CEO in the Sand

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CEO in the Sand Page 9

by Summer Wynter

  “This is the new life you’re loving so much? I was walking around the beach, feeling guilty for everything that happened and I came upon you, alone on the beach, staring off into space.”

  “Who do you think you are telling me what I should do with my life?” She yelled again, glaring at him. “This whole week is the first time I was enjoying myself. And you know why? Because I was finally away from everyone and everything that was bringing me down. Now you expect me to go back home? No Jax, this is my home now. This is where I belong.”

  “This is where you belong?” He repeated back to her. “Alone, no friends or family around. You have people who love you back in New York. Morgan, your best friend even came with me because we were worried where you went. She’s here right now and wants you back home.”

  He saw the realization cross her face. “I love you, Stacey. I know you don’t believe me, but I do love you.”

  Stacey shook her head. “I’m not going back. You can go back and tell Morgan that too. I am staying here. And I want you to leave, Jax.”

  “Well then we have a serious problem,” he said, just as stubbornly. “Because I’m not leaving Florida without you.”

  “Do I seriously have to threaten you with another harassment charge?” Stacey said, disgusted.

  “No. You just need to listen to me when I say that this isn’t worth running away from, Stacey! I told you this can all be fixed because it can! And it will. There’s no reason to stay here. And hell, let’s say you really are loving your time here, fine! You want to stay here? Then I guess I’m moving here to be with you.”

  “You can’t just do that,” Stacey insisted.

  “I thought we were making our own choices, here,” Jax said.

  “You have your business to take care of back home!”

  “My business means nothing to me if I don’t have you.”

  He expected another comeback but one never came. Silence spread between them as she searched his face for something.

  Jax took a breath and eased his tone, “So now, what do you say? Are you going to come back home with me or am I going to make my new home here with you?”

  Chapter 14

  Stacey broke down in tears, she couldn’t answer. She didn’t know what she wanted. Never did she expect Jax to find her or to give up his life for her. She felt Jax’s arms wrap around her body.

  “Stacey, what is it?” he asked in a soothing tone. “I hate to see you cry. You don’t have to answer me now if you don’t want to. But I need you to understand that everything I’m saying to you is the truth. I thought I knew what love was, but then you came into my life. And now… I can’t imagine it without you. I’d give anything to be back in yours.” He gently stroked her hair as she wiped at her eyes. “I am willing to move here. I can always work in my company away from the city.”

  “That’s not it,” Stacey shook her head. “I can’t answer because I don’t know what it is that I want. I thought getting as far away as possible from the city was what I wanted. But now you’re here, and I don’t know if I made the right decision.”

  “That’s okay,” he said. “That is why I’m here. Do you think you’ll be happy living here in Florida for the rest of your life? Or do you think that you belong back in New York City with everyone you love? ”

  “Jax, I really don’t know right now. This past week has been so stress-free. It was the first time in ages that I was able to relax. If I go back with you, that’ll be gone.”

  “Who says that has to happen?” he asked. “Stacey, I know how your boss treated you and it hurts me that she wouldn’t even listen to your story. I told you, I will make it so you’d never have to work again.” He looked around; how calm it was sitting on the beach.

  “Why did you come back here?” he mumbled.

  “What did you say?”

  “I was just wondering. Out of all the places you could’ve run off to, why did you choose Florida? Why this particular spot on the beach? This is where we found each other again. I would think that you would’ve gone to a place that had no memory of me.” Jax was silent for a few moments. “Unless, you don’t want to erase me from your memory entirely.”

  “That’s not true!”

  “No? Then tell me right now why did you come here to the one place that holds great memories for us? I know that if someone got me mad and made me question my life, I wouldn’t go to a place that had memories of that person. There has to be a reason why you chose this place of all the ones you could go to.”

  Stacey felt more tears fall. “There is a reason I chose this place. Because it was the last time I felt extremely happy in my life.”

  “The last time you felt happy?” he searched her face. “Then you do still want to be with me, don’t you? Stacey, why are you fighting the truth?”

  “I’m not fighting the truth, Jax,” Stacey wiped her eyes. “If I was, then I would tell you to go home without me. But I can’t tell you that, not right now. I’m afraid that if I do go back, all the happiness I felt here is going to disappear. I don’t want that. I don’t want to lose this feeling.”

