Initiation Series: Series One Compilation (Terran Chronicles)

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Initiation Series: Series One Compilation (Terran Chronicles) Page 154

by James Jackson

  As the planet’s days and nights pass, the supply of materials increases, allowing more and more teams of Gamin engineers to work on the new vessel. Being mindful of the Emperor’s stern warning not to stay in one place too long, Regent Voknor commits more and more of his clan to assisting the construction efforts.

  Eighty-five local days later, Voknor calls a meeting of the Primes. They all know that the new craft is nearly complete, and await to see who he will assign as its Prime. Most expect it will be Skylow, but none are ready for what happens next.

  Regent Voknor stands before his Primes once more. They are all seated in the meeting room on his flagship, waiting.

  After what feels like an eternity, Voknor solemnly states, “Each of you is to put forth a worthy candidate for Prime. I nominate Skylow, but in this matter, we are equals!”

  The Primes stare back in disbelief. This has never been done before.

  Prime Algathor stands, and states, “I have two bridge officers who are ready!”

  Glarth adds his voice, “I nominate my second in command!”

  The others add their nominations, then once all Primes have spoken, Voknor states, “Of these valuable clans’ folk, we shall select a short list of four. They must have initiative, yet follow orders. We must make the best choice for our clan!”

  The talks continue for a long time until finally four names are selected. Then they discuss the merits of each candidate, until finally a consensus is reached, one they all agree on.

  Voknor nods as he says, “It may not always be this way, but for today, I wanted your input as to who should be awarded the craft.”

  The Primes cheer; this level of participation is unheard of, and yet all agree that the selected individual is both most suited, and well respected, great qualities in any leader.

  Voknor motions to Prime Tilpak, and says, “I give you the honor of summoning Yeltok to this meeting room, just don’t tell him why he is coming.”

  While they wait, the Primes raise a few concerns they have. All have become comfortable with being able to speak freely, for the betterment of the clan.

  Meanwhile, Yeltok stares at the message on his bridge station and freezes. He turns to the others and says, “Oh this has to be bad! I am being summoned to the flagship, to meet the Regent.”

  “Bad?” Responds another bridge officer, “Why?”

  “What else could it be? My responses during the last battle were slow.” He admits somberly.

  “Well, get over there and find out!”

  Yeltok is a capable pilot, and flies himself to the flagship, where he is met by two of Prytec’s guards, and escorted to the meeting room. He enters the room, and immediately notices that all the Primes are not only present, they are all standing, facing his way.

  Regent Voknor stands with them, and with a wide grin says, “You’re late, Prime Yeltok!”

  “Regent, I had…” Yeltok stops cold, and then says, “Prime?”

  Voknor strides up to him and states, “My Primes have convinced me that you deserve the title!”

  Yeltok is stunned when every Prime raises a fist in the air, and shouts, “My life is yours, Regent Voknor!”

  Yeltok stares in awe at his Regent, then raises his fist and swears his allegiance, “My life is yours, Regent Voknor.”

  Voknor raises his fist, and as he turns to look at each and every Prime, completing his turn to face Yeltok, he swears, “And my life is for the clan!”

  “I am honored!” Yeltok states, still stunned by what is transpiring.

  Voknor grins as he states, “As Prime, you follow my orders yet run your ship how you see fit. Now, after this meeting is over, you may inform the fleet of your promotion and seek volunteers who wish to join you on your new vessel.”

  Yeltok stares at his basic robe, and feels a rush of pride, he is Prime Yeltok now!

  Regent Voknor interrupts his thoughts when he says, “Though this planet is nearly perfect for our needs, we must heed the Emperor’s orders, and continue moving.”

  Glarth speaks, “What of their request for technology?”

  Yeltok is shocked by Glarth’s brazen comment; he did not even use Voknor’s title.

  Voknor paces back and forth as he considers what to do, then says, “We shall share with them rudimentary information on gravity plating.”

  Roggard comments, “It’s a good offering; not power or weapons systems.”

  “Not main drive either!” Lokarz states bluntly.

