Crazy Pucking Love (Taking Shots)

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Crazy Pucking Love (Taking Shots) Page 15

by Cindi Madsen

  “You know I care about you, right?” he asked, and a lump lodged in my throat.

  “I hoped so.”

  “I do.” He pressed his forehead to mine. “That’s why I’m going to ask you one more time… Are you sure about this?”

  Instead of answering with words, I reached out and undid the button of his jeans. I slid down the zipper and he let out a sigh of relief as he sprung free of the tighter fabric, his white boxer briefs doing little to conceal his arousal.

  I cupped him over the material and kissed him hard on the lips. “I’m sure.”

  He circled my wrist with his fingers, and I had a sense of déjà vu, my body already protesting what was going to happen next, thanks to last night.

  But then he used the grip to tug me to him and kiss me again as he reached behind me and undid the clasp of my bra. He unbuttoned and unzipped my jeans, giving me the same treatment I’d given him, his warm hand pressing against me and the damp fabric.

  Darts of electricity fired across my skin, awakening every nerve ending and sending a jolt through my core.

  He slowly dragged a finger up, making me shudder the same way I had last night, then he grabbed onto my jeans and slid them all the way down.

  Once I kicked free of them, he straightened, leaned back a couple of inches, and looked me up and down, his gaze heating my skin. “So fucking sexy.”

  Happiness sang through me and I smiled, thinking he was pretty fucking sexy, too. Every inch of him radiated power and control, his muscles all working in tandem as he moved.

  This was the area where I didn’t have much experience, and I was suddenly sure I was going to screw it up. Did I wait for him to make another move? Did I reach for him again? Did I…

  Damn. When we were just friends, I guess I should’ve asked him if he liked forward women.

  He took a few steps toward me, a predatory gleam in his eye, and my heart skipped a couple of beats. Oh, yeah. I’d wait for him to make a move if it was going to get my blood pumping like this.

  One of his thighs slipped between both of mine, pressing against me, and making me want more—more friction, more of him, more of everything—and then he walked me backward until my knees hit the bed. He laid me back, leaning over me and kissing me like I was oxygen and he hadn’t taken a full breath for months.

  When he began trailing kisses down my body, I put my hand on the side of his face. “What are you doing? I already had my turn last night.” Heat flared through my cheeks as I said it, but it was true, and after how amazing he’d made me feel, I wanted to repay the favor. “It’s your turn.”

  “Baby, this right here”—he swirled his tongue around one of my nipples and I moaned, my body automatically arching for more—“is part of my turn.”

  He moved to the other nipple, sucked it into his mouth, and then scraped his teeth lightly across it, causing another cascade of pleasure.

  Then he continued kissing his way down my body. One delicious sensation after another tumbled through me. His lips, his breath warming my skin, the scruff of his whiskers… Oh God, his tongue.

  He removed my panties and licked the spot that’d been pulsing and begging for more, sending relief through me, even as the move also fueled the overwhelming need taking control of my body.

  He gripped my thighs and spread them farther apart. “So damn hot.” Before I could even wrap my head around his words, he followed them up with another swipe of his tongue. Pleasure, pure and all-consuming, claimed me. My muscles clenched, and then the sweet release came, his name falling from my lips as I let the euphoria overtake me.

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  I wrapped my arms around Megan, holding her for a moment and ignoring my throbbing downstairs situation—luckily I’d had a lot of experience ignoring it lately. Having her soft skin against mine was sweet agony. A little voice in the back of my brain rose up and told me that this was a bad idea. That if I stopped now, maybe…

  But then Megan shifted, giving me the full view of her perfect body, from her perky breasts to those sexy hips and all the creamy, smooth skin that I could spend hours tasting and never tire of it.

  She reached up and ran her fingers through my hair, sending electric zips across my scalp. Then her hand drifted down, the light scrape of her nails making me even harder. She gripped the base of my shaft and slid her hand up, one mind-blowing stroke that nearly made me lose it right there.

