Precarious Possessions (Maxwell Investigations)

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Precarious Possessions (Maxwell Investigations) Page 3

by Dawn Ibanez

  Troy cursed under his breath as he looked away from Leigh. “I thought we had all of this hashed out?”

  She wanted to kick him. “We did you, ass. I mean that I like you like a brother or cousin. But really, Troy! You told your father that you gave her up.”

  “Dennis is not my father.”

  Her shrewd violet eyes stayed focused on him for a long moment. This was an argument that they hadn’t settled in all of the years of their friendship. She then shook her head. She wasn’t going to let him derail her this time. “We both know that you gave her up like I gave up Skittles.”

  Troy leaned against his car and continued to frown at her. Leigh’s sweet tooth was notorious. “What’s your point?”

  “You have to make a choice.” Leigh’s eyes locked with Troy’s and she could see the heartbreak in his. “Either let’s go back, or you have to let her go. And I’m talking completely. No more PI’s trying to find out information about her, no more trying to search her family. If she’s not crazy with wanting to be with you, she deserves a clean break.”

  His arms crossed over his chest, reminding Leigh of a child in a temper. “What if I don’t want to let her go?”

  “Then when you stand as an Alpha in your own right, I’ll back you as one of your Lieutenants,” she said simply. “If your woman will let me.”

  Troy looked up at the moon for one final time. There were some things that he would have to take care of before he left. “Give me a week,” he sighed before looking at Leigh. “And then we’ll head home.”

  * * * * *

  Casper sat on the floor between the twin's beds exhausted. Kayin and Aiden were bundles of energy that really did not know the meaning of the word stop. He didn’t have a clue how Madison did it. After they came in for cookies, Aiden wanted to play tag. While he was playing tag with Aiden, Kayin was busy trying to feed Mrs. Dash to the fish. Then Kayin wanted juice and Aiden wanted to climb up to the chandelier. Finally Casper managed to get both boys in their pajamas and tightly bundled into their beds. If he was lucky, it would take a miracle for them to get out of bed unassisted. “I’m too old for this,” he muttered.

  Kayin looked out of the widow and smiled when he saw the full moon in the sky. “Big moon,” he cheered.

  Aiden turned his eyes to Casper and tilted his head. “Can we go see Mommy?” he asked.

  Casper started to shake his head when Kayin jumped up and started for the door.


  “Now boys, we talked about this,” he said reasonably. “Mommy’s not feeling too great. That’s why we’re all just going to stay out of her way.”

  Kayin frowned as he was picked up. “But Mommy always plays for the big moon,” he protested.

  Casper placed Kayin next to his brother and looked at the pair. “What are you guys talking about?”

  Before either could answer, the sound of a violin echoed through the house. Casper turned and could only blink when he saw his father standing at the door.

  “Boys, go see to your mother,” Victor suggested.

  Casper stood silent as both Kayin and Aiden jumped up and ran off. After they cleared the door and were on the stairs, he ran his fingers through his messy hair. “She’s taken the violin up again?” he asked.

  Victor nodded. “She has taken up a lot of things again.” He turned and started down the hall. When he heard Casper behind him, he continued. “While she was pregnant, she started playing music again. Then after she had the boys, she started fencing again. She has even taught Alex.”

  Casper nodded slowly. “Is he any good?”

  Victor caught the note in Casper’s voice. “He would have to spend at least another eight years in France before he can be on par with her, and another eighty before you.”

  A chuckle left the younger Solomon. “Or he could just study under me for three years and beat her then.”

  Victor shook his head at his son’s competitiveness. “Are you still sore about that one loss?” he asked tiredly.

  Casper rolled his eyes. “She was fighting, not fencing,” he grumbled. When Victor gave him a blank look, he caved. “Okay, yes. I’m still pissed about that loss. You and Pan set me up.”

  Victor fought a smile. “I would do no such thing,” he lied.

