Their Sub, Their Mistress [Club Esoteria 10] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Their Sub, Their Mistress [Club Esoteria 10] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 1

by Cooper McKenzie

  Club Esoteria 10

  Their Sub, Their Mistress

  Two years ago, Lace Santeen was left scarred both physically and psychologically. Becoming a recluse, she designs BDSM wear and sells almost exclusively online. She reluctantly agrees to take part in Club Esoteria’s first fetish convention. The last thing she expects is to fall for the men Mistress Whitney sends to bring her to the club.

  Raven and Hawk Woolphe are instantly smitten with the woman covered from neckline to ankles and vow to uncover her secrets. In order to protect her at the club from other Doms, they put their collar on her then find that they like to submit to her will as much as they like bending her to theirs.

  When the weekend is over, will they still want her? Or will she return to her solitary existence? Will they continue to want to share dominant and submissive duties with her?

  Note: There is no sexual relationship or touching for titillation between or among siblings.

  Genre: BDSM, Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre

  Length: 26,393 words


  Club Esoteria 10

  Cooper McKenzie


  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  IMPRINT: Ménage Amour


  Copyright © 2013 by Cooper McKenzie

  E-book ISBN: 978-1-62242-421-4

  First E-book Publication: February 2013

  Cover design by Harris Channing

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  Siren Publishing, Inc.

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  To Katharine Galloway, the goddess who keeps my hair rockin’!


  Club Esoteria 10


  Copyright © 2013


  “You want me to do what? Come to the club? I couldn’t. Really I couldn’t.”

  Her heart started pounding in fear. Lace Santeen looked at Mistress Jenna Carter, who she had just finished pinning into a burnt-orange corset dress she had designed and made for the Domme and half owner of Club Esoteria. Across the room, Whitney Elliott paused in the doorway of the room Lace used as a dressing room for those few customers who came in person to do their lingerie shopping as well as her sewing room and the international headquarters for Santeen Designs. As Lace argued with the Domme, she kept her head tilted so three scars that traced down her right cheek remained hidden behind her out-of-control curly flame-red hair. Taurus Green’s submissive woman would be of no help in trying to stop Jenna from reaching her goal of dragging Lace to Club Esoteria.

  “Of course you should.” Jenna stepped across the room to the triple mirror Lace opened only when customers were in the house. She had not looked in a mirror since leaving the hospital two years earlier and avoided this one at all times. “Every time I wear one of your creations I have members, men as well as women, Doms and subs alike, ask me where I get them. I’m sure Whitney has had the same experience.”

  Lace dropped her head further and concentrated on her breathing until the tightness across her chest slacked off enough she could take a deep breath. “I know. Online orders always go wild about a week after you or Whitney pick up a new outfit. But go out? In public? To the club? I don’t know if I could do that.”

  Jenna turned and gave her the look that Lace had come to think of as her “I am Domme and you will do as I say” expression. “Lace, you’ve been a member of the club since we opened the doors and you have yet to set foot in the building. You dress most of the women as well as a number of the men. I want them to meet the designer of the sexiest BDSM clothing on the market. The Club Esoteria Kink Convention this weekend is perfect. And just think of the sales you’ll make. You can stay in the guest apartment so you won’t have the expense of a hotel room.”

  Lace took a deep breath and sighed. Jenna knew exactly which buttons to push. Though she started out designing and making lingerie in high school for the love of it, now the money it brought in paid her day-to-day bills with little left over. The hospital and doctors, who had been patient, were beginning to make noises about starting collection proceedings. She understood their point of view. It had been two years, and the small amounts she had been able to pay on each huge bill barely kept her ahead of the interest and did little to eat away at the principle. A great weekend of sales and future orders would really help.

  Seeing Whitney in the doorway, Lace waved her into the room and up onto the platform. She then began pinning the shimmering black silk and lace slave girl’s costume Taurus had ordered to fit her perfectly. “I don’t drive. How will I get there?”

  “Don’t you worry about that,” Jenna said with a smile as she swept from the room. “I’ll take care of everything. Maybe you’ll meet a man or two who can help you live out a few of your kinkier fantasies.”