  “You’re not going to stop me this time?” She tightened her grip, her expression saying she knew she now had all the control and she liked it.

  “I’d like to think I kept a pretty good hold of my self-control until tonight, but the truth is, I think I lost most of it the moment you walked into my life.”

  A beautiful smile spread across her face and I reached down and traced her lips with my thumb. She bit it, and the last of my blood rushed south. I reached for a condom, and as soon as it was on, I braced my hands on either side of her. I lowered myself onto her, kissing her lips and then her neck as I nudged her slick entrance.

  She ran her nails down my back and I pushed into her, groaning at how good she felt—how good we felt together.

  We found the perfect rhythm, and I gripped both of her hands, sliding them up so that she was spread out underneath me and I could take advantage of the amazing view. I leaned down, kissing her lips, thrusting my tongue inside her mouth as we moved together.

  She cried out my name as she shuddered underneath me, and I released the fragile grip I had on my control and let the orgasm rip through me. And holy shit, did it rip through me, leaving me incapable of movement or breath or doing anything but panting and struggling for air.

  After the moment or two it took to regain my bearings, I kissed her lips and lowered myself onto the bed next to her, curling her to me so that we could be skin to skin again.

  I ran my hand down her arm, laced my fingers with hers, and pressed a kiss to her shoulder. “You good?”

  She glanced at me, a sated smile curving her lips, and nodded. “I’m better than good.”

  I exhaled and my muscles relaxed, my thoughts growing hazy. Even though I’d only climbed out of bed a couple of hours ago, I hadn’t slept much last night, and the desire to do so now called to me.

  With Megan in my arms, I bet I could actually fall asleep, not just lie there with my eyes closed, wishing I could.

  Unfortunately I had a lot to do today. I just didn’t know how to say that without making it sound like now that we’d had sex, I wanted her to leave. “What do you have going on today?”

  “I don’t really have any set plans. I need to study some, but I knew I’d never get anything done until after I came and confronted you.” She rolled so that she was facing me.

  “As far as confrontations go, I’d give that one an A.”

  With a laugh, she reached up and traced my jaw with her fingertips. Once again I fought the urge to fall asleep. “What do you have going on?”

  “I’m behind in nearly all my classes,” I said. “I planned on forcing myself to pretty much live at the library, and I’ve got a study group at one.” The alarm clock on my nightstand read that it was five minutes until noon. Which meant I could enjoy being here for about ten to fifteen more minutes before I’d need to shower and rush to campus. “Then practice—it’ll be a light day since we had the game last night, but it’s just one more thing on the list.”

  “Well, I’ll let you get to your day.”

  I caught her arm as she started to scoot away. “Tomorrow I’ll still be playing catch-up, but I could use a math study buddy, and I’m sure I’ll need a break afterward. We could even go to one of your Boston spots if you want to.”

  Her face lit up. “Okay, it’s a da—plan.” A hint of panic bled into her features.

  “Da plan? Sounds pretty gangster.” I ran my fingers down her spine, tracing the sexy curve until it met the top of her ass. “I won’t freak out if you say it’s a date.”

  “Just do me
a favor?”

  I tensed, thinking we were only about an hour into this thing and already it was getting serious.

  “If I get close to the line where you’re feeling like you need space or I’m saying things that are too relationshipy, just tell me.” She put a hand on her chest and I got distracted for a couple of seconds, what with the whole shirtless thing. “I’m great with boundaries—I just don’t like not knowing where they are.”

  Since she pretty much ignored every boundary I tried to erect, I wasn’t sure how good she was with them, but my momentary worries faded away. Maybe this could actually work. We’d set boundaries and be honest, and with the pressure out of the way—not to mention a chance to relieve the sexual tension constantly between us—we could both enjoy ourselves. “Deal.”

  She stood, and I tilted my head, enjoying the view. She gathered her clothes and shimmied into them, and I wondered if she always got dressed in such a sexy way, or if she was doing so for my benefit.

