Mated to the Alpha Next Door: M/M Alpha/Omega Mpreg (The Alpha's Next Door Book 1)

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Mated to the Alpha Next Door: M/M Alpha/Omega Mpreg (The Alpha's Next Door Book 1) Page 1

by Penny Bloom


  Mated To The Alpha Next Door

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  About the Author

  Mated To The Alpha Next Door

  Mated To The Alpha Wolf Next Door

  Penny Bloom

  Copyright Penny Bloom

  All rights reserved.

  This is a romance intended for adults!

  Chapter One


  There was one problem with me.

  I was an Omega without an Alpha. No matter what it took, I was going to stay that way.

  The music to the club bounced the whole building with gentle thudding. We had a one way window that we could look out of and pick out who to dance with. Some of the dancers here already had their favorites, but me? I was the new Omega stripper on the block and I wasn't too keen on lap dancing it up on some sweaty Alpha.

  "Hey, Ivan," called out one of my fellow dancers, his name was Ethan and he was an Omega himself. "You know someone wants you to dance for them."

  "One of these Alphas?" I pointed towards the window, frowning.

  It was a high paying job, but the smell of pheromones, testosterones, and alcohol mixed together grew quite old.

  "Yep, but not just any Alpha, that Alpha," he said, pointing to the main table in the back. There sat an Alpha that looked bigger than the rest. His sharp stare at the dancers made me shiver. Eww, no, but my new condo didn't really allow for me to say no. The rent there was steep, but so fucking worth it.

  "Does he have deep pockets?" I asked Ethan, propping myself onto a nearby stool.

  "Very, very deep pockets. He doesn't do dollar bills, Ivy."

  Huh, deep pockets huh? Interesting. Maybe I could write this off as a little fun so I didn't get too grossed out. I glanced in the mirror and made sure my face, lips, and hair were on par.

  "Fine, I'll take care of him."

  I slunk down the stairs and emerged onto the main stage. A couple of front and back flips later, I grabbed onto the pole and swung myself around like a silk scarf drifting in water.

  The whole club went quiet and the intense burn of so many Alpha's eyes on me made me shiver with confidence.

  Yes, empty your wallets you pathetic scum. That was the only joy I got out of this job. Alphas never embraced monogamy, I learned that the hard way. The only thing they had that I needed wasn't their dick or baby making paste, it was their money, and that only.

  In the back of the club, my eyes caught the Alpha that wanted my dancing. His body was restless, he downed a shot and growled my way. The scent of his wolf lingered by my nose, telling me it wanted me.

  Yeah, keep dreaming buckaroo. It wasn't happening. Though, he was going to spend a lot of money.

  I melted off of the pole and made my way back to his table.

  "Interesting, an empty VIP table. Where are the rest of your Omegas?"

  "I only want you dancing on this table," he growled, taking another sip of his whiskey.

  The VIP tables in Club Halo were equipped with their own poles for a personal experience.

  The alpha closed the black silk curtains around us, and I hopped onto his table. I took the rest of his whiskey and pushed him back further into his seat with the heel of my knee-high latex boots.

  Damn, he had some muscles on him.

  I crawled my way up the pole and did a few tricks for him.

  "You're beautiful," he said in drunken awe. His scent had begun to bother me now.

  It was strong, grabbing me by the heat. This was becoming too dangerous. Each brush of his skin when he stashed money in my thong sparked a primal urge in me to mate. My heat wasn't due for another three weeks. What the hell was going on?

  I didn't even notice that I allowed him to touch me for extended periods of time. I didn't even notice I was now giving him a lap dance with lots of grinding.

  The Alpha bent his head down to the crook of my neck and sniffed in my scent from my scent glands. He doused his nose with my pheromones and I gasped.

  What the fuck was happening?

  I pushed him back and scrambled over across the table.

  He had filled me up with hundred dollar bills and his scent. This wasn't an ordinary Alpha.

  "Who are you?! You're not the average Alpha."

  "I'm Jack Kalmin of the Kalmin Pack--"

  "And Kalmin construction! Huh, a head Alpha, how interesting. Thanks for the cash, Jack." I hopped off his table and stumbled out of the curtains.


  "You're leaving already? We have three more hours left!" Ethan chided, sitting next to me while I had my head on my makeup table.

  "I hate being an Omega. Always having to deal with this scent or that. This heat medicine or that dildo. Ugh, can't these things go away?" I asked Ethan, picking myself up to set aside my club dues.

  "I know what you mean, Ivy. Don't let it get you down though. You're a head strong Omega."

  Yeah, I guess he was right. But temptation came all too easy, even after I had my heart stomped on.

  I grabbed my small bag with my heels and lingerie and left through our secret exit.

  My red BMW was parked in the front amongst the customer's cars in the front where the lights were. The Alpha that I was dancing for kept lingering in my mind.

  "Do you need a ride home?" a deep voice asked.

  It was him, Jack Kalmin.

  "No, I don't. I have my own car. Bye," I said, opening my car door and closing myself inside. I sped off and saw him reflected in my rear view window.


  The lights that bordered the glass condo building I lived at brought me some relief. My luxury condo, with amenities up the wazoo was waiting for me to come and sleep.

