Lions and Tigers and Bears

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Lions and Tigers and Bears Page 8

by Kit Tunstall

  Swearing, Jack moved into the corner. “You know they’re gonna catch you, you crazy son of a bitch. They have cameras on us.”

  Dillion glanced to the ceiling, where Kevin guessed the cameras in question to be, and the sweat seemed to drip off his forehead. “Don’t listen to him,” Kevin urged, “Let me out, and I’ll guarantee this thing ends on a good note for both of us.” Not that he actually had the power to keep the promise, but right now he’d say anything to get the man moving.

  “Yeah. Okay, yeah.” Dillion fumbled the key ring into the lock several times, then finally managed to open it and slide the door free. Before Kevin could thank him and make his get away, Dillion grabbed his arm and tugged him toward the door. “Let me lead, in case anyone sees us walking out. Once we’re outside, we can use my cruiser.”

  Dillion turned back when they reached the door and aimed his gun at the other guard. “Get in the cell, Jack. I don’t want to hurt you, man. I really don’t.”

  Jack looked at the gun, then disgustedly between Dillion and Kevin, before moving into the cell. Dillion hurried over and locked the guard inside. He returned to Kevin’s side, grabbed his arm and pushed the snout of the gun into his back. “Okay, let’s get moving. The surveillance cameras are intermittent, but someone’s still going to figure out you’re missing within a matter of minutes.”


  Liddy had figured out the only way to avert the lion’s claiming of her was by asking him questions, getting him to share his thoughts and reveal why he believed he deserved all that Kevin had.

  She whimpered as the male’s teeth sank into her neck with another of his fierce bites. Sharing stopped his possession, but not his tormenting. Hidari’s large paws and needle sharp claws had swiped at her body and left behind countless lacerations in his attempt to make her stop fighting him. The blood from her wounds stained her snow-white fur and stung against the icy coldness of night. She shut out the ache to concentrate on what mattered, freedom for both herself and for Kevin.

  Kevin would be stricken when he learned who Hidari was, why he thought he deserved the title of ruler. And Kevin would learn soon. She’d captured his last thought. He’d escaped the prison and was coming for her. It was that knowledge that gave her the strength to ignore her hurt and press Hidari for more answers.

  I thought a true ruler had to have full shifter blood to claim the title of king. If your mother was human, then you can’t blame Kevin for what you don’t have.

  The male roared in her ear and his teeth sank more firmly into her neck. The warm gush of fresh blood slid along her neck and the metallic scent filled her nostrils. When it was Kevin biting her, the smell of her blood was consuming, stimulating; with Hidari it only sickened her further.

  You insolent little bitch. It doesn’t matter who or what my mother was. All that matters is my father was king.

  This conversation was the wrong one to be having, but she had no more questions for Hidari she believed he would answer. She would rather share thoughts that upset him and endure pain as a result than have him claim her as his and destroy the bond she’d forged with Kevin. Kevin’s blood lines are true. His mother was a shifter. She was married to your father. You’re nothing but a bastard, in the truest sense of the word.

  The male’s teeth yanked from Liddy’s neck, and the blow to the back of her head was solid and hard. Her teeth snapped down around her tongue, puncturing it until blood filled her mouth. Stars danced before eyes and her head slumped forward. She’d always heard lions could kill with a single swipe of their paw, but until now, as pain rioted through her fuzzy brain, she’d never known how true those words were.

  Hidari resettled his teeth into her neck, and jerked her head up. The only bastard is your beloved Kevin. Your soon to be dead beloved Kevin. I have every intention of seeing that happen myself.

  Icicles of rage swept through her, temporarily numbing her to her injuries. No matter what happened to her, she would not let this male harm Kevin. She had to get him to share more, had to get him to reveal all. How will you see he dies? What power do you have to make that happen? Who are you?

  Yes. Who are you, you pathetic excuse for life?