  And now I wanted to forget all my appointments and responsibilities and undress her again. Maybe I’ll get to do it again tomorrow.

  “There is one other thing we should probably talk about,” she said after tugging on her shirt.

  I flinched, but told myself not to overact—the last thing had been a good thing. No reason this wouldn’t be, too.

  “My brother.”

  Never mind. This was the worst thing in the history of ever. I groaned and dropped my head in my hands. Beck would kill me if he knew I’d entered into a friends with benefits arrangement with his sister. I knew, because if some guy did that with my sister, I’d kill him, no question.

  I wouldn’t even care if my sister agreed to it, either, he’d still have to die. They better not ever agree to something like that.

  “Believe me, it pains me to bring it up,” Megan said. “I just think that since we’ve decided to keep things more casual, it’s best if…” She took a fortifying breath.

  “If he never ever finds out,” I finished for her. That was definitely my vote.

  “Pretty much, yeah. This is between you and me, but he doesn’t usually get the fact that it’s not any of his business when it comes to me and guys, so we’ve got to play up the just friends angle around him. And, like, maybe even barely friends. Loose acquaintances, really.”

  “I want to make an innuendo about being fully onboard with you being my loose anything…” I stood and ran my hands down her sides, settling them on the curve of her hips. “But you had to go and mention your brother.”

  This had drama written all over it. Secret sex buddies. A chance of getting caught and ending up in a fight with one of my teammates. High risk of ruining the amazing friendship Megan and I had, regardless of her claim that she was cool with adding no-strings-attached fun.

  If I were smart, I’d walk away now.

  Megan tipped onto her toes and brushed her lips across mine. “Good-bye. I’ll see you tomorrow.”

  Well, no one had ever accused me of being smart. And if the option was being dumb and getting to kiss and enjoy some extra benefits with the girl pressed against me?

  Yeah, if that was a stupid decision, I’d gladly keep making it.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  Exhaustion tugged at my body as I gripped the door of my locker and stared inside. The screech of metal from Ox’s and Hudson’s lockers made me flinch, and I felt the vibrations from one of them slamming their door closed.

  We’d watched film for practice, so I shouldn’t be that physically spent, but of course Ox had Hudson and me here the hour before to lift, even though my muscles could’ve used a rest after yesterday’s rough game.

  Then there was all the physical exertion earlier, but I wouldn’t have skipped my morning with Megan for anything.

  I debated the merits between throwing on my comfy warm-up pants and ratty lifting T-shirt or putting on my jeans and a nicer shirt. It was Saturday night after all, but trying to cram way too many subjects into my brain this afternoon left me drained. I’d rambled my way through a paper I’d most likely have to redo, but at least turning it in on Monday would give me a few extra days before the professor could tell me that.

  Not that I’d probably use them, because I was behind in too many subjects, so mediocre or not, that paper would have to do.

  “Hey, Kowalski,” Beck said, walking toward me, and I tensed, sure it’d be about his sister. I’ll just let him hit me. I deserve it. “Want to grab dinner with us? Ox, you’re invited, too.”

  “Who’s us?” I asked, careful to keep my tone as neutral as possible.

  “Me, Lyla, Whitney—so I assume Hudson’s in—”

  “I’m in,” Hudson confirmed and lifted his phone. “Whitney just texted me about it.”

  “Plus my sister and her roommate,” Beck said. “It’s at some place Megan picked out. Apparently you can play games after eating a burger that was voted best in the city—she assured me the Bruin’s game would be on while we’re there, too.”

  My ears pricked up and my pulse quickened. I’d just seen Megan this morning—all of her sexy curves, every inch of perfect skin…

  Okay, focus. Her brother’s standing right there.

  This morning seemed like forever ago after all those suckass hours studying, and if Megan was going to be there, I wanted to go. I just wasn’t sure I could without blowing our cover.

  “Is your sister’s roommate hot?” Ox asked.

  Had to admire the guy for having priorities.

