Chosen: Curse of the Draekon Book One

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Chosen: Curse of the Draekon Book One Page 25

by Samantha Britt

  Would it be as touching to witness a draekon bind a human to his side for the rest of her days?

  “Care to share the thoughts swirling behind those blue eyes?”

  I shook my head, focusing back on Lord Erwin. “You never really answered my question.”

  He blinked.

  “Why do you seek me out?” I clarified.

  “Ah. That, doll, is a story best left until another time.”

  I frowned. “Why?”

  “Because Princess Cienna and her brother have finally entered the room, and I suspect they will be pulling you from my company momentarily.”

  On cue, I registered a tall, well-dressed figure appear at the end of our aisle.

  “Healer Amelissa,” Prince Finn’s jaw clenched between words. “Would you accompany my sister and I to our seats for the ceremony? We have one reserved for you as our honored guest.”

  Lord Erwin’s smile grew, but he didn’t so much as turn and look at the prince and princess. Instead, he stood and held out a hand to me. Not knowing what else to do, I placed my fingers in his palm and stood as well.

  “Until next time.” His eyes gleamed as he delivered his slogan farewell. Releasing me, he gestured for me to pass in front of him.

  Prince Finn held out an arm. His sister was wrapped around his other. Aware of the attention we drew, I quickly placed my hand on the prince’s sleeve. We stepped to the front row on the opposite side. Sure enough, three seats were unoccupied. I quickly lowered myself into one, praying the immense draekon behind me would block the dozens of eyes I felt observing me.

  I’d been so eager to hide myself, I accidentally bumped against the draekon next to me.

  “Apologies,” I murmured.

  “Apology accepted.”

  I stiffened. My neck snapped back, so I could look into the face of the large male.

  Prince Brion.

  How could I not realize I chose the seat next to the dark prince? I kicked myself for not paying attention to my surroundings enough to avoid the awkward situation.

  Thank the gods the orchestra chose that moment to strike up a song.

  I dragged myself from the prince’s stare, following the room’s attention.

  Back near the doors stood a female draekon dressed in a long, white gown. The train of the dress trailed after her in a flawless arrangement as she glided down the aisle. My mouth fell open as I identified the draekon.


  This was Jona’s ceremony?

  I leaned to my right and lightly touched the princess’s arm. She glanced over her shoulder with a knowing grin. “Understand why I insisted you come?”

  I returned the smile with a happy one of my own. Jona had been nothing but kind to me. I felt honored to be invited to such a momentous occasion in her life.

  But then it hit me. I sat at Jona’s companion ceremony.

  I thought back to our interactions and conversations during afternoon tea, luncheons, and more. I never once heard Jona mention a man. I’d only been sick for a week. When did this come about?

  Jona arrived at the front of the altar, forcing me to hold my questions until after the ceremony.

  While I’d been busy gawking at Jona and the implication of the event, a handsome human man had slipped in the side door of the ballroom. He’d positioned himself at the front of the room to watch Jona’s entrance. The anxiety around my heart lessened as I saw the admiration shining from the man’s face. He looked completely taken with the beautiful, ebony-haired draekon. Glancing at Jona, I noted the same reaction from her.

  I settled against the back of my chair. An older male moved to the other side of the altar, facing the crowd. He reminded me of the old draekon from the Census Bureau.

  The newcomer began speaking in native draekonian. I didn’t understand the words, but I suspected what they were: promises to cherish one another, vows to protect one another from harm. I’m sure there were some other draekon-related topics mentioned, probably about how the human promised to provide the draekon with as many offspring as possible and would not object to their companion taking more than one human partner. But in all honesty, I was okay with not hearing those parts.

  I tuned out the unfamiliar language and let my eyes travel the room. The ceremony was definitely the most lavish event I’d ever attended. Floral arrangements matching the beauty of Prince Finn’s get-well gift covered the ballroom, and gilded chandeliers hung low from the ceiling, providing the event with soft, alluring light. The wildflowers in Caldiri didn’t really compare, but I still preferred the quieter, more intimate setting in my home region.