  Casper read the lie for what it was and frowned as he opened the door to the room where the music was coming from. He could only stand frozen as Madison played. She sat on a window seat and faced both Kayin and Aiden as they both curled up on the floor near her feet.

  Victor walked to a near closet and pulled out a set of pillows and blankets. He tossed them over toward the boys and watched as they quickly made a pallet to lie on. His eyes then turned to his son. “This occurs every month. We all have a system.”

  Madison continued to play as they sat on the sofa. She often ignored whoever was in the room with her as she played. It was just like when she was a child. She would start playing and completely ignore anyone else. Madison didn’t want to hear their ridicule if she messed up. She also didn’t want to hear the mocking laughter she had been sure her brothers would taunt her with if they ever found out. To this day Dylan had been the only Maxwell to ever hear her play.

  Casper watched quietly as she played. She still kept her eyes closed and tapped her heel to keep time. A small smile crossed his face as he remembered the sullen little girl she was when she was first forced to learn to play.

  “I’m pretty sure Madison would not approve of your current thoughts,” Victor told him mentally. When Casper looked at him, he smiled.

  Casper rolled his eyes and turned his attention back to Madison. She had grown into a capable woman, but when he peaked into her thoughts he saw that she was still the fragile little girl he wanted as his mate.

  “And her wolf would not appreciate that,” Victor commented.

  “I didn’t mean it like that and you know it,” Casper hissed at his father.

  Victor only smiled. His youngest son was so easy to rile up when it came to his feelings for Madison. The boy had no clue that if it were not for the fact that he could not feed from her, he would have made her his mate.

  “You can stop talking like I’m not in the room,” Madison said softly. Her eyes opened and she glanced over at both Vampires. She then looked at where her boys were curled up and sleeping. “Looking at them like this, I can almost see them as puppies.”

  Casper frowned at her. “Why a Wolf Madi?”

  She sat her violin next to her on the window sill and rubbed the side of her neck. She couldn’t feel the Mate-mark Troy left on her, but she knew it was there. It was actually a comfort during the full moon. “Because to him, I was normal,” she confessed. She then frowned as she looked at Casper and Victor. “I’m not going to keep going over this. It was my choice and my mistake. And looking at the boys, it was a good mistake to make.” She picked up her violin again and turned so that she was sitting fully in the window with her back to both Vampires. “Now if you have to keep asking, you know where the door is.”

  Victor looked at his son for a long moment. “I told you not to question her,” he whispered as she started to play. When Casper glared at him, Victor stood and walked over to Madison. “I was thinking about going abroad again,” he said. He stared into her eyes as she tilted her head, but continued. “Would you and the boys like to come with me?” he asked simply.

  Madison smiled as she saw what he was trying to do. “Trying to get me out of the prying eyes of family?” she asked playfully.

  Victor shook his head. “No my dear; I just want to make sure you are happy and comfortable.”

  Madison’s eyes lowered as she continued to play. That was something one said to a terminally ill patient. She shook her head and stood. Without a word she walked around the room.

  Casper’s eyes followed her. “He didn’t mean it like that Madi,” he said looking into her mind. He then flinched when he felt a sharp pain behind his eyes.

  Eyes the color of blood glared at him
from across the room. “Stay out of my head,” she demanded. She continued to play for a moment before she lowered her violin and bow. Her eyes turned to Victor. “They should be out for the rest of the night now,” she said softly. “I’m going to take them to their room.”

  Victor shook his head. “I will handle the boys,” he said simply. “You go and get some rest.”

  Madison knew his tone. There was nothing she could say or do to make him change his mind. With a roll of her eyes she walked over to her window sill and placed her violin back into its case. “Fine, you’re better with them anyway,” she said lowly. She then looked up at the moon. As always, a far off look crossed her face. “He’s happier without us,” she whispered to herself.

  “Then he’s a fucking moron,” Casper snapped as he stood. When Madison turned to him, he hissed out a low breath and walked out of the room.

