Initiation Series: Series One Compilation (Terran Chronicles)

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Initiation Series: Series One Compilation (Terran Chronicles) Page 170

by James Jackson

  “I guess so,” Lilpax replies, then sighs as she states, “then, they are a stupid race.”

  Voknor grins, then activates the channel to the Australian leader, who upon seeing the Regent’s sharp teeth, cringes.

  The Australia Leader speaks deliberately, carefully choosing his words, “Regent of the Gamin, what can I do for you?”

  Voknor replies, “I require an area of your continent to be evacuated, and will tolerate no intrusions of any kind.”

  “Ah, a no-fly zone then?” The Australian replies, curiosity mounting.

  Voknor confirms, “That is correct.”

  Relaxing, the Australian casually replies, “No worries mate!”

  “No worries?” Voknor queries, then states, “I am not the one who should be worried!”

  “Oh. It’s simply an expression.” The Australian replies, then shrugs as he adds, “It’s an Aussie thing. It means okay!”

  “Good!” Voknor replies, then closes the communication, slightly baffled.

  Skylow has been busy, and reports, “The construction craft are ready to land, as is the water collection vessel. I have located an abundant water source, and with few modifications, we can refill the fleet’s tanks.”

  “Excellent!” Voknor replies, then as another idea comes to mind, he contacts Prime Nusyns, and says, “You will be landing your vessel in an area called France. I wish you to provide basic medical education to any scientists that desire it.”

  “Regent.” Nusyns replies.

  “Oh, one more thing,” states Voknor, “wait for a while, then make a low-level pass over their largest city before landing!”

  Nusyns grins as he replies, “That should intimidate the locals!”

  Regent Voknor reviews the status of his fleet and cringes, both of his cruisers will be grounded for quite a while; one in the United States, and the other in Russia. Other vessels will also be on the ground soon enough, with one each in Brazil, France, China, and Australia where the construction dock will be built. Reflecting on their vulnerable state, he turns to look at the planet’s only moon. He narrows his eyes as he considers building a powerful sensor array inside it, one capable of detecting the movements of faster than light objects at great distance.

  Voknor assigns the new vessel construction site to Prime Gentak, but leaves the actual details of the landing sites to his Primes, and focuses on the moon. He reviews Sharz’s progress, and is pleased. Cleanup of the damaged area is progressing well, with materials collected being converted into residential housing. Locals are already signing up as workers, or for education, with a few opting to simply accept the offer of free housing. He sympathizes with those who lost their homes and families; he had intended to strike fear into the hearts of the citizens of this planet, not to annihilate them.

  Sharz is busy coordinating the collection of water from one continent, and meat samples from another, all the while monitoring the efforts of the locals testing the bodysuits. He wishes the incident involving the pair who fired weapons at the holograms were an isolated one. But, it seems the indigenous are armed, with many shooting at the ship, the collection craft, and the shuttles that come and go.

  Prime Lokarz contacts Sharz, and states, “My crew will remain protected. I have ordered my combat personnel to shoot back!”

  Sharz cringes as he replies. “Understood.” He then tilts his head as an idea comes to mind, one he shares, “I will contact the local authorities, surely they can handle this!”

  Lokarz grins as he adds, “On a positive note, my crew is enjoying the observation decks the Kord added to these vessels.”

  “I have used one of the panels myself,” Sharz remarks, “they are most impressive!”

  The Mess that is Earth

  Regent Voknor operates the controls of his mining craft with ease; the moon’s low gravity adding to the fun. He reflects on how long it has been since he personally operated one of these; then adjusts his positon in the seat. It seems harder than he recalls, but it does not take long to modify with his personal molecularizer, a great gift from the Kord.

  He enjoys the simple task of hollowing out a vast area inside the moon, and relaxes. Chuckling, he recalls the protests about the unnecessary risk to his life from his bridge crew, mainly Lilpax, and Prytec. He glances back at the flagship, resting on the moon’s surface and grins. The luxury of being Regent, is that he gets to park where he wants.

