Reset: The Gray-Matter Chronilcs Book 2 (The Matter Chronicles 5)

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Reset: The Gray-Matter Chronilcs Book 2 (The Matter Chronicles 5) Page 21

by P. G. Thomas

  Sam could feel the penetrating look of the peculiar female voice that spoke, “Dad, he is at home with Mom.”

  A dark male figure, eight feet tall, clad in elaborate armor, stood beside the female, and fluttering behind him in the motionless air, a flowing red cape. His complexion dark, hair black as night, and his eyes two large dark orbs, but none could remember seeing him appear. “Do the heirs have names?”

  “Brother, if your memory equaled the length of our metal prison, names you would never forget. He is named Sam, she is named Hope.”

  “Beast Throne heirs I have no interest in, as I see the marks of Father held by silent dwarf. His past before me, now present.”

  “As if Mother would—”

  John stepped forward, “Hello, Tranquil. Hello, Fury, it’s been a while.”

  Fury turned to Tranquil, “I win.”

  “The bet I never accepted.”

  “With your words you did.”

  “Then, with my words, I will pay the wager, so my brother does win.”

  Logan turned to Lauren, “Are they related to us?”

  “Bastard,” Tranquil began, “there is one here that wishes to meet you. Sister, your first has arrived.”

  A wind came rushing out of the trees, displacing any small objects on the forest floor, forming into a whirlwind, and seemed to dance with joy.

  “Bastard, I would like to introduce you to Sister. You will have to forgive her, as only in her mountain lair can she speak, but her thoughts I can hear, and she is happy to see you.”

  As the whirlwind circled around Logan, an odd feeling of love embraced him.

  “Can somebody please tell me what’s happening?” demanded Lauren.

  “Earth Mother, my brother and I welcome you, thanking you for the lessons you taught us, but more so for the ones you taught him.”

  “You were in the sword?” asked Lauren.

  “We would prefer to forget those days,” replied Fury.

  Eric stepped forward, rolled his shoulder, feeling the heavy weight fall into his hand, and with his long reach, withdrew the once death hungry sword, which was now mortal. “Fury, is it really you?”

  Looking down onto his metal prison, the male God spoke, “Champion, at the final battle you did please Father, maybe more than I would have.”

  “My brother has something he would like to say to you.”

  “I do not,” then her elbow slammed into Fury’s ribs, “I would like to apologize for how I commandeered your shell.”

  Eric gave his head a shake. “I think it’s okay since I also learned from you.”

  “See I told you,” then the elbow of Tranquil slammed into the ribs of Fury a second time. “Sister, if you do not stop, so help me—”

  The whirlwind in front of Logan grew in size, increased it speed jettisoning the debris it had captured, and the fourteen mortals shielded their eyes.

  Fury screamed, sounding like thunder, “NOT YOU, SISTER, MY SISTER!”

  Logan and Lauren, shaking their heads, looked at each other.

  Turning their backs on each other, the two demigods walked apart. Under her breath, she muttered, ‘brothers,’ and under his, he muttered, ‘sisters.’

  Having slowly inched forward, Steve was now behind John, “What the hell’s happening, Kid?”

  “I do not believe we have met this one,” announced Tranquil.

  “He’s called Steve,” replied John.

  Tranquil smiled, “Welcome he who has no title,” and Steve heard the smirk from Logan.

  “Where are Gayne and Mirtza?” asked John.

  “When you arrive on the other side of the portal, they will be with you. For now, they are between their departure and destination, but they are safe.”

  “Why are we here?” asked Lauren.

  Fury looked down on Lauren, the mortal who had both taught and antagonized him, “That would be the question we wanted to ask you, Earth Mother.”

  “Somebody stole my daughters, and they used a portal that originated from here. The same day, when another opened in our world, it brought us here. John, explain it to them.”

  Stepping forward, he looked at the two. A deck of cards won’t help me here. “A portal opened up where we lived, and somehow, the device that held the children of Earth Mother and Rage Heart was encouraged to enter it. Later that day, where we live, and here on Calicon, both experienced an electrical or lightning storm. Somehow, the storm here activated my portal machine, which found us, and the storm where we were, I guess, it provided the energy to help bring us here or something like that. To be honest, I thought Mother or possibly Father was responsible or at least helped.”

  “Neither Mother or Father would be able to do what you suggest,” advised Fury.

  “Mother has been quiet for over a year, and the whereabouts of Father at present are unknown.”

  “Are there others?” asked John.

