Dances with Wolves

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Dances with Wolves Page 13

by Dances

  In a bizarre way, he was gentling her to his touch, preparing her for more. It made her smile because he was handling her and either he didn't realize the meaning behind his actions, or he genuinely didn't realize. Sighing as his hand curved around her hips and he gently rotated his hips against her own, those snaking fingers trickled down between her legs. Only for a second, but it was enough to start her blood heating. Tenderly parting her legs, he splashed water against her pussy. The short slaps of water against her intimate area was rather unusual and not displeasing. She preferred it when he used his fingers on her though, the digits parting the lips to stroke inside, curling around her clit to tickle or pinch. The soft soothing touches started to inflame her. What had been embers was now ready to flame brightly and he knew it.

  The oil in the water made any contact between the two slippery. The delicious friction was splendid and exciting. His fingers delved deeper to the rosette of her ass. Sucking in a breath when his oily finger pressed against the bud, she accepted him. She felt him rubbing the tight area from the inside out, the digit inside constantly moved, penetrating her further, spreading her a little more. The other fingers rubbed the nerve-packed areas in the surrounds. After a while, he pressed a second finger inside, then a third and finally a fourth. A huge amount of time passed between each penetration. He touched her constantly, sparked nerve-endings to life that had never seen the light of day before now.

  By that final finger penetration, she was literally shaking with need. She'd had no idea that being touched there would be so wonderful. His fingers would scissor inside of her. At first it had been uncomfortable, but as time passed on shivers of need would snake surprisingly up her spine. When he finally pulled out, she moaned hungrily, actually looking forward to what would happen next, his cock instead of fingers this time.

  She wasn't wrong, but never had she been so glad to be right! It was hard, she wouldn't deny that, it was awkward in the bath, a little uncomfortable in the tight constraints. But somehow because of the location, it was in other regards a lot easier. They had the flow of the water to support them, it created a wonderful intimacy, the warmth was sensual and being so close in the bath and experiencing this for the first time was truly beautiful. There was nothing sordid about it. He'd started as he was finishing, gently, tenderly, lovingly.

  When his cock pressed deep inside her, hitting an area of nerves that sent a shock wave through her body, she cried out uncontrollably. He penetrated her pussy with his two thumbs, pressed down against his cock, pushing deep then retreating to rub her clit. Her body was a mass with sensations. She knew that she was on the pinnacle, on the knife-edge, ready to climax. She just needed him to thrust, just once and she knew she'd be there.

  His fingers focused on her clit and as she relaxed around him, became more comfortable and at ease, he started what she'd longed him to do. Pulling out slightly by lifting her up he used her weight against her to drop her down onto his dick. The sensation of impalement was shocking. By the third thrust her excitement levels had notched up a gear, that impalement now turned her on. When he dropped her on to his cock, then unexpectedly twisted her down and against his hips, pushing him deeper inside her, she gave a choked cry as the mass of feelings combined and sent her soaring into the wonderfully magical sky.

  Chapter Eight

  With a tender and admittedly sentimental sigh, Jada smiled softly as she watched Phelan sleep. He and his cousins were three of the most beautiful men she had ever seen in her life. Each had their own unique coloring and although she'd grown used to the masks and they'd allowed her to open up, she couldn't wait to see them without the wolf masks adorning their faces. Irregardless of the damned masks, she knew they were beautiful, like she knew night from day. They had an aura of uniqueness and strength about them. Nature wouldn't dare present them with a homely face.

  Watching him sleep was unbearably moving. It was so intimate and although they'd had sex and he'd fucked her in one of the most intimate areas imaginable, this added a depth to their relationship, one that pleased her immensely. This time was special and she knew that, could feel the bonds of the emotions he and his cousins inspired in her wrap their way around her heart like a clinging vine. Two days ago, this would have petrified her. But now, it was a foregone conclusion, she was in far too deep to pull out and even if she ended up hurt, it was worth it. The feelings that coursed through her veins made life worth living, made it beautiful. To never have experienced the extreme high of love, for she admitted that it was love, was too unbearable to contemplate. She sincerely hoped that they didn't hurt her, but if they did, then at least she'd had a richer and well-rounded life because of it.

