Heart Unbroken

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Heart Unbroken Page 5

by Andrew Grey

  “You going to stand there all night?” Brent asked as he sauntered up with Scott, who was guiding Lee gently by the arm. Dean must have been really out of it, because he hadn’t heard them at all.

  “I was waiting for you.” He pulled open the door and let them go inside first. Everyone greeted everyone else and sat down. The place was more like a take-out joint than a restaurant, but since Brent came there often, one of the guys from behind the counter came out to take orders, and Trevor handed him his credit card to pay.

  Dean sat next to Lee, who seemed nervous and kept his head bowed a little, as if he was trying to disappear. “What do you like?”

  Lee turned to him. “I love gyros, but I always make a mess when I’m eating. Stuff falls on the table and….” He paused and turned away. “Maybe I should just have a small salad or fries or something.”

  Dean turned to the man taking the orders. “I’d like a gyro combo with fries, and Lee here would like one with salad. And if you could put the salad and gyro on separate plates for him, that would be wonderful.” He smiled, and the server took Trevor’s card and said he’d be right back. “Is that okay?” Dean asked Lee. “You can eat the gyro with a fork if you want.”

  “As long as you don’t mind…,” Lee said.

  “None of us is perfectly neat when we eat. Stuff falls and spills. Just enjoy yourself, okay? The rest will be fine.” Dean lightly bumped Lee’s shoulder, and Lee lifted his head, some of the tension seeming to slip away.

  “Are you sure?” Lee asked.

  “Yup.” Dean wasn’t going to tell Lee to get something easy to eat. So what if he made a mess? Let the guy eat what he wanted so he could be happy. “You all wanted to go dancing?” Dean asked as he looked right at Scott.

  “Yup,” Scott answered, and turned to Brent. “I’ll be able to feel the beat, right?”

  Brent nodded and smiled, signing to him.

  “Yeah, I want to go dancing. I haven’t been since… before… and I want to go. I think it will be fun.” Lee shifted closer, and Dean got the impression that maybe he wasn’t going to be the fifth wheel tonight. He was going to have someone to dance with, and that was more than fine with him.

  “That’s good. Did you dance a lot?” Dean asked quietly while the others talked.

  “Yeah. I used to go to all the school dances and always had a good time. I could move and stuff, but now I’m worried that since I can’t see the other people around me, I might hit someone, or they could hit me.” Lee put his hands together, his thumbs making small circles. “I guess there are a lot of things I stopped doing.” He sighed. “Everyone says I can do anything I want, but I can’t, not really. I’ll never be able to drive, and I can’t go to a strange place and just find my way around. It’s frustrating.” He clenched his fists.

  “Yes, it can be,” James told him gently, but firmly. “We live in a sighted world, but if we want to be part of it, we need to learn to navigate in it. And you do that pretty well.” He reached across the table. “Give yourself a break.”

  Lee huffed. “Sometimes I want to break something. I mean, just hit it, hard.”

  “Then do it,” Dean suggested, and every head at the table turned to him, most of them aghast. “I’m not talking about punching a wall. One of the guys I met a few months ago told me about a gym nearby. It’s for boxing. You could put on some gloves and beat out your frustrations.”

  Lee laughed and blushed big-time. “I don’t think I can do that. The bag will swing back and I’ll end up on the floor.” He covered his mouth and continued chuckling. “Okay, point taken. That’s enough of the self-pity party. I hate it when people meet me and talk slowly, as if because I’m blind, I don’t have a brain. Or the people who speak gently and so carefully because in their eyes, I’m pitiful. It really frosts my ass.”

  “I get that,” James said.

  “So I need to drop the self-pity crap too. It really sucks.”

  The food was brought out. Dean set Lee’s plates in front of him and got him a knife and fork, explaining where everything was.

  “I need some sauce.”

  “Do you want it on the meat or on the side in a pile?” When he got his answer, Dean put some on the gyro meat for him, and Lee ate slowly. He was very precise and careful. Dean had no idea why he was so self-conscious. Heck, he often spilled more than Lee did. “Do you need anything else?” He was trying to be attentive without hovering, and when Lee shook his head, Dean ate his own dinner.