  “Who’s to say that you won’t be happy if you come back home to me?” Jax didn’t want to force her to feel that she needed to go back home, but he didn’t want to return without her. He hoped she would hear him out.

  “Because every time I’m happy with you, something always happens to ruin what we have. First time I found out you were married and you were stringing me along. Now, tabloids are making me out to be a homewrecker when I wasn’t. It all goes back to you lying to me in the first place.”

  Jax knew the damage he had done to the relationship; the distrust Stacey had. “I’m sorry, Stacey. I am sorry I ever lied to you back then. I was wrong and I know it. But it never meant that my love for you wasn’t real. Because I truly loved you! You don’t think you’ll be happy again if you come home with me? I promise you that you will always feel happy. I will never let anyone hurt you ever again. I give you my word on all this.”

  “How am I supposed to believe you?”

  “I know I never gave you a reason to believe me in the past. But that’s over with. That was my old life and I know I betrayed and hurt you that day. But this is a new me and a new chapter in my life. You can trust me to never hurt you again. Your happiness is my happiness. So please, look deep down into your heart and tell me what your decision is.”

  Stacey’s tears stopped falling. One look into Jax’s eyes, she knew he was being sincere. “Jax, I do love you,” she said in a broken voice. “More than anything. I was happy that we found each other here that weekend. I wouldn’t change that for the world. The three years we were apart, I was a mess. I refused to get into a committed relationship and dated different guys. But none could compared to you.”

  Jax gave a small smile. “Stacey, are you trying to say…”

  Stacey smiled as she cut off Jax. “Yes, Jax. I’m saying that I’ll go back to New York with you.”

  Chapter 15

  Morgan and Nick finished making a plan to go talk to Stacey. It was a plan that Morgan felt was fool-proof. She’d have Stacey wanting to come back to New York in no time. She hated to admit it, but she now believed that Jax and Stacey belonged together.

  “Nick, I just realized Jax’s been gone a long time,” Morgan said, looking at the clock.

  “You’re right. He’s had more than enough time to cool off. This is longer than I meant.”

  They tried his cell phone, again, to no answer.

  “Try the lobby perhaps?”

  The lobby was empty, except for the clerk at the desk. “Excuse me,” Morgan asked the man as he looked up from his computer. “Did you by any chance see the guy I came in here with earlier?”

  “I think he left. He looked pretty mad. He hasn’t been back since.”

  This worried Morgan. Jax took off and it could ruin the plan she and Nick had to get Stacey back. She thanked the clerk before going over to Nick.

  “We have a pro
blem. Jax’s not here.”

  Nick nodded. “I heard what he said. It’s only been an hour or so, I don’t think he got that far.”

  “Nick, he is determined to get Stacey to come home with us. He could be anywhere at this point!” Morgan panicked. “He was mad we were taking time to think up a plan. Who knows where he can be now? Now we have to try to find him along with Stacey.”

  Morgan wouldn’t be any help if she acted like a nervous wreck. Nick put his hand on her shoulder, trying to calm her down. “Morgan, relax. I don’t need you to be panicking at a time like this. It won’t help us find them.”

  “We’re going to need to find Jax on top of this too.”

  “No Morgan, we won’t. Because I know Jax, and I have a feeling I know exactly where he is.”

  Morgan looked hopeful that Nick knew where they could find both Jax and Stacey. “You know where he is? I hope he isn’t going to ruin our plan.”

  “Which is why we’ll need to get there as soon as we can. Come on, let’s go. My car is parked in the back lot.”

  Morgan ran, trying to keep up with Nick. “Where are we going?”

  “Morgan, think about it, where’s the one place you think that Jax would go if it meant he’d find Stacey there?”

  Morgan thought about it. Then she remembered the last thing they discussed before he left the motel. “The beach! You think he went over to talk to Stacey without us?”

  “I can almost guaranteed that he did just that.” Nick sped through the speed limit signs. He had to get to the beach in time before Jax found Stacey. If he jumped down her throat and tried to force her back to New York, Stacey would probably run off to another state soon. He pulled into a parking spot near the beach as he and Morgan ran out of the car.

  “Come on!” Morgan said running to the beach. The two searched until they saw two people sitting on a blanket, staring out into the cooling colors of the late sunset. “Nick, I think I found them!”

  “Morgan?” Stacey said hearing her voice.

