Legend of the Mer III Song of Sirens

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Legend of the Mer III Song of Sirens Page 7

by Sheri L. Swift

She couldn’t help but think of Robbie and his family back on Safe Harbor Island.

  Cole told her Robbie agreed to maintain the Lighthouse and also look after the Marina for the summer.

  Surely the other Mer wouldn’t go to Safe Harbor, she thought.

  She prayed all on the island back home would be safe all of her family traveling also.


  Cole and Jedediah were glad to finally drop anchor near the entrance to the Mer’s other city in the South Pacific called Tullius.

  It was well after sunset and everyone was exhausted, especially the Mer; Titus had pushed them even more because of the appearance of the Old One and Queen Poneros’ pod.

  Jedediah had kept Titus updated on underwater cameras and dive sites; it was becoming tricky, but they managed to slip by each without detection.

  Micah dropped anchor near his former home Kaloki Island. He, Princess Tarra and Prince Keola swam to their grotto.

  Andrew, Fianna and son Maiele also swam to their grotto.

  Kawikani, Princess Talei and Anue stayed with Faith on the island with their relations.

  When Jedediah finished helping his dad furl the sails, he dove down into the water with Jireh and Mr. Big Eyes where Seturus was waiting for them.

  As most times, Jedediah held onto Seturus around her neck; Jireh put his arms around Jedediah’s neck. They three with the baby Sea Lion swam to their grotto not far from Tullius.

  It wasn’t long and Jedediah built a fire from the stack of driftwood stored along the grotto wall.

  Much like Lobster Grotto, half of the grotto was water and the other half had a ledge of dry rock where a fire ring was built and a simply made small short table was placed for eating and playing games.

  They also had made an area for sleeping with palm leaves and sleeping bags.

  Like his parents, the Fijians had stocked all three grottoes with fruit, water and placed a large net bag of clams tied in the water for their return.

  Seturus quickly began a pot of hot clam chowder the way Jedediah liked, including spices from the shelf on the wall he had built.

  She knew it would settle them down for a good nights sleep.


  After they all ate, they put Jireh down with Mr. Big eyes.

  Seturus let out a deep sigh.

  “Sweetheart are you sure you’re alright?” Jedediah sensed something was still bothering Seturus since she was held captive by the others.

  “Yes, I am now.” She leaned into his offered arms as they both sat upon the ledge of the grotto with her tail and his feet dangling in the water.

  “I’m sorry they hurt you; I wish I’d been able to help you some way,” he said through gritted teeth.

  “No Jedediah; they would have killed you. I have been given grace from Arius to be alive and to have our unborn child safe also.” She smiled up to him.

  “Are you serious; Seturus, I don’t know to be happy or even angrier.” Jedediah looked confused.

  “We are to be happy my love and thankful.” She looked up into his blue eyes and kissed him.

  “That I am.” He kissed her tenderly and often.


  Lizzy was glad they finally arrived. She sat out on one of the deck chairs and looked up at the millions of stars in the clear cool night sky.

  “I thought I might find you here,” said Rose as she handed her a cup of hot tea and sat down beside her with her own cup.

  “I can never get enough of the night sky here.”

  “It is beautiful isn’t it?”

  “Yes it is; look there’s a falling star.” She pointed as it seemed to fall into the Ocean.

  Will came out of his cabin and sat down with them, “This is the best part all them stars.”

  Cole came and sat down beside Rose, “It sure is beautiful, but I think the best part is sitting here with all of you like this.” He grinned.

  “I’d have to agree honey.” Rose smiled.

  “Do you think Robbie and everyone on Safe Harbor is okay?” asked Lizzy.

  Cole knew what she was thinking, “Yeah, I do; I radioed Marty and let him know the situation so they’ll all keep a look out.”

  “Good, I was hoping you did.”

  “They’ll let us know if anything strange happens.”

