Carinian's Seeker

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Carinian's Seeker Page 3

by TJ Michaels

  Damn it, not now. She groaned inwardly, immediately recognizing that voice. Her boss, Charles Martin, the last person she wanted to see. In all the years they’d worked together she’d always blown off his advances as nicely as possible, even when she’d returned his many gifts of flowers and chocolates. The man was oblivious of her lack of interest and as long as she smiled and remained cordial he seemed to believe he had a chance with her. Did he? Hell no. But his unspoken hope kept her in a position to get what she needed—access to the most sophisticated materials and equipment for her projects. In spite of the fact he was a total pervert who only wanted a piece of her ass, Carin almost felt guilty for using the bastard.

  “Good morning, Charles.” Her voice was pleasant as she plastered a patient expression on her face and smiled into his black beady little eyes. Funny, they didn’t quite fit into his pasty face. While his eyes were too small, his skull seemed too large for the rest of his body. The combination of picking up his lecherous emotions and looking at him came close to causing her physical pain. Charles might be a certifiable genius, but Carin didn’t think she’d ever seen a more ugly man. It took all her willpower not to scrunch up her face on a wince.

  “Thanks for holding the elevator, Dr. Derrickson. By the way, what are you doing here? I thought you were going on vacation right after your training. You’re not scheduled to return until next week. In fact, didn’t your flight from Colorado land just an hour and a half ago? I know you’re eager to catch up on things but…”

  Lord, the man sure could talk. She should be used to his chatter by now but it still irritated her like a bad rash. God, he makes my butt itch.

  Just before they glazed over, her eyes lost focus on Charles and riveted on the tall man entering the elevator behind him. Her mouth fell open and her wits flew right out of her head. Bix? And damn, was he wickedly handsome, the epitome of masculinity with silky dark hair and lightly tanned skin. Her dark eyes met his honey laden silver-streaked ones, and her heart slammed up into her throat. She couldn’t help but stare as she took in the cut of his black tailored suit set off by a cream silk band collared shirt. A tailored trench fell from his neck to well past his calves. The man was impossibly wide across the shoulders. The clean lines of the leather coat accentuated his powerful build, even if he was probably the only person in all of San Diego walking around in a real winter coat. Expertly cut, it made her think of the cool garb worn in the movie, The Matrix. On his feet were polished black…Doc Martin boots? Now that was an eyebrow lifter.

  Curiosity finally overrode the initial shock of coming face-to-face with the tallest, most impressive man she’d ever had the pleasure of spending time with. What the hell was he doing here? Still standing behind a blithering Charles, he winked at her.

  “Hi, Carin. How are you?”

  Oooooh, this was bad. The smooth tenor of his voice brought visions of him kissing her senseless in a hotel hallway into her suddenly empty head. She looked down at the floor, examining her shoes as she tried to get her thoughts together. Deep breath in. Now let it out slowly. Okay, back to the original question—what was he doing here?

  “I’m fine, Bix. Thanks for asking. And what brings you here?”

  “You two have met already?” Charles asked, his whiny voice laced with something akin to suspicion.

  “Yes, we met in Colorado while I was at Aegis for software training.” The elevator doors closed and Charles stood next to her while Bix moved to an unobtrusive spot behind her. The confined areas had never bothered her before, but Bix’s presence filled the small box speeding her upstairs to her labs. He even seemed to take up all the air, let alone the space.

  Carin discreetly breathed a sigh of relief when Charles pushed the button for the tenth floor. At least he wouldn’t be getting off on her floor. She stiffened as a purely sensual feeling slid over her skin. Instinctively, she knew it was Bix’s gaze burning through the back of her suddenly too-tight royal blue silk blouse. Her breasts began to swell and the nipples pebbled against the sheer lace of her bra. This is insane, she thought, even as her body reacted to the mere presence of the man standing behind her. Just like in the hallway of the hotel in Colorado. She hadn’t understood it then and didn’t understand it now.

  A light sheen of sweat formed under her arms. She folded them over her chest and held her lab coat closed. It wouldn’t do for Charles to see her nipples stabbing through the fabric of her blouse. Though he’d probably like the show, damned perv.

