Initiation Series: Series One Compilation (Terran Chronicles)

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Initiation Series: Series One Compilation (Terran Chronicles) Page 179

by James Jackson

  Cindy staggers as it dawns on her that she is responsible for the destruction of Earth. Tears well in her eyes as the ramifications of her actions hit home.

  George closes his eyes, and puts his significant intellect to work, then after considering more variables than any normal person could even comprehend, confidently replies, “It was only a matter of time before we did something to gain the Atlan’s attention.”

  Voknor interrupts their discussion, and says, “Stay here. My crew will secure your vessel.” He motions to Skylow, who immediately taps on his console, and takes control of the Terran.

  Skylow detonates explosive bolts on the rear of the Terran’s hull, blowing the crippled main engines away from the ship. He skillfully moves the Terran to a position over the flagship’s forward hull, then lowers the landing struts. As they contact the hull, huge clamps swing over, and hold the Terran in place.

  Voknor monitors the process, then as soon as the Terran is secure, orders, “Go!”

  Cindy stares at the kaleidoscope of colors, and with growing concern, asks, “Do you know where our colony is?”

  Voknor laughs heartily, his teeth flashing as he opens his mouth widely. With a mischievous glint, he states, “We have been monitoring you for some time. It pleased me greatly that your kind established a colony far away. But then you disappointed me by reentering the war zone.”

  “Oh.” Cindy replies, unsure how to respond.

  The bridge becomes quiet as each occupant processes the events of the day, and attempts to find ways to deal with all that has happened.

  A short time passes, then Skylow states, “A human wishes to speak with Cindy.”

  Voknor nods as he motions to the main viewer.

  A man appears before them, and with sadness in his voice, reports, “Cindy, thirty-six people have committed suicide since we left Earth.”

  Cindy is mortified. She frowns and shakes her head slowly as she asks, “Why?”

  The man replies, “Some can’t cope with our situation, and I have to say, we’re pretty screwed, if you ask me.”

  Cindy is at her breaking point, and puts her head in her hands.

  Voknor stands, then strides to the screen and says, “Your people can survive, if they have the will.”

  The man nods, then disconnects the communications.

  As they travel at many times the speed of light, Cindy gazes at the kaleidoscope of colors, then shifts her attention to the Terran. The extensively damaged craft, with its main engines missing, is unrecognizable as it rests, attached to the flagship’s hull. The image changes to reveal a star field; she glances down at her feet in surprise, she did not feel the main drive disengage. A distant star shines brighter than all the rest, New Earth’s sun.

  She takes a deep breath then says, “New Earth, is our new hope.”

  New Earth

  The three fleets arrive at New Earth as one armada; they enter a high orbit, and wait.

  Cindy contacts the colony, “New Earth, respond. This is Cindy of the Terran.”

  The bridge speakers relay Barbara’s voice clearly as she replies, “You scared me half to death! Don’t you guys know how to send a message?”

  Voknor interrupts any reply, and states, “It is imperative that you shut down all long-range communications, and prepare for our arrival.”

  “Your arrival?” Barbara queries, “But you are here!”

  “Our force is three clans strong,” Voknor begins, then pauses as he recalls Waazh. He then continues, “Make that four; and I would have all Regents present when we discuss your fate.”

  “Our fate?” Barbara hesitantly, and with mild fear, questions.

  “Yes.” Voknor replies, then states, “With the loss of your home world, your colony is all that remains of your kind.”

  “Earth. Lost?” Barbara repeats, her fear rising as a chill works its way up her spine.

  Cindy glances briefly to Voknor, then says, “A race called Atlans attacked Earth. One of Regent Voknor’s men has gone back to look for survivors.”

  Voknor frowns; he is not sure if he likes Sharz being referred to as one of his men, he is a Prime!

  Barbara is in shock, and mumbles, “When are you coming down?”

  Voknor replies, “Immediately!” And then cuts the channel.

  He motions to Cindy, and says, “I would have you and George present, along with Regent Waazh.”

