Scott: Triplets (Members From Money Book 13)

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Scott: Triplets (Members From Money Book 13) Page 22

by Katie Dowe

  Kendra could hardly breathe as he took her hand, and opened it to reveal a beautiful diamond engagement ring. “I want you to marry me, Kendra, that way every night, I know that you will be coming home to me. I love you more than I ever thought possible and I want us to be together forever.”

  “But Remy, we’ve only known each other for a short time, it’s too soon for us to get married.” Kendra protested.

  “Do you love me?” He asked.

  “You know I do. I love you more than anything, but it’s such a big step. Yesterday, we weren’t even speaking and tonight you’re asking me to marry you.” She said, shaking her head.

  “Just think about it, we could be together all the time. You can have your career and I can have mine. When it comes time for me to travel, we’ll take it one trip at a time. You know it’s the perfect solution, please say yes.” He said, sliding the ring on her finger.

  “Oh, Remy you make it sound so simple, so good.” Kendra had never been one to take risks, but this felt so right. “Yes, Remy I will marry you.”

  The words were hardly out of her mouth, before Remy wrapped her in a big hug that was followed by a scorching kiss. It had been weeks since they had been together and Kendra was immediately ready for him.

  Knowing the dining room wasn’t the appropriate place, Remy scooped Kendra up off the chair and carried her to the office, where he deposited her on the desk and cleared everything off with one swipe of his arm.

  Stepping between her legs and taking her face in his hands, he looked deeply into her eyes and said, “Kendra, I love you and I want us to be together for the rest of our lives, nothing will ever stand in our way again.” Any reply she might have made was lost when his mouth descended on hers in a searing kiss.


  Once Remy and Kendra announced their engagement, life became a whirlwind. Since Kendra’s mother and brother would be coming out for Christmas it made sense to be married then. With only a few months to plan, Remy’s mother was in heaven. Rushing around, having invitations made, ordering flowers, and dragging Kendra to bridal shop, after bridal shop.

  Kendra had hoped that they could have a small ceremony but after seeing Barbra’s guest list she was dismayed to find that there were hundreds of guests on the list. She was feeling frustrated that her wedding had suddenly turned into a circus, so she called Remy to see if he could rein his mother in.

  He found her sitting in the park across the street from the apartment, she was huddled in her coat, looking for all the world like she had just lost her best friend. “Hey, I thought this was supposed to be a happy time.” He said, putting his arm around her.

  “Well, it should be, but your mother had turned this wedding into a circus. I now have eight bride’s maids, which means an equal number of groom’s men. We have two flower girls, and I don’t know how many attendants. Don’t even get me started on the guest list. She’s got...” Kendra wasn’t able to finish because Remy had covered her mouth with an ardent kiss.

  He deepened the kiss until he felt her begin to relax, “Now, let’s slow down a little and see if we can’t come up with a compromise. But, what you have to remember, is that my wedding is a big deal to the family. As the soon to be head of the family, it has to be a family affair. Held at the house, following all the traditions, and everyone is invited. The entire family will want to be there, it’ll be talked about for years.” He said, rubbing her back in soothing circles.

  “It’s also a rite of passage, once we’re married there will be times it will be your responsibility to organize family meetings. Even today, a lot of our business is done with family. My mother just wants to give you a proper introduction to the family.” He finished.

  Feeling a little calmer she thought about his words. She had known that this was what she had signed up for when she agreed to marry Remy. She really liked Barbra and if it would make her happy she would go along with all the craziness. Besides her mother would be thrilled to help plan a wedding like this.

  “Okay how about one of our compromises, I’ll go along with anything your mother plans as long as my mother can have a say in the planning. I’ll ask her to get a hold of your mother and together they can plan the wedding, my mother will keep your mother under control.” She decided, finally feeling like she could handle the celebration that was to come.

  “I’ll send her plane tickets for any time she wants, just let me know when. Do you think she could come out early?” he asked.

  “Well, I doubt it, but I can ask. She could stay with us, it would be fun.” She said, beginning to get really excited.

  “Maybe I’ll ask my mom if she can stay at the estate, I don’t know if I could keep my hands off you while she was here.” He said, sliding his hand up her leg, sending shivers of desire shooting through her stomach.

  “You’re freezing, let’s go upstairs and get you warmed up. I can think of a few ways to get you nice and warm.” He said, his hand continuing its explorations.


  Kendra was on the phone to her mother as soon as the time difference would allow. Her mother, while happy about the wedding, was a little concerned about how quickly the whole thing had happened. Being involved in the process might help her to see how wonderful Remy and his family were. She was also hoping that her mom might be able to come early.

  Her mother was not only thrilled with the idea but able to come early, since Remy was going to pay for the plane ticket and she wouldn’t have to pay for a hotel, it would be an entire month early. She had already planned it, but was glad that Kendra had asked. Kendra wasn’t the least bit surprised to learn that Barbra had already been in touch with her mother. They had made the plans together, just the first of many they would make.

  Kendra had decided that the best idea was to just let her mother and Barbra have their way. Left on their own they would plan the perfect wedding, Barbra knew about planning and executing lavish celebrations and her mother knew her. It would be the perfect combination. In only two weeks, they had finalized the guest list, picked out invitations, and chosen the wedding party.