  Victor and Madison frowned at each other. Madison tucked a lock of her hair behind her ear. “Is he going to be alright?” she asked.

  “When he finds the right woman, yes,” Victor said simply.

  Madison crossed her arms over her chest. It seemed as if that was always the answer he gave her. “That isn’t what I mean and you know it, Father. Is he going to cause a problem?” she asked quickly.

  Victor looked at her before smiling. “No more of a problem than Casper normally does.”

  Letting out a vicious growl, Madison turned and left the room. She wasn’t going to start an argument with Victor. While most would accuse of her being reckless, she wasn’t stupid. Picking a fight with him was asking for your ass-kicking.

  Victor looked at the twins and felt a small smile cross his face. Madison had been right. They were the best mistake she could have made. And it was high time Troy Davenport knew it.

  He pulled out his cell phone and dialed his daughter in law. With Casper arriving, they had just run out of time. His more impetuous son would do his best to convince Madison to take the boys and leave with him. While Casper meant well, they all knew that could only end in disaster.

  “Hello?” Dylan gasped into the phone.

  “I am going to need you to go to California,” he said.

  * * * * *

  Two figures stood in the park clearing. It was almost dawn and the creatures of the night were all safe in their beds. This was the perfect time for them to meet. Their project had been going on for decades and the fruits of their labor were beginning to blossom.

  That still did not mean they trusted each other.

  Both men knew the other had guards scattered in the nearby trees. Both also knew that the need for secrecy was paramount.

  “You have been coddling them all,” the taller figure said lowly.

  The smaller of the pair laughed. His youthful voice echoed in the moonlight. “But you forget the happier one is, the more they have to lose.”

  “I don’t care what she has to lose.”

  Again, the smaller man laughed. “You have no concept of the power those women are capable of. We have to go about this carefully. If we want them in our control then we are going to have to be patient.”

  “I still say we should grab the weaker links and use them as incentive,” the first man hissed. It had been years and they were still no closer to their goal than when they started.

  “And that is why you are still merely an apprentice,” the first man said happily. His voice then grew deadly serious. “If you want her, leave her be. Once all that she loves has been stripped from her, and then you can claim her. A second sooner, then you will have all of her fury.”

  The taller man inhaled and tightened his hands into fists. “You act like she is more powerful that I am,” he said barely holding back a growl.

  Serious brown eyes looked at him. If he would have known that this man that held such promise would be such an idiot, he would have never picked him up off the streets. “You act as if she isn’t.” They stood in silence for a moment before the older of the pair continued. “What you tend to forget is that she is a force of nature. If you go after what she holds dear, then she will kill me, you and anyone else in her way. We have to proceed carefully to prevent that.”

  “What about her sister? The Princess?”

  “She is skilled in her own right. But we have to make Madison our priority.”

  The younger man scowled. “Fine, just make sure you keep an eye on her.”

  “That is no problem. She is in the care of the Solomons. Victor will let nothing happen to her.”

  Chapter 3-

  Troy looked at the Alpha in front of him and fought not to roll his eyes. He hated all of the diplomatic crap he was forced to deal with. It also didn’t help that both Dennis and Anthony were trying to groom him to become an Alpha in his own right. “I have the right to go anywhere I want in the country,” Troy said calmly.

  Anthony looked at him and nodded slowly. The music from the club pulsed through him as he regarded what could become a dangerous situation. “That is true. But call me cautious. I want to know what members of my pack are doing when in another’s territory.”

  His idiocy had to stop. “I am not a member of your pack,” Troy replied. When Anthony straightened, Troy braced himself and continued. “I appreciate the hospitality that you have shown me, but it is time that I go home.”

  “And just where is home?” Anthony asked as he stood. The pack members at his table all backed away from him and Troy. “Back with a mother too scared to see that her true mate is a Wolf?”

  Troy raised an eyebrow as he seethed inside. “If you’re smart, you won’t say another word about my mother.”

