Sinners & Saints (Sinners & Saints #1)

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Sinners & Saints (Sinners & Saints #1) Page 19

by Ballinger, Chelsea

  Daniel Ryker, the hostess of this little luncheon, is friends with Patrick from their days in Princeton. Daniel is also Kelly’s friend and Evan Ryker works for Jonathan Mandrake. I see this opportunity as a way to bring Kelly’s world down. Janet informed me that Jonathan would be accompanying her here.

  “I’m happy for you,” Kelly says.

  “Thank you. I know we don’t share great history… well I don’t share great history with anyone really, but I’m really trying to change that. I guess that’s what happens when you meet someone who loves you through all your imperfections, right?”

  “Yeah,” she nods but in her eyes I can sense the envy.

  “I had actually asked Hugo about you a few days ago when I saw him.”

  Her smile falters. “Really?”

  “Yeah, he spoke highly of you. High five on nabbing Jonathan Mandrake’s heart.”

  She laughs a little.

  “Where is Jonathan? Is he here?”

  “Yes, he is.” She looks around, noticing that he’s gone. “He was here…”

  Cue the waitress I paid to come offer us champagne. “Champagne?”

  “Yes, please.” I grab the glass and smile at her. “Kelly would you like one?”

  “Uh…” She’s still looking around. “I should go find Jonathan first though.”

  “Are you looking for your husband, miss?” the girl asks her.


  “I saw him out on the balcony,” she tells her.

  “Thank you.” Kelly smiles and excuses herself.

  “Nice work,” I whisper to the waitress before she leaves. People can always be bought. Especially waitresses that attend NYU and are looking to make a quick five hundred for this month’s rent. That’s waitress number one with the champagne and waitress number two who is currently throwing herself at a clueless Jonathan Mandrake.


  I go over to the balcony. I hear a girl giggling. It’s a giggle that disarms me and I don’t know why. Now I know. I see that my husband is the one that’s making her giggle. His slobbering mouth all over her neck must make her ticklish. She combs her fingers through his hair as he comes up and kisses her lips. My husband is making out with a waitress at our friend’s party. He’s kissing a waitress while his wife is only a few feet away from him. He’s kissing her like he can’t get caught or like he doesn’t care if he does. Before we got here, he told me I was acting like a child for suggesting we spend more time together. That’s what he said to me. I’m acting like a child—not my husband who’s groping a waitress without any regard for me. I’m the child.


  Parties are always filled with some sort of over indulgence, but parties with unlimited drugs, alcohol, and members of the opposite sex defeat the purpose of that term.

  Young people from all over the Upper Eastside arrived here at Ms. Eleanor’s place once eleven o’clock hit. Living room, kitchen, rec room, and dining room are flooded with individuals drinking their arses off and chatting up about their lives away from each other. A DJ Poppy hired is set up in the living room and is blasting a good mix through the house. Dark and light liquor are on the menu. A local drug dealer named David who, according to Jordana and Cody, believes he’s Rastafarian arrives with a massive amount of drugs and I mean loads. He takes credit too. I like that.

  “Juliet,” Jordana calls for me. She’s chatting with a tall boy with brown curly hair and a handsome smile. “This is Nicky King.”

  “Nicky King?” My eyes broaden, “As in Connie King?”

  “Yeah, that’s my mom,” he answers proudly.

  “I loved your mum’s albums. Her lyrics are fantastic along with the one she wrote about you, “Nicky, My King”.”

  “Thanks, yeah she wrote that one when I was like two. Jordana’s dad produced it and most of the other ones.”

  Nicky is very good looking. He’s wearing a white t shirt and a few necklaces around his long neck. He has an earring on his left ear and his jeans are tight. He’s a rock star.

  “Do you think we look alike?” Jordana asks me.

  I narrow my eyes, looking back and forth between them. Both of them are tall with cinnamon brown hair. Jordana’s eyes are green and his are hazel but still they’re similar in shape. Their smiles are even similar. “Yes… actually yes.”

  “You owe me five hundred,” Nicky says gloating at her.

  Jordana rolls her eyes.

