Delphi Complete Works of the Brontes

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Delphi Complete Works of the Brontes Page 354

by Bronte Sisters

But her father smiled on the fairest child

  He ever held in his arms.

  The trees did wave their plumy crests,

  The glad birds carolled clear;

  And I, of all the wedding guests,

  Was only sullen there!

  There was not one, but wished to shun

  My aspect void of cheer;

  The very gray rocks, looking on,

  Asked, “What do you here?”

  And I could utter no reply;

  In sooth, I did not know

  Why I had brought a clouded eye

  To greet the general glow.

  So, resting on a heathy bank,

  I took my heart to me;

  And we together sadly sank

  Into a reverie.

  We thought, “When winter comes again,

  Where will these bright things be?

  All vanished, like a vision vain,

  An unreal mockery!

  “The birds that now so blithely sing,

  Through deserts, frozen dry,

  Poor spectres of the perished spring,

  In famished troops will fly.

  “And why should we be glad at all?

  The leaf is hardly green,

  Before a token of its fall

  Is on the surface seen!”

  Now, whether it were really so,

  I never could be sure;

  But as in fit of peevish woe,

  I stretched me on the moor,

  A thousand thousand gleaming fires

  Seemed kindling in the air;

  A thousand thousand silvery lyres

  Resounded far and near:

  Methought, the very breath I breathed

  Was full of sparks divine,

  And all my heather-couch was wreathed

  By that celestial shine!

  And, while the wide earth echoing rung

  To that strange minstrelsy

  The little glittering spirits sung,

  Or seemed to sing, to me:

  “O mortal! mortal! let them die;

  Let time and tears destroy,

  That we may overflow the sky

  With universal joy!

  “Let grief distract the sufferer’s breast,

  And night obscure his way;

  They hasten him to endless rest,

  And everlasting day.

  “To thee the world is like a tomb,

  A desert’s naked shore;

  To us, in unimagined bloom,

  It brightens more and more!

  “And, could we lift the veil, and give

  One brief glimpse to thine eye,

  Thou wouldst rejoice for those that live,

  BECAUSE they live to die.”

  The music ceased; the noonday dream,

  Like dream of night, withdrew;

  But Fancy, still, will sometimes deem

  Her fond creation true.


  When weary with the long day’s care,

  And earthly change from pain to pain,

  And lost, and ready to despair,

  Thy kind voice calls me back again:

  Oh, my true friend! I am not lone,

  While then canst speak with such a tone!

  So hopeless is the world without;

  The world within I doubly prize;

  Thy world, where guile, and hate, and doubt,

  And cold suspicion never rise;

  Where thou, and I, and Liberty,

  Have undisputed sovereignty.

  What matters it, that all around

  Danger, and guilt, and darkness lie,

  If but within our bosom’s bound

  We hold a bright, untroubled sky,

  Warm with ten thousand mingled rays

  Of suns that know no winter days?

  Reason, indeed, may oft complain

  For Nature’s sad reality,

  And tell the suffering heart how vain

  Its cherished dreams must always be;

  And Truth may rudely trample down

  The flowers of Fancy, newly-blown:

  But thou art ever there, to bring

  The hovering vision back, and breathe

  New glories o’er the blighted spring,

  And call a lovelier Life from Death.

  And whisper, with a voice divine,

  Of real worlds, as bright as thine.

  I trust not to thy phantom bliss,

  Yet, still, in evening’s quiet hour,

  With never-failing thankfulness,

  I welcome thee, Benignant Power;

  Sure solacer of human cares,

  And sweeter hope, when hope despairs!


  How clear she shines! How quietly

  I lie beneath her guardian light;

  While heaven and earth are whispering me,

  “To morrow, wake, but dream to-night.”

  Yes, Fancy, come, my Fairy love!

  These throbbing temples softly kiss;

  And bend my lonely couch above,

  And bring me rest, and bring me bliss.

  The world is going; dark world, adieu!

  Grim world, conceal thee till the day;

  The heart thou canst not all subdue

  Must still resist, if thou delay!

  Thy love I will not, will not share;

  Thy hatred only wakes a smile;

  Thy griefs may wound — thy wrongs may tear,

  But, oh, thy lies shall ne’er beguile!

  While gazing on the stars that glow

  Above me, in that stormless sea,

  I long to hope that all the woe

  Creation knows, is held in thee!

