Paying Their Piper with Passion and Love [Loving in Silver 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Paying Their Piper with Passion and Love [Loving in Silver 6] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 17

by Lynn Stark

  “I want a ride back to town.” She stared at them with cool gray eyes. This was definitely not the woman they’d just shared fiery passion with. “I don’t want to stay here any longer.”

  Sparkle, as if she agreed, sniffed and stuck her snout in the air. She was sitting on the floor, leaning against Piper’s leg. She gave Merck the evil eye.

  “Why, Piper?” he asked, puzzled, wondering why the pig’s glare should make him feel guilty.

  “Because once I was asleep the first thing you guys did was go sneaking off.”

  “But we didn’t want to wake you.”

  A slender brow rose. She snorted much as Sparkle had. “Then you should have gone outside or something. Neither of you was exactly quiet during the whole thing. If we’re to be partners, then you guys need to just do what you have to do to make it a partnership. That means no sneaking off.”

  “Okay,” Jace said quietly. “But are you sure you’re ready for our part in this partnership? You don’t have a lot of sexual experience.”

  Gray eyes rolled. “No, I don’t,” Piper agreed. “But I’m not ignorant. As much as my father would have preferred it, I did learn about the world while I was out there. I know what happens between two men when they make love.” She folded her arms over her chest and glared at them. “You don’t have to hide anything from me. And you don’t have to be quiet. And you don’t have to go sneaking off. If you’re doing something that needs hiding, maybe you shouldn’t be doing it.”

  Sparkle sniffed and stared. Merck shifted uncomfortably. The pig needed to be less judgmental. He looked back at Piper.

  “Okay, we get it. You get it, don’t you, Jace?”

  “Don’t patronize me, either. Now, what’s it to be? Are you willing to be open with me from now on, or are you taking me to town?”

  “Though we weren’t hiding anything from you, we do understand what you want from us.” Then Jace grinned, a broad, wolfish grin that did what it always did. Merck’s cock twitched and started hardening. “Now, I think we should go back to bed for a few hours’ sleep.”

  Piper was quiet for a few seconds, obviously thinking about what Jace had said. Though she was thinking, her gaze was on Merck’s misbehaving cock. There was more thickening, lengthening, until his cock was all but pointing at her.

  “Okay.” She rose then looked down at her pig. “Sparkle, to bed.”

  Sparkle went, but she wasn’t happy about it. They watched until she had gone into the laundry room, her little tail twitching as she grunted her displeasure.

  As they returned to their bedroom, Piper leading the way, Merck thought it was likely the way the rest of their lives would be. And he and Jace would willingly follow her anywhere and everywhere. She was theirs. Forever.

  Chapter Twelve

  “Coffee,” Piper groaned, trying to keep her eyes open. They felt red and scratchy, as if she had cried all night. “I need coffee.”

  Jace laughed and handed her the cup, having obviously anticipated the request. “This is your third twenty-four ounce cup, kitten. You won’t sleep for a week if you keep drinking it.”

  She squinted up at the tall, darkly gorgeous man. He was the stuff of fantasies. A sigh escaped her. As much as she had wanted to keep exploring the sexual aspect of their new life together, she had sadly fallen asleep yet again as soon as she had crawled back into bed. She only had a hazy recollection of warm bodies pressed front and back, one erect cock doing its best to crawl along her thigh while the other pressed into the cleft of her ass.

  “You awake?” The question had Piper blinking. She blushed as she realized how easily she had let herself be distracted by the handsome man. “Why don’t you go sit down? Everything is set up. You hired people to see to all the details. They’ve been taken care of. Have a rest. You still have half an hour before the official opening.”

  Piper leaned to the right to look around him. There were cars, trucks, and vans pouring into the parking lot and lining the street and those connected to it. People were walking in groups along the sidewalks. Many of them had pets with them, which had been part of the invitation. She was even too tired to worry about all the children she saw moving toward her in clusters.

