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Initiation Series: Series One Compilation (Terran Chronicles)

Page 182

by James Jackson

  “Correct.” Golward replies.

  Joe shakes his head and says, “You gave it to us fully charged before! Remember?”

  “Oh,” Golward replies, slowly, then admits, “We gave you enough power to get back to your home world!”

  Joe stammers, “It was not fully charged? How much power can they hold?”

  Golward pauses as he deliberates over his answer, then replies, “Your method of calculating energy baffles us. You use a base called watts, for which we have no common reference or denominator.”

  Joe frowns, then with a shrug, explains, “Four Gamin Power Units output around one terawatt of power.”

  Golward sighs, then replies, “Well, if we are not talking specifics, then sure. The unit we provided, can store approximately sixty-seven point six terawatts.”

  Joe is flabbergasted, and says, “That would power this ship forever!”

  Golward shakes his head, and as he waves his furry arms at it, says, “We will be installing another one as soon as we get the battery plant operational, and plan to add them to every Gamin ship.”

  Joe stares at the Power Unit as he questions., “Did you say, ‘Battery plant’?”

  Golward replies, “Yes.” He then explains, “With the additional power these hold, plus the upgrades we plan to make to the shield emitters, the ships will survive much longer when attacked.”

  Cindy politely comments, “Joe! We can ask questions later. Let them continue.”

  Joe lowers his gaze, abashed, as he replies, “Apologies, I got carried away.” He frowns as he realizes that the translators may be having trouble discerning what a Kord Power Supply is, and that the term battery is probably the closest match.

  Cindy grins, then replies, “It’s okay, I understand.” She glances to Regent Voknor and smiles.

  Regent Voknor nods to Cindy, then waves to the Gamin bodysuits behind him and proudly states. “George, your suit is a construction unit, and as it has been unlocked, it makes you virtually invincible.” He smiles widely as he continues, “But these suits are combat units, and are far more powerful. They have seven connectors for their modules, instead of five, and do not require the same neural interface level, thus any of you should be able to use them. With them, you will be able to craft basic battlefield objects, and some weapons, but not complicated components.”

  Voknor motions to George, who steps back into one of the combat suits. As the suit closes around him, his hands feel a gel-like substance, in which a control bar rests, one with three controls. The visor lowers, and presents him with an impressive list of weapons and equipment the suit can craft.

  George steps from the suit, and motions to Peter as he states, “You military boys will like that!”

  Regent Voknor steps closer to George, and states in a serious tone, “We have never allowed a servitor race access to these combat units, until now.” He motions to a table and continues, “Though the suits are able to craft a variety of weapons, it is more efficient to reserve that power for other tasks.”

  Peter, Radclyf, and Hayato walk over to the table, where they see an impressive array of weapons. Four hand guns, and two rifle-style weapons lay on the table beside what could only be described as a missile launcher.

  Regent Voknor strides to the table and explains, “My people will train you in their use, in addition to instruction on the combat units.”

  George slowly responds, “You are offering us much. Thank you.”

  “There is more.” Voknor states with a grin. “Your crude reactors have been removed, and the areas decontaminated. Six of our Power Units are being installed, and in conjunction with the pair of Kord Power Units, will provide this ship with an energy quotient beyond anything your designers envisioned.” Regent Voknor strides across the floor as he continues, “The Kord are also supplying advanced shield emitters, which we will try on your ship, before retrofitting our own fleet. They draw enormous amounts of power to operate at full capacity, but will prove an effective deterrent to future Atlan attacks.”

  Joe questions Voknor, “Six? I thought this class of vessel only had four.”

  Voknor replies, “I see you have been busy. Yes, our Support Class is usually equipped with four Power Units, but you will have upgraded shields, and require more energy. I also know you won’t sit back here for long once the ship is repaired, and a solo ship is a tempting target for any Atlan commander.”

  Cindy nods as she comments, “With powerful shields, and the energy to run them, we should be able to escape from future engagements without getting creamed in the process.”