  A warm arm brushed against me as Prince Brion shifted beside me. Without thinking, I turned and was snagged by the intensity of his gaze.

  A chill raced through my body, followed by a flood of warmth. The sounds around me faded until the only sound I heard was the wild beat of my heart.

  He was so close. We’d never been so close.

  The unexpected desire to take advantage of our proximity surpassed my fear. His rugged features drew me in. I observed his chin, noting the dark stubble shadowing his cheeks. My eyes trailed his sharp cheekbones and strong forehead. A loose, dark strand fell from his styled hair, slightly covering a dark brow. My fingers twitched, wanting to reach up and brush it aside.

  Gods! What was wrong with me?

  I told myself to look away—that I shouldn’t be so caught up admiring Prince Brion. He was dangerous, powerful, and he had a temper. I commanded myself to remove my gaze.

  But when we locked eyes, every thought telling me to distance myself, to turn away, disappeared.

  Swirling hues of purple and blue glistened in the black irises. I watched him inhale through his nose, squeezing his eyes shut for a moment before snapping them back open. With a gruff sound, he managed to do what I couldn’t and broke the trance.

  Prince Brion focused on the altar, leaving me with a feeling of loss and confusion.

  Slowly, after blinking repeatedly, my mind returned to me. And I was horrified by my actions.

  Hearing the loud murmurs behind me, I realized I wasn’t the only one who noticed the unusual exchange.

  Great. I sighed. Just... great.


  “I trust you are feeling better.” Agent Min appeared at my side. I was tucked behind a tall vase, sipping the bitter beverage Princess Cienna forced on me. Surprised to be noticed in my hidden spot, I choked and sputtered out my latest sip. The liquid dribbled from the sides of my mouth.

  “Sorry.” He handed me a handkerchief from his sleeve. “I did not intend to startle you.”

  I coughed to clear my airway, drying my face. “It’s all right.” Around us, the reception continued without pause. No one noticed the embarrassing moment.

  Following the short draekonian ceremony, all guest chairs were moved out of the ballroom to clear the space for the party. Couples danced on the far side of the room while others mingled and socialized with drinks and appetizers delivered by humans. I spotted Nolan early on, but he was too busy to stop and talk. I hoped we’d get the chance to speak before the evening ended. It would be a welcome relief from the forced draekon conversation, which I was currently hiding from. Princess Cienna was relentless in introducing me to all the nobles of her acquaintance, and I was beginning to feel exhausted. I could only force easy smiles for so long.

  Agent Min permitted me another moment to compose myself before restating his initial comment. “You are well from the incident in the barracks?”

  “Very,” I lied. He didn’t need to know about my lingering fatigue.

  “That was a brave thing you did.” He shifted to his other foot, crossing his hands behind his back. “Going into the building to help that young man.”

  I swallowed thickly, picturing Warren’s unmoving, ash-covered body. I turned away to hide the moisture gathering behind my eyes. “Thank you.”

  Agent Min and I stood in companionable silence, content to observe the reception around us. Princes
s Cienna stood in the middle of a group of nobles, chatting enthusiastically about something. Around her, the group laughed, charmed by their princess. I smiled to myself. The female’s recovery was splendid. Though, Master Errol called it miraculous.

  The master healer was not subtle when claiming I was responsible for the near-eradication of the princess’s childhood illness. He’d peppered me with questions, wondering if I’d done more than perform nightly chest percussions, anything that might have resulted in the princess’s recovery.

  I’d been unable to provide a suitable answer. Other than chest percussions and the herbal teas the princess rarely took the time to drink, I’d done nothing to treat her illness. I had reasoned that clearing the princess’s lungs helped her rest more efficiently; therefore, allowing her enhanced draekon healing to take care of the lingering ailment.

  Master Errol, begrudgingly, accepted the explanation.

  “Your friendship with the princess has grown.”