  “I can’t. Do you see all these people? I thought the turnout would be a good one, I just never expected it to be this good.”

  When a warm hand slid over her shoulders she knew Merck was there. She turned her head and smiled up at him. “That’s why everyone suggested increasing the quantity of food and drinks, though you’re about to discover that the people of Silver rarely show up at any social gathering without bringing a contribution of some sort, whether it’s food, paper plates, or a gallon of some kind of drink.”

  “I can see that.” Many of those approaching where the large white tent was set up were indeed carrying serving dishes, bags, and gallon jugs filled with brightly-colored liquid. “It’s very nice of them.”

  “It’s just the way people are here,” Merck told her with more than a little pride in his deep voice. “You’ll get used to it.”

  Feeling better by the moment, her anxiety lessening, Piper chuckled. “That won’t be any hardship. Silver’s the most wonderful place I’ve ever been.”

  “It’s not perfect,” Merck warned.

  “No place is. But it’s close enough to count.”

  One of the things she liked most was the different family combinations. So many people in Silver were very open about who they were. Gay men walked down the street holding hands or snatching a quick kiss from their partner, as did their female counterparts. Then there were the polyandrous relationships where one woman had several husbands. Legally she could only be married to one of the men, but would bind herself in a commitment ceremony with the others. She had been told there were even a few polygamist relationships, which was one man with two or more wives.

  Now Piper was part of it all, helping to create her own family.

  “Earth calling Piper.”

  Piper blinked then scowled up at Jace. “Now, don’t you start that,” she scolded, then smiled to tell him she didn’t really mind. She looked around. “Is it over yet?” Lifting a hand she covered a yawn.

  It had been such a busy morning. Once they had gotten up at five o’clock, which had given them just a little over four hours of sleep, they had quickly taken care of her pets before leaving for town. Since she didn’t want to wear anything the intruder had possibly touched they had stopped at rancher’s supply store which opened at six. She’d purchased jeans, a shirt, as well as socks and a pair of boots. She liked her new clothes. They were comfortable and made her feel as if she fit in with everyone else.

  Three hours later everything was winding down. The tours through the new doggie spa and the help center were a huge success, as were the free portraits of people with their pets. There were several bookings for daily care for dogs people didn’t want to leave at home while they were away at work. And at the help center applications had been given to people needing the free or reduced cost services. They didn’t need to prove their income, or the lack thereof. They only needed to ask for help and Piper would give it. The donations for the center flowed in with many of the wealthy residents promising to regularly contribute. She couldn’t have asked for more than that. It was incredible and she was overwhelmed by people’s generosity.

  And during it all Piper had waited for her parents to show up. Not necessarily for support, but to show some curiosity about what their daughter was doing. They hadn’t made an appearance and she struggled with an inner demon she didn’t know she possessed any longer.

  The little girl in her still wanted her parents’ approval and she didn’t know whether to be disgusted or saddened by this knowledge.

  They were standing in the spa, waiting as Mink went around to check for lingering visitors and to lock up. Though he had not accepted a job, he didn’t seem to mind volunteering to help her out.

  Now that Piper found a moment alone with her men, she said casually, �
�Do you know what I would like?”

  “What’s that?”

  “I was thinking I would like a bedroom with a glass wall between it and the bathroom, with the wall being part of the shower. It would be really hot. What do you guys think?”

  Both men stared at her as if she’d grown another head. Piper shifted uncomfortably, wondering if she had crossed some unknown boundary. Then they were laughing and moving closer, their hands beginning to touch her. She liked that. She wondered if, when they went home, they would do naughty things to her again. She had really liked that.

  “I think our woman is a perv,” Merck commented, not sounding displeased at all.

  Jace was nodding. “Anything else going on in that brain of yours we might like to know about? Correction. Anything in there we’d love to know about?”

  Piper smiled up at them. “I’ll have to give it some thought. I’m sure I can think of something now that my brain has switched gears.”

