Churchill's Empire: The World That Made Him and the World He Made

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Churchill's Empire: The World That Made Him and the World He Made Page 54

by Richard Toye

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  The index that appeared in the print version of this title was intentionally removed from the eBook. Please use the search function on your eReading device to search for terms of interest. For your reference, the terms that appear in the print index are listed below.

  Abadan crisis (1951)

  ‘Abdallahi, Khalifa

  Abdullah, Emir of Transjordan

  Abdurahman, Abdullah

  Aberigh-Mackay, George

  Addison, Christopher

  Aden, WSC in



  African National Congress (ANC)

  African Political Organisation

  Afridi troops

  Aga Khan

  Alamein, Battle of El (1942)

  All-India Congress Committee

  Ally, H. O.

  Ambedkar, B. R.

  Amery, John

  Amery, Julian

  Amery, Leo: appearance; on army reform scheme; on Atlantic Charter; birth; Burma policy; career; Commons speech against Chamberlain; death; economic policy; education; election defeat (1945); family background; India policy; interest in Empire; journalism; on Lend-Lease ending; memoirs; on Moyne assassination; Palestine policy; political views; relationship with WSC; response to Bengal famine; Secretary of State for Colonies; Secretary of State for India; on Smuts’s speech; son’s execution; in South Africa; on US relations; Viceroy question; on WSC at Colonial Office; on WSC’s election strategy; on WSC’s India policy; on WSC’s judgement; on WSC’s memoirs; on WSC’s resignation; on WSC’s Victorian stance; on WSC’s views on Empire; on WSC’s views on self-government

  Amritsar massacre (1919)


  Anderson, John

  Anglo-Iranian Oil Company (AIOC, earlier Anglo-Persian Oil Company)

  Anglo-Irish Treaty (1921)

; Anglo-Japanese treaty (1902)

  Arden-Clarke, Sir Charles

  Army Council

  Arnhem (1944)

  Asquith, H. H.

  Atbara, battle (1898)


  Atlantic Charter

  Attlee, Clement: on Atlantic Charter; Commons performance; decolonization agenda; on Dominions; election campaign (1945); election victory (1945); Indian independence; Indian policy; on WSC’s war leadership

  Augusta, USS

  Aung San

  Australia: Boer War; Dominion status; foreign policy; Gallipoli troops; Labour government; manpower crisis; naval policy; post–war role; response to Chanak crisis (1922); WWII

  Aylesford, Earl and Countess of

  Azikiwe, Nnamdi ‘Zik’


  Baijnath, Lala

  Baldwin, Stanley: Cabinet; education; India policy; Leader of Opposition; National Government; Prime Minister (1923); Prime Minister (1924–9); Prime Minister (1935); relationship with WSC; Shadow Cabinet; view of WSC

  Balfour, Arthur

  Balfour Declaration (1917)

  Balfour Definition

  Bambatha (Zulu rebel leader)

  Baring, Sir Evelyn

  Barlow, Thomas



  Beaverbrook, Max Aitken, first Baron: campaign against Baldwin; economic views; Minister of Supply; press; reputation


  Bell, Gertrude

  Bell, H. Hesketh

  Bengal famine (1943–4)


  Bennett, Ernest

  Bevan, Aneurin

  Beveridge, William

  Bevin, Ernest

  Birkenhead, F. E. Smith, first Earl of

  Birla, G. D.

  Birmingham Daily Post

  Black and Tans

  ‘Black Ordinance’

  Black Week (1899)

  Blandford, George Spencer-Churchill, Marquess of (WSC’s uncle)


  Blood, Sir Bindon

  Blundell, Michael

  Blunt, Wilfrid Scawen: career; Indian delegation; on Kitchener; support for Egyptian nationalists; on WSC and Empire; on WSC and Gallipoli; on WSC’s biography of father

  Boer War, first (1881)

  Boer War, second (1899–1902): aftermath; attitudes to; background; outbreak; US view of; WSC’s hero status; WSC’s imprisonment and escape; WSC’s role; WSC’s view of


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