  Hidari’s teeth tore from Liddy’s neck with the thought. Kevin’s thought. The ache she’d only just managed to shut out rippled through her skull and then deep down inside her wounded body as she forced her head to turn. Kevin was there, in his lion form, his dark mane and the long dark vee of hair on his chest claiming him supreme ruler. He made the male who held her captive look scrawny, sick.

  You’re just in time for the main event, Hidari proclaimed with a hiss. His cock returned to the crack of Liddy’s ass, sliding along her puckered anus. The scent of his excitement colored the air as he guided his shaft down and brushed the opening of her pussy. She closed her eyes and winced at the feel of the fluid coated head positioning to enter her. The thought of the lion fucking her when they were alone had been sickening. The thought of him doing so while Kevin watched had her stomach convulsing and the contents threatening to spill forth.

  Kevin’s eyes went steely cold. He bared his long, sharp teeth and growled, Get your paws off her or die!

  You won’t kill me. Hidari’s paw came up and around Liddy’s neck. Pressing lightly at her throat, he continued the swipe of his cock head against her sex. You won’t risk coming so close, because you know she’ll be dead before you can reach me. You had your chance to prove yourself, Kevin. You lost it.

  What chance was that? Kevin returned, his expression no longer fierce, but bland. His thoughts as calm as if they spoke of the weather.

  Liddy cried out as the Hidari’s cock sank against her sex and rubbed at the lips of her folds, wetting the dry opening with his own fluids. Panic the likes of which she’d never known sliced through her. She implored Kevin to do something with her eyes, knowing if she opened her thoughts to Kevin, they would be free to the other lion, too.

  What chance was that? Kevin repeated calmly, his sedate expression making it seem he was oblivious to her plight, her silent pleading.

  Hidari’s cock inched into her body, and her stomach pitched. She reared forward, struggling to escape his assault. The paw at her neck pressed harder, hard enough to steal the breath from her lungs, and the spikes of his teeth clamped down on her neck. Tears of pain, of the knowledge this was the end, filled Liddy’s eyes. She closed them, unwilling to look at Kevin when another male claimed her while stealing her life with the strength of his paw. While Kevin stood idly by and let another male kill her!

  She’d trusted him, given him her love, allowed him to come between her and Mama. And in return, he was letting this happen.

  The heartache that came with the thought, blistered her exceedingly hazy mind, and then was cut short in a heartbeat as the teeth at her neck ripped free and a feral growl lit the night. Hidari’s cock ceased its inching into her pussy and his weight lifted from her body. Inhaling long painful breaths of icy air, Liddy opened her eyes.

  Kevin still stood in front of her. I had to make time, he told her, I’m sorry, Liddy. I would never let him hurt you. The compassion and guilt that warred in his expression told her just how sorry he was, and that he hadn’t intended to let Hidari harm her. She started to tell him that it was okay, that she understood his actions now when, with a deafening roar, he leapt behind her, where snarls and hisses clashed with the thunder of massive, muscular bodies slamming together.

  Liddy’s injured body screamed with effort, but she managed to push to her paws and turn around. A third male, the one who had pulled Hidari from her, was thrown from the depraved cat and landed with a sickening crunch of bones several feet away in the snow. Kevin lunged at Hidari, fighting the lion with his teeth and claws. Crimson soon stained the snow around the pair and gashes lined both of their bodies.

  She couldn’t tell who was winning, who was losing, or if Kevin had even figured out who he was fighting yet. She only knew she wasn’t strong enough to go into battle herself, a
nd that if she tried she would only risk getting in Kevin’s way. She moved slowly to the other lion, who had yet to move.

  Sinking down next to him, she licked at the long gash on his chest, relieved to find it wasn’t too deep. The lion lifted his head. I’m…okay. Need rest.

  Soon. I promise, soon. It wasn’t a promise she should make, but right now it was one she needed to hear as badly as the lion at her feet, quite possibly more so.

  The hellacious howl behind her knocked all thoughts of promises from her mind. She whirled back, oblivious to her aches, and her heart skipped a beat as horror stole through her body. Both Hidari and Kevin lay motionless and silent on the bloodstained snow. Both of the cats looked dead.

