Dance for Me

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Dance for Me Page 4

by Pam Champagne

  “Oh, God, Reino. You feel so good.”

  He thrust in and out of her several times. Lara prepared herself for the building climax. Right before she came, he yanked his cock out. “Quick. On your knees.”

  She wobbled on the mattress, not sure she could manage. He pulled her up, held her hips and pushed into her doggie style. One hand came around across her stomach. While his finger tormented her clitoris, his cock worked its magic from behind. Stars filled Lara’s vision right before she fell off the precipice. She gave no thought to Reino’s pleasure. Her knees collapsed, and she fell forward on her stomach, vaguely aware that he continued to fuck her while his hands played with her nipples. His body stiffened, and he plunged one final time. The force of his spurting cum triggered another climax.

  “Are you okay?” he asked some time later.

  “I’m so sore, I can’t move.”

  He kissed her neck. “Stay put. I’ll be right back.”

  Lara floated in and out of sleep and woke to Reino carrying her. The strong smell of sex in the air made her want him again. “What are you doing? What time is it?”

  He carried her into the bathroom and gently put her in a tub full of bubbles. She groaned with pleasure as the hot water soaked into her sore muscles.

  “Feel better?” he asked, a smile on his face, his eyes soft and tender.

  “Yes, it’s heavenly. Do you do this for every woman you fuck?”

  He kissed her forehead and grinned. “No. Only the special ones.”

  Alone in the bathroom, Lara’s head swam with a mix of emotions. Giddiness overrode her doubts about having sex with Reino. She’d asked the desk sergeant to run a background check on him. For all she knew, he could know a hell of a lot more about the murders than he let on. The report had been on her desk for several days and she hadn’t even read it. Was she a fool for trusting her gut?

  Last night and this morning were by far the best sex she’d ever had. How many men thought of their partner’s pleasure the way Reino did? She doubted many men carried their lovers to a tub filled with bubbles. Since she had no family, she’d been lonely at Christmas this year. This was like a belated present.

  The water soon began to cool. She should get out. Reino had probably vacated the place by now. Lara sighed and pulled the plug to let the water out of the tub.

  She had one foot on the floor and one still in the tub when the door squeaked open. “Ready for breakfast?”

  “You’re still here?” she squeaked.

  He grabbed a towel off the rack and wrapped it around her shoulders. “Now where did you think I’d be?” His look of confusion changed to one of amusement. “You thought I’d skipped out? Well, think again. Dry off, and meet me in the kitchen.”

  Reino started out the door, pivoted and walked back to stop in front of the sink. He picked up the vibrator. “You won’t need this any more.”

  Dumbstruck, Lara gaped at him as he left, carrying her vibrator. The damn fool. Who did he think he was?

  Lara muttered her frustration as she stalked to her room. She dressed hurriedly with total disregard for her appearance. No makeup today. Let him see the real her. She pulled on a pair of worn jeans and a faded T-shirt sporting the slogan, ‘Go Pats’ and charged into the kitchen.

  Reino stood by the stove, flipping pancakes on a flat cast iron skillet. Her anger dissipated when he looked up and smiled. God help her. That grin would do her in. “We have something else in common,” he said, pointing the spatula at her chest. “The Patriots. Next season we’ll go to a few games.”

  Next season? What the hell was he talking about? Lara moved to the table and sat. She and lover boy needed to have a serious talk.

  The table was set for two, orange juice already poured.

  “Hope you like pancakes and bacon,” he told her as he carried them to the table. Steam rose off the plate, the smell teasing her nose. “You only had two eggs.”

  He took the chair opposite her and dug into his food with enthusiasm, either not noticing or choosing not to delve into how quiet she was.

  * * * *

  Lara walked beside Reino, hands in her pockets. The medical examiner had called while they ate breakfast, and she arranged to meet him in a coffee shop near the station.

  “John should be here soon,” she said over her shoulder as she preceded Reino through the door. “Let’s sit by the window.”

