Steamy (It's Getting Hot In Here Book 1)

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Steamy (It's Getting Hot In Here Book 1) Page 5

by L. Nicole

  She doesn’t say anything, instead she takes me in her mouth. I watch as inch after inch of my length disappears into that beautiful, little mouth of hers. She has trouble navigating my girth, but manages, as her tongue plays against my shaft. Hell, she sucks me so far down that I know I’m not going to be able to last. I can feel my balls pounding, hardening, ready to give her so much cum that I will bathe her in it.

  Riley starts playing with my balls with her other hand, lightly rolling them around, as she moves up and down on my cock. I watch her, the entire time, my eyes never leaving what she’s doing to me, or how she snuck her hand down to her bare pussy. She must have taken her underwear off before this started.

  God, she’s every fantasy I’ve ever had. Perfection. If I wasn’t enjoying the show so damn much, I’d move her around so her cunt would be in my face and the two of us would come together.

  “Fuck,” I hiss, as Riley’s throat convulses around me, pushing me over the edge. My hands find her hair, delving my fingers in deep, as I come down her throat. She swallows my cum down. Stream after stream gushes out and she doesn’t hesitate, sucking me dry.

  When it’s over, she licks me clean, all while her fingers never leave her soaked cunt.

  “Mmmm,” she moans around my still hard cock.

  “Show me, Riley. Let me see you make yourself come,” I command. I shift so I can see as she moves to her knees. Her body is glistening, her hips gyrating and rocking as her fingers furiously work her hungry little cunt.

  “Pinch that clit for me, Riley. Pinch it and pull on it.”

  She whimpers but she does what I ask, her breathing coming in heavy gasps.

  “Gabe, I’m going to come,” she whimpers.

  “Then do it, Riley. Fucking come for your man,” I order. Then, I lean into her trembling body, her bra pushed out of the way, allowing me to stretch and capture her nipple between my teeth. I bite, giving her a sting of pain. Her body quakes as she cries out my name, her climax roaring through her.

  I suckle her breasts, petting her pussy as she slowly comes down from the orgasm.

  I’m never letting this woman go.



  “Sorry to bother you, Gabe. I know you told me Miss Thomas would be here and I really need to talk with her.”

  “She’s here, Carter,” I grumble, hating that he interrupted us. She’ll be out in a bit. You want some coffee?”

  “Yeah, if you don’t care.”

  “Pull up a seat,” I tell him, walking over to the coffee pot.

  “Thanks man. Sorry to bother you this early.”

  “You should be,” I grumble.

  “Gabe!” Riley gasps, as she enters from the hall.

  “Want some coffee, sweetheart?”

  “Yeah,” she says shaking her head. She’s blushing deep red and her hair is still rumpled. My cock is so hard it’s painful, despite the fact she sucked me dry earlier.

  “Hi,” she murmurs, looking at Carter.

  “Hey, Miss Thomas,” Carter says taking his hat off and making himself way too comfortable at my table.

  I don’t like Riley talking to another man looking like she had just been thoroughly fucked—which she would have been if Carter hadn’t come knocking on my door so damn early. I pour a cup of coffee for her, take it to her and when she reaches out for it, I shake my head no.

  “What?” she asks, her brow creasing.

  I bend down and kiss her hard, my tongue thrusting into her mouth and pillaging it, reminding her that she belongs to me and with what she gave me earlier, I’m definitely claiming it. She’s stiff at first, but she melts into me soon enough. I kiss her until I can feel my control slipping and then regretfully pull away.

  Riley sways a little as we disengage, her eyes dilated as she looks at me.

  “That’s better,” I murmur. “Here’s your coffee sweetheart.”

  I make sure she’s good to hold the hot cup and then go back and pour Carter a cup. When I hand it to him, he’s grinning like a fucking loon. I’m okay with that. He knows the score. Riley is mine, and if he had any doubt, the look on her face, the way she took my kiss with rumpled hair while I’m in damn pajama bottoms and no shirt, should clear it up.

