The Case of the Rising Star

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The Case of the Rising Star Page 3

by Zavo

  I counted to five, got out of my car, grabbed the camera from my trunk, and followed him. When I reached the front door I pulled it open and found myself in a tiny foyer. A second door faced me. Did I dare go through it and possibly blow my cover? Throwing caution to the wind, I opened the second door and discovered an empty hallway. A man was standing at the end of it by the elevator, obviously waiting for it to arrive. It wasn’t Stanley. He glanced at me suspiciously.

  “May I help you, sir?”

  “Sorry, wrong building.”

  I went back outside and stood on the sidewalk. Hopefully, that apartment where the light had been turned on and off would be the one I wanted. I lit another cigarette while I waited for some sign of Stanley on the building side facing me. When I finished my smoke, I decided to make a move. I certainly couldn’t stand here all night.

  I climbed the fire escape stairs till I was right outside the third-story window where the light had flashed. I moved past the window and found myself looking into a well-furnished, cozy living room. Even though I had been expecting it, I was still surprised when I spotted Stanley VanHauser sitting naked on a couch. There was now no doubt he was up to no good. Despite the circumstances, I found myself admiring those portions of the man’s body I could see. His chest was strong and covered in a forest of thick, silver-gray hair, as was his stomach. No flab was visible in either area. His crotch was hidden by the arm of the couch, but his legs were thick and powerful, covered in the same lustrous hair. Tufts of it covered the tops of his feet. I found myself becoming aroused. Someone started speaking, but I couldn’t make out the words. It dawned on me the person was in an adjacent room. Their identity was soon revealed when a door opened, providing a quick glimpse of a brightly lit kitchen. The bigger shock was who had entered. It was not VanHauser’s secretary, as Vivian had surmised. It was a naked man, fully erect, carrying a bottle of champagne and two glasses.

  Chapter Two

  He was quite a handsome fellow. Young, well-muscled, with thick hair on his arms and legs. His torso was pink and smooth, as if he’d just stepped out of the shower. He was also a good forty years younger than the man on the couch. His substantial dick swayed from side to side as he walked. When he reached Stanley, he bent down and, without hesitation, kissed him on the mouth. As the kiss continued, Stanley grabbed the younger man’s cock and tugged it gently, then cupped the fleshy ball sack.

  The younger man reached between Stanley’s legs. I couldn’t see, but I was certain he was returning the favor. Without breaking their locked lips, Stanley’s lover slid onto his lap. VanHauser easily supported his weight as they continued to kiss passionately for several minutes. When they finally broke apart, they gazed into each other’s eyes; there seemed to be more to this affair than just a sexual attraction. I began to think perhaps these two men were in love with each other. After an interminable time, the young man slid off Stanley’s lap. He pulled him to his feet, and the two of them disappeared through a second door to my right. They were momentarily blocked from my view.

  I crept along the metal platform to the next set of windows. I wasn’t really anticipating luck would be with me. However, the curtains were open, and I was looking into a sizable bedroom. It housed an enormous bed. I was amazed at Stanley’s lack of discretion. Of course, who could really see them unless they crouched exactly where I was? The two men continued to kiss passionately, then collapsed on the bed. The muscular young man deftly flipped Stanley onto his stomach and began planting kisses in the small of his back. He worked his way to Stanley’s ass, then parted his hairy ass cheeks gently and moved in between them with his tongue. The look on Stanley’s face was pure bliss. After several minutes of this treatment, the young man grabbed Stanley firmly at the hips. He applied a clear unguent to his cock before pulling Stanley onto his hands and knees. He entered him in one swift lunge and began thrusting into him steadily. Stanley’s face was turned to me. The look of ecstasy on it was priceless. This was the shot I had been waiting for.

  I leaned as close to the window as possible, to ensure a usable shot, and snapped a photograph. I knew it was the only one I was going to be able to get. The flash of the bulb froze both men in place. I will never forget the look on Stanley’s face as it dawned on him what had just happened. Immediately, the young man pulled out of him and dove behind the bed. Stanley came charging at the window, his cock stiff as a board. I turned my head just as he reached the window, and bolted down the ladder.