  Lara fidgeted with her coffee cup. Reino devoured three doughnuts as if he hadn’t eaten a huge breakfast an hour ago. Lara allowed herself the luxury of floating in a hazy world of make-believe. Last night and this morning’s romp with Reino had left her physically and emotionally drained. She’d begun questioning her purpose in life. She loved his upbeat personality and sense of humor. And the sex…she couldn’t think of a word to describe sex with Reino. He’d even done the dishes after cooking her breakfast.

  The object of her thoughts reached over and squeezed her hand still wrapped around the warm cup. She flinched.

  “What’s the matter? You have a problem with me touching you?”

  “No,” she denied too quickly. “Of course not. You startled me. That’s all.”

  Reino’s eyes narrowed to green slits. “You’re far away. Have been since we left the apartment. Regretting what’s happening between us?”

  Lara countered his thrust with a parry. “Nothing of any importance has happened or will happen between us.”

  He leaned back, tilting his chair. “Is that right?”

  She nodded, angry at herself for letting a twenty-five-year-old man intimidate her. “Nothing but a moment of madness. Well, maybe a few of them,” she added, remembering the many times they’d made love.

  He laughed. “Fool yourself if you want, but you’re not fooling me. That moment of madness, as you choose to call it, was destined to happen from the time you walked onto the stage in that sleazy strip joint. Probably from the moment we laid eyes on each other. You danced for me, not for anyone else in that club. So now tell me what are you thinking about? Why are you so distant?”

  She shrugged. “Just wondering what the ME has to report.”

  “You’re a terrible liar. You’re thinking about us.”

  She raised her brows and gave him a half smile. “Not all pockets of the universe revolve around you.”

  She’d expected him to pout, she had been prepared for that. Instead, he laughed. “Really? How disappointing.” He pointed at the gooey chocolate doughnut left on the plate. “Want it?”

  Lara’s stomach churned. “No thanks. Knock yourself out.” And he did.

  John’s arrival put an end to Lara’s introspection. “Thanks for meeting me, Lara.” The middle-aged man pulled out a chair and sat. His deep-set myopic eyes shot a questioning look at Reino.

  “John, this is Reino Larkin. Reino, John Mason, the medical examiner.”

  The two men shook hands. Lara bit her tongue so she wouldn’t laugh when John wiped his hand on a napkin.

  “Sorry,” Reino said. “Sticky doughnuts.”

  “Yes, well, about your four dead bodies. Asphyxiation is the official cause of death, theory being AEA, autoerotic asphyxia.”

  Lara frowned. “Wouldn’t it be unusual for AEA to be a mode for murder? I thought the object was to stop the choking before actual death occurs.”

  John tapped his spoon on the table. “That’s true. My guess, and it’s only a guess, is the murderer has taken AEA one step further. Could be that the first woman’s death was an accident. He got his rocks off and needed to experience the thrill again.”

  “There were no marks of strangulation,” Lara argued.

  “That’s what we originally believed. Until yesterday. Ever hear of Andy Stone? He’s an ME from the Cape. He happened to be in Boston, so I asked him to take a look at our bodies. He pointed out the strangulation marks. They were so light, I missed them. Of course, he’d seen AEA death before, so he knew what to look for.”

  “Whoa,” Reino interrupted. “Someone want
to clue me in?”

  “Ever hear of the choking game that kids play?” Lara said.

  “I think I read an article on it once.”

  “Well, AEA is the adult version. It involves sex. Participants claim that the loss of consciousness right at the moment of orgasm gives them unsurpassed pleasure.

  Lara almost laughed at the comical look on Reino’s handsome face. “You’re kidding me, right?”

  “Unfortunately, she’s not,” John replied with a sigh. “My guess is the male involved has someone choke him as well–or he rigs up something to choke himself. Double the pleasure, double the fun.”

  “If what you’re saying is true, John,” Lara concluded, “then these women went along with the game willingly.


  “You’re wrong. Corrine would never have willingly done something as stupid as to let someone choke her.”

  Lara reached across the table and covered Reino’s fisted hands. “Maybe she trusted the person to stop before it was too late.”

  John drained his coffee, set his mug on the table and rose. “Well, those are my findings. I wanted to let you know before it leaks to the press.”

