Legend of the Mer III Song of Sirens

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Legend of the Mer III Song of Sirens Page 10

by Sheri L. Swift

  “Tell him he may come before me.”

  Makoa bowed and swam away.

  Tarrock remained at his father’s side and was now joined by his grandfather Prince Terrance, father of Titus.

  Titan remained at his mother’s side.

  Lana asked, “Titus do you think he’s really a friend?”

  “Yes, I believe he is. I will hear what he has come to say.”

  King Spero swam into the Hall with Prince Makoa and Prince Ulysses on either side of him.

  When King Spero was before them, he gave a lowly bow to the King and Queen.

  “Welcome to Tullius King Spero.” Titus put down his forked staff and swam from his throne and gripped King Spero’s forearm.

  King Spero did likewise, “Thank you King Titus. It is good to see you and the lovely Queen Lana also.” He gave a bow of his head to her.

  Lana smiled and tried to guard her fear.

  “What is your reason for coming to Tullius?” Titus was not sure he liked King Spero seeing his Queen.

  “I do not wish to cause an offense, but I have had a request by the half-Mer of my Kingdom. I told them I would not grant such a request unless I first spoke with you on the matter.”

  “What was the request?”

  “The half-Mer is not happy within my pod and have requested for me to release them so they may join your pod like that of Midori.”

  “I see, are they with you?”

  “Yes, I knew you might wish to speak with them yourself.”

  “Prince Makoa, ask Midori to join you and invite them into the city; bring them before me.”

  Prince Makoa quickly bowed and swam from the Hall.

  He found Midori in his home and he was filled with indescribable joy at such a possibility and gladly went with Makoa.

  King Spero also warned Titus of the Queen Poneros and her pod which left his own Kingdom.

  Titus explained how she was already wreaking havoc in the South Pacific.

  Each agreed she must be stopped and would continue to search for her and bring her to justice and those also within her pod.


  When Prince Makoa and Midori swam into the Hall, they were joined by at least forty of the half-Mer.

  Lana saw at least half of them were Asian, there appeared to be some of the African descent as well as Islanders and possibly two Eskimos.

  “Welcome to Tullius.” Titus smiled. He was now seated on his throne beside Lana.

  “My King and Queen, these are all my brothers and sisters,” Midori said with a smile and a bow to Titus and Lana.

  “We are a peaceful pod where you will find rest from your labors,” said Titus knowing what kind of life they must have had before.

  One of the older Asian mermen had the full black eyes like those living in Tiselius for many years. He spoke for the others and said, “We thank you King Titus; we have longed to be among your people.”

  “What is your name?” Titus asked him.

  “I am called Kaimu, my King.” He bowed lowly.

  Midori smiled with pride, for Kaimu was considered grandfather to the half-Mer and in fact had helped to raise him.

  “Kaimu, I approve you and your people to join with my pod.” Titus took his golden forked staff and slammed the end to the tile floor; making it law.

  King Spero gave a bow once more, “There is none like the King Titus and his Queen Lana.”

  “Thank you King Spero; it is a good thing you have done.” Titus smiled.

  “Things are harsh in my Kingdom, but I am trying to rule more wisely than the Kings before me. I say goodbye and may Arius bless you and your people.” He smiled in return.

  “May He do the same for you, and know you are welcome in my Kingdom.” Titus gave a nod of his head.

  With that King Spero swam away to his guardsmen who waited for him outside the city.

  Lana was so pleased with her husband; her King. She knew this was how a pod should be; caring for each member no matter what ancestry they had.


  Midori and Prince Makoa were charged with finding empty homes for the families.

  Midori especially wished to see Kaimu have a place close to his own.

  Kaimu was pleased, but also asked that one of the Asian mermaids be near him.

  She was young, but her hair was nearly all white which was not common in an Asian half-Mer. It meant she was nearly old enough for a Union.

  She looked at Midori, “You do not remember me?”

