Initiation Series: Series One Compilation (Terran Chronicles)

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Initiation Series: Series One Compilation (Terran Chronicles) Page 160

by James Jackson

  Bandor turns to his colleagues, then after a brief, quiet discussion, turns back and offers, “We are willing to share this technology, in trade, and assist in the installation, if you so wish it.”

  Prytec is unnerved, and glances warily around; the Kord are offering a lot, and easily. This is not how they are used to dealing with other races.

  Bandor does not notice Prytec’s misgivings, and says, “We are close to our central control room. Come with me.”

  Voknor follows the eager Kord, then stops the second he enters a massive room. Its size dwarfs the many Kord inside. He casts his gaze around the circular area, and is flabbergasted. At least thirty Kord operate the terminals which line most of the walls. The center of the room has a raised area which is fully encased in displays. The displays are impossibly thin, and at least the same height as the little aliens, and twice as wide. In the midst of these, stand three Kord. They, like the others in the room, stop what they are doing, and stare at the Gamin through small gaps. They are curious, and not afraid.

  Bandor proudly waves an arm around the room and says, “Aqua control!”

  Prytec steps into the room, then after a brief evaluation of any risks, relaxes. None of the Kord appear to be armed. He turns to Bandor and asks, “What do you study?”

  Bandor jumps with joy, then rambles, “This is the last deep-space station we plan to build, the others will orbit planets, allowing for easier supply runs, and as you saw, better defensive options. As this is our only deep-space facility, we are tasked with studying various spatial anomalies.”

  “Such as?” Prytec presses when Bandor stops talking.

  “Oh, so many,” he replies, then begins to list them, “Gravity wells, pulsing stars, compressed stars, dark matter, spatial tears, multi-dimensional phenomenon…”

  Regent Voknor steps closer and interrupts, “I do not understand anything of what you have said, and yet am curious as to your research on these matters.”

  Bandor stops talking and blinks rapidly before asking, “But how can you navigate these dangers, if you do not know what they are?”

  With a shrug, Voknor replies, “We avoid any anomaly we discover, they do not interest us.”

  Bandor stands still, then as an idea comes to mind, asks, “Do you update your navigational records when you discover these anomalies?”

  “Yes, of course!” Voknor replies, slightly miffed, then adds, “All Gamin fleets update a central database, allowing others to be forewarned, should they ever traverse into another clan’s territory.”

  “Would you be willing to share this information with us?” Bandor asks cautiously, though he doubts the Gamin would be prepared to hand over such a wealth of knowledge.

  Regent Voknor looks to Prytec, then seeing that the decision will be his alone, considers the ramifications, and says, “I can see no harm in showing you the location of any anomalies we have discovered.” As Prytec nods in support, Voknor adds, “I may even share what information our sensors have obtained.”

  Bandor gleefully responds, “Anything you have may be helpful to our research.”

  “I am surprised that a facility this important is so poorly protected.” Voknor states bluntly.

  “We have little need for weapons, as both you and the Atlans leave us be.” Bandor replies, then sighs as he adds, “And the Effen Raiders used to as well, but something has changed, as you saw.”

  Prytec unexpectedly states, “Regent, I believe it is time we returned to the flagship, where we can arrange for the transfer of data!”

  “Indeed.” Voknor replies, trusting in Prytec’s instincts. He wonders what Prytec noticed, for him to suggest they leave.

  Bandor leads them back to the transit-way, where they take another ride in a rotating sphere. Voknor grins at the idea of them spinning, and yet not feeling any motion. This transport system is beyond anything he has ever seen, or heard of before.

  They make their way to the shuttle, where Voknor stops, then says, “Bandor, I look forward to more discussions, especially about how we can integrate a transit-way into our craft!”

  “As do I.” Bandor replies, a slight disappointment entering his tone.

  Voknor picks up the expression, even via the translator, then says, “I offer you a tour of my ship, in return.”

  Bandor stammers, “I shall arrange a transport and follow you over!”

