Bride of Dragons (The Dragon's Virgin Tribute)

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Bride of Dragons (The Dragon's Virgin Tribute) Page 3

by Madelene Martin

  It felt as though he were teasing her, taking his time, making her shiver and whimper. She cursed him silently, cursed her own traitorous body, hating him even as she wanted him. She rocked her hips and moaned.

  She felt his cock pushing at her entrance, and this time he gave no warning; he thrust inside her as though unable to wait any longer.

  Ylissa felt searing pain. She cried out, and bucked her body. But hands held her still - three pairs of hands. The Prince did not stop. He moaned in pleasure, grinding his hips against hers as he hilted himself deep inside her.

  Tears stung Ylissa's eyes. Then he withdrew, and the pain receded; returned as he filled her again. He was oblivious to her discomfort, thrusting again, and again, moving faster, his hands gripping her hips. His huge member stretched her, filled her completely.

  But the pain was less and less with each movement, and suddenly she felt her pleasure mounting again. The Prince seemed to give no more concern to her pleasure than to her pain, only continued to steadily pump in and out. His breath grew ragged and he between his moans he murmured words she could not understand.

  A hand reached out for her, cupping her jaw and tilting her head. She opened her eyes, hair hanging in front of her face. Thress was there, his cock in his hand, slick and throbbing. Without a word he pressed it to her mouth.

  She did not know what he wanted, but he forced it between her open lips. "Suck." He said, his steely eyes on hers.

  Ylissa opened her lips wide to take in Thress' member. He was not as large as the Prince, but thick enough that she had trouble stretching her mouth around him. She moaned, rocked by the Prince's thrusts, unwilling bliss taking her over. Thress pumped his hips slightly, directing his cock as she did her best to contain him in her mouth. He grabbed her by the back of the head, fingers tangling in her hair, and forced her to take him deeper.

  The three of them rocked together. The Prince pounded into her, moving faster and faster. Ylissa moaned around Thress' cock, and he threw his head back in pleasure. Instinctively she lapped at him, her wet tongue exploring his throbbing phallus. Her every movement caused him to make sounds of pleasure.

  The moans from the two men set off something primal in her. Ylissa's body responded to it without her mind's consent. Her hands clutched and clawed at the mattress under her, her body taut and thrumming with pleasure. There was a light feeling in her chest, that just kept rising and rising. It was building to something, but what she did not know - only that she wanted it to continue.

  Suddenly, the Prince let out a loud groan. He clutched her hard, and began to move erratically, his hips pounding against hers. He tensed, pressed hard against her and deep inside her. He roared. His body shuddered, and Ylissa felt his cock throb and spasm as his hot fluid jetted into her, coating her inner walls.

  He thrust once more, twice, spending more of his seed inside her. Then she felt him relax, and slow his movements. Finally, he withdrew from her.

  Ylissa whimpered, moving her mouth away from Thress' organ. She felt empty, and terribly unfulfilled. Her body ached for more - was right there on the edge of something. She needed more.

  But he let her go, and weakly, she collapsed on the bed. Hands took hold of her, and gently rolled her over. Vaermax settled next to her. He smiled, and bent to kiss her, claiming her open lips as he brought a hand up to stroke her body. She closed her eyes, melting into his touch.

  Thress grabbed her legs, and wrenched them open. She felt the cool air on her thighs, as the Prince's seed leaked out of her. She opened her eyes and tried to look down, but Vaermax grabbed her jaw again and made her look at him instead.

  He was close, very close, his dark eyes locked on hers, that half-smile turning up the corner of his full lips. He kissed her again.

  She gasped into Vaermax's mouth as Thress grabbed her, his hands coming under her to cup her ass. Then she felt him press against her sex, the tip of his cock at her slippery entrance. He didn't wait, but slid inside her in one quick thrust.

  She felt pain, but it was faint and far away. Thress lifted her hips slightly as he moved, pressing his body over hers, rocking against her as he filled her. His claws dug into her skin. "So... wet," he growled.