  Scratching at her cheek, she grimaced ruefully. She couldn't wait to take her own damned mask off! It felt as though it was glued to her face since she hadn't had a chance to remove it, being with them as constantly as she had been. Hell, she wasn't complaining, but the mask was itchy. She could only imagine how they felt. At least hers was made of satin. Theirs was made of plastic! But if it meant she could spend time with them, then for her it was worthwhile having an itchy face! The beauty of being with them individually and together was that she learned so much about them.

  Yes, she saw how they were when she and one of the men were together. But the truth really came out when all three were together. Watching them was really special. She could see that although they gave each other hell they would walk on broken glass for each other. She thought that Caden was in charge. It was just a feeling she got. Perhaps he was the eldest. She wasn't sure. But he had more authority and he used it. He didn't abuse it, didn't lord it over them, but it was evident in the looks that passed between the three of them. In their own way, each of them was filled with authority, which was why it was amazing that they could stand each other! They all had forceful personalities. Even if they softened around her, with their cousins they didn't. She would have thought too many chefs in the kitchen would cause problems in their relationship, but obviously not. This showed her that they had patience and were tolerant, also that family was important to them.

  The more she learned about them, the more special they became to her. Perhaps Phelan yesterday had pissed her off, but he'd apologized, something she wouldn't have believed yesterday, believing him to be too cocky and self-assured to even admit to any wrongdoing. This was something she was glad to have learned, something that opened his personality and character and showed her something important. Lucas's caring and concern for her yesterday morning had been touching. That this big strong tough guy had been so worried because he'd pleasured her too much was just so cute! Looking at him, with his surfer looks, she would have believed him to be a love-her-and-leave-her kind of guy, running out of the bedroom as he was pulling his pants up and quickly heading out the door! But she was wrong. His concern had been thrilling and very lovely. Caden was a different matter. He was more closed to her, a lot quieter, and they hadn't really spent that much time talking. But the feelings and emotions that burned behind his eyes spoke volumes to her, and she knew that he was aware of that. He didn't project them unknowingly, it was purposefully done and whenever their gazes clashed, chilling thrills washed over her skin because she could physically feel the possessive, yet tender, lustful yet loving emotions that his eyes promised.

  Smiling as Phelan mumbled in his sleep, she refocused on him. He was so masculine, so tough and sexy as he slept, his muscled body relaxed in rest yet so close to hers. They were sleeping in an intimate position, facing each other, the fronts of their bodies touching, their heads sharing the same pillow. They were so close that he had an arm slung casually over her waist, keeping her close to him. She'd awakened with Phelan and Lucas and each had stayed near to her throughout the night, which was unusual to say the least. Jada had always stuck to her side of the bed, more so than any of the men she'd slept with. However she knew that men liked their own space, that they didn't like to sleep cuddled and huddled up beside their partner. She couldn't deny that
these two men brought out latent emotions in her. It scared her a little but she thought that it was the same for them. They were all in their mid thirties and at a sex party, which didn't exactly advertise their tendencies to attach themselves emotionally to women, did it? Especially all three of them at the same time! No, she knew that meeting her had shocked them just as it had her. That ordinarily just like her, they kept to their own sides of the bed and only joined in the center when it was time for sex.

  It amazed her how close they had all grown and within such a short space of time. That this was her last day in Scotland, with her return flight scheduled for tomorrow afternoon, deeply upset her. The thought of waking up in two days time without the presence of one of these three wonderful men beside her in bed hurt something deep inside her soul. Even if they agreed to meet up again, because surely the feelings they had for her would inspire a desire to meet in the future, she would still be upset. Having to return to her pretty yet empty apartment, on her pretty yet family filled street, made tears form in the corner of her eyes. She didn't want this short break to end, didn't want it to finish what she'd discovered with them. Never had she felt so aware of herself as a woman, never so sure in her sexuality. They inspired something in her that was new and blossoming. She knew that it would only flourish with time and wasn't sure how to handle that. She couldn't make demands on them. She wasn't sure if they would make any on her. They were forceful and domineering, but was that because of this situation? Because they wanted to bed her? Would they want to be around her more and maybe on a permanent basis? She didn't know the answers to those questions, but she refused to let doubt worm its way inside her mind. She would stay strong and wait for them to make the first move because it was up to them. Being with them had changed her immensely, but not so intrinsically that she could raise this topic in discussion.

