Heart Unbroken

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Heart Unbroken Page 12

by Andrew Grey

  Dean chuckled. “I didn’t want to scare you, or….”

  Lee groaned again, and Dean tugged at his jeans, sliding them down over Lee’s waist, bringing his underwear along with them. When Lee finally burst free, he sighed as though the confinement had been painful, and Dean smiled. Lee’s cock slapped his belly, and Dean shucked the jeans off him, adding them to the growing pile of clothes on the floor.

  This was beauty personified. Lee lay still, his cock throbbing, his body quivering, and it was all for Dean. In the depths of his chest, Dean felt himself come alive again. His heart began to beat like that of a resurrected vampire who had found his humanity. Dean was once more finding his ability to love, and he wanted this moment to last. His head ached in the best way possible as the blood coursed through him.

  “Are you staring at me?” Lee asked, squirming slightly. “Am I ugly or something?”

  “No, and you know damn well you’re not ugly. I swear you could never have been ugly in any way in your life.” Dean leaned closer. “You’re amazing, and so beautiful that you drive me crazy.” He wondered what he’d done to deserve someone like Lee. The rejection from years earlier rang in his head, and he stilled, wishing he could eradicate the memory from his mind.

  “Stop that. I can almost hear your thoughts.” Lee smiled slightly. “Maybe being blind has left me a little psychic.” Lee wound his arms around Dean’s neck again. “You know, maybe I should take up reading people’s fortune or something. I wonder if they make braille tarot cards.”

  Dean’s chuckles turned to a groan as Lee’s deft fingers worried at the catch at his pants. The man had talent, popping them open and pushing them downward. Dean worked them off and kicked them to the floor. Damn, Lee felt amazing against him, all heat and sizzling energy. “Maybe being blind has made you magical.” He certainly seemed to have that effect on Dean.

  He kissed Lee hard, winding his arms under Lee to hold him even tighter. Lee quivered and shook as he moved his hips, gliding them back and forth against Dean.

  Dean broke the kiss. Then, sliding his lips down Lee’s chest and belly, he took Lee’s length between them. Lee gasped and moaned as Dean tasted him, the head of Lee’s cock skating along his tongue as he took more and more of him.

  “Dean…,” Lee whimpered, hips bucking slightly, and Dean only encouraged him, letting Lee’s passion take over, driving them both. It was stunning to feel such abandon and pleasure again. He took all of Lee and then backed away, letting Lee catch his breath before taking him once more.

  Lee gasped softly as Dean used all his skills to pull out as much excitement for him as possible, and in return, Dean’s own excitement reached the point that he could barely control it. Instinct took over, and Dean bobbed his head, tugging the passion out of Lee. He added more energy and enthusiasm, and Lee quivered even more, which only increased Dean’s pleasure.

  Round and round they went, a cycle of avarice and ecstasy that took them both on a journey that left Dean and Lee damn near breathless before they reached the pinnacle. Dean backed off, took Lee in his hand, and stroked as his own release grew nearer.

  Lee stilled, crying out as though he was attempting to hold back at all costs.

  “That’s it, let it go…,” Dean whispered, the words having the same effect on him that he’d hoped they’d have for Lee. Dean closed his eyes, afraid they’d pop out of his head at the intensity of his passion, as Lee climaxed, gasping, belly quivering, and Dean could hold off no longer, his legs shaking as he too went over the edge. Then Dean stilled, gathered Lee in his arms, and held him, letting the warmth of the moment last as long as possible.

  “Was that good?” Lee asked quietly, as though afraid of the answer.

  “It was wonderful,” Dean told him, his head still flying.

  “Can we do that again?”

  Dean chuckled. “Of course we can. Anything you’d like. But I have to rest a few minutes.” He reluctantly got off the bed, grabbed a towel from the bathroom, and used it to wipe them up. Then he returned to Lee and took him back in his arms.

  “Would the pizza help you regain your strength faster?” Lee’s belly rumbled, and Dean’s did the same.

  “Maybe…,” Dean answered with a smile, then took the hint and got up to retrieve the box from the oven. The day might not have been the greatest one of his life, though it seemed to be coming to an end on a high note. But he already knew what followed times like this. All he could do was try to make the happiness last as long as possible.

