The Eternal Defiance

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The Eternal Defiance Page 5

by Sharon Lea Ford

  Blake shook her head and raised both brows. “No… I haven’t had the pleasure.”

  “Business or pleasure?” the concierge asked.

  Harry had always been a private person especially in his field of work, so he kept his mouth shut and urged Blake to do the same as he wrapped his hand around her waist and urged her toward the entrance doors.

  They walked through the large foyer toward the front desk and by habit Harry predictably surveyed the nearby surroundings. The golden stone walls flickered in the afternoon sunlight giving off a translucent gleam he noticed. There was a fountain with a stature of a Greek goddess in the middle. And placed periodically around the fountain were lounges with collection of Lilly gardens. There were only a few guests lazed about, but no one looked suspicious in any case.

  With what looked like a fake smile and a rehearsed line, the woman at the front desk asked. “Good evening do you have a reservation?”

  “Mr and Mrs Jones,” Harry replied and handed her a passport and credit card.

  “Mam… your passport please! Directing her question to Blake,” Speaking in a derisive tone like a school teacher chastising her pupil.

  Reluctantly Blake pulled out her passport from her jacket pocket and placed it on the front counter. Harry noticed she was acting a little strange, but just put it down to nerves.

  “Room 601, enjoy your stay Mr and Mrs Jones!” she said and handed them two electronic key cards.

  They leisurely strode down the corridor toward the row of elevators and stepped into the first available one.

  Harry pressed the button for the sixth floor, turned to Blake and broke the uncomfortable silence between them. “Is everything okay baby?”

  She glanced back at him with a warm smile. “Everything’s fine babe.” She gave him a quick, but reassuring peck on the cheek just as the elevator doors slid open to their floor.

  Harrison still had the distinct feeling that they were being followed. And hoped and prayed it wasn’t just him being paranoid, but his instincts were telling him something else entirely. Something sinister was more likely he assumed, but didn’t want to show Blake as it was quite clear she was freaked out enough as it was.

  The middle aged concierge didn’t waste any time. He’d taken the service elevator and stood patiently waiting at their room door with their luggage.

  As soon as they entered the luxurious sophisticated room Harry handed the man a Fifty dollar English note.

  His face lit up with gratitude, obviously happy with the huge tip. “Thank you sir... If there’s anything at all you need, please don’t hesitate to call. Just ask for Rodger. That’s me.”

  He said thank you again and Harry watched as he backed out of the room and closed the door behind him.

  Now that they were finally alone, Blake watched with amusement as Harry quickly did the room sweep. He checked all the cupboard doors and even under the bed. “Nothing—here,” he yelled.

  “Well I need to check out the little girl’s room, so I’ll see you in a jiffy.”

  Harry sat down on the large king size bed and heaved a sigh of relief. But still frustrated he began to speculate about the conversation with their English attacker. He tried to make sense of it all and gradually began to place the pieces together. Was the mission in Brazil just a set up? Was it just an elaborate plot to get rid of the crew? Maybe we were just loose ends? Expendable…!

  His mind bounced back and forth between different scenarios. One thing was certain he thought. Once he and Blake had finished with the hit tomorrow, he was definitely going after the bastard that had set him and his team up. And there was no way he was going to show any mercy toward them.


  “I’m bushed! Straight to bed, what do you reckon?” Harry announced.

  The look on Blake’s face wasn’t a disappointing one and he knew with a little extra horizontal activity, he’d probably sleep like a baby. Business can wait until tomorrow he thought as he lent toward her for an adoring kiss.

  Harry had to admit to himself it was a romantic scene. If he was ever going to seduce a woman this was the place. The hotel only housed the rich and famous and sometimes royalty, so the hotel was top notch. He assumed that if he plays his cards right with a little seduction, Blake should give up the secrets she was hiding, and should play right into his hands.

  “Well… you didn’t answer my question,” she asked out of the blue.

  “What question is that?” Harry responded puzzled.

  “The other night when I handed you a glass of Champagne you asked if I was trying to seduce you and I said was it working. You never really got back to me.”

  Harrison paused while still holding Blake’s face in his hands. “Honey I don’t think it matters either way what my answer is. We’re here and we have each other.

  Blake smiled softly with agreement. And that’s all the approval he needed.

  While still in his arms Blake scuffled with haste to place the Glock under the pillows next to them, while trying to strip his body of the clothing that became between them.

  Before collapsing onto the bed Harry followed, now naked on top of her. His masculine body covered hers. He was lost in those gorgeous green eyes of hers which pleaded for him to give her what she asked for. His body, his love, and safety.

  ** *

  Blake awoke suddenly. With the feeling once more that something malicious was lurking close by, she sat up out of bed. The soft sounds of Harry’s breathing did ease her unease a little as he slept soundly in the bed next to her.

  With the heavy shades drawn the digital clock on the night stand next to Harry gave off a faint aluminous glow. Blake blinked and attempted to adjust her eyes to the dim blackness.

