  The motorcade comes to a screeching halt, heavily armed soldiers jump from hummer style vehicles and quickly establish a perimeter. Curious onlookers are kept at bay.

  Lisa lifts her head stoically, then says, “Let’s go then.” She walks with purpose, leading Johnny and George out onto the street.

  A soldier spots the three of them, then quickly points over Lisa’s head, “George, you’re to come with us.”

  Lisa stops, places her hands on her hips and replies sternly, “We’re all coming.”

  The soldier shakes his head, “No ma’am. Those are not my orders.”

  George steps past his wife, takes her hand into his, and boldly states. “Then change your orders, Mister.” Stopping, he adds, “If Regent Voknor wishes to speak with me, and it’s this important,” he waves his hand past the dozens of military vehicles in the street, “then my family comes with me.”

  The soldier is agitated, then glancing around, replies quickly, “It looks like I have no choice, but please hurry, and get out of the open.”

  George, Lisa, and Johnny, step into an armored vehicle, and are whisked away. Once again, the motorcade speeds through the city streets.

  The other man is also packing, his duty to Peter knows no limits. He doubts that he will have any trouble finding out where the Stantons are being taken. He would literally follow them to the ends of the Earth.

  Within thirty minutes of Regent Voknor’s global message, George and his family are deep in an underground facility, flanked by protective soldiers. Lisa and Johnny are sitting close by. While Johnny is excited by the day’s unexpected events, Lisa is quite concerned. George takes stock of his surroundings and is somewhat disappointed. The wooden table he is sitting at is small and gouged, from years of abuse. His chair creaks as he shifts his weight, and he is not that heavy.

  An old military man, his chest covered in medals, speaks to George in a gravelly voice, “The starship Terran has been shut down by the aliens. We want you to convince them to turn it back on.” He smiles unconvincingly.

  George shrugs his shoulders, “Well since no one has told me what’s really going on, how about we get Regent Voknor on the line and find out?”

  The old man’s smile wavers, “Uh, we thought you would be able to contact him, somehow.”

  George shakes his head in disbelief, wondering, what rumors are spreading about me now. He says bluntly, “Just provide me with a microphone, and connect me to the Gamin satellite grid.”

  Minutes later a wireless microphone is brought to George, and to his surprise, the wall panel houses a large flat screen monitor, which is used for video conferences. The old military man seems rather agitated by something, which also bothers George. He wonders what he is not being told.

  George stands, picks up the microphone, and simply says, “Regent Voknor, are you there?”

  The old man shakes his head in contempt, he had told his superiors that involving George was a bad idea. His heart skips a beat when the screen suddenly displays the alien features of a Gamin, one wearing a flowing robe. The old man gulps, sweat begins to run down his back and from his arm pits, as fear fills him; fear of the unknown.

  Regent Voknor stares at George intently, then says firmly, “You are surrounded by military once again George.”

  George glances around at the soldiers, shrugs his shoulders, then smiles, “Thank you for helping us get home Regent Voknor, we are forever in your debt.” George bows his head slightly.

  The Regent replies solemnly, “Ah yes,” he pauses, then turns his head to one side. Pointing to someone out of sight, he says plainly, “This is your problem, you fix it.”

  Another alien steps into view. George smiles broadly when he recognizes his old friend, “Sharz, how the heck are you?” His voice is filled with genuine happiness which causes the old soldier to step back, the hairs on the soldier’s neck raising.

  Sharz does what passes for a smile to a Gamin, which looks more like a tooth-filled sneer to everyone else, except George. Sharz glances back at Regent Voknor, who waves an arm at him to proceed.

  Taking a deep breath, he begins somberly, “George, your people look very similar to our mortal foes, the Atlans, with whom we have been at war for thousands of years.”

  George nods in understanding, “We found one of your damaged ships. It had been abandoned thousands of years ago.”

  Sharz nods his head, “Good, then you understand our unwillingness to let your planet’s military have any control over one of our spacecraft.”

  Sharz pauses, then glances at Regent Voknor one more time before proceeding. “George, the Atlans have escalated their attacks, as they do just before their religious clerics reveal each prophecy. The last time they did this, we were goaded into attacking their home world. We are still reeling from the losses of that day. You see, each Atlan Prophecy is actually information regarding some new technology. Where they are getting these amazing advances from is unknown, nor is it known why they have to wait a thousand years between each prophecy.” He stops, then glances away.

  A chill runs up and down George’s spine, Sharz is terrified, “What’s wrong?”

  Sharz stares intently at George from the screen, “The twelfth and last prophecy, the one that has been foretold will release the Atlans from obscurity, is soon to be revealed. George, our home world is in ruins, our culture is all but gone, and with each battle the dead pile up. We are on a path to oblivion, and very soon the Atlans will gain a yet another advantage.”

  George tries to smile, but he is filled with dread, “Is there anything we can do to help?”

  Sharz tilts his head, “Yes!” he says forcefully, “Stay away from the Atlans. They plan to dominate the galaxy, and with no one to stop them, they may very well succeed.”

  George is baffled, “If we look similar, why would you help us?”