  Merck bent to kiss her forehead, and then Jace did so. It was a tender action on the men’s part and it touched her like little else could. Hot sex and passion was one thing. They burned hot and bright as she had discovered for herself the night before, but would burn out quickly over time. It was the little things in life, like a dusting of sugar on a donut, and kisses on the forehead, which really made it good.

  But kisses to other places on her body were all good, too.

  Feeling very bold, Piper moved closer to her men, who were now standing side by side. She slid a hand around the waist of each of them, her palm sliding along leather belts. Tipping her head back she gave her head a little shake, loosening silver-blonde curls. They slid against her back and over her shoulders. The way they looked at her hair she knew they liked that.

  “You know, there’s something else we need to talk about.”

  “What’s that, darling?”

  “The two of you kissed me goodnight last night, but I didn’t get to return the favor.”

  Neither man was slow to understand her meaning. The heat flared in their eyes. It was hot enough with promises that it scorched over her. Nipples peaked and her pussy tingled as her juices began to flow.

  Piper had no clue as to where the boldness was coming from. Perhaps she was really growing a backbone, taking and doing what she wanted rather than what other people expected her to do. Whatever it was she liked it. And her men seemed to like it, too.

  “So, about tonight,” Piper said as she began running a fingertip up and down the center of Merck’s chest. “Do I get to give goodnight kisses?”

  “Do you want to give goodnight kisses?” Jace asked, his hand sliding down her back to settle just above her waist. It was strong and warm.

  Piper was about to answer when Mink bounced his way over to them. “Hi, guys! What’s up?”

  Since she couldn’t tell her brother she was about to introduce the subject of blow jobs to her men, she chose a safe subject. “We were thinking about going over to the Silver Garden Restaurant for a steak dinner after this is finished. We want you to come with us.”

  Mink looked at them for a moment then nodded his head. “Sure thing. Sounds good. I’ll just go see how things are going outside.”

  With a bright smile he was gone. Happy that her brother seemed to be more spontaneous and less wary, Piper watched him go.

  “I think Mink is starting to like me.”

  “What’s not to like about you, baby?” Merck nuzzled her ear, sending electricity straight to her pussy. “You’re wonderful, sweet, loving, caring. I could go on, but you might let it go to your head.”

  Jace put in his two cents as he slid a hand around the back of her neck, stroking the sensitive skin there. Piper trembled, leaning into the caress. “You’re also sexy, passionate…”

  Piper cut him off there. “I don’t really think those are qualities my brother is concerned with. Let’s go outside and see how things are going. It looked like some people didn’t really have any plans to leave soon.”

  Though the crowd had thinned out considerably, there were still around a hundred people seated around the tables, listening to music from one of the local country bands, and finishing up the food.

  She had to admit that her grand opening had been a success. She had also met so many new people, which made her feel even more a part of the community than she had before. It was nice and she basked in the warm, fuzzy feelings washing over her.

  Still, it would have been nice if her parents had shown up for it. It was a big day in her life and though she didn’t need their approval or support to succeed, those two things would have meant a lot to her. She shouldn’t have been surprised. They hadn’t attended any of her school functions, either. Being a ballerina had really sucked. So had the science fair and band concerts.

  Knowing she couldn’t leave just yet, Piper smiled and went around talking to people she hadn’t yet spoken to, meeting new friends and mentally cataloging names with faces, spouses, partners, children, and the all-important names of pets. Merck and Jace were there with her, teasing friends, accepting congratulations, and quietly supporting her as she became more thoroughly enmeshed in the fabric of Silver’s society.


  “Yes?” Piper turned around as Jace said her name.

  As she did so saw her parents walking across the expanse of concrete, between the street where one of the hotel’s limos sat, and where she stood. If she felt surprised to see Douglas and Camilla Barrows, it was nothing compared to her surprise at how they were dressed. She couldn’t remember ever seeing either of them wearing jeans, yet here they were, wearing jeans that appeared worn and comfortable. The boots on their feet were expensive and shiny. And were they actually wearing T-shirts? Lordy, the world was coming to an end, Piper thought in amazement, the air around her becoming thin.