  “Thanks. I’ll be in touch if I have any further questions.”

  John nodded and left.

  Reino wasted no time in letting Lara know his feelings. “If what he says is true, you’ve got to let someone else handle this.”

  Lara sat a little straighter. “Excuse me?”

  “You heard me. The killer has to be a psychopath.”

  She relaxed. “That’s a given. It doesn’t matter how or why he’s murdering women. The fact is that he’s doing it. Ready to go? Or do you want another doughnut?”

  Reino declined. They walked out into the crisp, cold air and turned in the direction of the precinct. Lara couldn’t comprehend his lackadaisical attitude toward that beautiful car that he’d parked in a near underground garage. It was almost as if money meant nothing.

  Reino’s hand slid down the arm of her heavy winter coat and linked with her fingers. She quelled her first instinct to pull away and instead squeezed his hand. Great, just freaking great. Now she was acting like a giddy teenager, strolling with her new boyfriend.

  “Just keep quiet,” she told Reino as they climbed the stone steps to the precinct. She untangled her fingers from his. “Bob might balk at my idea at first. I can usually talk him around.”

  “Okay. You’re running the show.”

  “Hi, guys,” Lara said, smiling brightly as she walked through the front door and breezed by the uniformed cops. “Bob in?”

  “Yeah, he’s with…”

  Lara moved right by and missed the last of the sergeant’s sentence. She tapped her knuckles lightly on the wood, opened the door and walked in.

  “Bob, I’ve got something to run by you. This is Reino—” The rest of her words stayed in her diaphragm. Hank sat in front of Bob’s desk, his hands clasped loosely in his lap. The look in his eyes didn’t portend fair weather ahead.

  Chapter Four

  Bob rose and came to Lara, a huge smile on his face. “I was just about to call you with the good news.” He slapped Hank on the shoulder. “Hank’s returning to work. He’ll be back full time in four days.”

  Lara felt numb. Or was it dumb? “Oh.” She struggled for the enthusiasm she should be feeling. Hank’s return meant she’d see less of Reino or, even worse, not see him at all. What the hell was wrong with her? She shook off the gloom and touched Hank’s arm. “Welcome back. I’ve missed you.”

  “Who’s your friend, Lara?” Hank asked. His gaze pinned Reino like a laser beam locked on its target.

  Lara shoved her trembling hands into her coat pockets. “Sorry. This is Reino Larkin. Reino, my partner, Hank Bowdin, and my supervisor, Bob Rowe.”

  Reino shook Hank’s hand and then Bob’s. “Glad to meet you.” He turned his attention to Lara, a brow raised in inquiry. “I take it this changes the situation? I’m no longer needed?”

  Lara stiffened when Hank answered Reino’s question. “You got that right.”

  Reino accepted Hank’s statement without batting an eye.

  More to spite Hank than for any other reason, Lara touched Reino’s hand. “Call me later?”

  He gave her a mock salute, his eyes sparkling with amusement. Did anything throw him off stride? “Count on it.” He turned on his heel and walked out, shutting the door softly behind him.

  Bob cleared his throat, breaking the uncomfortable silence. “Well,” he said, “I imagine you two have a lot to catch up on. Let me know if I can be of help.” He sat down and ruffled some papers.

  “Your office or mine?” Hank asked.

  Lara shrugged. “I have all the reports.”

  Hank fell in behind her. Prickles ran up her neck as she imagined his gaze centered on her ass. At least she’d kept on her long, heavy coat.

  Lara mentally groaned when Hank shut her office door, sealing them off from the rest of the precinct. The large room suddenly seemed the size of a closet. Just her luck that the heat blasted from the old radiators. Some days the building was like a freezer so leaving her coat on wouldn’t seem weird. No such luck today. She shed the coat and tossed it over an empty chair. The chair Hank chose squeaked as he lowered himself into it.

  “How much do you know about the case?” Lara got right to point. No sense making small talk.

  “What I’ve read in the papers.” He regarded her intently. “Bob filled me in on a few things. Not very smart to go undercover with no backup.”

