Arianna Rose: The Awakening (Part 2)

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Arianna Rose: The Awakening (Part 2) Page 2

by Martucci, Christopher

  “I think it’s time to get back to the club,” Desmond replied.

  “Oh no! The club, I forgot about the club! My friends are going to freak out that I left, especially after what happened right before I left,” she worried.

  “No need to worry. They won’t even know you left,” he said in his tranquil tone.

  “What, I mean, how is that possible?” she asked, but he did not answer. He took her hand in his instead, and she felt a tingle begin in her hand and travel up her arm as softly as a breath blowing across her skin, warm and welcoming. Within seconds, she felt his energy flowing through her, thrumming in time with her heartbeat, whispering through every part of her. The scenic paradise around her began to melt, evaporating into obscurity. All that remained was Desmond’s face, beautiful and serene, perfectly sculpted as if it had been carved from marble, staring at her, through her. He pulled her close to him, wrapped his arms around her, and she felt her breath catch in her chest. Light filled her field of vision, brilliant white light. Desmond and his warmth surrounded her, covering her body with wisps of awareness, light and feathery. Her entire body quivered pleasantly. Her worries and fears ebbed as if they were froth. And she was gone again.

  Chapter 2

  It wasn’t until darkness encroached and a chill raced over her, eclipsing the light and peace she’d felt seconds earlier, that she realized she and Desmond were huddled together in the Blue Ivy nightclub once again. Music thundered from mammoth speakers and beams of light pulsed and swept over the crowd. She felt Desmond’s arms around her then in an instant, they were gone. Arianna looked up and expected to see his glorious face, but realized he’d disappeared. A scrawny guy with baggy jeans, a rainbow mohawk and a nose ring stood where he had been. The guy smiled at her and she turned from him. In her mind, she swore she heard Desmond’s laugh echo followed by a faint message. “I’ll see you soon,” his voice whispered. Though he wasn’t there, she felt the heat of his breath at her ear and a warm tingle stole through her. Her eyes scanned the club for Desmond. She knew he was gone, could feel it, but looked anyway. She did not see him, just as she’d suspected, but saw Luke.

  Luke waved and signaled for her to join him. A part of her ached; deeply and inexplicably, she smarted, inundated with an undefined emotion. She moved toward Luke, through the gyrating throng, toward a life she would never fully be a part of.

  Stephanie rejoined her and was crying. Rivulets of black streaked her face and her platinum hair was ruffled. A small puncture wound at the base of her neck trickled bright-red blood. Just as Desmond had said, no time had passed for Stephanie. In her mind, the men in the alleyway had just tried to attack them and had been freakishly thwarted. Stephanie had not had reprieve from it. Arianna had. But Arianna’s reprieve had been anything but a break from what had happened. To the contrary, she had been made aware of a far graver threat than two thugs in a darkened alleyway. She had found out that she’s a witch. The reality of all that had happened, all she’d been told, sent a shiver through her. She wrapped her arm around Stephanie’s shoulders, her need for physical contact, for connection, replacing any awkwardness she might have otherwise felt for her action.

  “That man was on fire,” Stephanie kept muttering. “The one who tried to, who tried to,” she struggled but was racked by sobs.

  “I know,” Arianna attempted to comfort her, but her words were drowned out by the music of the club.

  “He tried to rape me, and then he was burning,” she cried.

  Consoling Stephanie would be difficult anywhere. But with deafening music blasting all around them, it would be nearly impossible. Arianna tightened her grip around Stephanie. Any other time, she would have expected Stephanie to balk at such a gesture, to stiffen and shrug her off if she did not shove her outright. But after what had happened, Stephanie seemed to welcome it.

  Nestled against each other, Arianna shepherded Stephanie to the far corner of the nightclub where Luke and the others had set up camp. He smiled and waved until he saw his sister’s face. His smile collapsed to a hard line and his hand dropped to his side and balled into a fist. He shoved past several people and was at their side immediately.

  “What happened?” he demanded.

  Arianna hesitated to speak, unsure of what the hell she was going to tell him. The truth was not a possibility and for obvious reasons. But any variation was a slippery slope to navigate as she was uncertain of just how much Stephanie remembered. Not only had Stephanie taken the drug ecstasy, she’d also been drinking before her head had been slammed against a brick wall. Her consciousness had been spotty during their time in the alley at best.