  Yeltok is surprised by their familiarity. He hears his name and then responds, “Forgive me Regent, I had never thought these meetings were like this.”

  Voknor nods, “I seek the wisdom of all Primes, and would be a fool to ignore their experience and knowledge. Now, your thoughts on sharing technology, Prime Yeltok?”

  Before he can respond Tilpak glances at Voknor, then receiving a nod, says, “We have learned to say what we think, and to not blindly support our Regent if we disagree. I can tell you now, there are Primes in this room who would have been executed under any other Regent for what has been said, but that is also our strength as a clan. I will also tell you that all of us would lay down our lives without hesitation, if so ordered!” He casts his gaze around the room, and receives nods of agreement in return.

  Yeltok swallows hard then says, “Sharing technology goes against my training, but a bargain struck, should be honored, Regent.”

  “It is settled then!” Voknor proclaims, “As soon as your vessel is in orbit, Prime Yeltok, we will transmit specifications on gravity plating to the entire world.”

  The meeting disbands shortly thereafter, allowing Yeltok to send a fleet-wide message requesting crew to follow him. Voknor grins when more than two hundred respond, even some of his crew. This is the first new craft for this clan, and the first opportunity most have had in ages to progress their careers.

  Lilpax observes with concern as Yeltok’s vessel lifts off the ground and enters orbit. He takes his new vessel for a short shakedown cruise, and then after some minor adjustments are made to the main drive, is finally ready to join the fleet.

  Regent Voknor is pleased beyond all measure, and contacts the Primes, “We will search for another world, and then another, until our clan is strong once more.”

  Atlans to the Fore, Atlans to the Rear

  “Battle Stations!”

  The alert wakes Regent Voknor from a deep sleep. He throws on his robe and hurries to the bridge.

  Lilpax is alone, and stares at him anxiously. Right now, she would be happy with it being dull and routine.

  Voknor strides onto the bridge, mere steps ahead of Cushkull and Skylow, Machkno and Frazik are sprinting along the corridor, not far behind.

  “Status?” Voknor queries as he sits down.

  Lilpax replies nervously, “Two Atlan carriers appeared in system, and immediately launched their compliments of fighters. Primes Gentak and Pitrax were able to recover all mining craft and get into orbit before they were noticed, and attacked.”

  “How many fighters?” Voknor presses.

  While Lilpax checks her data, Frazik scans his console and replies, “Three hundred forty!”

  “And damage to the fleet so far?”

  “Getting reports now,” Skylow replies, “Ah, it seems that our refits have once again surprised them! No craft has sustained any significant damage.”

  Voknor does not hesitate, and orders, “Plot Four! Kill them all!”

  Perhaps the Atlans expected Voknor’s forces to flee, perhaps it was sheer luck, but in either case, the fleet moves through the fighters with minimal damage, and comes face to face with the lightly armored carriers.

  Regent Voknor touches his ship’s fleet-wide communications and barks, “All Primes, target the carrier nearest the planet; fire everything!”

  Lilpax stares in fascination as projectiles and energy weapons streak out at phenomenal speeds, with most impacting the slow-moving carrier. A strange cloud approaches, which she enlarges on her console
. She gasps, the cloud is more space fighters.

  “It’s a trap!” She exclaims piercingly.

  Skylow confirms, “Two more carriers have arrived in system and deployed their fighters as well. There are approximately seven hundred in total.”

  Voknor leans forward, then orders, “Destroy the carriers. Instruct the fleet to evacuate the outer levels and seal them, have all repair teams on standby!”

  Lilpax stares fearfully at the main viewer. No clan has ever faced four carriers and survived. She knows that before their refits, two would have been more than a match for their fleet. A chill runs up her spine as she realizes that the flagship has not been refitted yet.

  Cushkull nervously pilots the mammoth vessel as others move closer and closer to provide additional cover, as planned.

  “Got them!” Machkno shouts gleefully.

  Lilpax watches as the first Atlan Carrier explodes, scattering debris in all directions.