  Before Sharz can reply, Voknor’s voice interjects, “Because it is time.”

  George frowns at the cryptic answer, but says nothing, what am I not being told?

  Sharz straightens, then says firmly, “The ship is yours George, you will have complete control over who is on board.”

  Regent Voknor steps closer to the screen, and says with great conviction, “If your military won’t listen, then I shall destroy the ship, the construction dock we left on your planet, and re-activate the satellite defense systems. Do I make myself clear?”

  George nods his head, “Yes Regent.”

  Voknor turns to sneer at the group of military men standing in the room, “But, do they understand?”

  George smiles, “You can be rather convincing Regent,” he says as he looks around the room at the soldiers.

  Voknor turns to look at George, “Your status is Prime, something never done before in our history. The ship will only respond to your voice, crew it as you see fit.”

  George gulps, “Why me Regent? I do not seek this responsibility, nor do I crave power.”

  Regent Voknor simply folds his arms across his chest, then begins his scary looking laugh, “George,” he shakes his head, “Gamin warriors spend years training, simply in the hope that they may become a Prime. I have never heard of anyone not wanting the honor.”

  George stammers quickly, “I meant no offense, Regent.”

  Voknor stares back, his yellow irises showing brightly, “Then honor my clan, rally your crew, and explore the stars.”

  The Regent’s face vanishes, leaving George completely perplexed by the day’s events. He turns to Lisa and mouths quietly, “I did not want this.”

  The old soldier waits for a few seconds, then lifts a previously hidden microphone of his own. He speaks softly into it, all the while staring intently at George. The screen lights back up, George looks, his smile freezes in place. Instead of the Regent, he finds himself face to face with the Presidents of the USA and Russia on a split screen.

  The American President stares at George from the screen, “I will not let you...” The room immediately goes pitch black.r />
  The underground complex is not the only place where power has failed.

  The American President stands utterly dumfounded in his Oval Office. He taps his useless computer, then motions for an aide to assist him. The secret service agents glance around, concern on their faces as their ear pieces go silent.

  Nuclear plants across America begin to systematically power down. Operators frantically attempt to access their systems, but none are able to stop the process. A group of tourists is walking across the Hoover Dam when its jet flow gates and spillways open, and begin releasing enormous volumes of water. They cheer in excitement at the spectacle, taking numerous pictures as they gawk at the unexpected sight. Inside the mighty complex, operators stare transfixed at their controls as the generators shut down, adding to their woes. Even the massive spinning blades belonging to the numerous wind turbines that dot the American landscape begin to slow down.

  Within ten minutes of the President’s words, America is almost completely dependent on its neighbors for electricity. Diesel generators start up in all the major cities as the power grid’s cascade failure continues. Battery back-up power on the cell phone towers engage, but these reserves will not last long, a few hours at best.

  The American President slams his hands onto his desk, “I will not let that alien dictate to me, George will get to control that ship over my dead body.”

  One of the secret service agents glances at his colleagues, his earpiece is working again. A single look is all he needs to tell the others to leave the room.

  The Presidents face twitches in anger, “Will someone tell me what’s going on?”

  The remaining agent stares impassively at the President, then steps closer to him, “Sir, I strongly suggest you comply with the alien’s demands.”

  “Or what?” scoffs the President brazenly.

  “I have just received a report that the national power grid is shutting down, making our current position untenable, and you, sir, constitute a risk to this nation’s security.”

  The President puts a hand to his head where a dull throbbing pulses, he wouldn’t, would he? He stares at the impassive man standing before him, he is sworn to protect me, NO! The blood drains from the President’s face, he is sworn to defend the Constitution from all enemies, foreign and domestic… and domestic. His face twitches again, his hands begin to shake as he realizes that he may well about to be, ‘voted out of office.’ Another mysterious heart attack, sweat builds under his armpits, “I will comply,” he says too quickly, and too loudly. His frightened tone echoes around the room.

  The agent tilts his head, as if surprised, “Yes Sir, I shall pass on the message.” He quietly speaks into his tiny mic, then returns to the doorway, just as the rest of his colleagues return to take their positions.

  The President stares uneasily at the men assigned to protect him. They are here to protect this nation, more than they are to protect me.

  Chapter Six - Power Shift


  Starship Terran

  Space Station Unity

  Earth orbit

  George stands on the bridge next to Joe and Cindy, his wife and son occupy nearby seats. All signs of damage have been erased, but not the memory of those that died, particularly Andrew’s death. Joe stares at his friend’s empty chair, it just won’t be the same with you gone, old mate.

  Cindy stares at her old command chair, then asks George warily, “Are you sure? The Regent was very specific?”

  George smiles, “The command chair is your rightful place. Mine is in my suit.” He puts a supportive hand on Joe’s shoulder and says, “Which I understand you hid somewhere.”

  Joe breaks from his melancholy, “Yes... yes, I sealed your room.” He steps to his old console, and in seconds, has the armor plating sliding back away from George’s doorway.

  Cindy sits in the command chair, then smiles, “Thank you George. I must say I was very surprised when my boss said there was a shuttle waiting for me. I didn’t think for one second I was coming here.”