  I was having trouble negotiating the ladder because my knees were sore from having knelt on the steel platform for so long. I lost my grip and fell the last ten feet, landing awkwardly on the grass. Just as I hit the ground, a window slammed open above me. I was pretty sure I knew which one it was. The voice that roared into the night cinched it.

  “You there, what the hell do you think you’re doing? You rotten bastard. Hold it right there, you son of a bitch, or I’ll shoot.”

  I stood up. Thankfully, nothing was broken. But I had no time to relish my luck. While I had been shot at numerous times in the past, I hadn’t thought VanHauser would be packing a gun. I should have known better. Perhaps it belonged to his young friend. Not wanting to wait and find out, I sprinted for my car, my legs at first refusing to function fully till the adrenaline began surging through them once more. I heard clanging footsteps on the fire escape platform and shots being fired. The driver’s side mirror exploded on a car I had just sprinted past. Whoever was wielding the gun was a damn good shot. I felt a tug on my left sleeve and knew it for what it was. At least the bullet had not entered or nicked me. When I reached my car I leapt into the driver’s seat and started the engine. I was squealing tires on the pavement and headed in the opposite direction when a bullet cracked my rearview mirror into two pieces. It fell onto the passenger’s seat.

  “I’ll see you dead for this, mister, whoever you are. Mark my words. You fucked with the wrong man tonight!”

  I made it around the corner and thankfully out of the line of fire. I didn’t slow down even after I hit the highway. A speeding ticket now was the least of my worries. Without a rearview mirror I had to keep stealing glances over my shoulder to make sure I wasn’t being followed. While there were numerous cars on the road this evening, none appeared threatening. If Stanley had the balls to shoot at me from the fire escape, it was a fair bet he wouldn’t hesitate to follow me in his car. Would he be so bold as to shoot at me on the highway? He had a lot to lose once I had Nathan develop this photograph. He could be a dangerous foe. I would need to be extra vigilant in the next few days. I would have to let the rest of my family know as well in case Stanley discovered who his late-night photographer was.

  Once I was sure the photograph clearly showed what had transpired, that would be enough evidence for Vivian—but it would be a blow when she saw it. What a scandal this would be! I had just started to relax when a car came upon me quickly.

  Too quickly.

  I instinctively knew it was Stanley. My fears were confirmed when a bullet tore through my windshield from behind. When a second bullet joined the first, I showed Stanley what the Roadster was made of. I put several miles between us before turning onto a side road and cutting my headlights. Only a few minutes later, he roared past in a small sports car. I counted to one hundred, drove slowly onto the main road, and sped back the way I’d just come.

  I finally slowed down and observed the speed limit. I drove at a leisurely pace the rest of the way to my parents’ estate, trying to calm my shaking nerves. All the while, thoughts of both of today’s escapades were fighting for space within my brain. I was still quite aroused and was looking forward to pouncing on Daniel when I got home. When I reached the gate to the estate, I saw it was a little past ten p.m. I grabbed the handset and roused poor George, who was typically in bed by eight p.m. After he let me in, I waited to be sure the gates closed, drove to the garage, and parked in front of my bay. After my kidnapping, I was on heightened alert for anyone trying to slip onto Steele p
roperty. While my father had hired extra guards to patrol the grounds and watch the house, they couldn’t be everywhere at once. All the Steeles, Mother included, left the estate armed and prepared to defend themselves.

  When I entered the house through the kitchen, everything was quiet on the first floor. When I reached the second floor, I checked the billiards room, but it was empty. Nathan and Daniel must already be in bed. When I reached the door of my room, I paused. I wondered if Daniel would be awake.

  I was still not ready to return to my house. Not after the young hustler Robert Morse had been brutally murdered there. My parents had made it clear that Daniel and I, and Nathan, were welcome here as long as we wanted. I opened the door to our room and was greeted by darkness. Not wanting to wake Daniel, I made my way across the room as quietly as I could. I had just reached for the bedside lamp when it clicked on. Daniel was lying on his side facing me, naked and fully erect.