  “These two guys tried to attack us,” Stephanie managed, her voice quivering with raw emotion.

  “Attack you? Attack you how?” Luke said and Arianna could see his anger brimming.

  “Th-th-they tried to rape us,’ she stammered and began crying anew.

  “What!” Luke exploded.

  Bulldog, Beth, Mike, Carrie, Ryan and Christa looked toward them in alarm then, seeing the state Stephanie was in, made their way over to join Luke.

  “What the fuck happened?” Bulldog asked.

  Stephanie crumpled into her brother’s arms unable to say anything more. Arianna realized she would be forced to speak. She took a deep breath and steeled herself.

  “We went out that exit door,” she said and gestured over her shoulder with her thumb to a pair of black doors that led to the outside. “We went to smoke and when the doors shut, we were locked out. While we were smoking, these guys came up to us. They started talking at first only we made it clear we didn’t want to be bothered. They weren’t too happy about that and they grabbed us and tried to attack us.”

  “Motherfuckers!” Mike spat.

  “They still back there?” Bulldog asked and Arianna could see the muscles in his jaw flexing angrily.

  “No,” Stephanie said. “That was the weird part. The guy that was trying to, the guy that was on top of me burst into flames. Arianna’s eyes turned red, like they were on fire or something and then the guy just burst into flames.”

  A stunned silence befell the group. Furtive glances were exchanged among everyone before they all lingered on Arianna. Arianna’s mouth went dry and her heart slammed wildly against her ribcage. Apparently, Stephanie had witnessed more than she had originally thought.

  “Red eyes? Steph, what’re you talking about?” Christa asked gently.

  “Yeah, Arianna’s eyes are brown,” Carrie added.

  “Don’t talk to me like I’m fucking crazy,” Stephanie yelled. “I know what I saw!”

  The conviction in her voice was compelling. Arianna would have believed her, regardless of how preposterous it may have sounded, if she were anyone else in the group. After all, what Stephanie was saying was true. Arianna had experienced it, had seen her field of vision veiled in a translucent shroud of crimson, had felt the heat radiating from them, from her entire body, before she’d lifted her hand and produced an arc of fire that burned him. But no one could know what had happened. Not even Stephanie. Arianna needed to convince them that it hadn’t happened. She needed to mention the ecstasy that Stephanie had taken.

  “My eyes weren’t red,” Arianna lied and hated herself for what she was about to do. “What happened to you, to us, was so unbelievably awful,” she said and felt her eyes well with tears. One fat teardrop spilled over and trailed down her cheek. “I wish I’d had some magical power to have set those bastards on fire. I fought them off the old-fashioned way: a kick to the balls and some scratching. But I think it was the ecstasy and drinks you had earlier that made you think you saw my eyes glowing red.” Arianna brushed the tear from her cheek with the back of her hand and watched as Luke held his sister at arm’s length.

  “You did ecstasy again? I thought we talked about that. No more drugs,” he warned sternly. “Look at mom for fuck’s sake!”

  “What, you’re blaming me now?” Stephanie accused heatedly.

o, no, not at all,” Luke said apologetically. He looked to Arianna and asked, “Are you okay? Shit, I didn’t even ask if you were okay.”

  The last thing Arianna wanted was for Luke to feel guilty about what had happened. She was far from okay, but she had handled the situation to the best of her newfound abilities.

  “No, I’m not,” she answered honestly. “But I think I’m better off than her,” she said referring to Stephanie.

  “Enough of this hugging bullshit, let’s go find these fuckers and deal with them,” Ryan said.

  “Yeah, I’m with Ryan,” Bulldog added.

  “They’re probably still in the alley,” Stephanie said quickly. “The guy that was on fire is I bet.”

  “The one Arianna blazed with her eyes?” Luke hissed.

  “Tell him, Arianna. Tell him about the guy on fire!” Stephanie pleaded.