  Voknor grins aggressively as he states, “You will be able to fight as well. My clan is adding the usual compliment of seventeen pounders and three polarized beams.” He leans toward to Cindy and says, “In addition, I have instructed that they add a pair of heavy pounders to the front of your ship as well. These will operate the same way your previous kinetic weapons did.”

  Joe exclaims, “That’s a ton of firepower!”

  “Indeed,” Regent Voknor agrees, then stares upward as he continues, “Once the weapons are installed, and the armor replaced, the hull will be hardened.”

  The word catches Joe by surprise, causing him to question, “Harden the hull?”

  “Yes,” Voknor replies, then upon seeing Joe’s blank expression, explains, “each ship, once launched into space, undergoes this process. It makes the hull resilient to most impacts, and less susceptible to explosive damage.”

  Joe mumbles, “No wonder we got beat up so easily. But what about when the Kord repaired our ship?”

  Voknor turns to Golward and says, “We are sharing this technology with them, and once testing is complete, plan to equip the outer hull of the new space station with a thick layer of hardened armor.”

  Golward is unable to contain himself, and jumps around excitedly as he comments, “We can boost the range of the Victory’s scanner to around five hundred light years, and hope you let us perform the upgrade as soon as possible.”

  Cindy is astounded by all they are being given, and quietly responds, “Of course.”

  Golward has no idea that the hull hardening technology is simply an improved version of what the Kord shared with Voknor many years ago. With shield technology ever improving, the hardening technique has all but been forgotten by the Kord.

  George is deep in thought as he stares at Regent Voknor. A burning question has been on his mind for a long time, but with events having gone the way they have, he wonders if there is even any point in asking. With a sigh, he realizes that he must know the truth.

  In an uncharacteristic move, George approaches Regent Voknor and asks, “Did you attack the two cities on Earth, on purpose?”

  Everyone stares at George in disbelief. Regent Voknor is sharing technology, repairing the Terran, and more, making this the worst possible time to be asking sensitive questions.

  Voknor takes a deep breath as he considers how to respond, or even if he should at all. He decides that George has a right to know, and solemnly replies, “Yes George, I did.”

  George blinks in surprise at the unexpected honesty, then asks bluntly, “Why?”

  Voknor is not used to people demanding answers from him, but, never-the-less, he answers. “It was our way of getting your people to do as we wished. We did not target capital cities for political reasons, instead, we selected a pair of high population centers. We attempted to minimize casualties by launching our weapons at a slow rate, providing your leaders a full cycle of your planet to evacuate.”

  George lowers his head, then says, “I can see the reasoning behind your strategy.”

  Voknor steps toward George, places a hand on his shoulder, and says, “Your leaders failed you George. You must realize that had we wanted to eradicate your cities, we could have easily done so.”

  George nods, then surprisingly, asks another question, “Why did you depart Earth so abruptly? Surely you did not plan to leave a partially built ship behind.”

Regent stares at George for a few moments, then replies, “Many of your kind show a distant genetic heritage to the Atlans.” He decides not to mention the hull fragment they found, because if he is asked about it, he does not have any answers to give.

  George’s jaw drops, “But if that is the case, why did they destroy Earth?”

  Voknor frowns, then says, “I don’t think they knew.”

  George stares into Voknor’s eyes, then says, “I thank you for answering my blunt questions.” He lowers his gaze as he adds, “I needed to know for my own peace of mind.”

  Voknor lifts his gaze, and asks, “Any more questions, before I leave?”

  Barbara sighs, and then asks, “So, how do we contact the survey team that was left behind on Oglan?”

  Regent Voknor turns to Barbara as he ponders. Oglan? Now why does that planet sound familiar? A chill suddenly runs down his spine as he quietly repeats, “Oglan!”

  Everyone turns to look at the Regent at his single word comment. Not because of the word itself, but due to his tone.

  Cindy glances around and then says, “Yes, I left a survey team on that planet. Do you know of it?”