  Her body quickly reacted, as though it had been in a state of waiting. Immediately she was seized by intense pleasure. She moaned again, her tongue wrapped with Vaermax's, his mouth firmly against hers. Then for a moment, Vaermax broke away. His lips lingered on hers, and he spoke to her, so close that only she could hear. "Not yet." He said. "Not yet." He stroked her jaw with the tip of one claw. He trailed it down over her collarbone. She stared at his lips, uncomprehending.

  Thress made an animal grunt. He thrust wildly, holding her legs higher and pushing more of his weight down on her. His organ reached further inside her, hitting some deep place that threatened to overwhelm her with sensation. Ylissa whimpered as he grabbed her breasts, mauling them in his palms as he fucked her.

  Vaermax distracted her with soft heated kisses, nibbling her lips and sucking on her tongue. She moaned into his mouth, returning his kiss with breathless urgency.

  Thress grunted with each thrust. Then suddenly, he cried out. His body tensed and stilled. He shuddered as he spilled his seed, the hot fluid leaking from her as he withdrew and rubbed it over her sex, making guttural sounds of pleasure. Then he released her, and got up, leaving her trembling with need.

  She was flat on her back on the bed, finally able to move, but she didn't want to. Her skin burned, she hummed with energy, her hips writhed on the bed. She was vaguely aware of the men standing by her, looking at her, saying something quietly to each other. Ylissa pulled at her chains and heard them rattle..

  Vaermax stretched out beside her, one leg twining in hers, entrapping it. His hand lightly traced a pattern on her stomach as he bent to kiss her teasingly. She looked at him, her lips open, breathless. Wordlessly pleading - for something, anything.

  His manhood was pushing against her hip, hard and ready. She ached for it, and hated herself for it. Why did he not just get on with it?

  But he moved his fingers down over her body, and began to stroke her sex. Her swollen, sensitive flesh cried out with overwhelming sensation at his first touch and her body arched under his hands. He found her center of pleasure and toyed with it, making her breath come in little gasps.

  She was close again, close to that precipice she strained to reach. Moaning, she strained to kiss him, to feel his tongue against hers, let their breath mingle. He obliged, fingers still teasing her. His kiss was hot and carried an urgency of its own, barely restrained.

  Ylissa twisted, locking her body to his, longing for her hands to be free so she could grab him. He responded with a moan, and suddenly broke away from her mouth.

  She cried out with frustration, but Vaermax's hands seized her and pushed her flat on the bed as he knelt between her legs. He pushed her thighs apart and she gratefully wrapped them around him as he pressed himself against her. His cock strained at her sex, and she tried to pull him closer, pull him in.

  He looked down at her for a moment, and smiled, and lowered himself onto her slowly. Almost too slowly for her liking. He was teasing her, the arrogant bastard. Ylissa felt a strange animal feeling rise in her, and she gave into it, snarling at him and baring her teeth.

  He entered her, slowly, sinking the considerable length of his cock deep inside her. His lips nibbled hers, pulling away when she tried to respond in kind, just out of her reach. He stayed still for a moment, with their hips locked together, seeming to revel in the intimate contact.

  Ylissa writhed under him, anxious for release. She rocked her hips, seeking to move him inside her, wanting that delicious friction. She was pleased when he gave a shuddering breath, and moaned, and began to move.

  She kept her legs tightly wrapped around him, locking him to her. They moved together, breathed together. He kissed her neck, opened his mouth and bit down on her skin. She growled, not knowing where the sound came from. Vaermax
ignored it, fastening his teeth on her flesh, his tongue darting against her skin. He thrust harder and harder into her, knocking the breath from her with each movement.

  Ylissa yanked at her chains. Her body tensed. She threw her head back. Pleasure suffused her. Any moment now...

  But something was wrong. Her vision blurred and her skin erupted with heat, feeling as though it were on fire. She thrashed, and Vaermax held her down with his strong hands.

  He murmured in her ear. "It's alright. Let it happen."

  She moaned.

  "Now." He said, his voice hoarse. His breath was hot on her neck. "Come for me now. Do it."

  There was something about the raw desire in his voice; the way he commanded her. No one had ever talked to her like that. He wrapped his hand in her hair and held her there.