  “Was the guy on fire?” Luke asked Arianna looking equal parts embarrassed and annoyed to be asking

  “There was fire,” she admitted. “He lit a cigarette while he was, you know, on top of her. After I got the other guy off me, and I saw that he’d hit his head and wasn’t moving, I ran over to Stephanie. When I did, she started fighting back and hit into his arm. It must have dropped down his shirt or something because the guy lit up like a Roman candle.”

  Arianna could still hear his tortured screams in her mind, see him flailing about to try to extinguish the flames lapping his body.

  “See! I was telling the truth, asshole!” Stephanie shouted at Luke and interrupted Arianna’s recollection.

  “How badly was he burned? Did he get away?” Mike asked.

  “I don’t see how,” Arianna answered truthfully. “Whatever was on his shirt, maybe cologne or gasoline or something, burned so damn fast. He was covered in flames. I didn’t stick around to see what would happen. I just grabbed Steph and ran.”

  Stephanie began sobbing again, gasping and trying to catch her breath, the memory of it all too painful for her to bear.

  “Holy shit!” Christa said.

  “Should we call the cops or something?,” Carrie asked.

  “Yeah, this is all too crazy. These guys should be locked up, if they’re alive,” Christa said.

  “No. No cops,” Luke said determinedly. “If those scumbags are alive, I want a piece of them for trying to rape my sister and my girlfriend.”

  Arianna supposed she should be happy that Luke had announced to his friends that she was his girlfriend; it was the first time he’d said it, yet she did not feel even the slightest bit of happiness. In fact, she felt troubled by it. Apart from the circumstances that had instigated his announcement, she was upset by it. She wasn’t sure why exactly, but felt shame at his admittance, at his want to defend her against her attackers. Guilt gave way to anxiety and anxiety clawed its way into her lungs, making it hard for her to breathe. She attempted a deep breath, desperate to not let her nerves get the better of her and make her sick all over the nightclub floor. Not that she doubted that the floor had seen its fair share of vomit on it in the past. She just didn’t want to be among those who had actually done the vomiting.

  “You okay Arianna,” Carrie asked and took hold of her arm. “You don’t look so good.”

  “I’m all right,” Arianna said but remained unconvinced.

  “Then what are we waiting for?” Bulldog asked. “Let’s go pound on those fuckers!”

  Bile rose in the back of her throat, along with the beer she’d drank earlier.

  “No!” she heard herself say and surprised everyone. “We can’t.”

  “Why the hell not? These guys tried to rape you two,” Luke argued.

  “The guy that was on fire is probably dead,” Arianna blurted out.

  Deep within her, an innate instinct portended that one of the men lived, that one had survived her counterattack, but barely. Still, she needed to dissuade them from going into that alleyway. Too many questions would be asked, questions she could not answer. Lying was not her strong suit. She was terrible at it, in fact. But she needed to convince them to leave.

  “Let’s make sure then,” Luke said.

  “And if the cops happen to find the nine of us hovering around a couple of dead bodies what do you think they’ll assume?” she asked. No one offered any thoughts, so she continued. “They’ll assume we, at the very least, saw something. Then they might ask why Stephanie looks like she does, why she has that fresh cut on her throat. Do you see where I’m going with this?”

  “They’ll think something happened and we retaliated by killing them,” Ryan said.

  “I don’t want to spend any time in county lockup,” Bulldog said as if he’d been there before.

  “Neither do I,” Mike added. “My brother’s been there overnight and he said it’s no joke.”

  Luke looked directly into Arianna’s eyes and held her gaze as if trying to silently express a profound truth to her. His silver eyes had hardened to steel, unreadable to her in the shadowy nightclub. But she sensed significance in his weighty watch.

  “I just want to get out of here,” Stephanie finally said. “Please, can we go?”

  Luke did not lower his eyes to his sister as Arianna would have thought. He did not acknowledge her request either. Not right away. He continued to stare at Arianna. Whatever he sought to convey wordlessly, whatever psychic message he seemed intent on sending to her, was not reaching her. She shifted her weight from one leg to the next uncomfortably, waiting for him to speak, to yell, anything. Heat crept up her neck and touched her cheeks. She was suddenly thankful for the darkness of the club and the loud music as well. Had the music not been playing, she feared Luke and the rest of their group would hear the mad pounding of her heart. She wondered whether he suspected her of lying, whether a part of him believed his sister’s claim about her eyes glowing red. Of course, he would have been correct in doing so; Stephanie had told the truth, as preposterous as it had sounded. Regardless of his motivation, Arianna was unnerved.