  “I wasn’t alone.”

  A semblance of a smile twisted a corner of his mouth. “That kid you walked in with?”

  Lara nodded. “Reino Larkin. He was a friend of one of the murdered women.”

  “I wouldn’t exactly call him legitimate backup. If you were thinking with a clear head, you’d be looking at him as a possible suspect.”

  “Kids today are real good with cell phones. He would have called for backup had there been any problems. His alibi for the night his friend was murdered is solid.”

  She ignored Hank’s frown. Leaning forward, he placed his hands against the front of her desk. Why hadn’t she ever noticed his piercing eyes? “Want my advice?”

  “I have a feeling I’m going to get it regardless.”

  “Stay away from Larkin.” He leaned back and rolled his shoulders as if they were bothering him. “For Christ’s sake, Lara. There’s almost an entire generation between the two of you.”

  “Not quite, Hank,” Lara said. She picked up a pen and tapped it on the desk’s oak surface. It was time to nip this in the bud. “You’re jealous. That’s what this is all about.”

  “Can’t deny my ego’s a bit bruised.”

  Lara was prepared for Hank’s denial, and he knocked the wind out of her sails by admitting the truth. She weighed her words carefully. “We can’t work together unless you accept I’m not interested in anything but a professional relationship.”

  A vein in his temple throbbed in time with a muscle twitching in his jaw. “Why’s that? Because I don’t pant after you like a young stud, waiting for the right moment to mount you from behind?”

  Heat burned her face. For a split second she thought Hank had seen her and Reino this morning. “Don’t be crude.”

  “Does the truth hurt?”

  “What I do in my off time is my own business. Not the precinct’s and certainly not yours.”

  Her heartbeat picked up its pace at his struggle to keep his emotions under wraps. His hands clenched the arms of the chair and she was sure he’d prefer to wring her neck. The seconds ticked by, and he finally sighed. “You’re right. I apologize. No more personal comments.”

  Relief made her legs weak. “Thank you.” She glanced down at the medical examiner’s reports in front of her. “Let’s brainstorm these murders.”

  * * * *

  Lara’s jumbled thoughts drove her nuts later that evening. With plans to watch an old movie, she
’d changed into an old denim shirt and ripped jeans. The romantic comedy didn’t hold her interest so she paced circles around her living room, unable to relax. Only when she admitted that she was waiting for Reino to call did she snap out of it. “That’s it,” she mumbled as she stripped the sheets from the bed to rid the room of his scent. “I’ll forget I ever met him.”

  It had been a mistake from the beginning to get involved. She should never have given in to the lust wracking her body.

  The doorbell rang just after she’d tucked the clean sheets around the mattress. Lara glanced at her watch. She’d ordered a pizza twenty minutes ago. Deliveries generally took longer. She hurried to the door and looked out the peephole. Blood surged to her head.

  “I thought you were going to call,” she snapped as she opened the door.

  Reino pushed past her. “Nice to see you, too,” he said and handed her a bouquet of sweet-smelling lilies.

  “What are these for?”

  “Damn you’re suspicious. Can’t a man bring a woman flowers without having an ulterior motive?”

  His arrival brought a strong sexual tension into the apartment. Lara’s emotions floundered, and she tore her gaze away from his before she made a fool of herself by jumping his bones. “I’ll find something to put them in.”

  In the kitchen, she stood on tiptoe to open a cabinet. Reino moved behind her, his erection nudging the small of her back. “I’ll get it.” He lifted his arm and plucked a vase from the top shelf.

  The breath that had caught in Lara’s throat whooshed from her lungs. Lust swamped her. Damn. She’d lost control of her emotions where Reino was concerned.

  “What do you want from me?” she blurted.

  He glanced up from the sink where he filled the vase with water, his expression serious. “Haven’t you figured it out yet?”

  “If I had, I wouldn’t be asking. I’m too old to play games.”

  As if she hadn’t spoken, he took his time arranging the flowers and placed them in the center of the table. “What do you think?” he asked, cocking his head to the right as he studied the arrangement. “They look okay?”


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