  Cushkull coordinates with the fleet, then reports, “The second carrier is taking hits, we have breached their shields already!”

  The main viewer is suddenly lit up as hundreds of energy beams strike out from the Atlan fighters. The battle immediately turns to chaos as the small craft attack with impunity, the Gamin forces are still focusing on the second Carrier.

  Frazik reports, “Prime Pitrax’s vessel took the brunt of the attack, and is severely compromised. They report no less than thirty-seven hull breaches.”

  Voknor calmly orders, “Tell them to maneuver directly over our main hull, we will provide cover fire.”

  Lilpax swallows hard; the idea of two spaceships maneuvering that close in any situation is risky, but to do so during combat, is unheard of.

  “The second Carrier is destroyed!” Skylow reports excitedly.

  Voknor considers their situation, then unexpectedly orders, “Engage the fighters, but if those carriers approach, I want the fleet ready for a high-speed intercept!”

  “Prime Ratski is reporting heavy damage!” Skylow reports, “He too is on approach to join Pitrax.”

  “Understood!” Voknor replies calmly.

  Cushkull feels his face twitch nervously as the second craft passes through the protective screen of the other ships, and comes to rest directly above their shields. He contacts the pilots of both vessels, and begins relaying instructions. Any mistake would be catastrophic.

  Meanwhile, Machkno is firing at the fighters as fast as his weapons cycle, drawing upon their ship’s energy reserves at an astronomical rate.

  Skylow has been monitoring the situation, and reports, “We will be unable to sustain this level of energy usage for much longer, all capacitors are nearing depletion.”

  Voknor reviews his data; more than one hundred fighters have been destroyed. He orders, “Reduce speed, inform all craft to begin roll maneuvers to spread their impact damage; maintain full firepower! Damaged craft are to remain inside the protective screen. Move us into free space and engage.”

  Lilpax watches as the mammoth vessel moves past the other smaller craft, seemingly missing them by the barest of margins. She glances at Cushkull, then realizes that they are indeed close; he has silenced the ship’s collision alarms.

  “Regent, Atlan fighters are now engaging us, and leaving the others alone!” Skylow states with trepidation.

  “Excellent!” Voknor replies, “Now make them pay!”

  Hundreds of fighters’ swarm at the flagship, strafing it with their energy weapons, leaving deep grooves in the armor. But they do so at a heavy cost to themselves. The entire arsenal at the disposal of the Gamin fleet shreds their numbers dramatically, spewing debris in all directions as they fly through a nearly impenetrable layer of energy beams and kinetic projectiles.

  Lilpax reports, “I am now reading four hundred fighters remaining, and they seem to be retreating.”

  Skylow glances her way, then instead of chastising her, states, “Confirming Lilpax’s analysis. The Atlans are retreating.”

  Regent Voknor quickly reviews the flagship’s battle damage, then skims through the status of the fleet. With great disappointment, he orders, “Let them go, many of our craft are too badly damaged to risk further engagement.”

  Frazik picks up Voknor’s tone, and comments, “Regent, we have achieved a great victory! Four carriers engaged us with a compliment of seven hundred fighters. Four hundred leave in two carriers, and I am getting reports of zero casualties!”

  “Zero!” Voknor questions in disbelief.

  “Confirmed,” Frazik replies, “evacuating the outer decks saved the lives of many Gamin this day!”

  Machkno feels a chill as he reviews his data on the Atlan fighters, and says, “Regent, those fighters had stronger shields! That’s why so many survived.”

  Voknor sits back in his chair, pondering this development, then bolts upright as an idea comes to mind, “Are the Atlans headed in the general direction of any other clans?”

  Frazik reviews his data, then replies, “Yes! Regent Hemlax’s clan occupies the region adjacent to us on that side.”

  “Contact him.” Voknor orders.

  A few moments later, a robe wearing Gamin appears on the main view. He seems perplexed, and asks, “Why are you contacting me Regent Voknor?”

  Voknor grins, “Regent Hemlax, you have two Atlan carriers headed your way, with around four hundred fighters.”