  Tranquil looked surprised, “Unchosen, it is strange to hear questions from you since we are more accustomed to answers. Of you, I do know, as you have gazed into the skies beyond your lands, seeing the wonders unfold. Are there others? In some worlds, gods create mortals, but in others like here, both existed for ages great before they met, and in some, mortals give birth to gods. However, have you ever thought that gods may also have prayers? Is it not possible that when we seek guidance, our words are heard by beings greater?”

  “Truly a riddle worthy of the Unchosen to unlock, one he will struggle with for years many,” added Fury.

  Lauren stomped her foot, “Stop the damn riddles. My daughters are here somewhere. Can you help us find them?”

  “Sit so we can discuss this,” spoke Tranquil.

  “Sit? It’s a simple question, yes or no! Can you help us find them?”

  Lauren, Ryan, Logan, Eric, John, Steve, Hope, and Sam all looked behind themselves, seeing chairs created from large solid tree stumps covered in carvings. While Logan’s had carvings of birds, the ones that Sam and Hope sat in had similar but of animals, and the others depicted various plants. When they had first arrived, they had been standing in a line, but the chairs behind them formed a semi-circle, yet nobody could remember moving. At the ends on each side, there were three chairs created from rock, covered with dwarf carvings, for the Granite Guardians, but they stayed mounted on their blood wolves, taking up positions surrounding Lauren. When Fury waved his hand, the six empty chairs disappeared.

  Fury sat down on a large ornamentally carved stone throne, which seemed to appear from nowhere. “Yes, we can help, and no, we cannot. Therefore, simple it is not. Now sit down, so we can explain.” Then he turned to Tranquil, “I have no idea on how Mother put up with her.”

  Tranquil was sitting in a large elaborate crystal throne, looking at her brother, and she rolled her eyes, “How Mother put up with her? You truly are your father’s son. If your memory were any shorter, I would have to write your name on your hand. Maybe that is why you chose such a small and simple one, so it would be easy to remember.”

  “Umm—I don’t mean to interrupt—”

  Tranquil smiled, “Unchosen, I have heard your thoughts, seen your questions. Divine entity, sentient presence, and god. More you have called us, but there is one name you did not consider: child. Our parents, how old I have no idea. Our years, nothing more than a shooting star in the night sky by comparison. With you being our tutors, under your guidance, there was much we learned, but even that education was shorter than the flowers that blossom in the vast northern snowfields for their single day of spring.”

  A wind started racing between the chairs, howling in frustration as it did.

  Tranquil picked up a large crystal goblet of wine, taking a drink, and the others did the same, wondering how it had appeared in their hands. The Granite Guardians dropped theirs, which disappeared before hitting the ground. “Sister would like us to answer your questions.”

  Lauren stood, “I would—”

  Tranquil stopped her, “The questions we
already know; even those that none wish to speak aloud. Please sit.” As Lauren did, Tranquil continued, “I will skip the history of these lands, of Fathers rule, Mothers awakening, and of your arrival though act—”

  Fury groaned, “There must be dwarf blood in you somewhere, as only they could tell, and not tell a story at the same time. If the history you say you will skip, then skip it, and of the present talk only.” Tranquil, speak not of their first arrival!

  Fury, should they not know it was accidental? That chosen they are not.

  These mortals are complex, having a comprehension that is deeper than our oceans, and desires that tower over our highest peaks. They have a capacity for compassion that compared to all of the waters in our oceans would be nothing more than a raindrop. However, their self-images are fragile. Should you tell them that special they are not, question their actions they may, and such could affect their compass, setting it adrift. They have proven their ability to transcend the greatest obstacles, and in their debt we are, but know that, they cannot. They are unusual vessels as inside they are without dimension, each a vast cosmos of…wonder. The right words to describe them, I do not know, but their outsides, they are made of crystal. Tell them chosen they are not, and a flaw you will add to their fragile exterior. You remember how hard Earth Mother protested her mantle until she accepted it, and in Alron, the attic. The pressures could make any crack traverse their outer shell, causing it to fail, like they will. They have questions enough already, add one more, and it could spawn into thousands, until the weight of those questions are so great, that they will sink the vessel. That which they did once, we need them to do again, so I will proclaim them Chosen.

  Fury we seldom agree, but this time, your wisdom I understand. Of their arrival, I remain quiet.

  Why did you mention the Beast Throne heirs?

  He needs coaxing.