  Regent Voknor once again breaths deeply, then says, “That planet changed me.”

  “In what way?” Cindy presses, her curiosity getting the better of her.

  Voknor frowns as he deliberates sharing his family’s history, and his past. He then lifts his gaze as he explains, “I was sent to that planet for my trial. I was injured, and then found and cared for by one of the locals. By rights, that should have disqualified me from passing, and I should have been left to die.”

  Cindy’s eyes narrow, she knows there is something else, so she asks, “And?”

  Voknor hesitates then says, “I am not proud of my father’s methods, and what he did to that race; thus, I took an ancient name, and not his. As punishment, he had me exiled from his flagship, and consigned to minor roles. When he was killed in a battle with an Atlan force, I competed for the position of Regent, and won.”

  George and Joe exchange a meaningful look, and then George asks, “Your father; he was Regent Xasturz?”

  Voknor spins around quickly, enraged as he spits out, “How did you come upon that name? The Emperor himself, had all records purged!”

  George gulps in the face of Regent Voknor’s unexpected hostility. He holds up his hands as he replies, “The name was in the database we found on Oglan.”

  Regent Voknor stares menacingly at George, and then says, “If you were any other, I would kill you for the mere mention of that dishonorable Gamin!”

  “No offense intended,” George states humbly, then adds, “we’ve been searching for that Regent so that we could exact revenge for what was done on Oglan.”

  Voknor inhales heavily, then as he relaxes, states, “Apologies, I never expected to hear that name again. It took me by surprise!”

  George locks eyes with Voknor, and says, “A true measure of an alliance, is trust. And today, you have proven to be one of the most honorable people I have ever met.” George frowns, then quickly adds, “I meant no offence referring to you as a person.”

  Voknor grins as he replies, “I see you as a friend too, and forget you are not Gamin at times myself.”

  Golward has been quietly standing nearby, and with a gleeful jump, says, “It feels great to have real friends in the galaxy!”

  Robert casts his gaze across everyone and grins; Gamin, Kord, and Humans, all working together. He has a positive feeling about their future.

  Regent Voknor steps back and states, “I am departing to find out what happened to Sharz; If there were survivors, he will have them!” He directs his parting comment to George, more than anyone else.

  The group watches as Voknor’s shuttle leaves, then spend considerable time with Golward, discussing the Terran’s repairs, and the technology being shared. Peter, Radclyf, and Hayato examine, then, under Golward’s close scrutiny and instruction, try out the combat suit. When combined with the selection of weapons on the table, these combats suits are a formidable addition to the Terran’s defense against boarders, like the Effen Raiders.

  Joe nudges George and says, “With all the Gamin being busy, would you craft a console for me in my quarters, please?”

  “I can’t make their computers, just simple things.” George replies, disappointed in himself.

  “Sure you can!” Joe exclaims, then states, “I saw you do it after you smashed your fists through your console.”

  George replies, “But that was simply a screen…” his voice trails off as his thoughts drift to that day, and Earth, with the expanding swirls of deadly gas.

  Joe grins as he replies, “The screens are their computer systems!”

  George blinks in surprise, then says, “Oh my. I just repaired it without thinking.”

  “So, will you do it?” Joe presses.

  George frowns when he fails to see his body suit, then realizes that it is probably in his room, attached to the power grid. The pair heads off to find out.

  Regent Voknor takes several deep breaths on the way back to his flagship. George asked some difficult questions, but it was the mentioning of his father that hit a nerve. He is relieved that George finally knows the truth about the cities that were destroyed, and is still surprised that George accepted the information as calmly as he did. As for the Oglans, he is pleased to learn that the humans are interacting with them, peaceably.


  Regent Voknor strides onto his bridge and orders, “Skylow, prepare to depart.”

  “Yes Regent.” Skylow replies, his curiosity aroused.

  Voknor sits in his chair, then activates the fleet-wide channel, and says, “I leave the fleet in Glarth’s command, until my return.”