  John sees an opportunity to involve himself, and offers, “I will get Regent Waazh, and fly them down!”

  Cindy is about to depart, when she stops and frowns, then asks, “What about Golward?”

  “Golward?” Voknor queries, then quickly recalling the Kord, adds, “He should also be present. He may know more about the Atlans than we do.”

  Cindy glances around, then says, “John, let’s go!”

  George hesitates as a fleeting thought crosses his mind, then exclaims, “Cindy! You had better tell General Walker to expect a whole bunch of Gamin.”

  “Oh crap!” She exclaims.

  Voknor stands, then states, “The other Regents will not tolerate any military being present, especially at this time.”

  Cindy is fully aware of Regent Voknor’s disdain for soldiers, and replies, “I will inform General Walker that he is to keep his men well away from any Gamin, so as to prevent any incidents.”

  “That will work.” Voknor replies. He imagines what Jukalore would do if a soldier even touches a weapon in his presence.

  Skylow glances at Voknor, then upon receiving a nod, states, “I will take you to your shuttle.”

  Voknor contacts the other Regents, and before they can speak, states, “I request that you join me, in meeting the human leaders.”

  Jukalore challenges, “To what end?”

  “Even without scanning the planet,” Voknor states, “I see its potential as a secret repair facility for us. One well away from the prying eyes of the Atlans, or the Emperor.”

  “Your point is well made, Voknor!” Jukalore concedes.

  Hemlax adds his thoughts, “I am detecting vast herds of animals!”

  Voknor grins, then states, “You’re thinking of your stomach at a time like this!”

  “We must eat!” Hemlax replies indignantly.

  Jukalore stares at Voknor and Hemlax, then states, “I still do not like this race; they look too much like Atlans to me!”

  Voknor grins, then replies, “Many of my Primes thought the same thing when we first encountered them, with some suggesting we eradicate them.”

  Jukalore frowns as he comments, “You respect them!”

  “I do!” Voknor agrees.

  Jukalore growls, “Well, let’s get this meeting of yours over with, and quickly!”

  Shuttles depart each of the flagships, then land near the one that Waazh is waiting next too. Jukalore and Hemlax have a small force of heavily armed guards with them, but leave them near the shuttles.

  Jukalore sniffs at the air, and comments, “The air is thin, but tolerable!”

  Voknor adds, “This is similar to their home world, before it was attacked by the Atlans, that is.”

  Hemlax chuckles, “No wonder the humans we rescued had difficulty breathing when they arrived on my craft. The difference is quite noticeable.”

  Entering the town hall, the four Regents stride into the room. Voknor approaches the table, places a device on it, and states simply, “A translator.”

  Cindy has been considering how to open the dialogue between them, and taking a cue from George, states, “I thank you for your efforts, and offer you my deepest gratitude for your own losses. You risked much to save our people.”

  Hemlax glances to Jukalore, and notices that even he appreciates her sincerity.

  Voknor replies in a positive tone, “Sharz may yet save more, if your facility is as resilient as I hear it is.”

  Cindy glances to George, offering hope, she replies, “It is the toughest underground structure in Europe. It will stand.”

  She closes
her eyes and pauses, then asks, “How many people were you able to rescue?”

  Recalling the tallies from the other Regents, he glances to them, then answers, “Three thousand two hundred fifty-eight humans, and eighty-seven quadrupeds.”

  Barbara frowns in confusion, then asks, “Quadrupeds?”

  Voknor cringes as he recalls what Hemlax, and Jukalore’s crew did, then stares evenly at Barbara as he replies, “There were more, except…” He turns and glances at the other Regents, and waits for one of them to continue.

  Hemlax stands resolute as he states, “We thought the survivors were bringing food stocks with them.”

  Voknor immediately explains, “My fellow Regents processed a number of quadrupeds, before they realized that you keep animals as companions.”

  Barbara is mortified, and quietly says, “Oh my, you ate people’s pets?”

  The room becomes unusually quiet. Some are stunned, others stifle chuckles over what happened.