  “What’s going on?” I ask.

  “My mom had an affair with Jordana’s dad before I was born,” Nicky answers.

  “Wait,” I close my eyes, laughing. “Are you two saying…”

  “Our parents refuse to acknowledge it,” Jordana answers.

  Nicky shrugs. “I’m okay with my father, but it’s probably good Jordana is gay. It would suck if we hooked up.”

  “I wouldn’t even hook up with you if I was straight, Nicky.”

  “Whatever, but Juliet,” his eyes lock with mine in a very seductive way. “I find you very gorgeous and would love it if you joined me for a dance.”

  I laugh a little. “Maybe after I’m a little more intoxicated.”

  “Fair enough,” he nods and smiles. He leaves us as I stare at him in disbelief.

  “You guys act like it’s not a big deal,” I say to Jordana.

  “It’s not,” Jordana shrugs. “I have four siblings that I know of. All different mothers. One from a groupie in Texas. Another from his ex-girlfriend. One in China and I have a sibling that is the daughter of an Oscar winning actress.”

  My eyes broaden. “Who?”

  “Not allowed to say. Under contract from our family’s lawyers, but let’s just say she was one of America’s Sweethearts.”

  I laugh and glance over at Poppy who is dancing in the middle of four guys and snorting a line off some guy’s hand. I’ve been counting her lines tonight. That’s her eighth one.

  “I think Poppy should slow down a bit.”

  “Poppy always needs to slow down,” Jordana says, shaking her head. “It’s what she does.”

  We continue staring at Poppy as she… Oh God… she’s twerking.

  “Hey guys,” Cody says coming up to us. “Having fun?”

  “Are you?” Jordana asks. “I haven’t seen you take one shot.”

  “You know I don’t like shots. They make my chest burn,” he says wincing.

  “Cody, you’re so cute,” I say to him.

  “Aw, come on. Don’t see me as cute,” he whines.

  “Well when you say shit like ‘I don’t take shots because it makes my chest burn,’ you’re bound to be seen as cute by sweet people like Juliet and Poppy and a pussy by the rest of us.”

  “Here, here.” Hugo came out of nowhere, raising his glass to us in agreement with Jordana.

  “Fine, I’ll take a fucking shot,” Cody snaps and grabs the first shot he sees out of the hand of some random person.

  “Hey! Asshole!” the drunk girl sneers at Cody as he takes the shot of what I’m guessing is tequila. He closes his mouth and looks like he’s about to hurl.

  “You better fucking swallow that,” Hugo warns him.

  Cody slowly swallows the liquid and coughs. “Oh my God, that was disgusting.”

  “Here.” Hugo pulls out a rolled up joint from his gold cigarette case.

  Cody grabs it and a lighter. “Thanks.”

  “Don’t say thank you to me until you figure out about that other favor you want.” Cody’s eyes broaden and he looks nervous.

  Jordana and I eye him curiously, wondering what Hugo means.

  “I’m thinking about it,” Cody says.

  “I’m gonna go flirt with someone,” Jordana says. “Come with me, Cody,” she says grabbing his arm. “You might learn something.”

  Now it’s only Hugo and I left.

  “Hey Hugo.” A very drunk girl stumbles over to us.

  “Maureen,” he says.

  The drunk blonde leans into him and whispers, loudly, “I want to g
o to your room and sit on your face.” Laughter escapes as she stumbles back.

  “As lovely as that sounds, Maureen, I…” He trails off and grabs a guy walking past. “I think Charlie.”

  “What’s up, Hugo?” Charlie smiles at him.

  “Yeah, Charlie would love for you to go do that to him, preferably not in my room. Try Cody’s. It’s the one on the second floor, third door on the right,” he instructs her and just like that Maureen grabs a very happy Charlie by the wrist and takes him away.

  “Well look at you sending blessings to others,” I sort of joke.

  “Everyone should be giving in their lifetime,” he says.

  “Speaking of giving, I gave you a kiss a few days ago and I have yet to receive a thank you.”

  He gives me a look.