  Tomorrow was my day off too. I could fully enjoy my condo now. I pulled into the garage and noticed a nice Aston Martin pull in behind me.

  I had a parking space reserved right next to the elevator and threw my car there so I could hurry and sleep off this irritation Jack gave me.

  When the elevator opened, I got inside and turned to push the button to the sixth floor. When I happened to look up I saw Jack, sauntering to the elevator.

  *Fuck! What the hell? He followed me!*

  I pushed the emergency close button and threw myself to the side. I took out my phone, and the battery was dead. Great. Just fucking great.

  The elevator stopped and opened its doors. I forgot that I was going to my floor. I got up and looked up and down the hallways. Clear.

  I wiped the sweat off my forehead and raked my fingers through my hair.

  *Stop worrying, be calm, you're safe now.*

  I began walking to my door and one of the elevators opened again.

  It was Jack again, his eyes set on me like a hungry wolf. Well I wasn't some easy Omega dessert ready to be served on a silver platter. I took out the mace from my bag and aimed it at him.

  "What the actual fuck are you doing?! Why're you following me?!"

  I had the mace in my hands as if I were holding a gun. Jack cocked an eyebrow and chuckled.

  "This isn't fucking funny," I hissed. Wolves, they were cocky little bastards sometimes.

  "I don't need to follow you. I live here. Right across the hall from you," he explained.

  Before I could get my head on straight from inhaling his scent, he took the mace out of my hands and dropped it into my bag.

  "I've never seen you before!" I snapped.

hapter Two


  "You're new here. I usually keep myself busy during the day with work on our construction sites," I explained.

  It irked me that I had to explain myself to an Omega. But then again, I could understand the alarm of someone following you.

  "Fine, just stay over there and I'll stay over here. I'm not one of those Omegas you can push your doggy scent around and bed."

  He turned to his door and fumbled with his keys to unlock it.

  I took out my keys and went inside. I needed my rest, but that feisty little Omega wouldn't leave my mind.

  Sex with him would be interesting. Sex and nothing else. I had my policies too. Omegas weren't the submissive creatures people made them out to be. They just sought out the next Alpha with the biggest cock and rudest attitude.

  I took a shower and smelled a hint of his cologne rise off of me. I inhaled the scent in as if it were damn near edible. He smelled of mint and lemon.


  The next day I spent hammering away at wood and drilling metal. Many of my family members kept asking me if something was wrong, but instead of a rational response I growled at them and told them to leave me alone.

  The more I thought about him the more I couldn’t keep my concentration straight.

  It had begun to rain and soon I was the only man pounding at metal beams and measuring corners.

  “Jack, don’t be crazy, you’re going to be sick! Get down from there!” my younger sister Wendy shouted from the ground. I was three floors in the air working on a new apartment development and I needed all the distraction I could get. I needed my head on straight, but kept thinking about him… Ivan.

  I found out minor details about him this morning, hoping that it would satisfy my curiosity with him. But… it didn’t. It made it stronger.

  His name was Ivan Bajsci (Bye-chee). He was living by himself, renting a two bedroom condo.

  A strike of lightning close-by jolted me out of my mindless banging around. I climbed down and jogged into my truck. There was a tickle in my nose and I had begun to sneeze.

  God, not this.

  But maybe a cold was what I needed to get this Omega out of my damn mind.

  I started the truck and headed home. My phone blew up with missed calls and texts, but I ignored them. I wish I could ignore the other thoughts in my mind so easily.

  It had been two years since I met an Omega that had caught my interest.

  And when something caught my interest, it didn’t lose it unless there was a good damn reason for it.

  The reason should’ve been obvious. He was an Omega.

  But that wasn’t good enough for my mind.


  I finally made it to my floor where I coughed and sneezed violently down the hallway. It was like I was barking down the hallway like an obnoxious dog. A warm bath would help this go away.

  *And maybe another one of his dances would help too? Fuck, see? This is why you should’ve never asked that dancer to tell him to dance for you. Omegas are bad news, get him the hell out of your—*

  “Hey!” yelled Ivan, lunging out his door. “Do you mind? I was taking a nap! It’s bad enough you’re a dog, you don’t need to sound like one too!”

  Before I could respond, I sneezed and accidentally shifted into my wolf form. I was a white and dark gray wolf with a fluffy tail and hetero chromia that made one eye green and one eye blue.

  My keys fell next to me as well as my utility belt and phone. Ivan leaned on his door and sighed.

  “Oh my god. Alphas are so helpless sometimes.”

  “I didn’t ask to shift just now. Wanna help me open up this door, Omega?”

  He narrowed his eyes. “I have a name. It’s Ivan.”

  Ivan bent down to get my stuff off of the floor and opened my door with my keys. I leapt inside and pounded down on my couch.

  I sneezed a few times and fell on the floor from the force of my sneezes.

  “God, you’re going to be so loud coughing and sneezing like this. Do you have any medicine?”

  I used my paw and wiped my nose. “Yes, it’s Altrox. I’ll get it—”

  “What?! Are you crazy? That’s dangerous medicine. I can’t believe—well, I can believe. Alphas always think they are the exception to the rules. Stay put, let me get something.”

