ZetaTalk: Orientation

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ZetaTalk: Orientation Page 9

by Nancy Lieder

  higher realms who attempted to reach mankind through their repeated counsel to the masses. Jesus and Mohammed

  took care to repeat their verbal messages because of the tendency of such messages to be distorted and turned from

  their original meaning. Nevertheless, their messages did get twisted in the Bible and Koran.

  How did this happen?

  The messages themselves remained pure, but additions were made and attributed to the speaker. Thus a simple

  statement to Love they Neighbor became a series of rules on how such love was to be conducted. These rules were

  never relayed by the speaker and are in fact a hallmark of the Service-to-Self orientation. Thus a simple message

  bearing the concept of Service-to-Others became a distraction of rules, so that empathy and fair play are lost in the

  adherence of meaningless rules. These rules have the facade of love, but close examination shows otherwise.

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  ZetaTalk: Golden Rule

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  ZetaTalk: Golden Rule

  written Sep 23, 2004

  I am worried that a great many people are missing the spiritual and emotional survival aspects of Planet

  X. There is going to be a shift in consciousness into a new dimension, what can we do to prepare our souls

  for this change.? We need to be able to rid ourselves of fear in order to survive. Negative energies are

  just going to beget negative actions. People physically ready for the shift will be overwhelmed by the non-

  physical changes and although able to adapt in one aspect, are miles away from understanding the

  spiritual growth needed to make it through this change. What good is having enough food to survive when

  you still harbor fear and hate and are creating such as a result? The Zetas mention Service-to-Self versus

  Service-to-Others but how do we achieve this in reality. We are all selfish creatures by nature, when does

  our needs outweigh the needs of others. I understand that this is why we are here, to grow spiritually.

  To those intellectually examining the definition on spiritual orientation, and the rule that moving into one or the other camp requires many lifetimes of trial and error to grasp what living in that orientation means, the matter is anything

  but clear. We have stated that those in the Service-to-Other orientation are thinking of others at least as often as they are thinking of themselves, 50%, and that those in the Service-to-Self manage a fleeting thought about others only 5%

  of the time. What times are those? If a banker considers the starving in his community, giving a percentage of his

  profits directly to food purchases for them, a charity, does this have the same weight as if this banker gave this

  percentage of his profits to small businesses in order to hire the unemployed, thus reducing starvation perhaps for less but for a longer time? One must examine his motives. The first move would seem purely humanitarian, yet if his

  motive is to increase business at his bank by getting publicity for his move, his motive is selfish, Service-to-Self. The second move would seem to be shrewd, to increase business activity in the community from which he might profit, but

  if his motive is truly to reduce starvation and despair in his community in the most effective way possible, the best use of his dollar, then this move is driven by Service-to-Other motives. From an intellectual standpoint, it is a quagmire.

  In the simple words of Jesus, ‘ do unto others as you would have them do unto you’. Jesus, Mohammed, and Buddha, Star Children all who came to leave a gift of clarity for mankind, all preached the same message. Equality, where ‘ the least of you’ is considered on the same level as the self. Considering ones physical needs, for food and shelter, in a manner that balances concern for what others need, what the goat about to be slaughtered might feel, what the land

  over grazed or tilled into a dust bowl might need. Confusing, a quagmire of intellectual decisions, if left to the intellect alone. What these great preachers left with mankind was the suggestion that the answer lies in the heart. Before you do something that will affect another, put yourself in that other’s place, and imagine the consequences of your action. This is generally known as the Golden Rule, ‘ do unto others’. Driven by the heart, one will never make an errant decision from a spiritual standpoint. A man in agony over whether to share the meat from his last goat with his starving

  neighbors, when his own family is faint from hunger most of the time, will find his answer by placing himself in their

  perspective as well as his family's perspective. What sense of abandonment will his neighbors have, seeing his family

  feast when they are cramped and weak. What need to throw up walls against empathy for the neighbors will his family

  require in order to choke down the meal quickly, blinded to the neighbor's plight. He chooses sharing, seeing that

  damage to the soul is the greater danger, as the physical will in any case pass.

  The reason that an average of 1,000 lifetimes is required for a young soul to reach its orientation decision is this

  complexity, as the man about to share his last goat with his neighbors, each a bite and none a full meal, knows from experience what the alternatives are. He has experienced abandonment, has forced himself to block empathy at some

  time in his past lives, and has experienced hunger to the point of starving to death, and thus can arrive at his decision.