  “Here ya’ go, Carter.”

  “Thanks. If it’s all the same to you, I’ll skip the whole kiss part of the coffee.”

  I flip him off, which only makes him laugh.

  “Not that I don’t mind you coming over for a visit, Carter,” I begin. “But, you came over and interrupted me loving on my woman. So, I’m hoping you have a good reason, like you caught the asshole that demolished Riley’s apartment.”


  “What?” I ask, faking innocence.

  “You’re a jerk,” Riley huffs, making me smile and give her a wink.

  “At least she knows you,” Carter laughs, although his face still remains a little somber, which tells me whatever he’s got to tell us can’t be good news. I go and stand behind the bar with Riley, holding her in my arms, her back to my front.

  “Enough bullshitting,” I murmur. “What’s going on?”

  “It would probably be better if I could talk to her alone, Gabe.”

  “No fucking way,” I reject immediately.

  “You can talk in front of Gabe,” Riley says, when it appears Carter is going to argue. I have an arm slung half over her bicep and chest, holding her to me, and she reaches up and pats my arm reassuringly. She keeps her hand there too and something about that move gives me pleasure.

  “If you’re sure,” Carter replies. “Miss Thomas, we did a routine—”

  “Call me, Riley,” she interrupts, and Carter nods.

  “Riley,” he agrees. “We did a routine background check on you because some of the DNA the lab rushed was flagged in the system.”


  “The DNA belonged to a man who currently has a warrant out on him in three other states.”

  “Jesus, this fucker makes a habit of this crap and goes from state to state? How in the hell did Riley get his attention? She just moved here,” I bark, definitely not liking the sound of this.

  “That’s just the thing. I think this guy followed Riley here.”

  “What does that mean?” I ask, but I can feel Riley tighten beneath my hold. Her hand clenches against mine too.

  “Riley, you took out an emergency protective order against Jerry Edwards a month before you moved here…” Carter leads, waiting for Riley to answer.

  “The DNA you found belonged to Jerry didn’t it?” Riley asks so softly that I have to strain to hear her. Acid churns in my gut. Fuck.

  “I’m afraid so, Riley.”

  “I can’t believe he followed me here,” she murmurs. “What kind of person does that?”

  “A psychotic asshole,” Carter mutters.

  “Who is Jerry Edwards?” I ask.

  Riley turns in my arms to look at me.

  “I guess you would call him my ex-boyfriend,” she says, and when I get a look at the fear on her face, I’d like to rip Jerry’s head off his shoulders.

  “That’s not what I’d call him,” I counter. “It’s going to be okay, Riley,” I assure her, my voice tight.

  “How do you know?” she asks, sounding lost.

  “Because I’m your man and I’m going to make sure you’re okay. I promise you that.”

  “Gabe, you don’t need to get involved in this.”

  “The fuck I don’t.”


  “Do you have faith in me, Riley?” I question her, knowing her answer is more important than I could ever explain.

  “Yes,” she admits.

  “Then trust me. I’ve got this,” I promise, having no idea what I’m going to do, just knowing that whatever it takes, I will keep Riley safe.



  Two Days Later

  “What’s that?”

  Gabe left while I was still sleeping this morn
ing. At first, I wondered if he had to go back to work and just didn’t tell me. But, somehow, I just knew that if Gabe was leaving for the whole day that he would have told me. So, I took a shower and started making breakfast.

  “What are you making? I don’t think my kitchen has ever smelled this good.”

  I smile, turning back to the stove. “Spoken like a true man. All you have to do is fry bacon and they think it’s a culinary masterpiece,” I laugh.

  “That’s because anything with bacon is,” he responds, putting the large box he was carrying by the door and then walking over to hug me from behind. His arms reach around me, and he pulls me against his body. Then, his head nuzzles against my chest. Happiness fills me. Ever since I was told that Jerry was back, I’ve had this sick feeling in the pit of my stomach, but I let Gabe talk me into staying with him for a couple more days, and it’s helped. Whatever Jerry wants to try, I’ll handle it. I did before, I can again. Gabe’s right, I’m not alone here. He’s with me, and I have really good friends who have all been checking on me. I might have just moved to Wazega, but it definitely feels like home.