  Lace huffed in disbelief. If, and that was a humongous if, she ever met the right man, he would have more to deal with than just the fact that
she designed what more than one customer had called, “the most deliciously decadent BDSM-wear on the market.”

  Though she was not into whips, chains, or pain, maybe she could fulfill her secret desire of being with two men. The challenge would be to find two such men who could see beyond her scars the way most people could not.

  Chapter 1

  “Tell me why we’re doing this? We don’t have a hell of a lot of room back there,” Raven Woolphe groused as he slowed the Denali and looked for a street number. They had to be close, but with the dark gray clouds and pouring rain, he could barely see the side of the road much less read mailbox numbers on the country road.

  “Because Taurus asked us to. Jenna’s friend doesn’t drive and needs a ride. In return, we’re staying at the club for the weekend,” Hawk answered, sounding relaxed and even tempered as always.

  Their identical twin status extended only as far as their looks. Personality wise, they were as different as night and day. Hawk was the calm one, always in control and never losing his cool, while Raven’s emotions ran hotter and his temper could erupt like a volcano in an instant. Thankfully, it cooled just as quickly. When it came to women, their emotions balanced one another, which was but one of the reasons they loved to share their women.

  It had been nearly a year since their last long-term affair had ended with the woman leaving furious because neither man would commit to a permanent relationship without the other, and Raven found himself more moody more than usual. He needed a hot sex-filled weekend with a woman and knew his brother did as well.

  While Raven’s mood grew darker, Hawk took his sexual frustration out by working longer and longer hours. Though he had not said anything to his brother, Raven secretly hoped they met a sexy little submissive to spend the weekend easing their built-up stress back to more relaxed levels.

  “Thirty-two fifteen,” Hawk read the next mailbox on his side. “It should be the next driveway. Yeah, there it is…I think.”

  Raven checked the rearview mirror as he slowed further. There was no one in sight. He saw the brick pillars that marked an unpaved driveway just as his brother pointed them out. He pulled between the pillars slowly and wondered if he should activate the four-wheel drive, but decided to hold off for the moment. Maybe the road wasn’t as bad as it looked.

  But it was, at least until they were out of sight of the road. Then they bumped onto a smoothly paved drive, which wove back through the unkempt woods for another dozen yards or so before entering a large clearing. He allowed the Denali to coast as he followed the drive to where it passed in front of the house before circling back to meet up with the drive that led through the woods to the main road

  “Wow,” Hawk said reverently as they both examined their destination.

  The house was a one-and-a-half-story brick farmhouse with a wide porch that extended all the way across the front. He could not tell the age, but had a feeling it had been there for a long time and would easily withstand any hurricane that came through eastern North Carolina. The grounds between house and woods were not grassy, but covered with what looked like ivy, kudzu, or some other leafy vine and several gardens that looked ready for spring planting. He noticed several wide paths including one that seemed to extend all the way around the base of the house. Apparently whoever lived here did not want to be bothered with yard work, but also did not want the vines taking over the house. Smart, he thought as he parked just in front of the walk that led to the steps and front door.

  “I hope whoever this is doesn’t have too much stuff,” he said, looking between his seat and Hawk’s to the back of the SUV.

  His heavy-duty sewing machine was carefully packed on the floor behind the driver’s seat. Boxes of finished leather collars, cuffs, whips, and half-sewn leather pants filled the cargo area. The pants would be fitted to the buyer and finished during the convention. Two duffel bags held their clothes for the weekend and Raven had packed a few of his favorite sex toys in the hopes they met and clicked with a woman who wanted to play.

  “It will be fine,” Hawk said as he unfastened his seat belt then reached for the door handle. “You want to help? Or you just going to sit there and be grumpy?”

  “Yeah. Okay. Fine.”

  Opening his door, Raven jumped out and jogged around the front of the SUV to join Hawk on the porch out of the rain. He moved in next to his brother as Hawk lifted the knocker shaped like a curvaceous woman wearing only a corseted teddy and slammed it against the brass base several times.

  Then the two men waited.

  It was a full two minutes before the door opened and a tiny figure wearing a floor-length royal-purple cloak appeared. “May I help you?”