  I sigh. “Fine, fine. No thank you.” I’m gonna throw a quote at him now and I’m pretty sure he won’t get this. “Dobby has heard of your greatness, sir, but of your goodness, Dobby never knew.”

  “J.K Rowling.”

  My mouth drops. “What in the bloody fucking fuck?!” He smirks. “You of all people know Harry Potter? A book of powerful human spirit and good.”

  “Actually, that series is kind of depressing. A lot of people died.”

  “Well, yeah I did cry profusely—especially in the films. They were quite dark after the first two.”

  “The only reason why I know is because they’re August’s favorite book and film series. He made me read the first and third one twice to him.”

  “Must have been torture.” Those damn books are so long.

  He looks at me again. “The books are well written and the films are pretty good. You tell anyone I told you that, I’ll smother you in your sleep.”

  I smile at him as he looks away.

  “Can I ask you something and get the truth from you?”

  “It matters on the question,” he says.

  “I saw on your chess game that I was in the same spot as Scarlett. Why is that?”

  He looks down at the joint in his hand and then at me. “Scarlett makes me do things I never thought I would do. That’s how it started. She causes friction.”

  “And?” I ask as he pauses and looks away.

  “And so do you.” He looks at me again. “You annoy me… you annoy me to a point where I actually think about certain things. Nothing more though, so don’t let it go to your head.”

  “I won’t,” I say satisfied. “I won’t even rub it in your face.”

  He looks away and so do I. We both stare at the party. The people are drunk and high, falling over the furniture. Laughing and dancing.

  “Right now…” I say to him. “Right now all these people are a blur and not just because I am a bit intoxicated. But… because we—you and I—we are in a moment. Not a moment of romance or whatever you want to complain about. Just… a moment of understanding.”

  He doesn’t object, complain, or snap. I think he agrees with me.

  I see Scarlett entering the living room in a black cocktail dress and so does he. I look at him and see the way he looks at her. He cares for her. Maybe even loves her and I envy it. She doesn’t deserve his love. He doesn’t deserve her pain or my love. What is a girl to do?

  “Well, moment terminated,” I say to him as Scarlett reaches us.

  “Let me guess,” she says, looking around at the crowd. “Poppy.”

  “Of course,” he says to her. I even envy their history.

  She looks at me. “Juliet.” She has that smug grin as always. The one that says I own him.

  “Scarlett,” I look at Hugo. “I’m gonna go have a look around, make sure things aren’t totally broken.”

  I leave them and head upstairs where a guy runs, pushing past me.

  “What the fuck?” I snap as my head hits the wall.

  “Hey, you okay?” Cody asks coming up.

  “Yeah, was that a fucking thief?” I ask because why would he just run like that?

  “No, that was Kenny Martin…” Cody trails off, his eyes broadening.

  “Cody, what is it?” I ask

  “He was upstairs with Poppy. When Poppy leads a guy upstairs they’re going to the bathroom and when Poppy goes to a bathroom with a guy, she’s usually…” He looks up. “Oh fuck!” He runs and I follow. We go to the toilet in the hallway and the door is wide open and so is Poppy, sprawled on the floor. Her nose is bleeding and her face blue. I can’t breathe and my heart feels like it’s going to explode.

  “Oh my God,” I mumble. “Go get help,” I tell Cody as I run to Poppy.

  “Poppy!” I yell, clasping my hands on her face. “Poppy, wake up!”


  Here we go again. Poppy is very consistent when it comes to near death experiences with drugs. Scarlett was telling me how our plan for my father and Kelly was working and on schedule and how Janet Eaton was on board. Here comes Cody, panicking telling us Poppy might be dead this time.

  I follow Jordana and Cody to the bathroom where Juliet is working on waking up a passed out Poppy.

  “Move out of the way,” I say calmly.

  “We need to call the ambulance,” Juliet says.

  “No, we don’t,” Jordana says as she helps me set her in the tub. “If her mother finds out, she’ll freak.”

  “If she dies ”

  “Juliet,” Jordana’s voice is stern, “Hugo’s got it.”