  She cried out, again and again as she plummeted over the edge. She was aware of Vaermax's soft voice, his moans in her ear, mumbled words of praise. Waves of pleasure rolled over her, quenching her fire. She shuddered again and again, gasping for breath.

  Her lover groaned loudly, and she squeezed him tighter with her thighs. He thrust hard, eratticaly, then his whole body went tense as his fluid jetted inside her. She felt it, hot and wet. His cock throbbed, spurting again and again. He buried his face against her neck and kissed her. Then he relaxed, breathing heavily.

  She would have been content to stay there, wrapped in his arms. But Ylissa paused for only a moment, before she suddenly began to thrash, trying to shake him off.

  He stroked her hair. "Yes, my Queen," he murmured. "That's it." His cock still twitched inside her.

  "What is happening?" Thress stood somewhere near, but his voice sounded distant.

  Her skin felt alive, prickling almost painfully. There was a line of pain down her spine, as though something had cut her. It felt as though her hair was standing on end. But strangest of all, she felt no fear now. Only power, and some kind of primal ecstasy.

  Vaermax disentangled himself from her, getting off the bed. He fumbled at her chains. "It's time." He said.

  "Now, already?"

  They continued talking, but their words lost meaning. She had to break out, get out. How dare they stop her? She roared with rage and writhed on the bed, straining at her bonds.

  Then, her hands were free.

  She leaped from the bed and lunged at the nearest person, which was Vaermax. Her teeth bared in a snarl, she snapped at him once. He held his hands up in a placating gesture, and with some difficulty, Ylissa turned away from him. She saw the balcony and ran to it, flinging open the doors.

  For a moment she stood still, letting the breeze cool her naked, burning skin. Breathing deeply, she closed her eyes and lifted her face into the wind.

  She glowed with heat from the inside out. She felt like she might be capable of anything right at that moment. Invincible.

  "Leave me." She commanded. Her voice didn't sound like her own - or rather, it sounded like more than her own.

  They argued, and protested - Lord Thress and the Prince did not want to leave. But Vaermax persuaded them.

  She waited with some difficulty, until they had dressed and left. The heavy door thudded closed.

  Every inch of her skin tingled and hummed. Her spine still burned. She looked out, down the sheer drop beneath the castle, over the rocky cliffs below, and beyond. The grasslands stretching to the horizon - the fields where the people farmed.

  She lifted her head and stared at the sky. It seemed as though she could see colors she'd never known existed. She could see swirling patterns in the air, moving and shifting above, and she knew instinctively what they were. It was beautiful.

  Ylissa pulled herself up onto the stone railing. She crouched for a moment, then slowly stood to her full height. She had no trouble balancing despite the narrow edge. She knew instinctively what to do.

  Smiling gleefully, she stretched her arms wide and let the breeze cool her hot skin. The power thrummed through her. For the first time in her life she felt as though she could do something - be something.

  Without fear, she leaped.

  The wings sprouted easily from her body, catching the air. Her skin turned to scale, her body transforming in an instant. Small and lithe but with impossible strength, her dragon form - her true form - effortlessly navigated the currents and winds far above the rocky cliffs.


  When she finally returned, it was dark. There was a crowd of people in her rooms, arguing and talking. The atmosphere was one of uncertain, anxious waiting.

  Ylissa lighted on the balcony, and roared as loud as she could, to get their attention. The room echoed with the sound, and half the people covered their ears. Everyone fell silent, and a sense of awe swept over them as she transformed, human-shaped feet hitting the stone floor.

  She stood up. The flight had purged her somehow, made her new. She could think clearly again, no longer in the grip of her animal urges. She was more like herself - but more than herself. She felt taller than she had been before. In fact, she was have sworn she actually was taller.

  She looked at everyone in turn. Her mother was there. The Queen's eyes were red, and she was holding a dainty handkerchief to her face. Ylissa almost laughed. Where was her faith?

  The Queen gaped with astonishment as she stared at her daughter. "I thought you had... fallen," she said. Leaving the rest unspoken: or leaped to your death.