  “Regent!” Skylow’s voice interrupts his peaceful thoughts, “Regent?” Repeats Skylow with greater urgency.

  With a sigh, Voknor replies, “Can’t it wait?”

  “I think not!” Skylow states, “A ground war has started on the planet.”

  “Near our forces?” Voknor queries, concerned.

  “No, however, conflicts like this one have a way of escalating tensions.” Skylow answers.

  “Understood!” Voknor replies, “On my way.” He reluctantly drives the mining craft back to the storage area inside the moon, then takes a shuttle back to the flagship.

  Sharz is also wanting to talk to Regent Voknor, and has flown to the flagship, and waits in the storage area for him.

  Regent Voknor steps out of his shuttle to see Lilpax, who appears annoyed, Prytec, Skylow, and Sharz. He stops and says, “I am gone for half a cycle!” He shakes his head, then says, “Okay, who is first?”

  Lilpax glares, “You! Mining! Risking your life.”

  Voknor motions to the moon’s surface as he replies, “I spent many cycles operating a mining craft, and actually enjoyed it, and as for danger, from who on a lifeless moon? Do you really expect me to just sit in my chair all the time?”

  “Yes!” Resounds the group as one.

  With a sigh Voknor replies, “Very well. I will leave the rest of the moon’s construction efforts to the engineers.”

  “Good!” Lilpax states bluntly, then storms off.

  Voknor glances to the others, then says, “Sharz, talk to me while we head to the bridge, where I will check out this war.”

  Sharz apprehensively reports, “Most of the locals are no more compatible with the bodysuits than the people of Pythos.”

  Voknor stops, then repeats, “Most?” He frowns as he continues, “What of the rest?”

  Sharz glances around, as if wary of who is listening, then says, “A rare few have near identical neural pathways to the bodysuits, making them extremely compatible.”

  “That is fantastic news!” Voknor states, then upon seeing Sharz’s expression questions, “isn’t it?”

  Sharz lowers his voice further as he shares his thoughts, “One of them, has a near exact match to the Atlan neural pathways! You tell me if that’s a problem.”

  Voknor ponders the chances of this being a random occurrence, then says, “Go meet this individual, and learn all you can of them. I look forward to your report.”

  “Regent!” Sharz replies obediently, then hurriedly makes his way back to his shuttle. He takes a deep breath. Now he has to take care of one of the locals, on top of everything else.

  Striding down the corridor, Voknor turns to Prytec and asks, “What did you want to see me for?”

  “Oh,” Prytec replies, “I came in case you needed protecting from Lilpax!”

  Skylow chuckles quietly, but not quietly enough, as he receives a withering glare from Voknor. He becomes quite serious as they continue along.

  Voknor laughs as he lightheartedly slaps Skylow on the shoulder, “Got you!”

  Skylow grins once more, but remains quiet, Voknor is after all, his Regent!

  Chuckling himself, Voknor states, “I am glad you two are my friends!”

  The three talk as they continue along, then arriving at the bridge, Voknor says, “Okay, show me this war you are so concerned about!”

  Skylow adjusts the main viewer to display a massive land battle being fought between two factions; one is clearly winning. He observes, “The losing side has plenty of atmospheric craft, but they seem reluctant to commit them.”

knor glances to Machkno as he states, more than questions, “And I wonder why!”

  The bridge crew watches for a long time as the conflict rages below, but as none of their craft are anywhere near the conflict, they do nothing to intervene. As night comes to the region, the battle slows somewhat.

  Machkno sits upright in his chair and states, “The leader of the attacking country has just been assassinated! The assailants are attempting to transmit the death to their global network.”

  Voknor considers the ramifications of the leader’s death, then orders, “Skylow, make sure whatever they are transmitting, goes planet-wide.”