  “How do you navigate in places like the club?” Lee asked James after he finished his salad. “I know there will be a lot of people there.”

  “I’ll stay with you,” Scott said.

  “You’re going to want to dance with Brent,” Dean told Scott. “I’ll stay with Lee.” He was glad when nobody argued.

  “Basically we’ll get a table and the club will put a reserved sign on it for us,” James explained. “When we’re seated, there’s no problem, but when you want to dance or need to go somewhere, Dean will lead you. I’ve been there before, and I’ll have my cane. That pretty much clears a path when we need it. And on the floor, when we dance, the guys will watch out for us.”

  “But I want them to have fun,” Lee said.

  “We will,” Dean reassured him. “Don’t worry. Part of the allure of going to a club like this is so you can let yourself go and have a good time.”

  Lee lowered his voice. “What if I hit someone?”

  “If you bump into someone, turn, nod, and go back to dancing, because it happens. Some guys like to use that as a come-on. But you won’t be dancing alone, so they’ll likely know it was an accident. Other people will probably bump into you too. Don’t get huffy or upset. Just move away a little. Other than that, have a good time and don’t worry.” Dean leaned closer. “Is this your first time going to a club like this?”

  “Yeah. Mom nearly had a fit when I said where I was going, but she and Dad are having a date night themselves tonight. I think Mom’s realizing that I can’t hide away forever, no matter how much she wants to protect me.” Lee finished eating, and Dean took care of the trays and plates, clearing most of the trash.

  They talked for a while, and at about eight, they left the restaurant, with Dean and Brent thanking the guys behind the counter for their help. They tipped them extra and left.

  Dean drove to the club and found a parking space near the front. He saved the one right behind him, and Brent pulled in, with Trevor finding a place one spot back. It was still early, and the club was just opening as they went inside. The music was already on, and the guys behind the bar were still setting up.

  “Evening, gentlemen,” the bartender called, and Dean approached him with a smile. “Can I help you?”

  “Yes, I hope so. Two of the men in our party are blind and another is deaf. I was wondering if we could get a reserved sign for our table. They are going to need a safe place to return to. I don’t expect we’ll be here all night, and we’ll return the sign when we leave, to open up the table.”

  “Of course.” He squatted down and returned with a sign. “I’ll square it with the boss, but you should be fine.”

  Dean tipped him and joined the others, placing the sign on the table. Then he took a seat next to Lee. “I can get some drinks for everyone and then we can dance. We’re the only ones here at the moment.” But as he said that, a few other guys came in and walked right up to the bar.

  Lee seemed unsure of himself and didn’t answer, so Dean leaned in to him. “Do you want to dance?” he asked quietly.

  Lee swallowed and took his hand, pushing back his chair. Dean guided him to the dance floor the way he’d seen Trevor guide James and let him set the pace. Lee could indeed dance and looked sexy as hell as he moved with the beat, his hips undulating, leaving Dean’s mouth dry. He moved with him, picking up Lee’s rhythm as the others joined in. Even though the club was pretty empty, other guys came out and started dancing too.

  The music changed and slowed. Dean took a ste
p closer, guiding Lee into his arms, swaying with him on the floor. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Trevor returning to James and figured that maybe he’d requested something slower, but they talked earnestly for a second, so maybe he was mistaken. The other couples moved in close as well, and Dean relished having Lee in his arms. Neither of them had really talked about it, but Lee seemed to come to him so easily that it made Dean wonder if the attraction was mutual.

  Dean had been fascinated with Lee for a really long time, though he doubted Lee had been aware of it. But maybe he was wrong. Regardless, Lee pressed right up against him, that lithe body undulating and gliding to the music. Fuck, that sent heat racing through him, and Dean backed away just enough so that Lee wouldn’t be able to tell how intensely attracted Dean was. He didn’t want to pressure Lee, and dancing with him like this felt so very nice.

  “Can I take a spin?” someone nearby asked.

  Dean lifted his gaze to see a guy in a cowboy hat, wearing a plaid shirt with the sleeves removed and the front buttons open to reveal a ripped chest and belly. The guy, who had obviously spent a lot of time in the sun, smiled at Lee with perfectly white teeth and sparkling blue eyes.