  She was headed to the estate now to go over their choices and give her final approval. There had been no mention of the wedding dress, but she knew the topic would be coming up soon. Kendra had been willing to give on most of the decisions, but she wasn’t going to be married in anything that had underskirts, hoops, miles of lace, or jewels.

  She was sad that her mother wouldn’t be there to help her pick it out but it couldn’t wait. If alterations were needed, it would take time and they were only a few months from the big day. Kendra decided that she would talk to Barbra about it tonight. Her plan was to ask Margot to go with her first, they could select a few that she liked best, then bring Barbra to see those few. She hoped to avoid any confrontations this way.

  Barbra greeted her warmly when she got to the estate. They settled in the family room, which was furnished for comfort.

  “I can’t wait to show you everything we’ve done.” Barbra was clearly excited.

  “I’m so glad you and my mom are getting along so well, most mother in laws hate each other.” Kendra said.

  Waving her thanks away, Barbra said, “Oh, she’s a doll. We’re having so much fun.”

  Over the next hour, she and Barbra went over the guest list and Kendra even managed to get her to take a few names off. She loved the invitations they had chosen and was satisfied with the members of the wedding party. She didn’t know many of them, but Barbra cheerfully assured her, she would get to know them at all the engagement parties they would be attending.

  “Engagement parties...” Kendra said, clearly confused.

  “Oh, my yes, everyone will want to host the happy couple. The older family members will all host dinner parties in your honor. It’s a tradition that dates back hundreds of years, when a couple was engaged they would make the rounds of the elder family members seeking their approval. The dinners have survived, although the ne
ed for elder approval certainly hasn’t.” Barbra explained.

  “Just how many parties are we talking about?” Kendra asked, “I have to work and nights are my busy time.”

  “Don’t worry, I’ve already talked to the family and we’ve agreed on eight. One every two weeks until the wedding. That will allow the groups to be small enough that everyone will have a chance to talk to you a little.” Barbra said.

  “I suppose I will need clothes for these parties. I don’t think I’ve ever owned that many outfits at once. Will you help me pick out the right things?”

  “Of course, we’ll call my personal shopper and she’ll do all the work. It’s nice sometimes to have money.” Barbra said, reaching for her address book.

  “So she’ll pick out clothes and bring them to me?” Kendra said, thinking she might be able to handle that.

  “Believe it or not, I hate shopping. This way I know I’ll have choices that are tailored to me, not half the world.”

  “I could get used to that.” Kendra said, thinking that here finally was a benefit of being rich.

  Kendra knew that the time had come to talk about the wedding dress, she didn’t want Barbra sending her personal buyer out looking for her wedding dress.

  “Barbra, I wanted to talk to you about my wedding dress. I really appreciate all you and mom have been doing for the wedding, but I want to pick out my own dress.”

  “Well...I had already put some thought into the dress but if you don’t like what I’ve found, you can pick something else. Will you take a look? I think it’s perfect for you.”

  Kendra followed her upstairs to one of the bedrooms on the second floor. There hanging on a rack was the most beautiful wedding dress she had ever seen. It was ivory, not white, which was what Kendra had wanted. The color would make her skin glow. There were no flounces, lace or jewels. It was simple with classic lines, clearly old.

  “It was Remy’s grandmother’s dress. I thought it would be perfect for you. Try it on, let’s see how it looks.” Barbra said, seeing Kendra’s face when she saw the dress.

  Kendra wasted no time, stripping off her clothes and slipping into the dress. It fit like it was made for her, showing off all her best features. She was speechless when she saw her reflection in the mirror. Close to tears, she threw her arms around Barbra and gave her a big hug.

  “It’s all I ever imagined. How did you know?” Kendra asked.

  “It’s been hanging in the storage closet for years just waiting for you. Welcome to the family.”


  Time flew and before Kendra and Remy knew it the wedding was only a week away. Her brother had arrived safely, but was avoiding the preparations by hanging out with Remy. Their mothers had everything well in hand, any last minute emergencies would be handled with as much efficiency as everything else had been.

  Kendra had endured one dinner party after another, some had actually been fun, but she was ready for the entire affair to be over. The one benefit of all the fuss and bother was that Kendra was more than sure she would be able handle being the matron of the family.

  She would be taking the next three weeks off from the restaurant, but this time she had gotten someone to cover for her. She and Remy would be spending two weeks touring Italy. She was looking forward to tasting true Italian cooking, and maybe bringing some new ideas home with her.

  As they sat, bundled up, on the balcony with only 7 days until they would be husband and wife, Remy too, was ready for the whole experience to be over. He had been pulled from one place to another, doing all those traditional things his mother thought were so important. He’d spent more time with his family in the last two months, than he had in his entire life.

  “Are you ready for the big day?” Remy asked.

  “Honestly, I have mixed emotions. On the one hand it’s been so nice having my mom here, but on the other, I think that if I had to go to one more dinner party my clothes wouldn’t fit.” Kendra said.

  “I know what you mean. We should have just snuck off and gotten married. It would have been easier.”