  “Good evening, Mr. McAllister.”

  “Good evening, Mr. Steele. Welcome home.”

  I quickly stripped out of my clothes and joined Daniel on the bed. He immediately began lavishing his full attention on my dick, slowly sucking on it and using his lips and tongue to bring me to an explosive climax. When I was spent, he slid back up beside me and I rested my head on his chest. Before long his soft snores echoed through the room. I must have quickly followed suit, because when I woke sunlight was streaming through my window and across Daniel’s fully nude torso. I turned on my side to face him and ran my fingers lightly through the thick black hair on his chest. From there I trailed them down his belly and into his thick patch of crotch hair. His cock was already thickening to its full, glorious length. I slid down till my face was scant inches from his crotch, and inhaled deeply of his masculine scent. I grabbed his prick in my right hand and began slowly stroking it. He moaned and began pumping his hips. I swung around till the head of my cock was poised above Daniel’s luscious lips. He tongued it softly, and I lowered myself till my full length was deep in his throat. Without touching his dick, I began thrusting into his mouth. He grabbed me at the hips to prevent me from choking him.

  He held me tightly as my thrusts reached a fevered pitch and I spurted my seed deep in his throat. With my cock still in his mouth, I worked feverishly on his enormous prick. I used my fingers and tongue to bring him to the point of explosion, then caught his juices on my tongue as I pushed him fully over the edge. After lying inverted for several moments, I turned around and snuggled in Daniel’s muscular, hairy arms. I quickly brought Daniel up to speed on yesterday’s events, including my encounter in the movie theater (Daniel always liked to hear of my lustful encounters), and the actions of Stanley VanHauser.

  “Christ, Derrick. You could have been killed!”

  “All in the line of duty, Mr. McAllister.”

  I was surprised to find my theater tale had elicited yet another enormous erection from Daniel. He kissed me on the lips and rolled me onto my stomach. His tongue was immediately between the cheeks of my ass. I handed him the small jar of cream from the nightstand drawer, gasping when its cold contents found my spot. He spread the cream liberally and inserted a finger inside me. I rose up on my knees and he entered me fully and began long, powerful strokes. I pushed back to meet each one, and after a good blissful twenty minutes, he was spewing deep inside me. He withdrew and planted kisses on my sweaty back. We locked hands and went into the bathroom.

  After a nice long shower together, Daniel and I dressed and met everyone in the dining room for breakfast. As usual, it was a large affair, with fresh fruit, pancakes, sausage, scrambled eggs, and fresh-squeezed orange juice. After piling our plates high, we discussed news of the day from the daily papers. As my father rose to leave, he kissed my mother on the cheek.

  “Well, boys. What’s on the agenda for today?”

  Nathan was the first to answer.

  “I have a meeting at ten with the first of several potential new detectives. Once I weed them down to the top three, Derrick and Daniel will help me make the final decision.”

  “Anyone promising, Nathan?”

  “It’s not looking that promising, Dad. Two of them are new to the detective arena. The third has some high-level recommendations, but he is still a little green. Several have come from Theodore Stillson’s agency.”

  At the mention of Teddy’s name, a heavy silence descended on the table. Nathan continued.

  “Word is definitely getting out about us, and the ads are still running in the local papers. I’m positive we will find someone soon. If we don’t, Daniel, Derrick, and I might have to move into the office to get caught up. Or put you back in the stirrups, Dad.”

  Everyone smiled at this last comment. My father even laughed out loud.

  “Don’t think I haven’t considered that, Nathan.”

  No one except my father missed the disapproving look on my mother’s face. While Dad had given a good account of himself during the Lionel Hamilton raid, everyone knew he was too old to go back to the daily grind of detective work.

  Deep down inside, Dad knew it as well.

  My mother wrapped her arm around his and looked at him with a face full of love. “You leave the leg work for the younger men, Trenton Steele. Your full-time job now is to take care of my needs.”

  Everyone laughed at this as we helped Mother carry the breakfast dishes into the kitchen. Nathan turned to Daniel and me.

  “Are you heading into the office, guys?”