  “I don’t think so,” Dean said gently, holding Lee a little closer.

  “I wasn’t talking to you,” the man said more forcefully, his accent becoming thicker, his chest thrust forward. “I was talking to the cute one yer dancin’ with.” He smiled again.

  “Lee, do you want to dance with this man?” Dean asked gently. He’d step back and keep an eye out if Lee wanted him to. But Lee shook his head once. “I don’t think he’s interested.” Dean danced Lee away, and they continued swaying to the music.

  “Aww, come on, darlin’. Yer the cutest little thing I’ve seen in weeks. I just want to dance.” Once again, he flashed the hundred-watt cowboy smile, practically posing to show off the goods. And from what Dean could see, the guy was packing well enough.

  Just as Dean was about to get more forceful, Lee said, “I’m just fine right here, thank you very much.” He smiled up at the guy and then turned away. “You have a fun evening.”

  That was a dismissal if Dean had ever heard one, Dean thought as he guided Lee back to the table. Still, he was disappointed that the interloper had ruined the moment.

  “You did great.”

  “Did he go away?” Lee asked.

  “He’s somewhere in the back of the club. I don’t see him right now. Do you want something to drink?”

  “Can I get a gin and tonic?” Lee asked, shocking Dean.

  “Of course.” He had expected Lee to want a beer or something basic. “Will you be okay to stay here?” Once Lee nodded, Dean hurried away and placed his order. The bar was getting busier, but the bartender got his drink quickly, and Dean paid and tipped him.

  Someone put a hand on his shoulder, and he tensed until he turned and noticed Trevor leaning close. “I thought I saw Chuck,” he whispered. “There was a guy who looked a lot like him over by the entrance.” Dean followed where he pointed, his belly doing a flip-flop for just a second. Maybe coming here hadn’t been such a good idea. “I don’t know if it was him, and I checked around and couldn’t find him, so maybe it was my imagination, but I thought you should know.”

  “There’s nothing he could do to me now that he hasn’t done already.” It was time for Dean to move on with his life.

  “Still, I’ll keep an eye out.” Trevor once again scanned the club, using his height to his advantage. Dean checked as well but didn’t see him either. “I probably shouldn’t have said anything. I don’t want to spoil the evening.”

  “You didn’t.” Dean had a much more important person to spend his time with than worrying about Dumbfuck. He lifted the drinks and turned back toward the table… only to find Mr. Cowboy standing over Lee.

  “I’m sorry. I guess you can’t take a hint,” Lee said, speaking over the guy’s shoulder. “I don’t want to dance with you.” He hadn’t stood and seemed dwarfed by the guy. “Besides, isn’t it a little early to be drunk?” Lee scrunched his nose and turned away as Dean came to the table.

  “Buddy, I think that’s enough.”

  The cowboy had a totally confused expression on his face. “What’s wrong with that guy?” As if anyone who turned him down had to have something wrong with them.

  Dean shook his head. “You mean because he isn’t interested in all your supposed hotness?” he asked, setting a glass in front of Lee. Then he turned to deal with this idiot, once and for all. “Vain much?” He cocked his eyebrows. “Lee isn’t interested, and he’s with me tonight.” He pointed. “See those other two couples over there? They are with us as well.”

  “Is there a problem?” a bouncer asked. The guy was as big as a house, his arms crossed over his chest. Hell, he made the cowboy look puny.

  “He was just leaving,” Lee said, and damn, Dean couldn’t help smiling. He loved seeing Lee stand up for himself. That was attractive.

  Finally, the cowboy seemed to get the idea and turned away.

  “Thank you, sir,” Lee said, extending his hand in the bouncer’s direction. The huge man shook it. “I appreciate the assist.”

  He turned to Dean and then looked back at Lee, releasing his hand and nodding. “Of course. If anyone else bothers you, just call for Dwayne. I’ll take care of things. Now you all have a good night.” He headed through the crowd to the front door.

  “What was with that guy?” Lee asked, taking a sip from his drink.

  “Well, he was pretty hot, and he kept primping in front of you but couldn’t figure out why his hotness wasn’t getting him what he wanted.”