  I nodded, surprising myself when I admitted, “Yes. Princess Cienna is a very generous friend.” I could no longer deny the state of my relationship with the princess. I’d never expected to befriend a draekon, much less the princess, but it happened.

  While guilt and shame troubled me for becoming so content with my life in Draek, the same could not be said for my friendship with the princess. She was not at all like the overbearing draekon I’d imagined, and I couldn’t regret how close we’d become.

  “And Lorie?” Agent Min asked. “How does she fare?”

  “Well enough. Mourning Warren, but she will recover.”

  “They were close.”

  I nodded. No doubt, Agent Min picked up on that fact long before I had. “Yes.”

  “Who was close?” Prince Brion imposed himself on our conversation. I stepped towards Agent Min’s side, aware of how close the prince stood after appearing out of nowhere. I was still embarrassed by my reaction during the ceremony, and I wanted to stay as far from him as possible.

  “My sister and the deceased soldier,” I said the words a little too sharply. The prince had a bad habit of sneaking up on people.

  “Ah,” was all he said.

  I shifted my feet, suddenly wanting to be anywhere but there.

  As if hearing my silent desire, Prince Finn also infiltrated my not-so-successful hiding spot. “I see you two are determined to monopolize Healer Amelissa’s company.” He stopped at his brother’s shoulder, placing a hand on Prince Brion’s muscular arm.

  “Finn.” Prince Brion dipped his shoulder. His brother’s hand slid off. “To what do we owe the pleasure?”

  Prince Finn, unaffected by the uninviting tone, turned his sociable smile towards me. “I wanted to know if Healer Amelissa would like to share a dance.”

  My discomfort increased ten fold. I didn’t know how to dance like the draekon. I’d been watching the couples from afar, and I did not understand the close proximity with which they glided across the floor, nor did I catch the pattern of the elaborate steps and spins. I’d look like a fool if I tried.

  Not to mention, I’d be dancing with the prince. The entire ballroom, no doubt, would be watching me as I stumbled and embarrassed him.

  “She’d love to.” Princess Cienna popped up, answering for me. It was official: my hiding spot was no longer a secret. I’d have to find somewhere else to stow away until the reception was over. Maybe I would try to sneak away to the alcoves where servants restocked their beverage and food trays?

  The princess shimmied next to me and gently nudged me toward her brother. “Go on. It will be fun.”

  She faced me and winked. I groaned inwardly. I was being set up.

  It was then I realized how quiet the other two males had become.

  Sneaking a peak at Prince Brion, I noted the hard set of his jaw and his expressionless eyes. He stared at his brother, missing my perusal. Agent Min looked on, wearing a contemplative mask.

  Princess Cienna nudged me again until I stepped forward and allowed Prince Finn to lead me to the dancing area.

  “We only learn line dances in Caldiri.” I revealed my ineptitude, hoping Prince Finn would understand and mercifully withdraw his offer.

  The prince heard me, but instead of releasing me from the dance, the grip on my hand tightened. “Do not worry.” He bestowed a charming grin on me, making my legs wobble for a split second. There was no doubt about it: Prince Finn was attractive, and I couldn’t help but be affected by it. “I’m an excellent lead.”

  I wasn’t sure what he meant, but I knew it was supposed to placate me. I breathed through my nose to control my nervousness, praying to the gods for their divine intervention and for them to bestow upon me the gift of grace and poise.

  The crowd in front of us parted as the draekon saw their prince approach. Several nobles focused on me and promptly turned to one another to whisper. I would never be free of gossip. It seemed, no matter how hard I tried to remain inconspicuous, the powers orchestrating my life had other plans.

  The last notes of the beautiful melody faded, and dancers reset themselves to prepare for the next song. Prince Finn stopped us in the middle of the dance floor. Taking a step back, he bowed until his back was flat, but his eyes remained on me. The other males performed the same gesture for their partner.

  I mimicked the moves of the females around me. My left hand lifted the fabric at my hip while my right hand crossed over my chest. I slid my right foot back into a delicate curtsy, holding the pose.