  She glanced at the time. It was only five—fifteen A.M and slowly she leaned back and melted into the pillow once more as to not wake Harry’s slumber. She listened for the sounds of the outside city noise, but could only guess that the morning traffic below bustled loudly at the beginning of the peak hour rush. It was so quiet. The doors that led out to the balcony would have to be double glazed she speculated.

  It wasn’t until Blake heard a sound coming from the main entrance doors that put her on edge again. “Harry… Harry,” she whispered and flung herself upright once more.

  He sat up suddenly startled by her tone of voice. “What— he barked sleepily.

  “Shush… I can hear something.”

  “Go back to sleep—it’s too early. You’re getting paranoid. No one knows we’re here!”

  Harry fluffed his pillow, rolled back down onto his side and tried to go back to sleep, she detected by his aggravated attitude.

  “Um… I suppose so,” she agreed, but didn’t take her eyes off door for a few seconds.

  Steadily she placed her head back down on the pillow, but her brain wouldn’t let her go back to sleep. Her thoughts began to race and wonder about the day ahead.


  After they had breakfast in their suite they went over the plan carefully. They both decided to get some fresh air and maybe get in some site seeing of the beautiful city they were in.

  While Blake waited for Harry to get dressed she took in the fantastic views from their sixth floor balcony.

  As the morning sun streamed down onto her face, she dressed in a light cotton floral skirt and top. It wasn’t her usual daily attire, but she wanted to feel the light summer breeze flow through her clothes and penetrate her fair skin. It was an invigorating feeling standing there, almost like it was cleansing her soul in some way she imagined.

  She searched the local surroundings and came to observe the apartment block on the opposite side of the road which looked as if it was built in the early eighteen hundreds. It definitely had a gothic architecture style with multiple gargoyles posted around it.

  And as she admired the wonderful structure something caught her eye on the roof. A bright flash, like when the sun catches the glass in a camera lens or… a rifle scope

  Gees, she thought. And without haste Blake dropped to her knees. Hidden behind the concrete barrier she anticipated it was just a keen tourist taking some happy snaps, but thought you never can be too careful.

  Slowly she raised her head just enough to peek over the top, but popped back down abruptly when Harry walked up behind her.

  “What are you doing down there?” he chuckled.

  “Gees… I nearly wet my pants, don’t do that. I thought I saw something on the roof on the building, directly across the street,” she responded with a sigh, but still didn’t move from the protection of the concrete wall.

  Harry moved to attention like a well-trained soldier she noticed. “I can’t see anything! What do you think you saw?”

  Slowly she peered back over the top of the barrier and whatever was there before was gone now. But she wasn’t totally convinced that she’d seen anything there at all and was beginning to doubt her own mind and rationality.

  Harry ushered her inside, still leaning tight between the wall and the glass doors. “Listen… I think we might just hang out in here for the day. We can order room service. Have a spar, but just stay out of sight for now. Okay!”

  “Sure… whatever you say!” Blake responded with an embarrassed tone.

  “I could think of a couple of things we could do while we wait for the sun to set.” Harry suggested.

  She flashed him an okay grin and ventured back inside.

  ** *

  Half an hour had passed and Blake sat on the end of the bed filing her nails. Harry was reading the local newspaper when he heard a slight tap at the main door.

  “Room service is here,” Harry said as he moved cautiously toward the door.

  With one hand on the lock and the other holding his weapon he opened the door slightly, but noticed it was the hotel waiter. He tucked the gun behind him and shoved it quickly into the top of his pants. He then flung the door open to give the waiter a wide berth to enter, but as the guy slowly approached the dining table with the food trolley, Harry noticed the nervous glance plastered across Blake’s face.

  And as soon as he saw the twisted smile from the phony waiter he sensed there was something strange about him too.

  By this time Blake had moved from the bed and was waiting at the door. She handed the odd looking man a ten dollar note and looked anxious while waiting for him to leave.

  But he only gazed back with an eager stare. Too… eager Harry sensed, like he was about to jump her and have her for dinner.

  “Do I look like a piece of meat?” Blake yelled, mockingly and all the while not taking her eyes off the creep Harry noted.

  Harry suddenly grabbed Blake’s hand and pulled her toward him and the door which was now blocked by a couple more creeps.

  His ears pricked up when he heard the sound of a weapon being cocked. Quickly he glanced at Blake and she had very neatly swiped the Glock 22 calibre from behind him and now had it pointed directly at the two blocking their path. He’d never heard a sweeter sound as he just heard right then.

  The mocking smirk on the bastard to the left was enough that all Harry’s patients could stand. He took a leaping pounce at the six foot something guy performing a one-eighty jack-knife fair into the chest.

  Stunned when realizing the kick hadn’t even budged him at all, he was aware he’d have to go in for another blow.

  And now with a really peeved off look on the creeps face he retaliated, swung a right, but missed.

  Promptly Harry stepped back and gave Blake a concerning glance.

  She must have read his mind when she fired a round into the two, dropping them like a sack of potatoes.

  “Don’t forget this one,” he yelled as the guy from behind was bearing toward them.

  Blake quickly responded and fired a couple of shots to the head and one in the chest, but the guy still careered toward them, moving fast.