  Her mother spoke first. “I’m sorry we’re late,” Camilla said, sounding genuinely contrite. “But I woke up with the most horrendous headache. It took longer than I anticipated for the medication to work.”

  “You’re feeling better now, though?” Piper asked with concern.

  Camilla smiled at her daughter. “I’m much better now. Thank you, Piper.” She looked at the tall men flanking her daughter. There was interest and female appreciation in her eyes. “Jace, Merck, it’s very nice to see you again. Do you think there’s any food left? I missed breakfast and lunch. I don’t have much of an appetite when my head hurts like that.”

  Chairs were heard scraping back. People bustled around. An elderly gentleman approached and offered his arm to her mother.

  “May I, ma’am? Food’s right over here. Old Gill is fixin’ up a plate for you. My name’s Whit Brown, Gil’s brother.”

  Her mother took Whit’s offered arm. “Thank you, Mr. Brown.”

  “Whit, ma’am. We don’t do anything fancy around these parts.”

  “Then you must call me Camilla.”

  “That’s a pretty name. Seems I remember one of my great-aunts had the name Camilla. She weren’t quite as beautiful as you…”

  The pair moved off to where space had been made for her mother and father. Douglas didn’t follow his wife, however, but stayed behind.

  “It appears as if you have had a successful day,” her father said finally, his gaze moving over the still-large crowd. “Word of mouth is an excellent way of getting your name out there.”

  Piper nodded. “I believe both the spa and the help center will be successful. Of course I expect there will be a few bumps ahead, but I doubt they will be anything I can’t handle.”

  Something that looked like it might have been a smile lifted one corner of her father’s stern mouth. There was also pride in eyes the color of hers and Mink’s. “I would not expect anything less. You are quite intelligent, single-minded, and stubborn. Anything you dedicate your attention to will undoubtedly be successful.”

  Not knowing whether to cry or do a happy dance, Piper stood there for a moment, completely at a loss for words. Like
many things, she couldn’t remember the last time she had heard or felt anything positive from either of her parents.

  Swallowing hard against the lump in her throat, Piper looked him straight in the eye. “Thank you, Daddy. I appreciate the vote of confidence. Why don’t you go sit with mommy and have something to eat? The food really is excellent.”

  The smile deepened as Douglas nodded. “I think I will. It’s been years since your mother and I have gotten a chance to relax. Perhaps you’ll show us around once we’ve eaten?” He paused, waiting her response, when something caught his attention. “Is that Melvin? What’s he doing here?”

  Okay, this wasn’t good, Piper thought, fear making her heart jump in her chest. Turning slightly, she saw Mink coming around the corner of the spa. Her brother stopped when he saw who was standing there with her. She held out her hand and all but willed him to come to her. Though he had paled, and looked like he was about to run, he walked slowly toward them.

  “Mink has been helping all day. He’s an excellent assistant.”


  “It’s what he prefers to be called.” Mink was standing beside her now. She could feel the trembling in his body. “You remember Douglas Barrows, don’t you?” Mink nodded. “And, Daddy, you obviously remember Mink.”

  “Yes.” Their father held out his hand. “Good to see you again, Mink.”

  “You, too, sir.” He turned to Piper. “I’ll catch up with you later. Why don’t you call when you’re ready to go and I’ll meet you there? Unless you’ve changed your plans since you asked.”

  “Not so far. I’ll call in a little while.” She hugged him hard. “Thanks for all your help today. You did a great job!”

  Mink blushed before rushing off without another word. Though she wished he would have stayed, she knew it had to be very difficult to face the man who had fathered him but had not been a father to him. She didn’t know if there was any chance for the two of them to form a relationship, but she could hope. And she would hope just as hard for herself. For whatever reason, it seemed her father and mother were trying to change. If that was true then perhaps they could make a place for Mink in the family.


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