  Prytec glances back and forth apprehensively, but says nothing.

  The moment they enter the shuttle Prytec states, “A tour! Are you mad?”

  Voknor grins, then as he sits down, says, “They scanned our ship to an extent that they knew of our casualties. I am certain they have already learned more about us than we care for them to know.

  “True.” Prytec responds as he recalls the scan Bandor admitted to conducting. He lowers his gaze and apologizes, “Regent, I overstepped my place.”

  “Think nothing of it,” Voknor replies.

  Arriving on the flagship’s hangar deck, they are both surprised to see a dozen alien craft, presumably Kord shuttles.

  Lilpax is waiting for them, and rushes to Voknor, blurting “I am glad you’re safe.” She then thumps his chest as she states, “Do you know how stupid that was to go on board an alien space-station?”

  Prytec looks away, and pretends not hear his Regent being chastised.

  Voknor grins, then says, “Tell me about the Kord efforts to assist our injured.”

  “Oh, they are amazing!” She replies excitedly.

  “In what way?” Voknor presses.

  “They brought over some bulky equipment, which they say are biologic regenerators.” She replies, then adds, “Whatever they are, they’re capable of healing even the most serious of injuries, quite quickly.”

  Prytec suddenly recalls why he wanted to leave the Kord facility, and abashes himself for not mentioning his findings on the shuttle. He becomes agitated, then glancing back to see if Bandor’s transport is coming, interrupts them, “Regent. Apologies, again! But I saw something you must know of.”

  Voknor frowns, it is unlike Prytec to be so forward in public, and says, “Speak openly, my friend.”

  “The Kord have information on the mystery race, the one at the center of the galaxy.”

  “Mystery race?” Voknor queries, unsure of what race he is referring to.

  “Yes,” Prytec confirms, “I saw a galactic map, one which lists many races, more than I imagined possible. Their map includes a void, one that is expanding across a vast area. The expansion will one day encompass the Atlans, and then our space. I was unable to read their language, but based on the number of displays focusing on this region of space, it’s clear that they too are concerned.”

  Lilpax feels a chill run up her spine as she blurts out, “They wanted you to see that!”

  Before any of them can respond, a Kord transport arrives, and lands on the hangar deck. Prytec glances upward, and is pleased to see his guard in position, all wearing combat suits.

  Bandor coughs and sputters on the thick Gamin air as he steps from his shuttle. He quickly adjusts a small breather tube that rests under his furry nose. In addition, he carries a large case, which hangs by a strap over his shoulder.

  Voknor strides over and states, “Welcome to the Flagship of the fleet, and to my clan.”

  Regent Voknor, Prytec, and Lilpax, take Bandor on a tour of much of the ship. They visit the bridge, the hatchery, and one of the medical bays. Bandor asks many questions during the tour, and is genuinely fascinated by what he sees, and the answers given. By the end of the tour, Bandor is obviously exhausted. His short legs, combined with the slightly heavier gravity, make the effort doubly difficult.

  Returning to the hangar deck, Bandor stops and asks, “Some of your people wear augment suits. I was wondering, how do they interpret muscle action?”

  Voknor pauses, he is fully aware of how the bodysuits work. He is also familiar with them having been reverse-engineered long before the exodus, from the one the captured At
lan was wearing.

  After another moment’s hesitation, He replies, “They operate via a neural-synaptic interface.”

  Bandor smiles warmly as he requests, “May I see one? We have been unable to resolve issues between conscious and subconscious thoughts in our attempts to manufacture suits like those.”

  “I shall consult with my engineers, before I consider sharing this level of technology.” Voknor states, politely, yet bluntly.

  Bandor glances around, then offers, “I could consult with my people about an exchange of technology. We noticed that you do not harden your armor.”

  “Harden our armor?” Voknor questions curiously.

  “Yes,” Bandor replies, “it’s a process whereby a ship’s armor is polarized, and then magnetically aligned at the atomic level, for maximum bonding strength.”