  The violin strings vibrated, initiating the dance. Prince Finn stepped to me and gathered my left hand in his. He guided my right hand to his upper arm, and his moved to my waist. I stared at the base of his throat with a gulp. There was barely a foot in between us.


  I was forced to tilt my neck back in order to see the prince’s face. He smiled politely and squeezed my hand with encouragement.

  Another violin entered the song and joined the first’s melodic notes. Prince Finn guided us towards the right. His steps were purposeful and stable. Using his weight, the prince steered me in the desired directions, and he whispered the step count as well as subtle commands when there was a break from the normal pattern.

  I’m sure I looked like a stiff pole as I tried to listen to his instruction, but I managed to only stumble twice. Both times, the prince corrected my error with little effort. He was sure to smile, saving me from fearing I might have embarrassed him.

  Gradually, my steps became lighter as I grew accustomed to the dance’s pattern. Sensing my confidence, Prince Finn began to incorporate simple turns and spins. He was so talented with “leading” as he had called it, that I moved gracefully through the unfamiliar changes.

  I laughed when Prince Finn guided me away from his body, lifting my hand up to control my spin. Instead of stopping after one, the prince continued to rotate his wrist and mine, making me spin four times before he mercifully brought me back into his hold.

  Dizziness caused me to stumble into him, but I continued to laugh as I heard his own chuckle. “You did that on purpose.”

  The prince laughed at my accusation, moving us back into the normal rhythm of the dance. “Perhaps.”

  My smile widened. I’d been nervous to dance, but the experience was invigorating. I loved music, and following its beats and rests with my own body felt satisfying and beautiful. Dancing in the draekon style gave me another way to appreciate music, and I was truly enjoying myself.

  Realizing I needed more time to recuperate from the dizzying spins, Prince Finn contented himself with leading me in the steps and making conversation. “I am happy you accepted Cienna’s invitation to the ceremony. I wasn’t sure you would.”

  “The princess really didn’t give me a choice.”

  He chuckled, moving us around another couple. “That certainly sounds like my beloved sister.”

  I admired his humor and the genuine affection woven into the words. “I am happy I accepted the invitation, as well. I had no ide
a the ceremony was for Jona.”

  “Indeed. I understand the festivities were planned quite suddenly. Apparently, Jona was very eager to officially claim her companion.”

  The words caused my gaze to travel the ballroom until it landed on Jona and her human companion. He was tall and handsome with strong arms and auburn hair. If it weren’t for his slender build, I might have thought him a draekon. The man’s arm rested on the small of Jona’s back as they spoke with another draekon-human couple. The group was all smiles and happy chatter. A warm feeling surrounded my heart as I watched the man lean forward and press a loving kiss on Jona’s cheek. The female looked back at him with such adoration; it was touching.

  “They are quite smitten, it seems.” Prince Finn had seen where my attention went.

  “Isn’t that how it should be?” I looked back at my dance partner.

  “How it should be? Yes. I suppose so.” The prince gazed over my shoulder, and his eyes darkened. I twisted my hips, so I could look back and see what held his attention.

  On the far side of the room, a long table of no less than twenty beautiful women and draekon sat together. Each of them wore matching dresses in different shades of green ranging from teal to the dark undertones of the forest. Their jewelry consisted of necklaces with large gems, and thin gold bracelets covered their arms from wrist to elbow. I had seen them earlier when I was hidden behind the tall vase, but I hadn’t acknowledged that no one ventured to interact with the beauties at the table. In fact, it appeared as though everyone gave them a wide berth.

  “Who are they?” Curiosity trumped reservation.

  His voice came off cold and flat. “My father’s harem.”

  The shocking revelation made me to jerk back. A harem. A real harem?

  With wide eyes, I reexamined the females. There were several draekon in the group, each one more stunning than the last with their natural beauty and otherworldly grace. Then I focused on the humans. There were many, and their ages ranged from somewhere around my eighteen years to mid-thirties. My stomach rolled, imagining the king of draekon bedding so many.


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