  “Well, I’m glad you two have met, Cari,” Charles said happily, his voice a little too high-pitched. She hated when he called her Cari. Charles’ expression cleared while Carin’s brows scrunched together. Why would Charles be pleased she’d met someone? A very good-looking someone she hadn’t expected to see again, ever.

  “Mr. Bixler flew in this morning, too,” Charles continued, oblivious to her mood, as usual. “He’s going to oversee your current gene therapy project.” He grinned, expecting her to be pleased with the change of oversight.

  “What?” Lab coat and swollen breasts forgotten, Carin rounded on her boss, hands on hips and her eyes wide with a mix of anger and shock. This would ruin everything. If looks could kill, she’d see Charles six-feet under by noon.

  “The company is sending me to Puerto Rico to oversee the building of the new biotech plant. Since you’re the consultant for the gene therapy his organization is paying us to develop, you’re on loan to Mr. Bixler starting Monday morning. Internally, you’ll still report to me, just from long distance.”

  Carin blanched. Aw hell, there was still equipment in her lab she’d, uh, “borrowed” from Research and Development, like the cell transfection machine she hadn’t signed out properly. In fact, she’d skipped going on vacation after Colorado for the sole purpose of making sure the thing wasn’t missed. Besides, she’d planned to spend the extra days working on her private project, but with Bix in play she’d have to make an unplanned trip back to R&D. She’d have to move fast.

  Jingling the set of spare keys to her lab, Charles said, “Mr. Bixler and I were just on our way up to your lab to look at some of your documentation. But since you’re right here, why don’t you take him up with you and show him what you’ve been working on? I’ve already provided him with some of the information, but I figured a look at the real thing might better get him prepared to jump right in on Monday.”

  “Uh, yeah. Sure.” Shit. So much for having the weekend to clear the things out of her lab that shouldn’t be there. All she could do was hope Bix didn’t know what he was looking at. Like Charles.

  “Excellent. I’ll check in with you later, all right, Cari?” Charles crowed, then turned to Bix and said, “Mr. Bixler, it was nice to meet you. Please feel free to tell Dr. Carin if there’s anything you need help deciphering. She’s one of the most brilliant minds in her field.”

  The elevator doors whispered open and Charles stepped off, whistling. She wanted to punch him in the nose. The dolt was completely unaware of how anxious she felt right now. Carin narrowed her eyes behind Charles’ back, resisting the urge to stick her tongue out at him as he left her alone in silence with Bix.

  * * *

  Sidheon’s assistant had alerted him the moment Dr. Carinian walked into the facility. He didn’t waste any time making his way down the long hallway to wait in front of her door. His testing was only two days behind. As soon as he had that cart back, he could get back on track. Then sometime this afternoon, he’d make his way back to her labs and inform her she was having dinner with him tonight. And perhaps a bit of animalistic fucking…

  His head snapped up, his brow pulled down on a scowl. He sensed her coming, could almost hear her footsteps, but something was…different. And she wasn’t alone. Suddenly an air of caution streaked over and through him. He needed to move. Now. Away from her lab door and down the hall in a blur, he ducked out the exit door and into the stairwell. Easing the door closed just as the doctor stepped around the corner, Sidheon froze as she stopped
to unlock the metal door in the exact spot he’d stood only moments before.

  He watched the other man’s head swivel from side to side as if he were looking for something. He didn’t move like a human and the intensity of his eyes reminded him of…shit, a Seeker.

  His contact had told the truth after all. The Council had put a Seeker on his tail, a so-called dispenser of justice. But it didn’t matter. Once he got his specimens back he’d be able to finish testing his serum and make enough to put his plan into action. All he needed was a few more weeks, a month at the most, then every one of those arrogant V.C.O.E. bastards would be sorry they’d ever labeled him a rogue.

  Yes, every Elder and stooge of the V.C.O.E. would pay. Starting with the damned assassin vamp walking into Dr. Carinian’s labs right now.