  Midori was in shock; could this be Asuka, who was like a little sister to him.

  “You do remember me,” she giggled and smiled.

  “I cannot believe how much you have changed. You were only a child when I last saw you.”

  “You have always seen me as a child,” she said upset with her nose upward.

  Midori decided to put Asuka in a home next to him with Kaimu on the other side of her, to keep her well protected.

  Asuka was pleased.

  Kaimu was pleased also.

  Midori offered a tour of Tullius to each of them, but Kaimu said he needed rest because of the long journey they had made from Tiselius.

  Asuka agreed to join Midori.

  He swam her into the coral reef gardens and explained how Torbist had even lovelier gardens in the North Atlantic where they migrated in the spring.

  “I cannot imagine lovelier gardens than such as these.” Asuka marveled at the white marble statues of Mer, Dolphins and the many archways. She gently leaned over a patch of purple coral touching some which were flowering and smiled.

  Midori could not believe how beautiful a mermaid she had become, “I am glad you and the half-Mer have joined our pod, I wish you could have left with me five winters ago.”

  She smiled even brighter as she swam up to him.

  Midori looked down into her eyes.

  “I was sad when you left, so was Kaimu. We were treated a little better with King Spero, but the dark ones especially hated Kaimu as you know. They tried to take me with them when they left Tiselius with Queen Poneros; there are few mermaids among her pod.”

  “They tried to take you, how were you not taken?” Midori was saddened by such a thought and regretted he had not been there to protect her.

  “Kaimu killed one of them with a spear and they left before others would attack them.”

  “Kaimu has always protected the half-Mer, I am glad he was there to protect you.” Midori brushed her long black hair out of her eyes as it gently floated around her lovely face.

  “I am happy now.” She smiled.

  “Yes, this is what happiness feels like; you will have a good life with the rule of King Titus. The Queen is a merwalker so he understands our people.”

  “She is beautiful and I can sense her kindness.”

  “Yes, she is and is very kind.” Midori grinned.

  He continued to give her a tour of the entire city and for the first time realized how much he had missed her company without ever knowing it.




  On the day of Halloween, Lizzy woke to hearing Midori below her.

  “Do you want to meet another friend of mine and visit with Agrios again?”

  “Sure, give me a minute to change.”

  Lizzy got up out of bed and quickly changed. She headed out her cabin and up onto the deck.

  “Make sure you’re back before sunset; we’re having a celebration remember?” said Cole from his deck chair while fishing off the starboard side of the schooner in the early dawn.

  Rose and Will were still asleep.

  “I’ll be back by then; I wouldn’t miss it!” She jumped off the port side of the schooner.

  Midori met her under the water.

  Lizzy was surprised to see an Asian mermaid with him. She was very beautiful with her dark green tail and nearly all white hair. Lizzy thought her shell top made of dark blue large and small shells was especially stylish for a

  “This is Asuka, she and the half-Mer have come to live within the pod of King Titus. I told her you have been praying for them with me.”

  “Hi, yeah I have been praying for you guys. I’m glad you’ll be able to live with Lana and Titus.”

  “Princess Elizabeth is the Queen’s sister,” said Midori sensing the two girls might be a little uncomfortable with each other.

  “When did you guys get here?” Lizzy asked trying to guard her thoughts on if Asuka were interested in Midori or he were interested in her.

  “They came last week, the day the Queen returned with you,” answered Midori for her.

  Lizzy thought it was a bit odd he would speak for her.

  Midori quickly grabbed a large flounder as it swam passed and hooked it onto Cole’s line giving it a tug.

  He grinned with a wink, “Come, let us go and see if we might catch Agrios.”

  He helped Lizzy atop his back, went up for air and then he dove below the water.

  Asuka swam beside them.


  Lizzy was a little uncomfortable with Asuka joining them, but all was forgotten the moment she saw Agrios playing among his pod.