  “Luke!” Stephanie said again. “Take me home, now.”

  Stephanie’s words had broken the spell and Luke released her from his gaze. Arianna breathed a silent sigh of relief.

  “Fine, let’s go,” Luke said.

  “So that’s it?” Bulldog asked. “No one’s catching a beating tonight?”

  “Nope, not tonight, Bulldog,” Luke said and offered a thin smile.

  Luke led them through the club to the main entrance. Arianna, Bulldog, Beth, Mike, Carrie, Ryan and Christa filed behind him. Stepping out into the cool, quiet night air, Arianna felt the crushing squeeze anxiety had placed on her lungs begin to subside. Once they’d reached the parking area, everyone began to disperse. She was left alone with Luke and Stephanie.

  “I’m going to take Stephanie home first then drive you home if you don’t mind,” he said to Arianna.

  Arianna felt her heart make a leap from her chest to her throat. “Uh, okay, if that’s what you want,” she fumbled. “Seems like a big production to go to your house then my house then back home, don’t you think?”

  “I don’t mind. I really want to be alone with you, and talk to you,” he said and looked at her again in that peculiar way he had in the nightclub.

  “Fine. If that’s what you want,” she said and hoped she didn’t sound cold or cruel. Any other night before this night, being alone with him would have been exactly what she would have wanted. But this night had not been like any other. And she wanted to be alone.

  Luke’s face sagged a bit and she realized she’d hurt him. “Sounds great,” she added for his benefit and watched him brighten. “I’d like that.” He smiled, his usual warm smile, and she found herself smiling back at him. He pulled his seat forward and she climbed into the back seat of his pickup truck. Stephanie assumed her position in the front seat and Luke drove.

  The drive to Luke’s house was silent, painfully silent. The tension in the air had been so thick, Arianna swore she could see it seep from the car in ribbons when Steph
anie opened the door and climbed out. Arianna said a quick “Good night” to Stephanie, which was ignored, before positioning herself in the front seat.

  She watched Stephanie stride in impossibly high-heeled shoes to the front door. When she looked away, she slid Luke a glance and saw that he did not watch his sister, but her instead.

  “I can’t believe what happened tonight,” he said.

  “I know. It was, just…crazy…what happened was crazy.”

  “I’m so glad you’re okay. You’re taking it much better than my sister.”

  “Different people handle things differently I guess,” was all she could come up with.

  “Yeah, you’re right. You’re a strong person, Arianna. I knew that from the first time we met.”

  “I wouldn’t be so sure,” she said, the irony of their exchange weighing on her.

  “I am sure,” he said. “You have this, I don’t know, energy about you, like you can handle anything. Shit, you fought off not one, but two guys tonight.”

  He spoke to her without the slightest hint of sarcasm or suspicion, but with what she could only name as reverence. His admiration pained her for she was no ordinary high school girl who had fended off a pair of assailants. No, she had had an advantage, a tremendous advantage. And she aimed to conceal her advantage from him.

  “I guess it was adrenaline or something,” she said flatly wishing he would just drive already.

  He reached a hand across the console and rested it on her leg. “Well whatever it was, I’m glad you’re okay, that you weren’t, you know, hurt,” he said and she knew exactly what he’d meant. “And thanks for watching my sister’s back,” he added then moved his hand from her leg to the gearshift.

  The car began to rumble slowly as Luke backed out of his driveway. The short ride to her trailer park was blissfully quiet. When Luke pulled up in front of her porch, she resisted the urge to bolt out of his truck and run inside, not stopping until she reached the shower. She wanted, needed, to scrub the events of the night from her skin, fill her nostrils with the scent of strawberry shampoo in hopes of it purging the fetid stench of charred flesh from them. She wanted to cleanse herself of the man with the neck tattoo’s touch, wash away the entire night. She liked Luke, liked him a lot, but needed to shower, needed to process everything that had happened.


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