  “It was nice of him to help us; I didn’t think he was staying on the island for the summer. I can’t imagine he can keep his job.” She shook her head.

  “I’m sure he got a leave of absence or something like that.”

  “He probably did.” Rose patted Lizzy’s hand.

  “How’s your cheek doing?” Cole asked Will.

  “Good; doesn’t hurt as much.”

  “Still take it easy, I don’t want those stitches coming loose.”

  “Got it.”

  “If all goes well, they’ll be out in about five days; you took it pretty well Son.”

  “Do you think they’re following us?” Will was still afraid they might be.

  “No, I think they’re probably looking for a place to live. I don’t think we’re high on their list of things, besides Titus’ scouts couldn’t find any trace of them, but he’s keeping a tight patrol.”

  “I really hope so.” Rose shivered at the thought of them.

  “Well, I’m gonna get some shut eye; I’m beat.” Cole stretched his arms above his head with a yawn.

  “Me too,” said Lizzy and she got up and went to her cabin.

  “I guess I will too,” said Will and he followed after her.

  “Me too.” Rose smiled up to Cole who was waiting for her and they both walked hand in hand to their cabin.


  Lizzy stretched out on her double-sized bed and picked up her phone. Jedediah had downloaded Oceans for her as well as his favorite album Anchor by Colton Dixon. She put her ear buds on and set her phone to play Oceans and the Anchor album on repeat.

  She pulled the covers up around her head and let go of the stress as the music played like waves washing over her.

  She fell asleep dreaming of Robbie on Safe Harbor Island atop the Lighthouse. He was looking out to the Ocean and she knew he was thinking of her.

  It was a good dream.




  Lizzy brought a journal with her to take notes; she thought it might be good to share some of her island adventures with her fifth grade students next year.

  As she lay in bed she thought about all the marine life she saw on their journey to the South Pacific.

  Her favorite were the Orcas and how happy they seemed to be living free in the open Ocean.

  She loved how their pods took such loving care of their calves; even younger females helped to care for them.

  She realized how much it bothered her to see such large marine life contained in tiny spaces for humans to watch in Aquariums.

  More than anything, she wanted to teach her students to respect all wildlife and enjoy them in their own habitat.

  Lizzy had watched her dad fix up injured animals and help them mend, but return them to their home as soon as possible.

  Not to mention him helping to mend some of the Mer over the years. It was how he met his first wife Princess Leona, Lana’s mother.

  Lizzy felt connected to the Sea even more because she was also a descendant of the Mer.

  All things seemed to circle back to the Sea and it pleased her.

  She couldn’t help but remember the dance in the Mer city of Torbist.

  Wow, I wish I could write that in my journal, but I would never do it because someone could come across it. No I would never write such a thing; or would I?

  A smile crossed her face and she began writing down a poem.


  I dreamt I was a mermaid

  With Seashell top and tail of blue-green

  I was summoned to the marble Hall

  I was brought before the King

  He proclaimed me a Princess
r />   And gave me a shiny crown

  I saw the smiling faces

  Of the Mer-folk gathered round

  Music began to play

  Within the marble Hall

  The Mer began to dance

  It was the Mermaids Ball

  The mermen lined up to dance with me

  How many I cannot tell

  We twirled around in circles

  When each merman swished his tail

  We danced the hours away

  They behaved themselves quite well

  One even gave me a present

  A small bright pink Seashell

  When the musicians ceased their playing

  A tour was offered to me

  Within the coral reef gardens

  Hidden deep below the Sea

  Whenever I cannot sleep

  Watching the clock upon the wall

  I close my eyes and dream

  Of dancing at the Mermaids Ball

  Midori really had given her a pink Seashell; he said it was for remembrance of such a special night.

  She had never been held by a merman before that night, in fact not by any man other than Robbie. It had stirred Lizzy’s emotions; especially when Midori danced with her.