  Jukalore and Hemlax appear on the main viewer, moments apart, both demanding to know what is happening.

  With a sigh, Voknor explains, “I am taking the flagship, alone, to search for Sharz. If there is an Atlan ambush, then I will not risk others on another fool’s errand.”

  Jukalore responds, “We will complete Waazh’s craft, while we wait for your return.”

  With a grin Hemlax states, “His clan will rejoin us in its rightful place.”

  Voknor lowers his gaze respectfully, as he states, “You have my gratitude, Regents!”

  Once they have gone, Voknor states, “I want to know what happened to Sharz. Cushkull, make for the human world, Earth, but I would have us approach from the Galactic core, just in case our arrival is monitored.”

  Frazik cringes as he shares information he meant to report when he first learned of it, “Regent, the tracking facility we built into that planet’s moon was destroyed!”

  Voknor nods as he replies, “Understood.”

  The requested route adds many duty cycles to their journey, allowing all on board a chance to focus on the last of the flagship’s damage. Repairs have been time consuming, and depleted much of their reserves, numerous minor tasks are still ongoing.

  Regent Voknor is apprehensive as they approach the outer limits of Earth’s solar system. There has been no sign of Sharz’s vessel, and long range scans of Earth are heavily affected by the gas which covers the planet.

  Frazik reviews his console one more time, then reports, “There is no Atlan activity, nor am I detecting any probes, or sensors.”

  Voknor has a bad feeling, and orders, “Shields to maximum, charge all weapons, and be ready to activate the main drive upon my order.”

  “Yes Regent!” Intones the bridge crew, themselves becoming apprehensive.

  Frazik stares at his console, then hesitantly reports, “I am detecting a large metallic mass, on the surface of the fourth planet.”

  “Approach with caution!” Voknor orders as he too reviews the data. It is too small to be Sharz’s vessel.

  They arrive in orbit over the fourth planet, Mars, and stare at the sight below in shock. A battered spacecraft rests upside down at the end of a long trench along the i
nside edge of a massive crater. Its engines are missing, as is much of its armor and hull, vast chunks of which lay all around the vessel on the sandy landscape, forming a trail from the impact site. Though barely recognizable as such, it is what remains of Sharz’s craft.

  Voknor taps his short-range communications, and says, “Regent Voknor contacting Prime Sharz.”

  They all heave a sigh of relief when Sharz appears on the main viewer, and answers, “It is good to hear your voice, Regent!”

  Voknor considers the crippled vessel, and asks, “What happened to you? How did you end up on the wrong planet?”

  Sharz grins as he replies, “Now that’s a long story!”

  Voknor feels a sense of foreboding as he asks, “Were you successful in rescuing anyone.”

  Sharz beams, “We saved eighty-five of Jukalore’s clan, the eggs from the hatchery, and around one thousand humans, including George’s mate, Lisa, and his heir, Johnny!”

  “That is fantastic news.” Voknor replies, impressed with the results of his efforts, even if it has cost him his ship.

  What is the status of your vessel, other than it being upside down?” Voknor asks, though he is fairly certain he knows the answer.

  Sharz lowers his gaze as he replies, “The gas is beyond anything we have encountered before. It corrupts and spreads like a plague. My vessel is not even worth utilizing as scrap, and recycling it, is virtually impossible. We tried that.”

  “Understood. I will send shuttles down, and begin evacuations!” Voknor states, then nods to Skylow indicating that he is to begin the task, immediately.

  The evacuations proceed quickly and efficiently, and include the careful removal of eighteen eggs from the hatchery.

  Skylow reviews another scan of Earth, and then reports, “The third planet is devoid of all life, and will probably remain lifeless for an eternity.”

  Regent Voknor is saddened as he reflects on the destruction the Atlans have been wreaking across the galaxy, then it dawns on him that his own kind is guilty too. He stands and paces as he deliberates the future, both for the Gamin, and now the humans. It is bleak, but not all is lost, which means there is hope.


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