  Liddy raced to Kevin’s side and nudged his cheek with her own. Tears leaked down her face to mingle with her fur while her heart clenched furiously in her chest. Kevin? Oh God, Kevin please be okay. I would never have come here if I’d known it was a trap. I thought it was pride gathering, one to figure out a way to save you—

  Liddy. He shifted slightly, then returned the brush of her cheek and pushed to his feet in a long, graceful move. His beautiful coat was marred with blood and lacerations, but he was standing and to her he had never looked better.

  Her heart pounded while the tears trickled all the harder, now of joy. You’re okay?

  I will be, he promised with a damp flick of his tongue over her mouth. He nodded toward Hidari then, whose torn body was slowly reverting to its human form. He won’t be. I had to kill him. I had no choice.

  Liddy’s joy burst. Oh Kevin. I’m so sorry.

  Don’t be. He deserved it. For what he did to all those women, and for what he did to you.

  He deserved punishment for what he’d done, but still… Anguish filled her heart, her thoughts as she admitted, He was your brother.

  Kevin’s head snapped back, his gaze unbelieving as he looked at her. What?

  She nodded, wishing somehow she could bring Hidari back and make him the loyal, loving brother Kevin deserved. She couldn’t do that, she could only tell him what she had learned. He told me tonight. Your father met his mother the year before he married yours. Your father didn’t know he had another son. And your brother didn’t know that you existed or even who your father was until after he died. Hidari said he was older than you, that he deserved to be king. He came to Hanover to claim his birthright. He…

  Tears clogged Liddy’s throat and she looked away in attempt to gather her emotions. The sight of the naked, bloody man on the snow had her gasping instead. Oh, my God… He’s Tanner. I’d considered the detective had something to do with the attacks, had even thought at times he shared similar looks with you, but I never thought—

  None of us did. The male who had pulled Hidari from Liddy was now on his feet. He still looked weak as he skulked to her side, but already his wounds were healing as were Liddy’s own. The lion turned pitying eyes on Tanner’s lifeless body. I worked with him every day and I had no idea.

  He wasn’t a good man.

  Liddy turned at Kevin’s thoughts. He stood next to her, and the shock of learning about his brother had disappeared from his eyes. Maybe he was family by blood, he continued, but not in heart. He brushed against Liddy’s side and nodded at the other lion. You are, both of you are, and all of the pride. You’re my family, and what matters.

  As much as she hated him losing his brother, his words made sense. Kevin wasn’t her family yet, and the pride would never be in the true meaning of the word, but they had shown her complete acceptance and that was something she could only pray for with her true family.

  She smiled first at Kevin and then at the other lion. Thank you for coming for me, both of you.

  I couldn’t let my future queen die, the male responded.

  She and Kevin had not discussed their long-term plans, and hearing the way the other lion referred to her now had her heart soaring with hope. The look of complete adoration in Kevin’s eyes had that hope floating.

  Kevin nuzzled her mouth with a kiss. I love you, Liddy. And I don’t give a damn what your mother says, we’re going to get married and have lots of little cubs. With luck, they’ll all look like their mother.

  Fresh tears threatened with the happiness that consumed her. She pushed them back. She’d already cried far too much tonight. I’d like one or two who look just like you, she thought, returning his kiss with a long, wet one of her own. I love you, Kevin, and I’m sorry I couldn’t promise you as much as you wanted me to this morning. I just knew I had to see you free.

  We aren’t exactly free yet, the other lion thought from beside them, and Kevin and Liddy both turned to him. I need to get back to the cruiser and call this in. It’s going to take a lot of explaining, but between the three of us and any other shifters we can get to come forward and make their identity known on our behalf, things could still turn out okay.

  They will turn out okay, Liddy assured with a certainty she shouldn’t feel considering her past with her mama. For some reason she felt that certainty, though, and it gave her the strength to hope her family by blood might soon accept her as completely as her surrogate one did. I have connections in this town, and it’s well past time I used them.