  Chapter 6

  LEE SCOWLED as his mother started up with him yet again. Unfortunately, since they were in the car, he was a captive audience. “Mom, I really don’t want to talk to you about this. I know how you feel already.”

  “But Dean is so much older than you. I’m your mother and I worry.”

  “I know, Mom. But I get to make my own relationship decisions, and I don’t see him as old, the same way I don’t see you as old.” He tried not to snicker. His mom was becoming more sensitive about her age, and he figured that would bring his point home. “Dean asked if he could take us all to dinner so you can meet him, and I said that would be nice.” He was beginning to get a little nervous. “Can you reserve judgment until then?” He could almost feel his mother’s indignation.

  “I suppose.”

  Now that was a ringing endorsement if he ever heard one.

  She pulled to a stop, and Lee got out of the car. “We’re having a meeting today, and Scott and I will be really busy, so I’ll call you when we’re finished or I’ll get a ride home.” He told her goodbye and wished her a good day at work, then used familiar landmarks to go inside.

  “You’re just in time,” Scott said, taking his arm once he passed the door. “Trevor has called a meeting.”

  “Yeah, I know. Someone dumped my toolbox into one of the pits. Someone’s idea of a joke isn’t all that funny anymore.” Lee hoped he was speaking so Scott could read his lips.

  “He told me this morning. You should have messaged me. I could have helped.”

  “I was with Dean, and he brought me over. He and Brent helped me clean everything up.” He was surprised Brent hadn’t told Scott what happened, but then maybe Brent hadn’t wanted to upset Scott. This entire incident had knocked Lee’s feet out from under him.

  “Sometimes Brent chooses the weirdest times to keep things from me,” Scott said. “He doesn’t want me to worry.”

  “It’s okay. We got everything put back, and Brent chained the box to the wall, so it isn’t going anywhere. I do wonder what they’re going to do next, though.” That was his main concern.

  “I talked to Brent this morning. He said that Trevor expects to have the other garage up and running real soon. He told me that he wants us to work with Dean on the Cobra as soon as we finish things up here.” Scott was clearly excited. “Hopefully we’ll be able to start on the restoration Wednesday or Thursday.”

  “That would be nice.” Lee was still a little wary. “I’ve been thinking about maybe trying to find a job someplace else.”

  “Are you serious?” Scott asked.

  “If I’m not safe here, what choice do I have?” But Lee hated the thought of leaving. Regardless of his experience, he’d have a difficult time finding another job. He knew he could just go on disability and be done with it, but that didn’t sit well with him. Still, maybe Lee had simply been fooling himself for these last few years.

  “Everyone, gather around,” Trevor called, and Scott guided him closer. “There have been some incidents in the garage this last week. And not only will they stop, but I will be speaking to each and every one of you about them. Also, just so you’re aware, we have installed cameras throughout the workspace. They are positioned in a number of places so we can keep track of the entire area of the garage. There will be no repeats of these incidents.” Trevor sounded angry and Lee was glad it wasn’t directed at him.

  “What types of incidents?” Gary asked. He was usually very quiet.

; “Tools have been messed with, vandalism, and intimidation. It will not be tolerated. When we do find out who is behind this, that person will be dismissed and the police will be called. Is that clear? This one, and every one of my garages, will be a safe place for all concerned.” Power rang in his voice, and it reassured Lee to a degree.

  Low murmurs, questions, and speculation filled the room. Lee had to give Trevor credit for not singling him out.

  “That’s enough,” Trevor’s voice broke through the din. “We will be speaking with everyone sometime throughout the day. The locks on the garage have been changed and all new keys accounted for. If you had a key before and don’t now, you’ll need to make arrangements. I have been generous with the use of the space during off hours, but it seems that generosity has been abused. So it will come to an end.”

  A chill went up Lee’s spine at Trevor’s words.

  “It’s okay,” Dean said from next to him. “This is not your doing.”

  Lee still held on to Scott and didn’t move. He wondered how Dean knew exactly what he’d been thinking at that moment. Guilt totally sucked.