  All Raven could see of her face were a pair of full, rosy lips and a cute little pointed chin, but his cock seemed to think that was enough, for it immediately began to fill as heat surged in him.

  “Are you Lace Santeen?”

  “Who are you?” she shot back, sounding more than a little nervous.

  “I’m Hawk Woolphe and this is my brother, Raven. Taurus Green asked us to pick you up,” Hawk answered.

  Raven turned and stared at his twin, surprised at the gentle tone he was using. Did his brother know something about the woman that he had not bothered to share?

  “Yes, I’m Lace. Thanks for the ride, I really appreciate it.”

  Raven’s curiosity about what the fragile-appearing woman looked like got the best of him. Stepping forward, he reached out and pushed the cloak’s hood back to expose her face.

  “Noooo,” she breathed as her eyes went wide, obviously shocked at his audacity. She raised her hands to her cheeks before whirling around. But before she did, he got a good look at her face.

  She was beautiful. Her features were delicate, almost elfin in appearance. She had pulled her hair back into some kind of a braid, which did little to control the curly, curly auburn tresses and highlighted her heart-shaped face. She wore not a trace of makeup, and the smattering of freckles over the bridge of her nose and across the tops of her cheeks made her look younger than he expected. Three paler scars ran down her right cheek but did nothing to detract from her looks. She still looked like Tinkerbell to him.

  He wondered if the scars were the reason for the cloak and living here, hidden away from the rest of the world. If that were the case, it was time Lace Santeen came out of her shell, and they were just the men to help her. As his erection pulsed in his jeans, he wondered if she would have any interest in a weekend threesome with two very dominant men who dealt in sexy BDSM leather goods.

  “Turn around, little one,” he said, placing one hand on her shoulder. Though he kept his voice low and soft, he used his powerful Dom voice that had weakened women’s knees in the past.

  The red hair moved back and forth in a negative motion. When she tried to pull her hood back in place, he took possession of her hands and lowered them to her sides. “It’s warm enough outside that you won’t need this. Take it off and turn around.”

  * * * *

  Lace gasped at the way her body was responding to the soft, deep, powerful voice Raven used. Her nipples tightened in her bra, and her pussy clenched as a nearly forgotten heat began deep in her pelvis.

  “I don’t think I can do this,” she whispered, pulling her hands into the cloak and fisting them as they pressed against the giant balloon that was taking her breath away. “Why don’t we just forget this whole thing?”

  When a man stepped in front of her, she dropped her gaze. When she realized she was staring at the zipper of his jeans, she dropped her head forward to hide her face, damning herself for pulling her hair up so it would not get all staticky from the cloak’s hood.

  A hand came up to cup her chin and then lift it until she was looking up into a pair of eyes so dark brown they looked black. He was wet from the storm, but that did little to detract from his looks. His bronzed skin, full lips, and high cheekbones spoke of a Native American ancestry as did the straight black hair that he wore pulled ba
ck. This was Hawk. Raven’s hair was loose, falling down his chest and making her fingers itch to see if it was as soft and silky as it looked.

  The air around them had turned electric, or maybe that was just the storm that had been raging since before dawn. There was also an air of dominance swirling around her as these two surrounded her like the early morning mist did when she walked down to the creek that ran across the back of her property.

  Hawk just kept looking at her, making her feel more and more uncomfortable. Finally she tried to step back in order to pull away from his hand under her chin. But Raven did not move and stopped her as if she had backed into a wall.

  “You are the most beautiful thing I had ever seen,” Hawk finally said, holding her head steady so she could see his eyes heat with what she could only describe as lust.

  “No, I’m not,” she whispered. “I’m ugly and scare small children.”

  She jumped and squealed when a hard hand smacked her ass hard through the cloak.

  “Little one, we don’t lie, and Hawk is right. You are exquisite. Now take off your cloak so we can see how sexy the rest of you is. Then we’ll pack up and head to the club,” Raven said softly in her ear, his voice deep and growly.

  Something about these two men slid past her guard and laid waste to her fear of being seen. As if her hands were not her own, Lace brought her hands up to the base of her throat and slid the large gold button through its hole. She opened the cloak and pushed it off her shoulders.


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