  Hemlax stares blankly and says, “How do you know this?” He quickly adds, “Never mind, we’ll get moving.”

  “No need, those shield and armor upgrades will hold. You should be able to eliminate them!” Voknor replies confidently.

  “Upgrades! What upgrades?” Hemlax questions.

  Voknor hesitantly replies, “Ah, we sent schematics to the Emperor years ago, and have since fully refitted our fleet. His engineers informed me that these upgrades were shared fleet wide.”

  “We’ve gotten nothing! We’re on our own as we always have been.” Hemlax replies.

  “I will transmit the data to you, including information on how to fast track a ground facility.” Voknor replies while nodding to Skylow.

  Skylow uses his console with speed and efficiency, then states, “Data Sent!”

  Hemlax leans toward his command crew, listens to their comments, then replies, “Regent Voknor, I owe you a debt of gratitude.”

  “No need. But we should share this information with all the peripheral clans!” Voknor replies.

  “Why wouldn’t the Emperor share this?” asks Hemlax.

  “That is a mystery,” Voknor replies, then says, “I will share these upgrades with clans on my side, share your way if you can!”

  Hemlax nods, then narrows his eyes as he asks, “Would we not be going against the Emperor’s wishes?”

  Voknor leans back and replies confidently, “How could it? I have it on record from him personally, that these upgrades would be shared!”

  “Ah yes! He can always blame some subservient, and claim they were meant to be shared.” Hemlax says, relaxing.

  “You had better get moving though. Without these enhancements, two carriers will be tough.”

  “Agreed!” Hemlax replies, then says, “We need to communicate more often!”

  “Yes, we do!” Agrees Voknor.

  The screen returns to the star field, leaving the bridge crew stunned, especially Lilpax. Her perception about the Gamin Empire, and particularly the Emperor, has been shattered. She shakes as she returns to her duties, monitoring the progress of the various repair teams.

  Voknor ponders this latest development, then orders. “Display clan data on the main viewer!”

  “Yes Regent,” Frazik responds as he works his console.

  The ship’s Navicon takes a moment to display the information, during which time Voknor reflects on the clans. Each mostly keeps to themselves, fends for themselves, and for the most part, stays in whatever region of space they are assigned. This region is not fixed, but rather, floats relative to the Gamin forces.

  Lilpax is distracted once more, and watches in fascination as the main viewer fills with dots, hundreds upon hundreds of dots, if not thousands.

  Frazik highlights a tight-knit group, and says, “This is our clan, this is Hemlax, and this is Jukalore.” He adds motioning to clans on either side of their own.

  Lilpax continues to watch as clan after clan is identified. The clans enclose the Emperors forces, with the larger, more powerful clans, being closer to him, and the smaller lesser clans being spread out in an all-encompassing oval shape around these. Her eyes go wide; the image is egg shaped, and reminds her of her hopes and dreams for her future eggs.

  Frazik stares at the multitude of dots and says, “This is what we expected to see. Is there something specific you’re looking for?”

  Voknor taps his armrest restlessly, “I’m not sure.”

  Lilpax feels a chill as she realizes what is wrong, and blurts out, “There are too many dots, and they are in the wrong places!”

  All eyes turn to her, including Voknor’s.

  She stammers, “Look. We’re displayed as having thirty-four vessels, and we have not been in that region of space since I hatched!”

  Frazik enlarges the region, and indeed sees thirty-four dots, and a myriad of stars that do not match their current astrological position.

  Voknor leans back and says, “Ghost ships? I wonder if there are ghost clans.”

  Frazik’s jaw drops, “This data is old. Let me see if I can get an update.”

  “While you are at it, compare the data to historical records. I am curious as to how far we have moved from the original area.” Voknor orders.

  “Yes Regent.” Frazik replies.

  “Contact Regent Jukalore,” Voknor orders; demanding more from his bridge crew than normal, but these are not normal circumstances.


  The screen changes to display a robe wearing Gamin, one who immediately states, “You picked a bad to time to call! We’re under attack, and about to retreat.”


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