  He has become, rather than a young soul, an old soul, wise. The Earth currently has a large number of very young

  souls, due to the population explosion, most so immature as to be considered infants, if an old and wise soul is to be

  considered aged. How does one explain to an infant that the others in the playpen must be considered? Where infants

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  ZetaTalk: Golden Rule

  are often considered to be focused solely on themselves, they in fact respond to other infants put in the playpen,

  smiling at each other and vicariously enjoying the play of the other. Body language, the vibes that all living creatures exude and which can be read by another, are there. Thus, even infants can practice the Golden Rule, even on a first

  lifetime, and this is the lifeline to be used going into any event when sudden change and turmoil will ensue. This is our best advice.

  Give as in yonder valley the myrtle breathes its fragrance into space. Through the hands of such as these

  God speaks. Give your hearts, but not into each other's keeping. For only the hand of Life can contain

  your hearts. And stand together yet not too near together. ... Your children are not your children. They are

  the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself. You are the bows from which your children as living

  arrows are sent forth. Let your bending in the archer's hand be for gladness; For even as He loves the

  arrow that flies, so He loves also the bow.

  The Prophet, by Kahlil Gibran

  Love may have a blooming going into the shift, as it ought, those with great love in their hearts responding

  to the realization that little else matters.

  ZetaTalk: Personal Decisions

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  ZetaTalk: Fatima Secret

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  ZetaTalk: Fatima Secret

  written Jan 13, 2005

  Many people are puzzled by Fatima including Mel Gibson meeting Sister Lucia recently. Quotes by the

  late Father Malachi Martin also add to the mystery. Great if the Zetas would answer what the truth is.

  Of course, everyone anticipates that the remaining Fatima Secret, known to few except the hier
archy of the Catholic

  Church and Sister Lucia, who received the vision, will encompass the End Times. What else would cause the children

  to fall, screaming, at what they saw. Few accepted the obvious deflection, announced in recent years, that this involved the assassination of a Pope, which would perhaps stun or sadden a child, but not send them screaming in horror,

  writhing on the ground. Place yourself, as a human living a life of quiet desperation as most do, trudging through the

  daily routine, bored, weary, and not really expecting much other than aging and the eventual release of death unless

  something unexpected occurs to make life more interesting. This on occasion happens, a life suddenly turned to a

  horror or a quick death because of an accident, a fall from a ladder, the sudden and intense pain from electrocution

  during a lighting strike, the impulsive act of heroism to save another from brutality or danger with the outcome

  uncertain. But in the main, sudden and massive Earth changes are simply not expected, and thus screaming in horror is

  the appropriate response, especially if the one visualizing this, living it during an intense vision, is but a child. Place yourself, then, as the child you were, dependent on others to protect you and under the dictates of others as to where

  and under what circumstances you as a child might live. How would you react to the following in a vision?

  the ground opening up in front of you, a wide chasm that swallows what clings to the edges of the chasm, trees

  tipping into the chasm and ripping their clinging roots, no path or village square safe from such a surprise;

  buildings shattering under cracks that flash across their surface like lightning bolts, falling in dust filled

  implosions as the infrastructure snaps, and the realization that you are trapped under the debris and your cries

  are going unheard;

  walls of fire forming and falling from the sky, setting you and others running from beneath it on fire so you

  become a fleeing torch, no hope of putting out the flames by rolling on the ground as all is a holocaust, and your

  flesh covered with a sticky substance, fuel for the fire;

  a quiet tsunami rolling toward you as you stand on the shore, evident at first as water rising over walls and

  rooftops, silently, relentlessly, until the village is covered in water with nowhere for the floating life to cling

  until exhaustion takes you down.

  Sworn to silence not because there is nothing that can be done to avert the calamity, and not because publication would encourage power grabs by Godless communism, the suppression of the remaining Fatima Secret was done for the

  convenience of the Catholic Church and those who ally with the Church. Just as with the cover-up, where admitting

  the presence of Planet X in the inner solar system and the likely outcome is inconvenient to those in political and fiscal control of the world, this suppression was done for convenience. Did not those who gave the children the vision intent

  it to be known? Would those who denied pedophilia in the Church for so long, while allowing it to continue, put the

  safety of the innocent children under their care ahead of their fiscal concerns? It is for convenience that the vision is suppressed, Sister Lucia a captive in silence, and a frank lie about the substance of the vision being about the

  assassination of a Pope put forth. Of course there is a reason to reveal the secret. People can chose to limit the size of their families, can chose where to live, can chose a profession or trade based on anticipated need, and in general can

  plan to love one another with more intensity if they are aware of what is likely to occur.