  The bridge crew notices an almost immediate change in the attacking country’s posture. Many of the ground units seem to be abandoning their posts, while others seem to be fighting each other. The primary war, it seems, is at a standstill, for now.

  Frazik turns and says, “I have leaders from eight countries wanting to speak with you!”

  Voknor stands and says, “Ignore them, I will rest for a while.” He retires to his quarters where he studies the small countries involved in the conflict. When he notices the attacking country’s political connection to China, he grins as an idea comes to mind.

  George Who?

  Regent Voknor strides onto the bridge well rested. He gazes around, then sits in his command chair.

  Skylow glances up and says, “There are more than two hundred messages from various leaders about the ground-war we observed.”

  “What’s the status of the war?” Voknor enquires.

  “The attackers have stopped for now. As we saw, a few units seem to have abandoned their posts, but the country would seem to have a new ruler already.” Skylow reports.

  Voknor frowns at a message from Sharz, then immediately contacts him and says, “Only one showed up today?”

  “Yes!” Sharz replies, then adds warily, “He also happens to be the one with the near perfect neural match.”

  Voknor considers his options, then puts his thoughts on hold as an idea comes to mind, “What of the human?”

  Sharz replies, “This ‘George’ is quite likable, not impetuous like all those leaders we seem to always meet; however, he has expressed his opinion that we should stop the war.”

  “I would meet with him.” Voknor replies, then cuts the communications as his thoughts draw him back to the issue of the ground war. He contacts many of the world leaders, and reinforces their requirement to continue providing resources.

  Voknor is still discussing details, and options with the Chinese leader, when Sharz and George step onto the bridge. He glances up, and as he sends a message, motions for them to come forward. Judging by his demeanor it would seem the local has never been in space before, and appears skittish.

  Sharz lowers his head as he says, “I present to you, Regent Voknor, a most helpful individual, George of Earth.” He then steps away.

  The Regent stands, heads toward George, and states, “Walk with me, George of Earth.” He points to the main viewer, and says, “I am told you feel that we should interfere with the disturbance, here.” The main viewer zooms in, and clearly shows the aftermath and carnage of the battle.

  Fearfully, George can barely make his voice say, “Yes, Regent.”

  Voknor stares down his snout at George, and states, “Look at me, and tell me why we should interfere. Be truthful; your fate, and the fate of many below depends upon your answer.”

  George hesitates, then recalling some of his wife's wise words, begins. “Regent Voknor of the Gamin, prior to your arrival, the armies of North Korea were kept at bay for fear of an air attack by the allies of the South. Thus, an uneasy peace was maintained. Some rulers have a cultural heritage that has little, to no, regard for the lives of others or for the consequences of their actions. Some cultures believe that all humans have a right to be free. These freedoms include the right to work, travel, live where they please, marry who they want, and to have a say in the way their government rules. Our planet has many petty wars, but I belong to a culture that values freedom and peace above all else.”

  Voknor snorts, looks across at Sharz, and then retires to his chair. His cloak swirls behind him as he walks away. Once seated, Regent Voknor examines and measures the human before him. His three, claw-like fingers lift then drop, one at a time, on the ends of his armrests, making little tapping sounds as they drop over and over. He considers that the man is both respectful, and yet has conviction.

  Finally, he responds. “George, you belong to a culture that is always at war, yet you profess peace. I can see that you have a fanciful ideology. Your leaders have failed you. They are at this very moment, trading away those freedoms of which you speak. You are a better speaker than most I have had to listen to. I sense truth through your fear. I will tell you that we are not here to enslave, or eliminate your people, but we will have what we need.”

  Voknor stares at the human, then, when he does not answer, queries, “So, George, shall I destroy your enemies for you?”

  George immediately jerks as he looks up and states, “No! More death is not what I am asking for, uh, Regent.”

  “No?” The Regent repeats, as he strides to the main viewer. It now shows Earth from a high orbit. Looking out, the Regent considers George’s words, and says, “I can tell you George, that I do not hear that word, ‘no’, very often, especially here.” He motions around the room, indicating his crew.