  “Harder armor!” Voknor exclaims.

  “So, a trade may be possible.” Bandor presses, his face a wide expectant grin.

  Lilpax steps forward and boldly requests, “Plus, we would want some of those medical units you use!”

  Bandor stares at Lilpax for a moment, then replies, “It is clear we each want things the other has, which is the first step in successful trade negotiations.” He lowers his gaze respectfully for a moment.

  Voknor tilts his head, then warily asks, “Are you able to construct new vessels?”

  Bandor steps back in surprise, then hesitantly replies, “It is possible, if we had the resources.”

  “We are, if nothing else, great resource gatherers!” Voknor states smugly.

  “How large a ship are you considering?” Bandor questions cautiously.

  With a grin Voknor replies, “Two craft actually; each quite sizable.”

  “Your smallest vessel is larger than our landing bays.” Bandor counters.

  “What if specialized construction docks were added to your facility?” Voknor queries, then adds, “We have the technology to manufacture them!”

  Bandor gazes around, then says, “I must consult with my colleagues.”

  “Understandable.” Voknor replies, then after a few moments adds, “As a show of good faith, we shall transmit all the data we have on spatial anomalies to your facility.”

  Bandor nods, “I appreciate your offer, and look forward to further talks.”

  “As do I.” Voknor replies, genuinely excited about the prospects of a technology exchange.

  The moment Bandor leaves the hangar deck, Voknor calls an urgent meeting of the Primes. Striding toward the meeting room, he contacts the bridge and orders, “Skylow, transmit all navigational data regarding spatial anomalies to the Kord, but do not include our actual navigational history, or the planets we have construction docks on.”

  “By your order.” Skylow replies, then immediately begins. He does not question the instructions; it is not as if the information is classified.

  Prytec and Lilpax accompany Voknor. As they make their way forward and upward, Prytec presses, “What about the race at the center of the Galaxy?”

  Voknor pauses, then says, “I did not know of their existence until you mentioned them.”

  Prytec stops in disbelief, then questions, “What about the Imperial database?”

  “Perhaps this is another secret the Emperor wishes to keep from us.” Voknor states, then he feels a chill run up his spine as he shares his thoughts, “We have been moving away from our home world, presumably to avoid the Atlans. Perhaps there is more to this?”

  Lilpax sighs as she asks, “Why don’t we simply flee to the other side of the Galaxy?”

  Prytec frowns, then after considering the implications, offers, “If we left the Atlans to themselves, can you imagine how powerful their military would become?”

  “Yes!” Voknor agrees, then says, “While the peripheral clans struggle, the core clans are getting stronger, with the Emperor’s fleet rumored to have never seen a battle!”

  “So, we’re the shock troops? Expendable!” Prytec spits out in distaste.

  Voknor stares at Prytec, then with mounting anger, states, “I swear to you, we will survive, and when the time comes, there will be a reckoning!”

  Prytec feels a wash of pride, and replies, “I look forward to that day!”

  Lilpax receives a report from Skylow, then softly nudges Voknor, and whispers, “The Primes are arriving.”

  Voknor nods to her, then says, “You both should join me at the meeting.”

  Lilpax pauses, then says, “The Primes may object to my presence.”

  “They may!” Voknor states, then with a grin, declares, “But I am still Regent!”

  The three of them continue along in silence, then wait for the Primes in the meeting room. Upon entering, and seeing Lilpax, each realizes that this will be a rather different meeting.

  Standing before his seated Primes, Voknor states, “As you know, I met with representatives of the Kord.” He pauses for effect, then states, “They offer a technology and information exchange, one which will benefit us all,” he leans forward, motions to Lilpax, and with increasing volume states, “including our future generations!”

  A low murmuring emanates from the Primes. Voknor remains quiet, letting them talk amongst themselves for a few moments.

  Tilpak stands, then after a brief glance around, bluntly states, “Would that not help them become stronger than us, and then a future threat?”