  “I like having you here, beautiful,” Gabe whispers in my ear.

  “I like being here,” I admit, not even bothering to play it cool. I do like being here. I like everything about having Gabe in my life. I really like lying in bed with him at night. We’ve yet to go all the way. I don’t think I’m ready for that, but he doesn’t pressure me. He seems to understand, and any fooling around is limited to using our hands or mouth, I’m also the one who always starts it—even if Gabe finishes it.

  Sometimes he finishes me several times compared to my one…

  The thought makes me grin like a loon. Yeah, I like everything about having Gabe in my life.

  “Good, because I don’t want you to leave,” he says, bringing my attention back to our conversation.

  “I can’t just stay here forever, Gabe,” I laugh.

  “Why not?” he mumbles pulling away from me. I flip the bacon over and then turn to look at him.

  “I don’t want to argue with you. Are you going to tell me what’s in the box?”

  Gabe’s face changes, becomes guarded. He rubs the side of his face, scratching the stubble that’s growing there. He needs a shave, but I kind of like this look on him, and I definitely like the tingles that stubble gave me between my legs this morning.

  “You keep staring at me like that, and we’ll continue this conversation in bed.”

  “That would let the bacon go to waste,” I giggle.

  “We can warm it up after I make you hot,” he jokes, wiggling his eyebrows.

  “Oh Lord, that was bad.”

  “I thought you liked my humor,” he pouts.

  “You’re trying to distract me. What’s in the box?” He sighs, making me frown. “Gabe?”

  “It’s what is left of your stuff, honey,” he says softly.

  I look at the box, which is a decent size, but considering I had a whole moving truck full when I moved here….

  “That’s it?”

  “I’m afraid so. That bastard purposely tried to destroy everything.”

  I stare at the box and try my best to get my emotions under control. I will not cry. Jerry doesn’t deserve my tears. I gave him fear and I’m done giving him that too. He gets nothing else from me.


  Are you okay, sweetheart?” Gabe asks, and the fact that I can hear the concern in his voice means the world. It’s proof that Gabe is a good man—the best I’ve ever known.

  “Hey, it’s a good excuse to go shopping, right?” I joke, mustering up a smile when I look into Gabe’s face.

  “I’m going to kill him, Riley,” he promises, and I shake my head.

  “Not if I get him first.”

  “That’s my girl,” he says, walking over to the stove and turning off the bacon.

  “What are you doing?” I frown as he begins walking towards me. “Gabe?”

  “I’m taking my woman to bed and making her hot.”

  “But breakfast,” I whine, as he scoops me up in his arms.

  “We’ll heat it up later.”

  “It will be gross. You left that bacon lying in grease,” I complain, kissing on his neck and needing whatever he gives me.

  “Then I’ll take you out to lunch. Now quit arguing and give your man a kiss,” he chastises.

  I kiss him and I do it happily—despite Jerry destroying all of my things.

  I’m definitely done giving Jerry pieces of me, and I know a big part of that new resolve is Gabe.



  If you were to ask me how, I couldn’t tell you exactly how we made it to the bedroom, and I got my shirt off and Riley completely naked. I was too busy touching Riley, kissing her, and thanking my lucky stars that she’s here.

  I’ve been waiting, wanting her to feel comfortable, and what we’ve been doing together has been great, but I’ve been dying to be inside of her. I need this woman like I need air to breathe.

  And finally, she will be mine completely.

  Her breathing is ragged, her chest heaving with each exhale. Her nipples are a ruby red and so hard that they are begging for my mouth. My gaze travels the length of her body, pausing on the desire that’s coating her bare pussy. She’s practically dripping down her luscious thighs.