  This does not jib with the Church’s doctrine to increase the size of the flock on pain of excommunication if one uses

  contraceptives, a doctrine which stands at odds with the apparent acceptance of pedophilia in the Church, as

  apparently is it failing to increase the size of the flock, not sex, that is the sin. You are told business as usual, stay at your jobs, tithe to your Church, remain on the coastlines and crowded into the cities, and support the comfortable

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  ZetaTalk: Fatima Secret

  lifestyles of the hierarchy. Those in the halls of power in the Church know otherwise, but comfort themselves that

  nothing can be done to save mankind anyway. Oh? Are they planning to do nothing for themselves? Nothing to place themselves on solid rock and away from coastlines? Such is the love of those in the halls of power in the Church. Are

  they following the advice of Jesus to love the least among them? Are they following the Golden Rule? Are they

  warning those along coastlines and near volcanoes or in crumbling cities? Are they allowing them the human right to

  make their own decisions about where they wish to be, or where they wish to take those they love? It appears the Church is being run by dictators, looking out for themselves, solely, to the end.

  Asked in 1980 why the Secret had yet to be released, Pope John Paul II told a German audience:

  ‘Because of the seriousness of its contents, in order not to encourage the world wide power of

  Communism to carry out certain coups, my Predecessors in the Chair of Peter have diplomatically

  preferred to withhold its publication. On the other hand, it should be sufficient for all Christians to know

  this much: if there is a message in which it is said that the oceans will flood entire sections of the earth;

  that, from one moment to the other, millions of people will perish ... there is no longer any point in really

  wanting to publish this secret message.’


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  ZetaTalk: Pope Ratzinger

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  ZetaTalk: Pope Ratzinger

  written Apr 22, 2005

  Would the Zetas care to comment on the recent election of the new Pope; what really went on in the secret

  conclave; how this particular Pope got himself elected; and whether the world is any closer to a true

  revelation about the End Times or not?

  Pope selection is at its base a political process, and thus its secrecy. What were the politics during this last selection, where an ex-NAZI, a Hitler youth, a member of Hitler’s armed forces, was elevated? Known as an ultra-conservative,

  known as the enforcer of papal edicts on disclosure of pedophilia abuse, his signature on memos reminding Bishops of

  their duty in this matter, his fingerprints in recent times are likewise revealing of a brutal and suppressive nature. We have, throughout the life of ZetaTalk, spoken of organized religion as preaching not love and empathy and the practices that Jesus taught, but insisting on control and rules and suppression by fear - excommunication, kept from Heaven, exiled from the comforts that the Church claims it can provide. Pedophilia is protected while the use of contraception in marriage is a sin. Protecting the wealth of the Church for the use of the elite within the Church is a prime concern, while demands are made on the poor to support the Church.

  We have also, from the start of ZetaTalk, mentioned that polarizing of good vs evil, what we term Service-to-Other behavior vs Service-to-Self, will be on the increase during the Transformation, and is already in process. Those in the Service-to-Self circle their wagons, sensing that they are losing, their grip slipping, tightening their secrecy rules and becoming suspicious even of each other so that plots and schemes abound in the halls of the powerful, and vicious

  attacks to eliminate perceived threats evident. Beyond the paranoia and tight cliques, there is concern about those in

  the general populace that the Service-to-Self group have influence over. This as is true of the Church as it is

  political control in various countries. We have described this as breakaway consternation where restlessness in those they control, the populace lifting their eyes to the horizon and sensing freedom from rules and constraints, is viewed

  with horror by their essential slave masters. Those who question this view, the Church as slave masters, should spend a day walking in the shoes of those raised Catholic, the number of rituals and rules followed, the lack of compassion and pain that results, and the threat of punishment if they try to escape. Among Catholics, this is termed excommunication

  and being dammed to Hell. The Catholic Church is at its base a financial institution, with each faithful Catholic an

  asset, and these assets under bondage.

  Given that, what factors lead to the choice of Cardinal Ratzinger as Pope?

  The first reaction of those losing control is to tighten their grip, so the choice of an ultra-conservative could be

  presumed. In these matters, emotion, the fear of loss and rage over loss of control, rides over logic. If Catholics in the US and Europe are leaving the Church in droves, a lighter hand over matters such as abortion or contraception would

  be a logical move, but the emotional urge is to punish the escaping flock, and sexual matters have always been a weapon within the Church. We have explained that those in the Service-to-Self, which many at the helm of the Church

  are, glory in their power and the proof of that power is the ability to cause misery in others. Thus, the sadist, who

  causes pain in horrific ways simply to prove that he can do it. View the Church’s rulings on abortion, placing the mother’s life in consideration, and especially contraception, where married couples are forbidden from preventing

  unwanted additions to the family, regardless of hardship even including death of the mother should she conceive again,

  and where prevention of AIDS is a secondary consideration to following the absolute edicts of the Church. Yet

  pedophilia is protected, continued by secrecy, at the highest levels within the Church.


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