  He marched back to his apartment and came back with a few ingredients.

  “What’s that?”

  “The key to my silence and good rest. I’m making you a small soup that will make you well.”

  *Hmph, how dare he act dominant over me like this. I’m the Alpha here. Not the other way around.*

  He banged around my kitchen and I paced around the living room. I hadn’t been in my wolf form for a while and it needed a good stretching out.

  Unfortunately that came with a price; my inner wolf woke up too.

  **What is that scent I smell?! I must have it!** my inner wolf growled.

  *Calm down, it’s just some arrogant Omega in the kitchen trying to drug me so I can sleep through my cold.*

  **Drug you? And you’re going to let that happen? You fool! That’s your mate!**

  I sat back down on my couch while Ivan still bustled around the kitchen. He moved around in it as if it were his.

  *He’s not my mate. Do you remember what happened last time? The Omega left me high and—*

  **Listen, you hard headed mutt. I didn’t like that Omega skank in the first place. Don’t act like you weren’t warned.**

  I sighed. Fucking inner wolf. Why the hell did I have to have one, anyway. As if shifting uncontrollably during colds weren’t enough.

  Ivan sashayed out of the kitchen, his robe sloped to the side, showing off one of his creamy shoulders.

  **Fuck, look at that! You can’t tell that’s your mate?!**


  Ivan put down a bowl of soup on the wooden coffee table in front of me and crossed his arms.

  “Go ahead, eat.”

  “No, I’ll end up messing my table up. You can leave. I’ll be fine.”

  Ivan rolled his eyes and dove back into the kitchen.

  He returned with a huge spoon in hand and plopped down next to me.

  **His scent. Can’t you tell? He likes you too. But won’t admit it.**

  *Shut up. Omegas aren’t faithful!*

  **I guess so if they smell like a thousand fucking alphas!**

  I began to growl and Ivan cocked an eyebrow.

  “What the hell’re you growling about?”

  I stopped growling and noticed the spoon full of soup in front of my muzzle. He can cook. That wasn’t the smell of an amateur soup. I sniffed and opened my mouth.

  “Whatever,” Ivan said, dumping the soup down my throat.

  **Damn what is that you’re eating? I feel really good.**


  **You really are hard headed sometimes.**

  My inner wolf was correct though. The soup was phenomenal. My body tingled with healing and the next thing I knew, I felt the power to shift back into my human form.

  Only drawback? I was butt ass naked.

  “Good god!” Ivan yelped, jumping off of the couch.

  He was probably more surprised at the size of my cock than the overall look of my body.

  Without a word, I got up and reached for my clothes he dumped by the couch.

  Ivan stood there by the wall staring.

  “Aren’t you going to run, Omega?”

  “It’s Ivan, and no, I’m not! I don’t run from Alphas, they run from m-me!” he stuttered.

  **He’s into you. Claim him, now!** my inner wolf urged.

  *What if I’m making a bad mistake?*

  **See for yourself. Smell his scent one more time.**

  Was that the reason I couldn’t get him off my mind?

  “What’re you staring at?” Ivan asked, pulling his robe together.

  I went over to my gym equipment, sat down and began to lift some weights.

an sighed and stomped over to me.

  “What’re you doing? You need to rest! Don’t make all my hard work for noth—”

  My inner wolf was right, I couldn’t ignore it any longer. It pulled at every fiber in my body.

  Ivan tried to take the weight out of my hand. Funny, this was two hundred pounds of steel he couldn’t hold.

  I sat my weights down and grabbed the back of his neck. That kiss sure did quiet him down.

  *He’s pounding my chest.*

  **He isn’t pushing you either. Is that a kiss he’s giving you?**

  *Well he is pushing his lips into mine too.*

  **Then he’s kissing you, idiot.**

  Soon Ivan stopped beating my chest and melted further into our kiss. He couldn’t deny it either. That’s why he came over here.

  I broke our kiss, and he gasped.

  “How d-dare you!”

  Chapter Three


  He was kissing me and I… not only did I let him, I kissed him back. The good mind I had slipped from under me and I indulged in his kiss.

  It felt so good. But I couldn’t tell him that. He’d take advantage of me, and it’d be three years ago all over again.

  “You kissed me back.”

  “You barbarian! I did not,” I shouted.

  Why the hell was I standing here? This wasn’t my apartment. I whipped around and bolted for the door, Jack caught me and pinned me against the wall.

  “Tell me why such a beautiful Omega like you isn’t mated already?” God, his scent was choking me. My body betrayed my mind. It loved the weight of his massive Alpha body against mine.

  My lips quivered with the truth. I might as well have said something or else he’d keep me pinned here.

  “Three years ago I had a so-called mate. One day I found him in our bed—ours—and he had not one, not two, but three Omegas in there with him. I saw him, yet he didn’t blink twice when I walked in and saw him. That is why I don’t do Alphas. That’s all you want is an endless supply of ass!”

  “Well I could say the same for Omegas. Instead they want endless supply of dominant cock,” he snarled.


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