  After comforting her mother, Ylissa made her declarations.

  "I will be chained no longer," she said, addressing everyone in the room. "I will not be hidden away. You will treat me as your future Queen."

  The room fell silent. Everyone was staring at her. Yesterday, she would have felt uncomfortable at the attention. Even more so since she was completely naked. Today, she drank it in.

  "You have appointed these mates to me," she said before her audience, "but I tell you now that I will choose only one."

  Lord Thress opened his mouth, an objection on his lips.

  "Silence!" Ylissa snapped. Her voice boomed, her eyes flashing with anger. Her naked flesh looked, for a moment, wreathed in flame. The room went very quiet, as though everyone was holding their breath.

  "I will mate with whom I see fit," Ylissa said, her voice steely. "For the good of dragonkind. But I will have only one husband. I choose the one who was kind to me when I was just a frightened girl. The one who showed concern for my pleasure, not just his own. When I become Queen, Lord Vaermax will stand by my side as Prince Consort."

  He was sitting at the back of the room. At the mention of his name, Vaermax stood up slowly. Ylissa was gratified to see a surprised look on his face, for the first time. The other two looked less than pleased - but she didn't care.

  "My daughters will reign for generations to come," Ylissa told them. She knew this with certainty. Placing a hand over her belly, she smiled radiantly. "Even now I carry three eggs within me. They are the first of many."

  There was an excited murmuring. Her mother was crying again, but now her tears were joyous. Slowly, the older woman lifted the hem of her gown and sank to her knees, kneeling in front of Ylissa. Paying homage to the future Queen, the hope of dragonkind.

  Vaermax was the next to kneel. He smiled at Ylissa as he did so. Then one by one, each noble, lord, Prince, guard and maid followed.

  Did you love Bride of Dragons? Then you should read Kiss of Flame by Madelene Martin!

  The Kingdom is suffering - burned and ravaged by a marauding dragon. There's only one way to stop it.

  Soon after her eighteenth birthday, virginal Princess Lily is offered as a tribute. Tied to a stake in a burned village, she is carried off by the magnificent beast.

  But what she doesn't realize, is the dragon doesn't want to make a meal of her - he wants her as his mate.

  The last of his kind, Nalranith the dragon needs to breed. In both his dragon form, and human form, he takes the unwilling girl and uses her body, showing her unexpected ecstasy. And Princess Lily fin
ds destiny in an unlikely place.

  This 6000 word erotic romance features Rough, Reluctant Breeding with a dragon shifter.

  An Excerpt From the Story:

  Lily scrambled to her feet, backing slowly away. Nalranith continued to walk toward her, moving casually. Finally, she backed into the wall. Her eyes darted around nervously, confirming that, of course, there was no escape. She could see no exit aside from the cavern ceiling.

  He loomed over her, looking through strands of the dark hair that fell over his face. There was a hunger in his eyes, almost as though he did want to devour her.

  Suddenly, he lunged. She squealed and tried to run, but he caught her straight away, grabbing her wrists and holding them tightly as he pushed her face-first against the cavern wall.

  "Don't resist," he murmured in her ear. "And I won't have to hurt you." He made a low purring sound, rubbing himself against her. Lily shivered as she felt his body press hard against hers, his huge, hard phallus sliding against her ass.

  She had never been this close to a man, and she certainly hadn't imagined it being like this. He smelled of smoke and earth, and his skin was hot. As he breathed heavily in her ear, she felt the a shiver of arousal run through her body, lighting a fire inside her. It was like an awakening.

  "I can make it good for you." The dragon rumbled, as he bent to suck on the skin of her neck, moistening it with his tongue.

  His tongue was still long, she thought, but no longer forked. She remembered the feeling of his tongue on her... in her. She wondered what it would feel like to have that giant cock inside – it seemed unlikely it would even fit. How much would it hurt?

  She shivered, feeling wicked and ashamed.

  Holding her wrists easily in one hand, he cupped one breast in the other. His thumb caressed the nipple, and it hardened under his touch. His claw brushed her skin lightly - not hurting, but threatening.


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