  * * *

  Bix reached out to Carin with his senses and tried to touch her mind. He jerked his neck back subtly when he slammed into a solid wall of anger. He didn’t think she realized it, but she was blocking him with her ire. He backed off the gentle, unsuccessful probing and settled for directing his keen senses to her heart and lungs. Damn, she was pissed.

  He had to admit, she was good at maintaining an illusion of control. Her heartbeat and breathing said she was royally upset about him being here, but her expressionless face and relaxed shoulders said she couldn’t care less if he dropped off the face of the earth just now.

  Carin pulled a ring of keys from her lab coat pocket. They jingled furiously in her hand as she jammed the key into the deadbolt.

  “It’s nice to see you again, Carin,” Bix said, trying to work past her defenses. “Like Charles said, I’m not officially your boss, just your project coordinator. I’d like to go out some time while I’m in town,” he suggested, flashing his most charming smile. But it wasn’t working, not today. Carin’s disposition was as chilly as the winter night they’d met in Colorado. In spite of the wonderful time they’d had, it was rather obvious she wasn’t happy to see him now.

  “I don’t date guys I work with.” Her voice was clipped and hard. She turned her back on him and went back to fiddling with the lock on the door. She turned the handle and the heavy steel door swung open.

  “I don’t work for your company, beautiful. I work for an organization with a vested interest in the new gene therapy and cancer drugs you’re developing. So technically…” He almost ran into her back when she stopped abruptly in the middle of the doorway and rounded on him. One hand fisted on her hips as the other one pointed a stiff, angry finger at Bix’s chest.

  “Technically,” she snapped, “you led me on in Colorado by keeping your affiliation with my job a secret. My work happens to be very important to me, damn it.”

  “The organization I represent has stakes”—he hated that word—“in many pharma and biotech companies. I had no idea I was being sent here until I was on my way to the airport early this morning.” The lie stung his tongue as he forced it out of his mouth. Over the decades he’d always done whatever was necessary to protect his species, including lie to beautiful women. But this time it just didn’t feel right.

  She tossed her head and moved fully into the lab, flipping on a series of lights before her keys landed on one of the many tables with a loud clunk. Anger rolled off her in waves as she stood in the middle of the room and pointed out what was what. The place was huge, filled with the most sophisticated equipment money could buy. There were several stations of both stainless steel and graphite topped tables. Some of the stations had various types of microscopes along with computers to record results. The DNA sequencer, centrifuges and fermenters had their own stations and programmable logic controllers to automatically turn them on and off. Six large basin-style sinks took up a third of one long wall, again, all stainless steel. Near the front door, a long oak desk with a matching hutch and a row of bookcases broke up the monotony of the shining steel.

  At the back of the lab were two doors. Carin walked back and unlocked the one on the left. She stepped into a full private bathroom, showed him where supplies were kept, soap, towels and the like, and then left him alone to look around. While she sat at her desk checking her voice mail, Bix peeked through the window of the door she hadn’t bothered to open. The ideas that popped into his head caused a roguish smile to play at the corners of his mouth. The room contained a full-sized bed made up with lots of pillows and comfortable-looking blankets, linens and throws. With Carin this close, that bed looked a lot like paradise.

  “You sleep here, Carin?” he called across the room.

  “Sometimes.” Her words were clipped and somewhat distracted. “When I’m close to a breakthrough, I’d rather just keep working at it.”

  He frowned, but quickly schooled his features when she didn’t bother turning around when she answered. Rude wasn’t something he had to put up with often. Because she was upset, he’d overlook it. This time.

  “Don’t your pets get lonely?” he asked, knowing he was probing but didn’t care.

  “I don’t have pets or anything waiting at home so sometimes I just stay here,” she mumbled, writing down yet another message on a small notepad next to the phone.