  Phelan's eyes fluttered open. He gave a sleepy smile when he noticed she was watching him. His arm tugged her closer against him and he pressed a gentle kiss to her mouth, settling himself by resting his forehead against her head. It was a curiously tender moment and one that made her tear up again. Jada was glad that he couldn't see her face. Ever since she'd met these three, tears had never been too far away, she was getting sick and tired of crying! Talk about a complete turnaround, from completely controlled to weepy emotion laden woman! What the hell had they done to her?

  A totally horrible thought intruded upon her. If they did want to see her again, then she'd have to tell them that she couldn't have children. Clenching her eyes shut against that awful intruding thought, she pressed herself further into his hold, happy when he cuddled her tighter as though sensing her unhappiness. He stroked a hand down her back. The non-sexual touch was wonderful, but combined with his morning erection pressing against her, it was a lovely combination. That he could focus on her and not on touching her up for some morning sex spoke volumes and she really appreciated it.

  If she wanted this to continue, even as a long distance thing, she would have to tell them, because if things eventually grew serious, they would have to be aware of her infertility.

  She pictured herself opening her door the day after tomorrow, walking into that empty apartment, into a life that was totally work obsessed and the focal point of her being. She had friends, from work and some old ones from school, but her best friend was here. Her life was totally devoid of anything real, anything worthwhile and thinking about leaving Scotland to return to such a shell of an existence made her feel barren. In more than ways than one.

  It would be like suffering from shell-shock, going from a life of sensory overload to a desert wasteland of touch. Held in Phelan's strong arms, she didn't know, couldn't even begin to contemplate how she was going to cope with the transition. From being surrounded by people to complete solitude seemed too huge to even think about.

  "What are you thinking about, luaidh?" His voice was rough, his accent pronounced and scratched pleasantly against her ear drums. Why did he, they, have to be so perfect?

  "The day after tomorrow," she replied bluntly, her voice quiet.

  "Ah." He tucked her into his hold. "No point thinking about the future, mo gradh. You never know what's around the corner," he advised sagely.

  She frowned against his chest. What did he mean by that? She said nothing, as was her wont, but thoughts spun crazily around her emotion-frazzled brain. Was he implying that something was going to happen between all four of them? Something that maybe she hadn't considered?

  Blowing out a breath, she nestled against him. "You didn't wait to collect your medal yesterday, did you?" she asked.

  Phelan laughed. "Nay, you were far more important than any presentation, gaol."

  "Hmm, I'd gathered that!" Jada said sarcastically.

  "Noticed, had you?" he chortled quietly. "Had I not won, you would have shared the night with one of the others. We competed for a night in your arms. Risking a slap to the face, you were our prize. The reason we competed in the first place! Does that anger you?"

  "It probably should," Jada admitted with a sigh. "Maybe I'm not the feminist I thought I was," she teased, then added, "I need a bath. I'm sore."

  He chuckled. "I love your bluntness. Turn over, I'll give you a nice massage, if you want ...." His voice deepened conspiratorially and she nodded against his chest. Disentangling himself from her, he jumped from the bed and strode into the bathroom. She watched him walk away, saw the muscles in his thighs work, saw his spectacular butt move in sync. When he returned with the bottle of oil in his hand, her eyes hooded but focused lazily on his erection. Yum. "Lay on your belly," he ordered and watched her comply before he climbed on to the bed cover, drizzling the oil over her back and down the center of her legs. She shuddered as rivulets separated from that river and broke off to trickle along her inner thighs and calves. Firstly he rubbed the excess away by rubbing it into her skin, then he began his massage at her thighs.