  She especially loved the little calf. She couldn’t help but call her Joy; because of her happy little spirit.

  “I like the name Joy; it is a good name for her,” said Midori.

  Lizzy was brought back to realization they both could hear her thoughts, “Yeah, I think it fits her.”

  Asuka also seemed happy to see Agrios and the little calf.

  Lizzy began to snap her fingers like before.

  Once again Agrios slowly swam to her.

  This time Midori introduced him to Asuka.

  She smiled and rubbed his cheek as she spoke softly to him.

  Lizzy remembered neither Asuka nor Midori could ride him.

  “Are you ready to ride upon him?” Midori asked Lizzy.

  “I sure am.” Lizzy mounted his back with Midori’s help.

  Wow, what an awesome thing to do, she thought.

  Midori and Asuka began to swim alongside of them.

  Agrios swam among his pod and little Joy came to meet them eagerly.

  Asuka gently petted her upon her head.

  Little Joy loved the attention.

  It made Lizzy smile to see them becoming friends as it should be; Midori was kind to share Agrios and his pod with not only her, but also his friend Asuka.


  As the sun was setting, Midori returned Lizzy to the schooner.

  She surfaced and saw the party was already underway.

  The Jack-o-lantern was shining brightly with a large smile sitting atop a yellow tablecloth on a foldout table with several colorful gourds surrounding it.

  Rose had put some pumpkin scented jar candles she saved for such an occasion on the table. She also set some all around the deck with pumpkins in two or three pairings.

  She had made fruit punch, popcorn and pumpkin pies, not to mention the bowl of candy set out for all the guests.

  Midori and Asuka decided to stay for awhile and watch the human celebration.

  Many of the Mer had come also to watch them.

  Makoa with Princess Rose and their children Ahanu and Jaylee were there.

  Tarrock, Princess Payton and their little son Owen were there along with Titan.

  Prince Ulysses watched from the water; he was finding it more and more difficult to be separated from Faith for any length of time.

  Seturus, Princess Tarra and Filene also watched from the water.

  Micah had anchored the Island Traveler near the schooner. He, Andrew and Maiele also joined in the fun aboard the schooner.

  Lana was aboard with Jedediah, Jireh, Kawikani, Talei, little Anue and Faith.

  After scavenging the schooner for a costume, Will decided to dress up as a doctor using some of his father’s medical gear. He wore green scrubs, a paper mask and a stethoscope.

  Little Anue was a hula dancer, complete with grass skirt and a pink flower Leigh and a matching flower ring upon her head.

  Jireh was a pirate with red bandana, black slacks, a billowy white shirt and a wooden sword which he pointed at Lizzy when she came aboard.

  “Oh my, a Pirate!” She pretended to be frightened.

  “Tell me where the buried treasure is Princess Elizabeth or you’ll walk the plank!” he said in his best Pirate voice.

  “Please let me go, I don’t know where the treasure is.”

  “Then bring me candy!”

  Jedediah couldn’t keep from laughing.

  Lizzy went to the candy bowl and got him a sucker and handed it to him.

  “You’re like the fourth person who’s fallen for that trick.” Jedediah grinned.

  “I guess someone’s going to have a stomach-ache.” Lizzy looked to Jireh with raised brows and a smile.

  “Not me my’ lady; I have an iron stomach!” He put the sucker into a baggy.

  “He knows he can’t have more than one right now; his mother is keeping a close eye on him.” Jedediah smiled to Seturus.

  She gave a nod of her head with a grin.

  “Would anyone like some coffee?” asked Rose as she made her rounds with the coffee pot and some empty cups.

  “I do!” said Lizzy with a shiver still in her wet swimsuit. She took a few sips of her coffee and then went to also help her mom serve their guests.

  “Here you go Titan, but only one,” said Lana as she removed the wrapping from a sucker and passed it to her son in the water.

  “Thanks Mom!” He smiled brightly.