  And at that moment Blake flashed a defeated look Harry’s way as she squeezed the trigger a couple more times, but the empty chamber just made an unproductive click.

  Harry waited patiently for the hired gun to strike back, but he didn’t. He collapsed slowly onto the floor only inches away giving them both a sigh of relief.

  “Well… bring it on,” Blake declared gleamingly, stating their victory.

  “More crap to clean up. Different day just the same old shit,” Harry announced.


  The Roxy bar

  Harry drove into the busy car park and pulled into a vacant parking spot. A neon light flashed Exotic Dancers overhead of the front door of the newly renovated club.

  When Harry read Deak’s’s file, it reported that the sleaze corrupted young girls for his own filthy pleasures and was a vicious killer who would sell even his own Grandmother for a profit. And he knew he was going to have to bring him down sooner or later.

  Blake glanced his way before opening the car door and then stepped out.

  Contented he observed her walk around to the rear of the vehicle and opened the trunk. A few minutes later she returned and jumped back into the passenger’s side with a semi-automatic. “Okay, time to get cracking,” Blake said taking a big gulp of air.

  “You sure you’re up to it?” he questioned touching her firmly on the shoulder.

  “Are you kidding? I couldn’t be any more ready than if you’d shoved a shot of adrenalin in my ass.”

  “You’re hilarious! And one hell of a woman,” he giggled childishly. “I know. I’m just playing with you!” Harry added as he leant in and gave her one last good luck kiss.

  “Remember I’ll walk in after five minutes so you can scan the joint. I’ll sit somewhere alone and inconspicuous, then I’ll give you the nod when it’s time!”

  “No worries babe I’ll be fine, trust me.”

  Harry winked at her and then glanced at his watch. “Now go…!”

  Blake opened the car door to the BMW and closed it softly behind her.

  ** *

  The recent rain had left puddles on the dark pavement, reflecting the surrounding lights like mirrors in this warm humid night. The evening air gave some relief from the searing summer heat, but on this particular evening it seemed as stuffy as ever.

  Blake had her hair pulled up into a ponytail and dressed in a short miniskirt, singlet and leather knee length jacket. She knew she had to blend in with the other patrons until she located their target. Never the less in this joint she probably looked more like a hooker anyway.

  The wide metal door opened suddenly and two men exited the building just as she was about to grab the handle. “Hey baby, you free tonight?” one of them asked as he tripped on his own feet and tumbled onto the pavement.

  Derisively she rolled her eyes, ignored them both and entered the dimly lit club.

  An unpleasant smell hit her nostrils as she scanned the bar and dance floor. The bar to the right sat one male and one female, whom looked quite chummy with each other. She’s obviously a cheap hooker attempting to pick up her next trick, she assumed.

  A Mediterranean looking man with dark skin lent against the wall a couple of metres away observing the prostitute impatiently while chewing gum. Okay… clearly the pimp. Over to the left were tables and chairs with a couple of people sitting and chatting to one another, not taking any notice of the slightly built female dancing erotically on stage while swinging her legs around the pole. There were a row of stools arranged around the stage with four young Caucasian males, one whistled and offered some bills to the dancer who happily exchanged the cash for an explicit shot of her crutch. The dancer shoved the notes into her G-string, blew the man a kiss and skipped off the stage when her routine had finished.

  Seductively Blake strolled toward the bar where the bartender stood tediously cleaning one glass over and over again, but sprang to attention when he noticed her approaching the bar with the best sexiest smile she could muster up.

  “What’ll you have?” he asked with a casual, but charming voice.
br />   “Ice water thanks with a slice of lemon,” Blake responded looking in the direction of the stage. “I’m looking for Candy, is she around by any chance?”

  The bartender placed the drink on the bar with a disappointed glare. “She’s just coming on stage now.... Bit of a pity you’re into girls… I could have shown you a real good time when I knock off sugar,” he said with a wink.

  Discussed she glanced his way before wandering over to one of the empty barstools by the stage.

  The female danced around the pole a couple of times before she wrapped one leg around it, spun upside down and did some kind of acrobat style split that Blake never cared to see again in her entire life.

  The four overly intoxicated males bellowed one by one for the stripper to take her garments off, which she did. The small bikini top flung off in the direction of the back stage with her very large white breasts bouncing as she performed her routine to the music.

  Blake definitely had her attention when she waved a hundred dollar bill in her direction, because she couldn’t get in her face fast enough. Candy grabbed the note and shoved into the side of her panties. Worked like a charm, Blake boasted.

  “I don’t really do chicks, but for a hundred sweetie I’m all yours,” the girl whispered as she bared her breasts in Blake’s surprised face.

  The crowd cheered with interest, “take it all off baby! One man yelled.

  “Come on… let us see some one on one chick action!” another shouted.

  The music stopped and the woman leaned in to say, “I’ll be back in a jiffy, meet me in the back room where we can have some privacy.” She winked and seductively wobbled her ass cheeks as she left the stage.

  Five minutes are up where are you Harry? Blake thought as she glanced at her watch and then back at the front entrance.

  Harry finally entered and headed towards a table at the back of the club where it was obscure.


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