  “I am, Nathan. I have a photograph I need you to develop, and I’m expecting a client to arrive as soon as we open. Daniel is wrapping up that insurance fraud case.”

  “Okay. I’ll see you at the office, Derrick. Daniel, I’m sure I’ll see you sometime today.”

  “You bet, Nathan. I’ll check in this afternoon.”

  I kissed Daniel good-bye, and the three of us headed to the garage.

  Daniel had asked to take my car today, so I would get to drive his new baby. He had just purchased a 1930 Mercedes-Benz SSK Comte Trossi. It was a sleek black beauty. After I backed out of the garage, I called to Roman, my faithful yellow Lab. He came running from around the edge of the rose gardens. He was always excited to go to the office with me. It was a beautiful fall day, with no hint of chill in the air, even this early. As I pulled up to our new office, I once again felt renewed vigor as I stared up at the silver-lettered sign: STEELE INVESTIGATIONS. I felt a rush go through me at the continuing success of Steele Investigations. When I parked, Roman leapt out of the car and sprinted to the front door. He sat on the stoop, a dog smile on his face, as if waiting patiently for me to join him. I was just starting after him when I heard high heels clicking on the sidewalk behind me. I turned to find Vivian careening toward me, smoking a cigarette. A red Cadillac was parked a few spaces down, with a uniformed driver standing outside the back passenger door. As Vivian approached me I was shocked at her appearance. She looked as if she hadn’t slept since our last meeting. I greeted her cordially and wrapped my arm in hers to keep her steady. She planted a lipstick-smeared kiss on my left cheek. As she fell in beside me, the unmistakable smell of gin engulfed me.

  “Good morning, Derrick. How the hell are you?” She let out a series of giggles.

  “I’m good, Vivian. Have there been any new developments this morning?”

  Such as your husband shooting at me last night, I thought, but bit my tongue. I didn’t want to tip my hand too soon.

  “I’m not sure, Derrick. Stanley didn’t make it home till very early this morning. Even before breakfast, his lawyers were at the house. A miserable lot if there ever was one. They were still holed up in his study when I left to meet you. I was wondering if perhaps you had something to do with his actions.”

  “Why don’t we go inside the office, and I’ll tell you what happened last night.”

  The look on her face let me know she expected the worst. She patted Roman on the head as we entered the office. Betty greeted us warmly.

would you please bring some coffee to my office.”

  “Of course, Derrick. Right away.”

  Nathan was at his desk, with the office door closed. He looked up as we entered, and assessed the situation. He rose to offer assistance, but I waved him back. I kept my arm hooked in Vivian’s as I gallantly escorted her to my office. Roman followed close behind and took his usual spot on the floor. Once inside I closed the door. As I pulled out a chair for her she lost her balance, and I grabbed her hand to steady her. She smiled up at me, and I noticed her lipstick on her upper lip was askew.

  After Betty brought the coffee, I poured Vivian a cup but she waved it away.

  “Don’t you have anything a little stronger, Derrick?”

  Of course I did, but I wasn’t about to add to her inebriated state.

  “I’m sorry. I don’t, Vivian. We don’t keep any liquor on the premises. Perhaps a cup of coffee would be best.”

  She gave a small derisive snort. But she nodded demurely, and I handed her the cup. Without a thank-you she tugged open her voluminous purse, withdrew a good-sized silver flask, unscrewed the cap, and poured several glugs into her cup. She placed the flask back in her purse and pulled out a pack of cigarettes, followed by a long gold cigarette holder, so fashionable these days. She stuck a cigarette in the tip and lit it with a gold lighter. Ever the movie star, I thought.

  “That’s fine, Derrick. I always come prepared. I was taking care of myself long before Stanley found me. And I’ll be doing the same long after he’s gone. Or dead, whichever comes first.”

  I wondered fleetingly if she had the gumption to dispose of Stanley herself. The slight smile she gave me left me unsure.

  “I need to check on something, Vivian. I’ll be back in a minute.”

  She made no response but simply sipped her coffee.

  I went to Nathan’s office and knocked softly.


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