  “Yeah, and our mothers wouldn’t have talked to us for years. It probably would have taken grandchildren to get them to forgive us.” Kendra said, shaking her head.

  “I just wish you didn’t have to go stay at the estate for a week. I’ve gotten used to you being around, don’t know if I’ll be able to sleep.”

  “Somehow I doubt it's sleep you’re worried about going without.” Kendra said, snuggling up against him suggestively.

  “Keep doing that, and you won’t be going anywhere anytime soon.” Remy said, reaching around and cupping her breast in his big hand.

  “Well, tradition might dictate that we can’t see each other for a week before the wedding, but there are no rules that say we can’t make the most of the last few hours we have.

  “What an excellent idea.” She said, pulling him inside the apartment.


  The morning of the wedding dawned clear and bright. It would be a lovely winter day, the perfect day for a wedding in Paris. There would be heaters to keep the tents warm, but they might not even be needed until that night. The house was full of people and more would be attending the ceremony and reception after.

  Extra help had been brought in to help take care of everyone staying at the house, plus the caterers and workers setting up for the ceremony, so there were people everywhere. Kendra was sequestered in her room, waiting for her bride’s maids to join her for a private brunch while they were getting ready for the ceremony. Barbra had been right, she had gotten to know her bride’s maids and found them all to be great company. Of course, Margot was her maid of honor and had been her rock though all the preparations.

  She was the first to arrive, full of smiles and giggles. “I’m so excited, today is going to be wonderful.”

  “I’m so nervous, I don’t know how I’m going to get through today. Everyone will be watching me, what if I trip.” Kendra said, pacing the room.

  “Enough of that. You’re a world renowned chef, you were on a television show that was watched by millions of people. I think you can handle a short walk down the aisle.” Margot said, pushing Kendra into a chair and making her a plate from the buffet set up in the room.

  “You’re right.” Kendra said, squaring her shoulders.

  Just then the rest of the bride’s maids arrived and the rest of the morning and early afternoon flew by as makeup artists and stylists worked their magic, transforming each of the girls into a vision of beauty.

  Kendra had never been this pampered in her entire life. From the tip of her toes to the top of her head, each piece of skin, every muscle had been worked over. She glowed and felt like it. When it came time to put on her dress, everyone gathered around to help. Surrounded as she was it wasn’t until they stepped back and she got a look at herself that she realized that this was really happening.

  Just then her mother and Barbra stepped into the room to see if everyone was ready. One look at Kendra and they both teared up. Barbra was the first to give Kendra a big hug and ask if she was ready. Kendra could only nod her head yes. Satisfied, Barbra rounded up everyone else but Kendra’s mother and shooed them out of the room.

  “Let’s give them a few minutes.” Barbra said, gesturing for everyone to leave.

  Kendra and her mother had been able to spend a lot of time together over the last month, so there wasn’t a lot left to say.

  “Honey, I love you and want you to be happy. I’ve seen how Remy looks at you and you at him, you two will be just fine. But I do want you to remember that marriage takes work. Put in the time and you will have a happy marriage.” She said, pulling a small box out of her pocket.

  “Oh, I think I’ve already had a good dose of making things work.” Kendra said.

  “Yeah, I suppose you’ve already gotten an idea of how to compromise.” Her mom said, handing her the box.

  “Your father gave this necklace to
me on our wedding day. I want you to have it now. I may not have had him with me for long, but I loved him deeply. We too had our problems, but when he was at his most frustrating or we were fighting, I would get this out and wear it. It always made me feel better.” Her mom said, giving her a hug.

  “Thank you, mom. I’ll treasure it always, but I think I’ll wear it when I’m missing you.”

  “Alright, no more mushy stuff. Let’s get you married.”

  The grounds were a vision of white, lavender, and peach, Kendra’s favorite colors. Hundreds of guests were seated under the giant tents that would later provide dinner seating and a dance floor. Remy’s dad was going to give Kendra away since her dad couldn’t, so he was waiting for Kendra when she came out of the house.

  “Ready?” He said, taking her arm. “You look incredible, my grandmother would have been proud to see you in that dress.”

  Kendra was only able to smile, her heart was beating so hard and she felt like she could hardly breathe. Taking a deep breath, she nodded her head and they began the long trip down the aisle. Her legs were shaking as she walked, but as soon as she saw Remy at the end of the aisle, her heart calmed and she was able to breathe again.

  If she had any doubts about this marriage, seeing him standing there in his tux, looking as nervous as she, those doubts disappeared. She truly loved him and they would have a wonderful life together. It might not always be easy, they were different in many ways, but together they would make it work.

  As she joined Remy at the altar, Kendra looked into his eyes to see a few tears. Smiling, she took his hand and gave it a gentle squeeze, returning her smile, then together they turned to face the minister. With all the traditions that had been a part of getting married she had expected the ceremony to be a long one, but instead it was a simple but moving event.

  When the minister pronounced them husband and wife, Remy kissed her and the rest of the world melted away. They would have the rest of their lives together, but first they had a wonderful party to attend. Their mother’s had planned the perfect reception and everyone was ready to enjoy themselves.


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