  After everyone rested for a few days, Jedediah talked Lizzy and Will into going to Mer Island which was one of the smaller isolated and uninhabited islands the Mer had claimed for Lana years ago.

  It was surrounded by dangerous coral reefs which only the Mer and their friends knew how to avoid. It had some banana and coconut trees; the Mer especially loved fresh coconuts.

  Cole dropped anchor as near to the island as he dared so Jed, Will and Lizzy could paddle their surfboards onto the island.

  He and Rose were going to enjoy some private time on the schooner.

  Some of the Mer also swam to Mer Island. They were Seturus, Jireh, Midori, Prince Keola, Maiele and Prince Ulysses brought Faith.

  Mr. Big Eyes was enjoying the outing as well.

  Talei, Kawikani and Anue came so she could play with Jireh.

  King Titus also sent some of the guardsmen to patrol the waters of the island for protection. He was not sure all was safe as yet.

  “So how do you guys like hangin’ with the Mer instead of school?” Jedediah smiled as he paddled with his hands.

  “I could get used to this kind of life.” Lizzy grinned also paddling with her hands.

  “Hey anything beats having to do more school work with mom; she’s intense,” Will chuckled.

  “She’s not that bad.” Lizzy splashed Will.

  “Oh now it’s on!” He leaned his board onto Lizzy’s flipping her over.

  Jedediah couldn’t resist and flipped Will over.

  Seturus flipped Jedediah over.

  Jireh quickly clung to his back, “Wrestle me Daddy!”

  Jedediah did carefully wrestle him under the water.

  They both came up laughing.

  Jedediah got back onto his board.

  The three continued to paddle to the island with Seturus, Jireh and Mr. Big Eyes swimming beneath them.


  Jedediah, Kawikani, Maiele and Will began to climb the banana and coconut trees; they cut some of the bounty and tossed them to Lizzy and Talei.

  Talei and Faith threw some of the coconuts into the water for the Mer to enjoy.

  Seturus, Lizzy, Faith, Talei and Anue sat down on a large flat rock at the back of the island which was near the water and ate some bananas.

  Once you got passed the coral, there was a small lagoon near the rock which allowed the Mer to play water games they loved.

  Jedediah crushed a coconut and drank the milk; he then broke it open and ate out the meat.

  Jireh tried doing the same and became frustrated he couldn’t crush it.

  Jedediah smiled and took it from him, “Here you go buddy, one day you’ll be able to do it too.”

  “Thanks Daddy.” He smiled brightly.

  Will was pleased to discover he could do the same this year.

  He and Maiele set out with their coconuts to see the entire island.

  Lizzy laid back on the warm rock, “Isn’t this the life?” She sighed.

  “Yes, I do not get to lay in the sun anywhere but here.” Seturus smiled and also laid back.

  Anue imitated her.

  Talei joined them, “We do have a blessed life in the South Pacific.”

  Prince Keola, Prince Ulysses and Midori took the opportunity and splashed the girls with their tails.

  All of the girls quickly sat up and glared at them.

  “Okay, okay, we will not do it again,” said Midori.

  “Never,” Prince Ulysses chuckled with a grin to Faith.

  The girls laid back down closed their eyes and began soaking up the sun.


  It wasn’t long when Prince Tarrock swam his mother Lana to join the others. His wife Princess Payton with son Owen came also.

  Prince Titan swam with them.

  The three Dolphins Servo, Salvus and Tempest swam alongside them.

  Lizzy sat up, “Hey Lana, I didn’t expect to see you.”

  “I can’t stay too long, but look what I’ve brought.” She held up a net bag filled with all sorts of Seashells.

  “Okay, you’ve got Seashells,” said Lizzy confused.

  Lana smiled, “Sis, I’m gonna make you and Faith a Seashell top like all us mermaids wear.”

  “Really I would love that!” said Faith.

  “Me too.” Lizzy smiled.

  “I will help.” Seturus smiled.

  “I will too,” said Talei.