  “Well stated!” Voknor replies. He grins, then says, “But if what I have seen is any indication, then they are already on par with us technologically, and will soon advance beyond us.”

  “What if they share what they learn from us with the Atlans?” Tilpak presses.

  Voknor nods, “They do claim to be at peace with the Atlans, so that is a possibility.” He paces back and forth, then shares his thoughts, “Judging by their research efforts, I suspect they will develop into a powerful race, one more advanced than the Atlans even, and I for one would have them as an ally, rather than an enemy!”

  Algathor stands, then questions, “What about the Empirical order stating that we are not to assist other races?”

  Roggard chuckles, then states, “We already do that! Besides, what is the Emperor going to do? Send his fleet? I am sure Hemlax and Jukalore would stand with us, as would many more!”

  Algathor stammers, “You are talking of civil war amongst the clans!”

  Regent Voknor loudly interjects, “There will be no civil war!”

  Tilpak waves his arms around and questions, “How can you be so sure?”

  Voknor strides amongst his Primes, and with a huge grin states, “Because we have already broken many edicts, and what happened?” He pauses, then motions to Glarth as he states, “The Emperor himself permitted me to present Glarth, The Order of the Archon!”

  Glarth glances around as he states, “The Emperor is weak then!”

  Algathor adds his thoughts, “The Emperor’s forces are vast, as are those of the core clans. I would not presume that he is weak.”

  The Primes continue to share their thoughts, quite vocally, until finally they have nothing new to add. They are mostly concerned over assisting the little-known race, with fears of being outcast as a clan, coming a close second.

  “How can we trust the Kord?” Tilpak questions, raising his voice above the others.

  Glarth snorts, “They are no match for us; we could easily destroy that facility of theirs!”

  Voknor considers their words, then says, “I will negotiate a trade deal with the Kord, but we keep our activities secret from all other clans. We have much to gain, and in all honesty, little to lose.”

  Most of the Primes agree, while those who do not, trust their Regent enough to support his initiative.


  Bandor is also debating with his lead scientists over the issues of dealing with the Gamin. He presses one more time, “But they have so much to offer us!”

  “What?” Hotly demands one of those gathered, “So we get bodysuits. So what! Oh, and we get
to conduct scans of some of our research assignments.”

  Bandor sternly replies, “We could reduce the amount of time we have to spend here considerably. I for one, do not want the Effen Raiders to come back, and while that Gamin fleet is nearby, I feel a whole lot safer.”

  “How will you keep them coming back and forth for so long?” Queries another scientist.

  Bandor hesitantly replies, “The Gamin want us to construct two massive spacecraft.”

  Those assembled cough and sputter in shock, as one of them calls out, “And you agreed to this madness?”

  “The craft will take a long time to build!” Bandor states, then reiterates, “A long, long time!”

  The group suddenly understands that Bandor means to have the craft take as long as is needed, to ensure their continued safety. With fears of the Effen Raiders fresh in their minds, they agree.

  Bandor nods, then says, “I shall inform the Regent that we are ready to negotiate then!”

  The scientists disperse; some are happy with the arrangement, others at the very least understand it does bolster their protection.

  Regent Voknor, Prytec, and Prime Glarth, travel to the Kord space station, where they follow a delegation of three Kord, led by Bandor. Glarth feels honored to be included, and strides with pride alongside his Regent. Prytec leaves his rifle on the shuttle, secured, but still carries his usual assortment of smaller weapons and knives, concealed beneath his robe.

  The trip along the transit-way fascinates Glarth; he silently agrees that it would be an asset to the fleet, and as he observes the Kord technology, begins to understand why Voknor is interested in an exchange. Some of what he sees is rather ordinary, such as the gravity plating and lighting systems, but this race has gone from obscurity, to one with massive space stations, in a short period of time. If their technological advancements continue at the same pace, then they will soon become a powerful race.

  The group arrives at a small meeting room where two more Kord are seated at a grey, metallic, oval table. Displays rest before each of the nine seats that ring it.


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