  “Can Owen, Ahanu and Jaylee have one?” she asked their parents.

  They all said yes.

  Lana passed out the suckers after removing the wrappers to the other three children.

  Andrew and Micah played their drums and Kawikani played the ukulele while Maiele and Faith sang for everyone.

  Prince Ulysses smiled widely as he listened. He remembered the first time he really heard Faith sing as a woman was at the age of 16; it stirred his heart like no mermaid had ever done. He felt she sung as lovely as any Siren he had ever heard.

  Faith smiled to him as she sang knowing he liked it when she did.

  Cole enjoyed having all of his family gathered together for the celebration.

  “What are the humans doing?” asked Asuka to Midori.

  “They are celebrating the harvest of their food I think.”

  “What food are they passing to the children?”

  “I think they call it candy.”

  Lizzy heard their conversation and got them each a sucker and removed the wrappers for them, “Here you go; try it.”

  Midori took the two and passed one to Asuka.

  They each put it into their mouths like the children and smiled, but did not care for the taste.

  “You don’t have to eat them,” Lizzy giggled.

  Midori looked to Asuka and they both handed the suckers back.

  Makoa swam to them, “Are you trying to eat the human foods,” he chuckled.

  “It is awful.” Midori scrunched up his nose.

  “I agree,” giggled Asuka.

  Jedediah just grinned to them all, “You don’t know what you’re missing.”

  “I think we do,” Makoa said with a grin.

  All of the Mer laughed, but their children did like the suckers.

  Will went to Jireh with a tongue depressor and pen light, “Let me see your tongue.”

  Jireh opened up his mouth and stuck out his tongue.

  “Yep, I thought so; you’ve definitely got a case of Mermanitis.”

  Everyone laughed.

  “I prescribe a sucker.” Will got one from his pocket and handed it to him.

  Jireh gladly added it to his collection.

  Will invited Jireh to his cabin to play his new game.


  It was about 10:00pm when Prince Makoa and Prince Tarrock began to sense someone watching them and swam to investigate.
  Prince Ulysses and Midori also sensed it and quickly swam after them.

  Asuka joined Princess Rose and Princess Payton; they guarded their thoughts from the children and others on what it might mean.

  Makoa and Tarrock saw it was one of Queen Poneros’ mermen.

  He was very large and seemed scarred from many battles across his back and chest. He had the traditional Native American features like Makoa, but his hair was tied back into a long braided ponytail.

  His eyes were completely black as all the dark ones were which had lived in the city of Tiselius for so long. He carried a long spear and nearly turned on them with it when he spotted Prince Ulysses and Midori joining them, but he sped away.

  They all four quickly swam after him.

  The merman swam as fast as he could, but only swam right into the hands of King Titus’ other guardsmen who were too many for him to escape.

  They each held him at the point of their spears.

  Makoa grabbed his spear from him, “Take him to the King!”

  The merman was swum away with them. He began to try and speak poisonous words to them.

  Prince Makoa struck him across the face.

  He was silent from then on.


  King Titus soon surfaced and called for Lana.

  “What is it?” she asked concerned.

  “We have captured one from Queen Poneros’ pod; he was attempting to spy on all of you as we suspected they would.”

  “Oh no Titus, are you sure there’s no more?”

  “Yes, we have you all well guarded.” He gave a bow of his head to Cole.

  “Thank you Titus; I hope you get her soon. Will’s been having a lot of nightmares of their Queen. It’s like he’s connected to her somehow.”

  “We will question him; I only wanted to let you know.” Titus swam upward and gave Lana a kiss.

  “I’ll be home soon.” She smiled.

  “I will take Titan with me,” he nodded to Cole and then dove below with his son.

  “Man, they just don’t give up,” said Jedediah as he came upon the conversation.

  “Nope, that’s what I’m afraid of; let’s keep this under wraps for now, I don’t want Will to know.” Cole let out a deep sigh.


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