  Cindy approaches Voknor, and compassionately requests, “Please don’t be hard on your people. They didn’t know.”

  Voknor replies, “They do not know your people the way I do, that much is true.” He glances back at the other Regents, and nods supportingly.

  Hemlax is tired of the frivolous talks and becomes frustrated. He steps to the table, leans on it heavily, causing the wood to creak, then changes the topic, angrily hissing, “Your people either failed to act, or in some cases, your governments failed to issue warnings. Many of your kind ran from our ships, some fired weapons at us.”

  Jukalore quietly mumbles, “They are a stupid race, we should have let them perish!”

  Voknor spins and glares at Jukalore. His tone changes as he spits out the words, “Do you forget that these people came to my clan’s aid, and were the first to arrive?”

  Jukalore approaches Voknor, and replies, “We are both clan leaders, and my voice carries equal weight. Many of my clan fell, saving your friends, what do you say to that?”

  Voknor stares at Jukalore as he replies, “I say that your clan has earned their gratitude. Something I have recently learned means a great deal.”

  Golward steps forward and climbs on a chair. He diplomatically says, “We have all lost much. The Atlans, whom we had been at peace with for millennia, are now destroying our research and repair facilities. We are at a loss over the sudden hostilities.”

  Voknor turns to Golward, who is still shorter than him, and says, “The last Atlan prophecy is to be revealed soon. The one that legend says will set them as masters of the entire galaxy.”

  George experiences a moment of pure clarity, steps forward and says, “We must forge an Alliance if we all are to survive.”

  Jukalore snorts at George, then turns to walk away.

  George loudly says, “Regent, hear me out.”

  Jukalore spins back and hisses, “You dare order me!”

  George hesitates for a second, recovers, and then boldly states, “You are in the presence of my clan leader, and as I have shown my respect to you, I demand that you respect her.”

  Voknor glances from George to Jukalore, and then the other Regents. He respectfully reminds them, “We are indeed in the presence of their leader, and should show the same respect we demand of others.”

  Jukalore growls as he reluctantly replies, “I yield, and will hear what you have to say.”

  George glances at Cindy, then Barbara. Upon receiving their silent approval, he takes a deep breath, then says, “We have a planet, Golward’s people have technology, and your people have fleets of ships. If we work together, we would be a formidable force.”

  Jukalore narrows his eyes, while Hemlax tilts his head, listening. Waazh glances to Voknor, then follows his lead, and also remains quiet.

  When no one disagrees, George continues, “The Kord could build a new space station, one able to defend itself, especially with the aid of the Gamin clans. As for us, we have mining facilities, and will share this planet’s resources with you all.”

  Voknor glances to other Regents, then says, “We would have a safe haven to rebuild our forces.”

  Golward shakes excitedly as he says, “With the help of the Gamin, we could build a new space station.” He pauses as he considers other ideas, then mumbles, “A smaller, well-armed, facility.”

  Waazh stands tall, and proudly states, “With a new fleet, my clan will able to return to space as proud warriors, and not as cargo.”

  Barbara’s head is spinning with ideas, and offers, “Imagine a large community hall, where everyone could mingle.”

  Voknor looks at Cindy as he comments, “We also need to build a new ship, to replace the one you lost.”

  Cindy does not like that idea at all, and raises her eyebrows as she retorts, “The Terran is not lost. It’s in orbit.”

  “Yes, but it would be more efficient to build a new craft, than to repair yours.” Regent Voknor states.

  George steps closer to Regent Voknor and states, “We are a people who need a symbol of hope. Repairing the Terran could be just the symbol our people need.”

  Jukalore sneers, “Wasteful.”

  George turns to him and replies, “Necessary.”

  “Inefficient.” Counters Jukalore.

  “To hell with efficiency. It would send a message to the Atlans the next time they see our ship. They will know that not only do we survive, but that we will not go without a fight.” George replies with conviction.

  Jukalore is impressed, then turns to Regent Voknor and says, “These humans have spirit.”