  “Poppy,” I smack her on her face as the cold-water sprays on us. I lower my ear to her mouth. She’s breathing, but faintly. “Hold her hair,” I instruct Jordana. I take two fingers and make sure they’re wet. I press them together, opening up Poppy’s mouth. I shove them as far as I can down her throat. She starts to choke. Her eyes break open. I immediately remove my fingers before she starts to throw up all over the tub. “You’re okay,” I say, rubbing her back.

  I stand up and step out of the tub and head towards the sink to wash my hands. “Cody, go tell everyone the party’s over.” I wipe my hands on the towel. I sit back against the sink and watch as Juliet and Jordana tend to Poppy who is still throwing up. Juliet glances up at me. Her look of amazement and concern makes me worry what she thinks of us. For the first time I begin to worry what a person thinks of me. I look at the doorway as Scarlett comes in.

  “I see Poppy is still partying hard,” Scarlett says, amused.

  When I look at Poppy I don’t see her though. I see my mother.


  Hugo brushes past me, leaving out the room.

  “I’m tired,” Poppy moans.

  “No, shit,” Jordana says.

  “Everyone’s leaving,” Cody says coming back in.

  “Cody, can you carry her to her room?” Jordana asks.

  “Yeah.” Cody picks Poppy up and heads for her room. Jordana follows them. I eye Juliet who seems a bit shaken while she washes her hands.

  “Interesting witnessing people nearly die, isn’t it?” I ask her.

  She lets out a harsh laugh and faces me. “I’ve seen it, trust me. It just amazes me how he did that with ease.”

  “Gabriel once told me that he and Hugo were always so scared of their father finding out their mother’s unhealthy habit with medication. He had her committed to a hospital before and it didn’t turn out so well. So they learned how to cover it up. Gabriel taught Hugo the tricks of the trade.”

  “That’s horrible,” she says quietly to herself.

  “Yes, it is. It took Hugo days after meeting him to tell me that. When he did, I knew he trusted me. Gabriel before him.” She looks at me, disapprovingly. “He has always trusted me. He and I have a connection that could never be discouraged.”

  She laughs a little. “Let me guess… he told you about the kiss.”

  “Yes, it was a conversation for our own amusement.”

  “Good…” She walks up to me. “Because he told you because he felt guilty.”

  I smile at that ridiculous theory. “Guilty about what?”

  “About enjoying kissin
g me as much as he does with you.”

  I arch a brow and lean back. “You really like to play with fire, don’t you?”

  She shrugs. “I was never good at proceeding with caution.”

  “Well, I suggest you learn before you get your heart broken. A broken heart can be a brutal death.”

  “So can egoism.”

  “Only if you don’t know what to do with it.” I narrow my eyes at her. “Have you ever read or seen No Country for Old Men, Juliet? It’s one of Patrick’s favorite books and films. He’s forced me to watch it with him so many times. Usually I don’t care for movies, but I really enjoy the sinister aspect of the film. The book, I have to read it but there’s this quote Patrick loves. ‘It takes very little to govern good people. Very little. And bad people can’t be governed at all. Or if they could have I never heard of it.’” She stares at me and I think she knows what I’m talking about.

  “I view that as a sole message to all the people out there that think they can change a person from their natural fruition of pain and conquer. No one is born in hate, but those who let the dark in… the dark is where they want to stay.” I smile at her as she frowns at me. “Always a pleasure.”

  I walk away proudly, satisfied with the message and warning left for Juliet. Hopefully, she takes it into consideration. I don’t want history repeating itself.


  My cell phone rings and I answer it, knowing her number already. This was what I need.

  “Hello, Kelly,” I say to her. She waits a while to answer. I can hear her breathing through the phone.

  “Come outside,” she says. I grab a condom before I go outside.

  “I see it’s working,” Scarlett says smiling, leaning against my door. “Wish I could watch.”

  I smirk and walk past her, heading outside.

  The driver is already outside the car. He opens it up and I get in.

  She looks to have been crying a while ago. She bites her thumb, looking out the window. I look down at the pictures of my father and Janet Eaton on the floor.


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