  And this shall be my dream to-night;

  I’ll think the heaven of glorious spheres

  Is rolling on its course of light

  In endless bliss, through endless years;

  I’ll think, there’s not one world above,

  Far as these straining eyes can see,

  Where Wisdom ever laughed at Love,

  Or Virtue crouched to Infamy;

  Where, writhing ‘neath the strokes of Fate,

  The mangled wretch was forced to smile;

  To match his patience ‘gainst her hate,

  His heart rebellious all the while.

  Where Pleasure still will lead to wrong,

  And helpless Reason warn in vain;

  And Truth is weak, and Treachery strong;

  And Joy the surest path to Pain;

  And Peace, the lethargy of Grief;

  And Hope, a phantom of the soul;

  And life, a labour, void and brief;

  And Death, the despot of the whole!


  There should be no despair for you

  While nightly stars are burning;

  While evening pours its silent dew,

  And sunshine gilds the morning.

  There should be no despair — though tears

  May flow down like a river:

  Are not the best beloved of years

  Around your heart for ever?

  They weep, you weep, it must be so;

  Winds sigh as you are sighing,

  And winter sheds its grief in snow

  Where Autumn’s leaves are lying:

  Yet, these revive, and from their fate

  Your fate cannot be parted:

  Then, journey on, if not elate,

  Still, NEVER broken-hearted!


  Oh, thy bright eyes must answer now,

  When Reason, with a scornful brow,

  Is mocking at my overthrow!

  Oh, thy sweet tongue must plead for me

  And tell why I have chosen thee!

  Stern Reason is to judgment come,

  Arrayed in all her forms of gloom:

  Wilt thou, my advocate, be dumb?

  No, radiant angel, speak and say,

  Why I did cast the world away.

  Why I have p
ersevered to shun

  The common paths that others run;

  And on a strange road journeyed on,

  Heedless, alike of wealth and power —

  Of glory’s wreath and pleasure’s flower.

  These, once, indeed, seemed Beings Divine;

  And they, perchance, heard vows of mine,

  And saw my offerings on their shrine;

  But careless gifts are seldom prized,

  And MINE were worthily despised.

  So, with a ready heart, I swore

  To seek their altar-stone no more;

  And gave my spirit to adore

  Thee, ever-present, phantom thing —

  My slave, my comrade, and my king.

  A slave, because I rule thee still;

  Incline thee to my changeful will,

  And make thy influence good or ill:

  A comrade, for by day and night

  Thou art my intimate delight, —

  My darling pain that wounds and sears,

  And wrings a blessing out from tears

  By deadening me to earthly cares;

  And yet, a king, though Prudence well

  Have taught thy subject to rebel

  And am I wrong to worship where

  Faith cannot doubt, nor hope despair,

  Since my own soul can grant my prayer?

  Speak, God of visions, plead for me,

  And tell why I have chosen thee!


  “The evening passes fast away.

  ‘Tis almost time to rest;

  What thoughts has left the vanished day,

  What feelings in thy breast?

  “The vanished day? It leaves a sense

  Of labour hardly done;

  Of little gained with vast expense —

  A sense of grief alone?

  “Time stands before the door of Death,

  Upbraiding bitterly

  And Conscience, with exhaustless breath,

  Pours black reproach on me:

  “And though I’ve said that Conscience lies

  And Time should Fate condemn;

  Still, sad Repentance clouds my eyes,

  And makes me yield to them!

  “Then art thou glad to seek repose?

  Art glad to leave the sea,

  And anchor all thy weary woes

  In calm Eternity?

  “Nothing regrets to see thee go —

  Not one voice sobs’ farewell;’

  And where thy heart has suffered so,

  Canst thou desire to dwell?”

  “Alas! the countless links are strong

  That bind us to our clay;

  The loving spirit lingers long,

  And would not pass away!

  “And rest is sweet, when laurelled fame

  Will crown the soldier’s crest;

  But a brave heart, with a tarnished name,

  Would rather fight than rest.

  “Well, thou hast fought for many a year,

  Hast fought thy whole life through,

  Hast humbled Falsehood, trampled Fear;

  What is there left to do?

  “‘Tis true, this arm has hotly striven,

  Has dared what few would dare;

  Much have I done, and freely given,

  But little learnt to bear!

  “Look on the grave where thou must sleep

  Thy last, and strongest foe;

  It is endurance not to weep,

  If that repose seem woe.

  “The long war closing in defeat —

  Defeat serenely borne, —

  Thy midnight rest may still be sweet,

  And break in glorious morn!”


  Death! that struck when I was most confiding.

  In my certain faith of joy to be —

  Strike again, Time’s withered branch dividing

  From the fresh root of Eternity!