  Leigh stepped between the two. She didn’t want to deal with any bloodshed. If Troy killed Anthony he wouldn’t be able to return to Madison. “Anthony, please. We were just telling you where we’re going so you don’t worry and try to look for us.”

  Anthony ignored her. “Maybe you would rather return to your Necromancer,” he taunted. He saw the way Troy’s eyes glowed gold and smiled. “If she’ll still have you. I hear that she is constantly surrounded by Vampires.”

  Just as Troy was about to lunge for Anthony, the entire club fell silent. Sensing another predator entering their surroundings, Troy and Anthony turned to see a tall black woman enter with two large men following her. Troy's golden eyes widened as he recognized her. She was the woman in the picture he had been given of Madison. The gasp at his side told him that Leigh knew who she was too.

  “The Vampire Princess,” Anthony breathed. He then moved around his table and past Troy. “Lady Dylan, it is an honor to see you again,” he greeted quickly moving towards her.

  Dylan gave the Alpha a small smile as she glanced at one of the guards behind her. “Hello Anthony,” she said pleasantly. She allowed him to bow his head and kiss her hand as was custom. Her eyes searched the room, but when her eyes settled on Troy, her gaze turned serious. “I need to talk to you.”

  Troy stiffened for a moment. There was really only one reason why she would be looking at him.

  “What’s wrong with her?” he asked.

  Dylan looked him over. Sloane had been right. He was handsome. There was something in him that was a little wild, just like Madi liked them. “You need to see her,” she answered. She then touched Antonio on his arm. “Give him the pictures,” she ordered softly.

  Troy could only frown as one of the large vampires stepped around Anthony and gave him a small envelope.

  “Excuse my ignorance, my Lady, but anything you have to say to my Wolf has to go through me.” He then shrugged when Dylan turned dark eyes to him. “It’s part of our custom.”

  Dylan slowly inhaled as she looked around the club. Everyone was watching her and she had promised that she wouldn’t do anything to embarrass Crispin. An all-too-innocent smile crossed her face as she stepped closer to the Wolf Alpha. “Last I checked Troy Davenport was a part of Dennis Wolfe’s Pack. He was just out here to clear his head and think about the next move he’ll take towards making
an honest woman out of my sister.” Dylan stepped closer to Anthony and felt her eyes start to take on a familiar glow. “Now, you are going to step aside and let me have him, or I will bring this entire place around your ears.”

  Anthony growled. He didn’t like being threatened. “I welcome you into my city and this is how you repay me?” he asked outraged. “Victor should have found a better diplomat.”

  Dylan waved her hand and watched as Anthony was thrown across the club. With a snap of her fingers the wall around him easily wrapped around his limbs and pinned him there. “Be thankful that I am the diplomat he sent,” she said loud enough for everyone to hear. She then turned to Troy. “Like I said, you need to see her. I don’t care if you put up a fight or not.”

  Troy slowly opened the envelope and looked inside. His eyes widened as he saw pictures of Madison. She had let her hair grow, and it was now down her back. Her smiling eyes were focused on someone under the camera’s angle. Troy turned to the next picture and his breath left him. Madison had one arm wrapped around a blonde young man and the other was holding a toddler with caramel skin and gold eyes. The toddler’s twin had his arms wrapped around Madison’s neck. They looked like a happy family, but Troy noticed that Madison’s smile didn’t reach her eyes.

  Dylan waited for his eyes to lift to her own. She was going to hope that he was a smart boy and could put two and two together. When he looked at her, she could see the recognition and resolve in his eyes. “Are you going to put up a fight?” she asked.

  “She had twins?” he asked in a whisper. When the princess nodded, Troy felt his stomach drop. That was why he couldn’t get Madison off of his mind. He could only imagine what she had been going through all of these years without him.

  Leigh carefully took the pictures out of his hands and gasped as she looked at the two boys. They were little darlings, and there was no denying that their father was standing next to her. She looked at Dylan and gave her a small smile. “When is our flight?” she asked simply.


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