  “Are there any questions? No? Okay, then. Todd, I need you to stop by the office after the meeting.”

  A few oooohs rose up, as if they were all in elementary school, but they quieted quickly. Lee wondered if Trevor scowled. Scott had told him he could be intimidating as hell when he wanted to be. Lee was glad he wasn’t on the receiving end of Trevor’s anger.

  “Todd has been instrumental in getting the cameras installed so quickly for us. He’s been promoted to assistant manager, reporting to Brent.” Trevor was clearly not amused. “Now get back to work.” Man, he was snappy, and Lee sure as hell didn’t want to be the person to get on his bad side.

  Lee held Scott’s arm a little tighter as they moved around where he knew the first pit was located. The usual banter and conversation between the mechanics was conspicuously absent, though the power wrench and tools soon broke up the quiet.

  “Lee,” Dean said from behind him. “Trevor wants to speak to you.”

  “Yeah, right. Like he could have seen anything,” Randy griped.

  Lee was so tempted to walk over to where the jerk was undoubtedly standing near his toolbox two bays down and punch him in his beer belly. He knew how to do that now.

  “I suggest you go back to work,” Dean snapped.

  “And who are you to tell me what to do?” Randy demanded.

  “The man you won’t be working with to restore cars. That’s for certain.” Dean wasn’t touching him, but Lee could feel the tension rolling off him, even from a distance.

  “I know. You’d rather work with a blind guy who can’t do his work alone than a real mechanic.” Lee heard Randy’s plodding footsteps grow fainter.

  “Dean, it’s okay. He’s showing his true colors, and Trevor knows how to deal with guys like him.” The guy was an asshole, but Lee honestly didn’t think Randy had anything to do with his tools being messed with. Randy was a blowhard and a loudmouth. He didn’t sneak around or say stuff behind your back. He just said it and to hell with anyone else.


  “I have to deal with this sort of thing.” Lee was getting used to it. He turned to face Scott, thinking that he could see his lips. “Scott, do you want to get started? I know we have a lot to do. Dean can take me in to see Trevor, but I’ll be back as soon as I can.”

  “Okay,” Scott agreed.

  Lee took Dean’s arm to follow him to the office. Once he was oriented in the garage, he knew his pathways around and through the work area, but with someone ostensibly out to get him, he wasn’t going to take any chances.

  “You wanted to see me?” Lee said once he was in the office and heard the door close. “I know Dean and Trevor are here, but is Brent here too?”

  “No. It’s just me,” Trevor said. “Go ahead and sit down. I want you to tell me about what’s been said and done to you. And don’t say nothing.”

  Lee shrugged. “There’s not a lot, really. Randy and his posse are ignorant jerks, but that doesn’t make them guilty of wrecking my toolchest. No one else has said anything. This whole incident has me kind of confused. I thought I got along pretty well with everyone. Maybe someone resents the fact that I can find things that they can’t. At least that’s what Dean said might be happening. I’m not really sure. With all the tools in it, the box is pretty heavy, and I keep the wheels locked. The only way it could have moved was for someone to have pushed it on purpose.”

  Trevor sighed. “That’s what I figured as well. I’m going to get to the bottom of this. I had a friend who does PI work come over yesterday. He looked things over and couldn’t find where anyone forced their way in. So it had to be one of the mechanics. But we’ve changed the locks now, so it won’t happen again. And we will find out who was behind it, one way or the other.”

  “Thanks.” Lee didn’t mention that he had thought about leaving. If he continued to feel unsafe, he’d have that conversation with Trevor. But given all the measures Trevor had put in place, there should be no reason quit now. “I’ll go back to work.” Lee stood and left the office. Dean was waiting for him and guided him back to his work area, where Lee leaned into the engine of the car they were working on, right next to Scott, and they got to work.

  Lee did his best to ignore the guys coming and going the rest of the morning as they were called into Trevor’s office.

  “Can you hear anything out of the ordinary?” Scott asked, bumping his shoulder. Lee listened carefully, then shook his head. He made an okay sign with his fingers, and Scott nodded. Together they finished up, and Scott took care of the car and drove another into the garage.