  Beck hiked the strap of his bag higher on his shoulder. “You can come see for yourself. As long as you stay away from my sister and my girlfriend, feel free to check out anyone you want.”

  “I’m going to add Whitney to the don’t-look-at-unless-you-want-your-face-smashed list,” Hudson said. Then he turned to me and raised an eyebrow. We hadn’t had a chance to discuss our unexpected visitor this morning, but his look made it clear he knew something was up.

  We had a silent convo over whether me going would be a good idea, with a shrug from me, and an it’s your funeral look from Hudson.

  Screw it. I need to see her, even if I can’t do much besides talk to her while I keep my hands to myself. “I’m in. I’m starving.”

  “Cool,” Beck said. “Meet us at the Tavern on Massachusetts Avenue.”

  I changed, choosing my nicer clothes, and once Hudson was dressed, we exited the locker room. As we stepped outside, he stopped me with a hand on my shoulder. “Dude, what exactly is going on with you and Megan?”

  “Nothing. We’re friends,” I said, even though the words didn’t taste quite right. But I felt like downplaying was the right answer until I saw how our new arrangement worked out.

  “Bullshit—you’re the worst liar. I can tell it is something, because you haven’t been going overboard running your mouth about it. You like her?”

  I didn’t know how to answer that. It had never been about if I liked her or not.

  “Look, I just want to know what line to walk tonight so that no one ends up getting punched in the face. Beck helped me out when I was about to lose everything last semester—but so did you, and I’ve got your back. I’d just like to know I’m not fighting over a hookup.”

  “We’re just having fun. She means more to me than a hookup, but I can’t do the relationship thing again. I’ve got too much other stuff going on with my family, and—”

  “And you still feel bad for what happened with Jazmine. I get it, but you’ve got to let it go. She made her choice.”

  “No, I took away her choice. I don’t just feel bad for what happened with Jazmine. I feel responsible for how far she’s spiraled since we broke up. Because I am.”

  It was the first time I’d ever told anyone, and if I’d known it was going to burst out, I would’ve tried to do a better job of holding it in. I started toward the truck, no longer able to stand there and take this conversation.

  But Hudson stepped next to me, obviously not ready to drop it t
hat easily. “Jazmine had issues before you—you were the best thing that happened to her. But you can’t live your life for someone else, Dane, and you can’t fix someone when they don’t think they’re broken. All that would’ve happened if you’d stayed, was your future would be flushed down the toilet right along with hers.”

  It’d be nice to jump onboard with that and forgive myself, but she knew she was broken—she told me I broke her, and I did. I should’ve been there when her mom died and I wasn’t.

  “I had a feeling that mess with Jaz was why you haven’t dated anyone since,” Hudson said. “Right after you two broke up, I was so glad that you were free, I probably shoved you toward embracing the party lifestyle a little too hard. That was never really you. But lately, you don’t even look twice at girls. I thought if I gave you shit about not having any game, you’d go out of your way to prove it, but you always make jokes or change the subject. I know you could have them hanging off you if you wanted.”

  “I’ve been taking a break from that.”

  “A break? Hell, I was half tempted to make a bet with you about sleeping with a girl like you did for me, just to see if it’d kickstart you. But I could tell there was something more to it.”

  “Yeah, I was sick of being a shitty person and making girls cry. The best way to prevent that is to focus on hockey and school and stay far away from females in general.”

  “There’s a lot of middle ground between those two…” Hudson spun to face me when we reached his truck. “Here’s the thing with Jazmine. Since you’ve got this massive big brother, hero complex, you thought you could step in and save her, but that girl was headed down that road before you ever left for college. There was nothing you could’ve done to stop it.”

  I tried to let his words sink in and make me feel better, but they didn’t. Those heart-wrenching sobs that accompanied our breakup still haunted me. I could pinpoint the moment she decided to give up on herself and her future, and it was the moment I wasn’t there for her. If I had been, I could’ve stopped it.


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