  Voknor considers his discussion with the Chinese leader, then, with his back to George, orders, “Sharz, take George back and then return to me.” He stares at the planet below, wondering how he is going to get the various factions to cooperate.

  Once Sharz has transported George back to his quarters, he then reviews the bodysuit, with its dent in the helmet, and shakes his head. He contacts Regent Voknor, and says, “The locals shot at George, and damaged the suit he was wearing.”

  “How valuable is this person?” Voknor enquires, seeking Sharz’s opinion.

  “Well,’ Sharz says, “He is the most cooperative local I have come across in a long time. And not only is he an asset to our operations, he has the closest neural match we have ever seen.”

  “Very well.” Voknor replies, then surprises Sharz when he adds, “I will unlock his bodysuit, which will protect him while we learn more. Just keep a close watch on him, he is your pet project now.”

  Sharz chuckles, “You made him my problem yesterday!”

  “So I did!” Voknor chuckles back, then says in a more serious tone, “We need to figure out if there is an Atlan connection, and soon!”

  “I am perplexed about that myself.” Sharz replies, then adds, “I have asked the Den Mothers to run genetic scans on many of the locals, including George.”

  “Fantastic idea,” Voknor replies, then says, “keep me appraised.”

  “Regent.” Sharz replies, as he considers the numerous tasks he is managing already, states, “This race is perplexing!”

  “Yes Indeed,” Voknor agrees, then queries, “is there something else?”

  With a sigh, Sharz comments, “Humans continue to pollute their atmosphere, even with greener technologies, they are their own worst enemy.”

  Voknor agrees, “Lucky for us, they also polluted their oceans with vast amounts of radiological waste!”

  “A species that destroys its own habitat, destroys itself!” Sharz states, repeating one of the many Den Mother’s teachings.

  “Well stated, Sharz!” Voknor commends.

  Political Maneuvers

  Voknor contacts the Chinese leader, and the moment he is on main viewer, states, “I do believe that we can assist each other.”

  The Chinese leader stares blankly back, then quickly gathering his composure, replies, “I am interested in hearing your proposal.”

  “Your country suffers power shortages, which we can address while you do a few things for me. My crew requires fresh meat, and an end to the hostilities in your region.” Voknor replies openly.

  “I a
m unsure how I can end the war?” He replies hesitantly.

  Voknor nods, then states, “I will end the war, and you will accept all refugees.”

  “Yes, yes.” The Chinese President stammers, grateful that the demand is something well within his country’s capabilities, “I will inform my border guards immediately, and make preparations.”

  Voknor shuts the communications off, then turns to Prytec and says, “I am open to suggestions about what we should do with the New North Korean leadership, and ending the war.”

  “I will take care of it!” Prytec states confidently, then leaves the bridge.

  Voknor nods, then contacts Prime Leprax, and says, “I have a new assignment for you!”

  “Name it!” Leprax responds immediately, happy to be doing something to help.

  Voknor grins then says, “You will be going to a place called China; where you will deliver an old power unit, then land and collect livestock. Let’s just hope that it’s tastier than that disgusting stuff from the last planet.”

  “We have not had any really tasty meat for a while!” Leprax laments.

  “Make a good show of your arrival; that culture is one with a rich history. I believe it appreciates impressive displays of power.” Voknor states, pleased with all the research he has done.

  Leprax grins as he replies, “I will give them something to remember, that you can be sure of.”

  Regent Voknor turns his attention to the moon, and to his greatest concern; the sensor array which is being installed. Once activated, they will be able to detect vessels that are moving faster than light within a five thousand light year radius; an effective early warning system, and a great use for a near depleted power unit.

  Meanwhile, Leprax is busy comparing his craft’s dimensions to the landing site, and grins when he notices an opportunity to showcase their precision, and lands with little room to spare.


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