  Riley has a beautiful body, but I fucking love her curves and sweet thighs. I’ve had them around my head, my fingers pressing into them as I’ve eaten her pussy several times already, and it’s my favorite way to wake her up in the mornings.

  I desperately need to be as naked as she is, while still making this good for her. I unbutton my pants, letting them fall to the ground. This is new for us. We’ve been naked in bed together, but she’s never watched me undress. I’ve never undressed her, and I can tell that she’s enjoying these moments as much as I am. When she looks at me like she is right now, her eyes dilated, licking her lips, her body full of desire and begging to be touched… I feel like a fucking king.

  I watch as her gaze travels down my body to my cock which is as hard as a damn rock, stretching out toward her, the head weeping, because my hunger for her is so great.

  I take it in my hand, stroking it slowly. I need Riley to see what she does to me. I want her to know how much I want her. I never want to hide anything from her.

  I watch her sweet little tongue come out and lick her top lip as she watches me stroke myself.

  “See something you like, sweetheart?” I murmur, my voice thick with desire.

  “Definitely,” she replies, her eyes never leaving my body.

  “Open up for me, baby. Show me that sweet little pussy,” I growl.

  Riley swallows nervously, but then, spreads her legs, giving me exactly what I want.

  Fuck, pre-cum slides down against my hand as I stroke my cock. Just seeing her like this is almost enough to send me over the edge. I squeeze the head tight, trying to slow this down. I know this is going to be quicker than it should, but I can’t help it. I need to be inside Riley, to feel her heat surrounding me.

  “I want to fuck you so deep that you will taste my cum, pretty baby. I want you to know who you belong to.”

  “Gabe,” she moans, squirming on the bed, her legs bending as she opens herself even more to me.

  “You’re mine, Riley.”

  I drop my hand, my cock so hard it’s painful, as I crawl up the length of her body, my tongue blazing a path on the inside of her thigh, until I get to her pussy. I inhale deeply, dragging the sweet scent of her hunger, her desire for me into my lungs. Then, I kiss her, taking my time to worship her, and letting my lips go everywhere, except where she wants me the most. I lick and kiss all the way around her clit, pulling the lips of her pussy into my mouth and sucking, then nibbling them gently.


  My name sounds like a whispered breath as Riley moans it through my continuous teasing. That’s when I flick her clit with the tip of my tongue,
I could spend hours upon hours tasting her, but right now I need more.

  Much more.

  I sit back on my knees, and just look at her for a minute. She’s so fucking beautiful. Then, I pull her body so that her thighs are over mine, needing her as close as possible.

  “Christ baby. There’s nothing better than watching you like this,” I rumble. Riley’s body trembles, her hips thrusting up as desire pools along the lips of her pussy. I lean down and blow against the tender area, and she whimpers, her body trembling. I swear I can see her pussy flutter with desire for me.

  “I need you, Gabe,” she sobs.

  “I need you, too, beautiful,” I respond as I grasp my cock, slowly teasing her wet, juicy entrance with the head, “Are you ready for me, Riley?” I demand, as I hold my cock at her opening, relishing the way she pulses around me. I refuse to go any deeper, until she gives me the words I want. It’s not easy, though.

  Fuck, I could come just like this. I’m not even truly inside of her, and I can feel her sweet cunt sucking at my tip, begging for more of me.

  Riley is so responsive to me that I know I could make her come just like this too. I will have to try that sometime soon. She actually doesn’t give me the words. She just nods her head yes. That’s enough though. I couldn’t hold back any longer if I wanted to.

  Up until now, my eyes have been on hers the majority of the time, but now I let my gaze drop to her sweet pussy. When I sink my cock into her the first time, I want to watch as my cock disappears inside of her. I want to see the two of us connected and know that Riley finally belongs to me completely.

  With just that thought, my body trembles. There’s no holding back any longer. I slam deep inside of her, burying myself to the hilt and tearing through her virginity.

  Shock thunders through me. I had no idea, none whatsoever.

  Riley screams out in agony, the sound so painful that it hurts me to the core.


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