  George grins, “Well if this is going to be my ship, then I want people I trust here.” He smiles at Cindy and Joe, “I can only imagine the uproar getting Peter back will cause; he is a Russian spy after all.”

  Joe smiles at the thought, “Do you think he and Emma will come?”

  George grins, “Emma will have the opportunity to hand pick whoever she wants for the return to New Earth.” He places his hands on his hips as he boldly states, “We’re going to set up a colony on the planet.”

  Cindy’s eyebrows raise up as she asks, “Your idea?”

  George shakes his head, “Nope, but the spaceship Liberty is almost built, and I would rather our group be in charge of the settlement, instead of the alternatives.”

  Cindy nods her head, understanding exactly what he means. She frowns as a disturbing thought comes to mind, “What about Jie’s spacecraft. He is clearly not afraid to use weapons of mass destruction.”

  George sighs, “Yes, I have been thinking of what to do about that, and have an idea I want to run by the bridge crew when they all get here.”

  Joe turns to George, “All? Who else is coming back?”

  George grins heartily, “All our old friends.” He chuckles a little as he continues, “You should have seen the faces of the two Presidents, when I told them who I wanted on board.”

  Joe glances back at his console, then stares vacantly at Andrew’s old chair for a moment. “I take it John will be our pilot? He is the one who picked me up.”

  Cindy nods as she replies, “Yes,” she hesitates for a second, then says with care, “I don’t want to rub any salt in your wounds Joe, but you should take Andrew’s old chair.” She gazes at the four control centers in front of her command chair, then adds, “I want John on the left, you next to him, then Peter, with Emma taking the last chair.”

  George tilts his head while he considers her choices, John piloting, Joe checking on internal systems, Peter for general observations, with Emma being in charge of ship wide environmental systems, and planetary studies.

  Joe stares at Andrew’s old chair for a few seconds, then nods, “It makes sense.” Something about his control panel suddenly feels out of place. He quickly spins back to look at it, “Geeze, we have twenty-seven percent power!” In his distracted state, he totally failed to notice the abundance of energy.

  At that moment, Peter steps onto the bridge, with a disgruntled Emma in tow. He is also not too happy, and scowls at George, “How the blazes did you find us?”

  George motions a hand to Joe, who replies with pride, “We tracked you by your Kord implant.”

  Peter gulps, “In the Siberian wastelands! Hmm, I actually forgot about that thing.” He rubs behind his ear absentmindedly, feeling for the slight bump under his skin.

  Emma plants her hands on her hips as she says with annoyance, “And I suppose I was just a lucky bonus?”

  Cindy smiles warmly, “Yes you are, and do we have a proposal for you!”

  Emma frowns in confusion, then narrows her eyes. She replies with defiance, “I am NOT going anywhere on this ship, and that’s final!”

  Peter remains impassive at her outburst, he is rather curious about what is going on.

  Cindy continues to smile, “Let’s wait ‘till everyone is back, then we can have a group discussion.”

  Emma looks at Peter and pouts, “I am not going...” she stops talking and frowns when she notices his energized appearance, “…anywhere,” she finishes quietly and doubtfully.

  George takes a deep breath. “Okay, Cindy the ship is yours. I am going to check on my suit.” He makes his way to his old room, then enters it. There against the wall, is his Gamin bodysuit. He steps backward into it, and watches as the suit closes around him. The familiar kaleidoscope of colors wash over him. He activates the suit’s absorption tool, then cuts a hole in the wall of his room. Opening his suit and stepping out, he retrieves the translator given to him so long ago by Sharz. He places
it into his ear, then quickly turns at a sound.

  Joe stands at the doorway, he is holding the engine calibration tablet and the artificial Gamin hand required to access the room. Joe looks past George’s suit at the hole in the wall, and says, “Secrets within secrets, mate.”

  George grins, “Thank you for keeping my suit safe.” His words are genuine and heartfelt.

  George suddenly hears a familiar voice in his ear, “Don’t let me down George, I have staked my entire reputation on you, as has the Regent. A thing never done before in our history.” George listens, then stops cold as Sharz’s words continue, he holds a hand up to stop Joe from leaving.

  Minutes later, the message has run its course. George looks up and studies Joe quite intently before he says with trepidation, “I have access to the Gamin satellite grid, full access.”

  Joe frowns in confusion, “Okay mate, and that means what exactly?” he asks, hesitantly.

  George feels light headed by the responsibility he has been handed, “I can shut down Earth’s power grid, activate the satellite’s weapons, and more. This is too much control for one person.”

  Joe walks up to George, “If it means anything to you, I trust you,” and he means it. He then turns his head to gaze out the doorway, “I don’t think anyone else has to know though.”


  Oil Rig Zeus

  North Sea

  Patrick grips the slippery pipe with his greasy gloves, “Hurry up will ya, I can’t hold this thing forever.”

  An oil rigger, covered in thick oil from head to toe, kneels next to Patrick. The oil soaked man is putting everything he has into sealing the clamp.

  A loud voice calls from an overhead catwalk, “Get that damn thing shut off, we don’t have time to play boys.”


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