  “What’s that?” Jax turned. There was no way Nick and Morgan would be able to know he came to the beach.

  “I thought I heard Morgan’s voice.” She turned around and saw Morgan standing with a strange man. “Well that looks like Morgan but that isn’t Ivan with her.”

  Jax turned to see where Stacey was looking. “That’s Nick, the private investigator I hired to find you.”

  “He must be good at his job because I never saw anyone that looked like him following me around,” Stacey laughed.

  Morgan and Nick walked closer and seeing Stacey, Morgan ran over to her. “Stacey! I thought I was never going to see you again!” She hugged Stacey tightly. “I was so worried about you.”

  “Morgan, I’m so sorry for everything.”

  “Wait, why are you apologizing? You didn’t do anything wrong.”

  “I ran off without telling you where I was going. And I’m so sorry I made you worry. Jax told me how upset you’ve been since I left. I knew it wasn’t right to take off like that, but I wasn’t thinking clearly. And at the time this seemed to be the best decision.”

  “I’m just so glad you are safe,” Morgan cried. “Wait, what do you mean at the time coming here seemed to be the best decision?” She glared over at Jax, hoping whatever he said to Stacey didn’t make her want to stay in Florida.

  “I mean that while a week ago all I wanted was to just start a new life with nothing from my old one, today I realize I need NYC and my friends. Talking to Jax, it made me realize that back home is where I belong. That’s where my friends and family are. The people who love me,” she smiled at Jax.

  “So then,” Morgan looked between them, “Does this mean that you’re coming back with us?”

  “That’s actually something else we discussed. I am going to go back home to New York, but right now Jax and I need time for ourselves. Time to officially be a couple before returning home. We’re going to stay here for the rest of the week and have a vacation, then we’re going to come back.”

  Chapter 16

  After a week of relaxing on the beach, Stacey and Jax were ready to finally start their new life in New York as a couple. Jax kept his promise and did damage control with the tabloids. It was a struggle, as he said it might be. The article writers were quick to look for new spins in their favor, but Jax was persistent and had a lot or good people in his corner. Gradually, they were winning. For the first time, Stacey felt that her life was going in the right direction.

  Florida was a special place for them. Twice, the beach brought the two of them together where they professed their love for each other. Before leaving, Jax surprised Stacey by buying a beach house for them to go to whenever they wanted a vacation. Stacey smiled to herself. At last, it seemed like everything was falling into place.

  Jax went with Stacey to her apartment with another surprise. “I’m really glad I didn’t take everything with me,” she said. “I would’ve had to bring everything back when you found me.” Stacey laughed at the idea.

  “Stacey, I’ve been thinking of this since we were in Florida together. We had such a great time pretty much living together in the room you had, that I wish it was more permanent. You know, our living arrangements.”

  “What do you mean? We don’t live that far from each other and you can stay here anytime you want.”

  “Well,” he cocked his head playfully, “That’s one option. But how about us living together?” He took a key out of his pocket. “That’s why I got this made for you.”

  “Jax is that a key to your apartment?”

  “It sure is. I got a copy made for you to move in with me. Stacey, I was serious when I promised to keep you safe and love you forever. Will you do me the honor of moving in with me?”

  “I… I don’t know what to say. But yes, Jax! Yes, I would love to move in with you.” She wrapped her arms around his neck and hugged him tight. “But are you willing to help me bring all of this stuff to your place?”

  Jax laughed, “It would be my pleasure to help you move in.” He rocked her a bit from side to side, relishing the feeling of having her back again. Now he knew what pure happiness was; it was her. It was her happiness. And it was her happiness sharing her life with him. He knew he was truly blessed to have been given a third chance. He had no intention what so ever of taking it for granted. He made a promise to her that he would always take care of her for the rest of their lives. Stacey was his dream woman and he would do everything he could to remind her of that. He’d never leave her reason to doubt him again. Never let her feel regret.

  Jax smiled to himself. The only thing he regretted was that he hadn’t met her earlier in his life.

  Books by Summer Wynter



  Teach Me

  Alone with the Best Friend

  Ace in the Hole

  Hot and Ready Vol. 1

  CEO in the Sand

  I’m just your normal, everyday woman who can’t get enough out of life. When it comes to writing, I enjoy stories about couples who just can’t say no, even when life says that they should.

  Come get passionate with me and see where my dirty little mind can take you.


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