  Leaves, upon Time’s branch, were growing brightly,

  Full of sap, and full of silver dew;

  Birds beneath its shelter gathered nightly;

  Daily round its flowers the wild bees flew.

  Sorrow passed, and plucked the golden blossom;

  Guilt stripped off the foliage in its pride

  But, within its parent’s kindly bosom,

  Flowed for ever Life’s restoring tide.

  Little mourned I for the parted gladness,

  For the vacant nest and silent song —

  Hope was there, and laughed me out of sadness;

  Whispering, “Winter will not linger long!”

  And, behold! with tenfold increase blessing,

  Spring adorned the beauty-burdened spray;

  Wind and rain and fervent heat, caressing,

  Lavished glory on that second May!

  High it rose — no winged grief could sweep it;

  Sin was scared to distance with its shine;

  Love, and its own life, had power to keep it

  From all wrong — from every blight but thine!

  Cruel Death! The young leaves droop and languish;

  Evening’s gentle air may still restore —

  No! the morning sunshine mocks my anguish-

  Time, for me, must never blossom more!

  Strike it down, that other boughs may flourish

  Where that perished sapling used to be;

  Thus, at least, its mouldering corpse will nourish

  That from which it sprung — Eternity.


  Well, some may hate, and some may scorn,

  And some may quite forget thy name;

  But my sad heart must ever mourn

  Thy ruined hopes, thy blighted fame!

  ‘Twas thus I thought, an hour ago,

  Even weeping o’er that wretch’s woe;

  One word turned back my gushing tears,

  And lit my altered eye with sneers.

  Then “Bless the friendly dust,” I said,

  “That hides thy unlamented head!

  Vain as thou wert, and weak as vain,

  The slave of Falsehood, Pride, and Pain —

  My heart has nought akin to thine;

  Thy soul is powerless over mine.”

  But these were thoughts that vanished too;

  Unwise, unholy, and untrue:

  Do I despise the timid deer,

  Because his limbs are fleet with fear?

  Or, would I mock the wolf’s death-howl,

  Because his form is gaunt and foul?

  Or, hear with joy the leveret’s cry,

  Because it cannot bravely die?

  No! Then above his memory

  Let Pity’s heart as tender be;

  Say, “Earth, lie lightly on that breast,

  And, kind Heaven, grant that spirit rest!”


  The moon is full this winter night;

  The stars are clear, though few;

  And every window glistens bright

  With leaves of frozen dew.

  The sweet moon through your lattice gleams,

  And lights your room like day;

  And there you pass, in happy dreams,

  The peaceful hours away!

  While I, with effort hardly quelling

  The anguish in my breast,

  Wander about the silent dwelling,

  And cannot think of rest.

  The old clock in the gloomy hall

  Ticks on, from hour to hour;

  And every time its measured call

  Seems lingering slow and slower:

  And, oh, how slow that keen-eyed star

  Has tracked the chilly gray!

  What, watching yet! how very far

  The morning lies away!

  Without your chamber door I stand;

  Love, are you slumbering still?

  My cold heart, underneath my hand,

  Has almost ceased to thrill.

  Bleak, bleak the east win
d sobs and sighs,

  And drowns the turret bell,

  Whose sad note, undistinguished, dies

  Unheard, like my farewell!

  To-morrow, Scorn will blight my name,

  And Hate will trample me,

  Will load me with a coward’s shame —

  A traitor’s perjury.

  False friends will launch their covert sneers;

  True friends will wish me dead;

  And I shall cause the bitterest tears

  That you have ever shed.

  The dark deeds of my outlawed race

  Will then like virtues shine;

  And men will pardon their disgrace,

  Beside the guilt of mine.

  For, who forgives the accursed crime

  Of dastard treachery?

  Rebellion, in its chosen time,

  May Freedom’s champion be;

  Revenge may stain a righteous sword,

  It may be just to slay;

  But, traitor, traitor, — from THAT word

  All true breasts shrink away!

  Oh, I would give my heart to death,

  To keep my honour fair;

  Yet, I’ll not give my inward faith

  My honour’s NAME to spare!

  Not even to keep your priceless love,

  Dare I, Beloved, deceive;

  This treason should the future prove,

  Then, only then, believe!

  I know the path I ought to go

  I follow fearlessly,

  Inquiring not what deeper woe

  Stern duty stores for me.

  So foes pursue, and cold allies

  Mistrust me, every one:

  Let me be false in others’ eyes,

  If faithful in my own.



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