  “Yes, they do,” Voknor replies.

  Hemlax agrees, “An admirable trait.”

  George lowers his head as he replies, “You honor us.”

  Barbara seizes the opportunity to pursue the idea of the alliance, and asks Waazh, “Where do you want us to build your housing?”

  Waazh considers her offer, then asks, “I saw mountains as we approached. Do they have caves?”

  Barbara nods excitedly as she replies, “We have indeed found and explored, many cave systems.”

  Emma, who has been quietly sitting, unexpectedly asks, “Caves? I never saw any.”

  “They were discovered after you left. In fact, some of the cave systems are quite extensive. I think you would like them.” Barbara replies.

  Waazh turns to the other Regents, and says, “My people will stay, and assist.”

  “As will mine,” Hemlax states with conviction.

  Jukalore stares at Waazh as he realizes that this is probably Waazh’s only chance to rebuild his fleet. Making his decision, he strides to George, then stops close to him. While staring intently, he states, “My clan will also remain. We will test this alliance idea of yours.”

  None had expected Jukalore to agree. The room goes quiet once more, as all realize that with his support, the alliance is all but sealed.

  Voknor proudly states, “The Atlans have no idea what they have done this day. When we are ready, we will see to their demise. My clan will also remain and assist.”

  “No.” States Regent Hemlax bluntly.

  Everyone turns at Hemlax’s outburst, particularly Voknor.

  “Regent Voknor, you should report to the central council, and request their support.”

  Voknor is about to debate the point, then decides that any further discussion on the matter should not be in front of others, particularly the humans. He relishes the idea of meeting the Emperor, and with a tooth-filled grin states, “I will demand a full council meeting.”

  Jukalore considers Voknor’s fleet size, then looks down as he states, “Your clan is too small to justify a gathering of all council members.”

  “Normally yes, but this meeting is to inform them, not only of this alliance, but of Waazh’s clans survival. And we have these humans to thank for that.”

  Regent Voknor looks to each of the Regents, asks them one by one, “For the Alliance? For the Empire.”

  The room is quiet as each agrees.

four Gamin stare at each other for a moment, then, unexpectedly, they all lift their right hands into the air, clench their fists and roar, “For the Empire!”

  Barbara jumps at the unexpected noise, as do most of the others.

  Golward dances excitedly on the table as he says, “Let us begin!”

  Voknor pauses as he wonders if the Emperor even has a council, with the Archons gone, he is not sure, but he will find out. He then recalls his past dealings with the Kord, and grins as an idea begins to form.

  Clans United

  The four Regents are a sight to behold as they stride down the main roadway of Hawking, Jukalore’s and Hemlax’s ever vigilant guards trail behind, weapons at the ready. The majority of Hawking’s residents get off the streets, to peer fearfully from their windows.

  A loud noise echoes as Walker’s motorbike approaches the Gamin. He pulls up next to them, then with weapons pointed at him, he boldly strides to Voknor, and says, “I am General Walker, and you’re scaring these people!”

  Jukalore sneers, “They should be afraid!”

  Walker sighs, then bluntly states, “You wouldn’t tolerate my men walking around your ship, carrying weapons like those!” He motions to the guards, then waits.

  Voknor looks around, then says, “You’re quite right! There is no one here who is a threat to us.” He glances at Jukalore and Hemlax, then turns back to face Walker.

  Jukalore mutters, “You’re going to be the death of me Voknor!” He turns to his guards, and orders, “Wait for me at my shuttle.”

  Hemlax simply turns to his escort, and nods, then grins as he states, “Living on the edge! We outer clans are always living on the edge!”

  Walker motions to the departing Gamin, and says, “Nice hardware. Pulse rifles?” He questions, hoping start a conversation.

  Voknor pauses as he decides what to share, then replies, “Our forces carry a variety of weapons; some are energy based, others projectile based.”

  Hemlax frowns as he questions, “Just exactly what is our level of commitment to this alliance?”

  “Alliance?” Walker queries; staring at the Gamin with renewed interest.


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