  As the day continued, Lee grew more nervous, wondering if Trevor had found out anything. But he got his answer that afternoon.

  “Brent and Trevor are leading Cliff, and it looks like they’re…. Yup—he’s getting his things.” Scott patted his back. “I guess they found the guilty one.”

  “That doesn’t mean anything. Randy and Billy will only be resentful and pick up the slack.” Lee huffed and listened to the engine, pointing Scott to the source of the soft whine in the belt. Scott tightened it slightly, and the whine disappeared. He nodded, and Scott finished the set of hundred-thousand-mile maintenance items on the Mustang before closing the hood.

  “We’re cooking today,” Scott said happily.

  “I know.” Lee bit his lower lip.

  “You have nothing to worry about, Lee. If Cliff was the guilty one, the others are going to be on their best behavior. After all, Trevor just laid down the law, and he did it by terminating someone.” Scott shifted away from him. “If they all want to go somewhere else, we can fill their places easily enough. I know plenty of people who want to work here.” Scott was speaking louder than he normally did, which made Lee wonder if his message was for him or for some of the others who might have been listening. “Come on, I brought stuff for lunch. We haven’t eaten yet and it’s nearly two.”

  “Okay,” Lee agreed, and went with Scott to the small break room. It was thankfully quiet. Lee pulled out a chair and let Scott set out what he’d brought for lunch. Lee had planned on getting something when the guys sent out for food, but with all the meetings, that hadn’t happened. “I appreciate you sharing. My mind has been all over the place lately.” He hoped Scott could see his lips. There was no answer, so Lee waited until he heard the chair settle across from him before repeating what he’d said.

  “Oh, yeah. That’s okay.” Scott patted Lee’s hand to reinforce what he’d said. “Sometimes I hate how hard it is to communicate.”

  Lee nodded, took Scott’s hand, and squeezed it. He wouldn’t give up their friendship for anything. It was the only thing that had gotten him through being seventeen and going blind. And Lee knew he’d been able to help Scott when he’d lost his hearing because of an accident. They’d gone too far to give up because of a little challenge like communication.

  “Brent asked
me why you and I never got together. I think he was in one of his unsettled moods.” Lee made a face and shook his head. “I’ve just never thought of you that way.”

  “Yeah, I know,” Scott answered. “I never thought of you that way either.” He chuckled, and Lee did the same. They were friends, best friends.

  “That’s good to know,” Dean said quietly from behind him, and Lee startled a little. “Okay. I’ll make more noise when I enter a room.”

  “Thank you.”

  When Scott slid a container over the table toward him, Lee followed the sound, touched the edges, and felt his way around it. “Mom made meatballs in sauce with pasta. I ate some, and you can have the rest.” Scott pressed a fork into his hand, and Lee dug in. Scott’s mom made amazing meatballs, and the rich scent had already revved up his appetite.

  “I’m about to leave. Trevor and I finished up what we needed to go over, but I wanted to find out if Thursday or Friday would work better to take your mom and dad to dinner?”

  “I’ll ask and text you tonight,” Lee answered, swallowing hard, and not because of the food. “But….”

  Dean gently rubbed his shoulder. “It’s going to be okay.” Dean patted his arm once and then pulled his hand away. “I’ll talk to you tonight.” Dean left the room, exaggerating his footsteps so there was no way Lee would miss his exit.

  “Dean is going to meet your mom?” Scott sounded kind of amused and curious. “That isn’t going to go well.”

  Lee nodded, trying not to get too worried, but it was hard. She had cornered him again last night, pushing him about the age difference between him and Dean, which really seemed to have freaked her out.

  “He needs to know how your mom might react,” Scott said, and Lee nodded. He was well aware of what kind of reception Dean would receive. “You have to tell him.”

  Lee nodded again with more emphasis and then turned his attention to the amazing lunch. He hated that he was actually going to have to have this fight with his mother, but he didn’t have much choice now. He had the right to make his own decisions. And if he had to argue to be with the guy he wanted, then he’d do it. But Lee hated fighting with his mom. He didn’t want to hurt her.


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