  Lee scrunched his nose. “The guy was wearing cheap cologne or something to cover up the fact that he hadn’t bathed in days.” He shook his head. “What the hell is attractive about that? I mean, smelly isn’t really my thing.” And damned if Lee didn’t lean closer. “Now, you smell really nice. What cologne is that?”

  “None,” Dean said, grinning. “The guys said they hated what I was wearing so I threw it away and haven’t bought anything new.”

  “Don’t,” Lee said, leaning against his arm. “You smell good just the way you are.” He scooted his chair closer, and Dean put an arm around Lee’s shoulder, holding him close. Across the dance floor, Dean saw Scott nudge Brent and then point their way. Brent glanced over and then pretended to turn away when he saw Dean looking back at him. Dean had little doubt that Trevor was filling James in on what was happening at the table, but he didn’t care. This was perfect. “Do you want to dance again?”

  “We probably should, before it gets too busy.”

  Dean finished his drink and waited for Lee, then guided him back out on the floor. The music was pumping, and Lee really got into it. He shimmied and shook that little backside like it was hot. Dean did his best to keep up, but dang, all he wanted to do was watch Lee. But Lee had other ideas, and locating his hands, he tugged Dean along with him.

  Lee drew Dean closer until his hands were on Lee’s hips, moving in time to the music. Then Lee spun around, backing up to him, drawing Dean’s arms around him. Lee danced right in front of him, his arms over his head, the music becoming part of him, and Dean was swept along for the ride, unable to stop even if he’d wanted to.

  Lee was like a siren, magically drawing Dean closer, and Dean was unable to resist. The beat of the music intensified, and Lee went along with it, bringing Dean with him. Dean couldn’t turn back. His body thrummed with energy, his heart raced, and his vision narrowed, seeing only the gorgeous creature in front of him.

  A bump from someone behind him pulled Dean out of the spell. He nudged Lee, who paused and pressed closer, his hips still moving but nearer, now a more personal dance just for him. Dean’s entire body went on high alert. He wanted Lee so badly, more than he’d ever wanted anyone. That was heaven and hell at the same time. Lee was so young, and Dean had been around the block more times than he could mention. Lee deserved someone as fresh and vital as he w

  “You don’t want to dance?” Lee asked over his shoulder.

  “With you, I’ll dance forever.” Dean turned Lee around, holding him tightly and finally letting go. Dean had no idea how long his chance, this dance, was going to last, and he needed to make the most of the time this amazing man was willing to spend with him.

  Someone else bumped them, and then another as the floor filled. Guys pressed in, and soon it was like they were all dancing together. Lee tensed, and Dean enclosed him in his arms, drawing Lee away from the center of the writhing mass and ushering him back toward the table.

  “Thank you,” Lee said breathlessly. “They were pressing in on me, and it freaked me out a little. Since I couldn’t see them, it was like they were coming out of nowhere.” Lee reached for the chair, found his seat, and then positioned himself on it. “I wanted to come here and meet people, but I didn’t think it would be like this.”

  “What were you hoping for?” Dean asked as James and Trevor sat down as well. Brent and Scott were still out on the dance floor, and they seemed content to stay there. Then again, Scott could see the jostling coming.

  “I don’t know. Maybe a place where people could talk to one another and get to know each other. A place where I could meet people like me—not like that creepy guy from earlier.” Lee shrugged. “I guess that was kind of stupid.”

  “Maybe a little naive, but not stupid,” Dean said truthfully. “There are plenty of people here, and a lot of them are great guys.”

  “Then what are they here for, if it isn’t to meet people?” Lee asked earnestly.

  “Well, there are two guys across the room—they look like boxers circling and dancing around each other. They’ll probably end up going home together for the night. I don’t know if they just met or not, but there’s something in the way they look at each other that tells you they’re going to be a couple, sooner rather than later.” Dean bumped Lee’s shoulder lightly. “There’s another guy right across from us. He’s standing against the wall, his shirt partially open, his legs kind of spread. That guy is looking for sex, most likely any way he can get it.” Dean swallowed. “I spent a lot of my time the last few years being that guy.” And he didn’t want that any longer. Truthfully, he wanted what Brent and Trevor had, and he hoped he’d have a chance of that with Lee.


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