  "Ow!" she shrieked, pushing away from the bed as he worked a knot that had gathered at the top of her left inner thigh. She squirmed away from his hold and groaned as he clamped his hands around her and worked at the knot until it loosened beneath his touch. After that she couldn't relax. His intention was obvious, he wanted to rid her body of any tension but it hurt her in the damned process.

  During those following minutes, she thought she'd never suffered so much in her life. His preparing her for anal sex had been easier and less painful than this. The grateful side of her brain told her to stop whining, because Jada knew that as soon as she stood up, had he not massaged her, she would have had to limp every-damned-where! The positions these three men had put her in would have made a contortionist groan! Take last night, Phelan had spread her legs impossibly wide and had hooked them over the bathtub! To gain access to her butt, he'd had to slide her legs up the tub, until she'd felt as though her knees would knock her ears! He'd pushed them into a more comfortable position after penetrating her, but he'd prepared her for quite a long time. Was it any wonder her thighs were screaming in agony? It was a hell of a good thing she practiced yoga! She didn't know how they'd have coped had she not been so flexible!

  His thumbs pressed down the tense cheeks of her butt, causing her to hiss unhappily and complain. "Can't I have a nice massage?"

  He chuckled, unconcerned and not offended. "I could lass, but it wouldn't help you at all."

  She sighed wearily, then shrieked as he massaged oil down the crack of her butt and rubbed it into the rosette of her ass. "Phelan!" she chided angrily, but he ignored her and continued to touch her there. It was a non-sexual touch, but still, she didn't want that bit being massaged! Jada groaned exasperatedly then shrieked again and spun around to glare at him when he smacked her on the butt and declared satisfactorily, "There, done!"

  She jumped off the bed with an ease of movement that she mentally thanked him for. Although not perfect, she was in good working order. "Thank you, luaidh," she said, copying his endearment as best she could and smiled as his eyes d
arkened. "It's too late for lunch, but do you want to go for a walk or something?" God, could she sound more juvenile?

  He must have thought so, too, because she could hear the laughter in his voice. "Aye, I'd like that, mo gradh."

  "Okay, I'll see you later, then." She dismissed him and headed into the bathroom.

  * * * *

  "She's pregnant." The announcement was loud in the living room of the O'Connell's suite of rooms. Phelan shrugged as both his cousins looked at him as though he were crazy. "She is. I scented the bairn this morning."

  "You're sure?" Lucas asked, obviously not too upset at the thought.

  "Aye, sure as I'll ever be. She was crying, as well, tried to hide it, but I could tell. Jada doesn't strike me as a weeper," he said bluntly.

  "Me neither." Caden looked thoughtful then asked the question on each of their minds. "Wonder whose bairn it is?" He tapped his fingers against the arm of his seat and narrowed his eyes. "If it's a multiple birth we could each be a paternal father. Not uncommon with matings of this type. Especially when we've all had sex within a short space of time with her. Didn't think she'd get pregnant this quick. Humans are always on contraception, aren't they? Jada's too controlled not to be safe."

  Lucas frowned. "You're right. I wonder why she's not on the pill."

  Phelan laughed. "Must think she can't get pregnant! Time of the month and all that. I wonder how many pregnant women thought that?"

  "You may have hit on something there, Phelan, in your usual inconsiderate way, of course," Caden said shortly, shaking his head at his cousin's insensitivity. "If Jada thought there was even a chance of conception, be it at a good or bad time of the month, she would have used contraception. I never thought about using a condom with her. Her scent just drove it clear out of my mind. Don't think my beast would have allowed me without kicking up a fuss. But that means that she doesn't sleep around, which we already knew, fuck she's tight." He paused, his eyes glazing for a second. "She must think she can't have children. Christ," he muttered. "She believes she's infertile and she's the mate of three wolfen. How the fuck are we going to explain all this to her? She'll think we're fucking insane!"


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