  Chapter Six

  Liddy had been dreading this day for eight years. She had hoped to break the news of her being a shapeshifter to her parents gently. Instead, she was going to do it while covered in cuts and bruises and accompanied by a white man who looked just as bad or worse.

  “Are you sure about this?” Kevin asked from behind her, as Liddy raised her hand to ring her parents’ doorbell.

  She nodded and pressed the bell. “If shifters and humans are ever going to live in harmony in this town, it needs to start with Mama.”

  Liddy’s daddy opened the door a handful of inches on the second ring of the bell. He was typically a quiet man, who kept his thoughts and feelings to himself while showing a pleasant face to the world. Now his dark, gently wrinkled face held a stern look that clearly had to do with the fact someone would think to come by so late.

  Recognition settled in and his severe look faded to worry. He pulled the door open wide and gestured for them to come inside. “Liddy honey, what’s the matter? Have you and your friend been in an accident?”

  “I’m fine, Daddy—” And she was now that both she and Kevin were safe, and the worst of their body’s wounds had begun to heal, “—but I need to speak to Mama. I know it’s late, but this can’t wait.”

  He nodded and started toward the second floor staircase as he spoke. “I can see that. Let me get her.”

  Annette emerged at the top of the staircase less than a minute later, wearing a red satin robe and a matching hairnet. For an instant, her face showed displeasure. Then their disheveled appearances must have sunk in, as her mama rushed down the staircase and to her side, while her daddy followed behind at a more leisurely pace.

  Mama lifted her hand to Liddy’s cheek. Concern filled her eyes and reflected in her voice. “Baby, look at your pretty face.” The concern melted to loathing as she turned her gaze on Kevin. “And you, what are you doing out of jail? You did this to my baby, didn’t you?” She looked back at Liddy. “I told you his kind was no good.”

  Doubt rallied through Liddy’s mind with the condemnation in her mama’s words, temper attempted to surface. She considered turning back and forgetting all about telling her parents the truth. Kevin’s hand folded around hers, large, warm and reassuring, and she knew she couldn’t go anywhere until she said what she’d come her to say. From this day forward she didn’t want to keep what she was from anyone, and if that meant losing those she loved so dearly forever, it would have to be that way.

  “Our kind,” she said flatly.

  Annette’s gaze narrowed, and she gave her head a shake. “What?”

  “Our kind,” Liddy repeated, louder this time, letting the pride for what she was ring in her voice. “Mama, Daddy. There’s something I need to tell you. I’ve wanted to for a l
ong time, but I was afraid you would reject me once you learned the truth. You already did reject me, because I fell in love with someone who didn’t meet your criterion for a suitable match.” Her daddy’s mouth opened, and she amended, “At least, Kevin didn’t meet Mama’s.”

  Annette’s breath drew in audibly. She asked tightly, “What are you saying, Liddy?”

  “I’m saying that Kevin isn’t the attacker any more than he is a killer. The real attacker is dead. He hurt me and—”

  “He hurt you.” It was her daddy’s voice that boomed now, his face reflecting the wrath of God. When he chose to show his defensive side, he did it loudly. “I’ll—”

  “He didn’t hurt me.” Liddy sent him a soothing look. “Not really. Kevin didn’t let him. Kevin and one of our friends saved me. And now I need to help save them, save their jobs, their lives. Shifters aren’t bad people, Mama. They aren’t freaks. They are just like everyone else, mothers, fathers, children.” She drew a long breath, then added, “Me. I’m one of them. I have been for a long time.”

  Her mama blinked rapidly while her daddy’s mouth opened and closed a few times. It shut a last time and he nodded his acceptance. She’d always known he would be the accepting one in her family. Her mama would be night and day different.

  “I know how hard this is for you to take, Mama. But I need for you to think about me, as your daughter. This is the only thing I have ever kept from you, outside of my dating Kevin for a few days. But even that I had planned to tell you about eventually. I was afraid of your rejecting him, because I love him and I want to marry him. I want you both to love him to, to accept him. To accept us for what we are. I need you to accept shifters in general, Mama. To make it clear to the people of Hanover that we aren’t wild freaks who go around attacking people.


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