  “Alright, with everyone helping it won’t take as long; Titus already made the holes and dad provided the fishing wire, mom provided the hook and eyes.” Lana dumped out all the shells onto the rock.

  They triple threaded the tiny shells for the neck and back and attached them to the two larger shells in front. Then they attached the hook and eyes in the back after measuring each girl.

  The mermen played water volleyball with Jedediah and Kawikani while the girls worked on Lizzy and Faith’s top.

  Titan, Anue and Jireh swam together with little Owen in the lagoon.

  Mr. Big Eyes and the Dolphins joined in the fun. They raced each other while circling the children.


  There was a lot of giggling going on behind a small group of palm trees.

  Lizzy and Faith were putting on their shell tops.

  “Okay girls, come on out,” said Lana.

  Lizzy and Faith walked out with their new tops on.

  “They’re a little heavier than I thought they’d be, but at least they fit,” said Lizzy.

  “I agree.” Faith smiled.

  “Now you both are one of us,” said Talei.

  The four girls walked back to where Seturus was sitting watching the men.

  “You two look more like a mermaid,” said Seturus with a smile.

  “Hey Lizzy, you look great,” said Jedediah just as he was hit in the head with the volleyball. “Hey guys, remember I’m mostly human, keep it down,” he chuckled.

  Prince Ulysses smiled to Faith, “You look beautiful.”

  She seemed to blush and then jumped into the water with him.

  Soon some of the girls wanted to play Mer volleyball, where the humans sat on the shoulders of the Mer and played each other.

  Jedediah on Seturus and Lizzy atop Midori were partners. Faith sat atop Prince Ulysses, while Lana sat atop Prince Tarrock.

  “Come on Lizzy we got this,” said Jedediah as she served.

  Faith returned.

  Jed returned her volley.

  When Lana hit the ball, she accidentally hit Lizzy in the chest.

  “Ouch, these shells might be a little uncomfortable, but they provide pretty good protection,” Lizzy giggled.

  “Exactly.” Lana smiled.

  Talei, Kawikani and Prince Keola cheered them on from the rock.

The game was going full throttle when Lana heard the sound first, “Helicopter!”

  All of the Mer and the merwalkers quickly dove below and hid themselves underneath the coral.

  Jedediah, Lizzy, Faith and Kawikani with volleyball in hand quickly headed to the shelter of a thick patch of trees.

  Although Will and Maiele were on the other side of the island, they too took to the shelter of some trees.

  A helicopter flew low above them, circling a few times and then flew away.

  “That was close,” said Lizzy letting out her breath.

  “Yeah, I’ve never known them to come here. Good thing we remembered to hide our boards,” said Jedediah.

  “It would be a tough one explaining how we managed to get on the island,” Kawikani chuckled.

  “I sure hope no one is taking an interest in it; most wouldn’t without a fresh water source,” Jedediah said.

  “Yeah, that would be awful,” said Lizzy.

  They four returned to the rock.

  “Good thing Queen Lana has such good hearing,” Midori said.

  “Yeah, I didn’t even hear it,” said Lizzy.

  “For now coast is clear, so I’m back in the game,” said Jedediah as he jumped into the water.

  Everyone agreed and they continued to play Mer volleyball.

  Maiele and Will came back and joined in the fun.


  After awhile Lizzy became tired and decided to sit on the rock.

  Midori followed her and began to do the same.

  “You might not want to sit on that rock with my sister.” Jedediah grinned.

  Lizzy glared at him.

  Seturus pulled Jedediah under the water.

  “Is it improper?” Midori asked not wanting to make an offense.

  “No, just ignore him.” Lizzy knew the Mer had named it Union rock because so many couples had joined in Union after spending time together there.

  “This has been a good day.” Midori smiled.

  Lizzy forgot how handsome he was; she had to guard her thoughts so near to him. He always made her smile; like Prince Makoa. He was so humble and seemed to be such a kind merman.


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