  No one at home waiting? For a second he wondered why a woman as smart and beautiful as Carin didn’t have a lover. Bix moved away from the bedroom door and looked around. Her workspace was free of any scent but hers. He inhaled deeply, taking in the rich, natural spice and immediately regretted it when his cock started dancing around in his pants. Deliberately facing the bookcase, he snatched one of the many books about blood diseases off one of the many shelves. Bix flipped through it without seeing a single word on any of the pages. All he could think about was the way Carin’s legs gripped the edge of the chair she sat in while checking her messages. Those thighs should be gripping him. He snapped the book closed and shoved it back into its spot with enough force to make the bookcase tremble, cringing when the thing rocked against the wall.

  Carin’s head popped up at the noise, and those expressive deep brown pools searched his face. Though still angry, she seemed concerned for him. Bix turned away, he had to. Every drop of blood in his body dive-bombed for his dick from just a glance of those beautiful eyes of hers. When the aroma of her luscious body stole to him from across the room, Bix was ever thankful for the leather trench denoting his Seeker status—it hid his bulging erection. Damn it, he’d been in hundreds of relationships over the years and here he was losing it over a woman’s eyes and the way she smelled? This was insane. Besides, Carin was off limits. She was a target whose sole purpose was to lead him to a rogue. End of story. He mentally kicked himself in the ass and got back to business.

  “Who else has labs on this level?” he asked, changing the subject.

  “Dr. Lee and Dr. Rene have labs across the hall. Dr. Sidheon’s labs are next to mine, right down the hall. Our four labs are more extensive than the others in the facility so we have the whole floor.”

  Sidheon was right next door? Perfect. Exactly what he needed to know. Natasha had sent him a new lead this morning—Sidheon had been spotted at an address across town. Perhaps after he checked it out, he could track the rogue back here. In the meantime, he had an angry woman to deal with. A woman he happened to need if he was going to get close enough to Sidheon’s research to figure out what the rogue was up to.

  Carin threw down her pen, pushed away from the desk and stalked across the floor. She buried her head in one of the file cabinets and started tearing through it. Bix walked up behind her and, with a gentle touch, laid his hands on her shoulders. The connection between them was instantaneous and powerful. Powerful enough to make his fingertips tingle with the need to touch while his head screamed at him to take a step back and do his duty. His head lost the battle.

  “Come on, Carin,” he crooned as he leaned forward to whisper against the nape of her neck. “Don’t be mad at me, sweetheart. This is all out of my control.” Hell, he was out of control.

  “Out of your control? Yeah, whatever,” she s
napped, tearing the manila files out of the file drawers. “You’re here to do a job. Let’s just get it done so I can get back to work.” The words were pushed through gritted teeth as she snatched the last two folders out of the cabinet, slammed the drawer and turned to shove the files at him.

  “Carin,” he called softly, taking the documents from her fingers and setting them down on the nearest lab table. “I didn’t send myself here, sweetheart, I promise.” Well, at least part of his explanation was true. “But I must admit, I am very glad to see you.” His fingers teased over her shoulders and down her arms with a gentle but firm grip.

  The shield she’d unknowingly erected with her anger dropped like a stone. Her mind was bare to him now, wide open and exposed. His keen hearing caught the sudden intake of breath, heard the hitch in her throat and the sigh that followed as his hands moved over her skin. But it wasn’t her reaction he was gauging. It was his own.

  Awareness like nothing he’d ever experienced shook him down to his black boots, assailed him and overloaded every one of his senses. This went well beyond the ability to scent a woman. He could smell the faint musk of her sweat as it made its way up through her pores. Could hear the oxygen in her lungs mix with the blood before it thumped through her heart and swirled through her body. He could smell her hair, her skin and the fragrant arousal just beginning to pool between her legs.

  His fangs ached in response to the sweet blood pulsing underneath her skin. What the hell? He’d never smelled blood under skin before. God, he desperately wanted to taste her. Instead, he clamped down on his lips and chanted to himself, No teeth, no teeth, Bix!

  And stranger still was his ability to feel her confusion; it hung like a cloud over his head as Carin tried to puzzle out this thing between them. This attraction—was it just a squall of emotional lightning destined to fade away, or would she always be caught in the vortex of such a potent storm? She was baffled by her reaction to him, but one thing he knew for certain—she wanted him. Wanted to push him away. Wanted him to hold her closer.


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