  Tranquil sighed, “The first question, what is happening? The answer has two parts since Mother is not all knowing, only the words and thoughts of her children does she hear. As Earth Mother surmised so long ago, she told them to flee when the children prayed for guidance about the plague. Therefore, the events that occurred on the Bright Coast, she never knew of, as she only heard those in the Newlands. Those wronged in the Bright Coast never called to her, as of Mother they had no knowledge. That changed after the invasion in two ways. First, she was unaware of how large the midlander flock was, and second, when Darkpaye left, so did the thoughts and words of her new children.” Tranquil reached out, picked up a mug of dwarven beer, the others doing the same, wondering what had happened to the wineglasses they held. “To this day, how dwarves, who grow crops so few, are able to make liquids so fine, it remains a mystery. Of the present: five years ago, Mother’s forests started to whither, and the Earth Mothers were unable to take her gifts to those who sought help. Thus, Mother sent all that she could to search for the reason behind this mystery. Earth Mothers, Daughters, Earth Guards, and even Earth Scouts. For several years, they all searched, finding only dying forests. With so few talking to Mother, she became, how you would say, ‘depressed.’ Then pleas for help from the Newlands were heard again, but they were filled with terror. She redirected the Earth Mothers and such to investigate, but those directions resulted in too many being called home…few ever finding their trees. Eventually, she realized the threat of the trollmares, telling the children to flee. By that time, she was quiet since most of her forests were nothing more than tall stands of dead trees. While Sister had tried to nourish them with her rains, they never responded, even after a year of continuous tears from her. As a result, Mother has been quiet for the last year, but recently she sensed her gift of Earth Mothers. As it had been so long since she has felt their presence, we think it shocked her awake. I felt her Earth Bond to the Earth Guards, but just as quick as she spoke, she went quiet.”

  Fury placed his feet on a large ornate carved stone, covered in scenes from the great battle, picking up an oversized mug of beer. “This is your fault, Earth Mother. Listening to your lengthy stories for so long, she thinks it is expected.”

  When Logan spit out a small mouthful of beer, Lauren scolded him with her eyes.

  Fury smiled, “Mother only knows what her children know, those that talk to her. Something happened to her forests, and they began to die, which made her weak, so the children quit talking to her. While investigating the forests, trollmare attacks started, and she told her children to flee. Forest continued to die, children continued to flee, trollmares continued to attack, Mother continued to weaken, and Sister made it rain. So what is happening, we do not know because the children do not know. Yes, when Mother sensed a presence, she sent Earth Guards to look for both. No, she did not hear the command to tell Sister that her son was home, we did. How many more days must we sit here?”

  Tranquil shook her head, “It has not been days.”

  “Well, it is starting to feel like it, sister.”

  “Logan, what did that sound like?” asked Lauren.

  He set down his mug of ale, “I don’t know.”

  “That’s what I thought. Can you help me find my daughters?”

  Tranquil took a long drink, “While we may be able to provide you with assistance, we cannot help you. Mother is so weak that we are unable to leave the First Forest. Since we are bound to her in many ways, should she perish, we will also. However, I think we can strike a bargain, as we are children who are losing their Mother, and you are a mother who has lost her children. If you help heal our Mother, then she can help you find your children.”

  “You’re bargaining with my daughter’s lives, and you just said she only knows what her children know, and even then, one would have to tell her about my daughters. If nobody knows they’re my children, how is somebody going to tell her?”

  Tranquil picked up her drink of spiced cider, “Unchosen, can you please explain it to Earth Mother?”

  “Mother woke twice when she sensed new Earth Mothers,” began John. “You would be one, so one of your daughters has the gift as well, which Mother can sense her.”

  With the words overwhelming Lauren, she brought her hands up to hold back the tears of joy, “Mother knows where one of my daughters is?”

  Fury stood, “Now you have done it. The last time Earth Mother was here, she asked more questions than three times all of the stars in the night sky. Let us dispatch with the simple questions first, like you did with the traitors in Alron. Heirs to the Beast Throne, your mother will be fine since the Essence Pure tends to her wounds. He who is without a title, yes, there are similar in your lands, and your presence here we fail to understand. Champion, bring my metal prison forward.”

  Eric, hearing his name, shocked back into reality, set down his mug and walked up to the front.

  Fury picked up the long sword, “How I hated that scabbard.” As he ran his hand along it, an intricate engraving of the final battle etched into the now gold and silver metals, complete with small gemstones. “Better.” Then Fury, who towered over Eric, pulled the long sword from its dark home, examining the finely crafted blade, “I always thought it was bigger.”

  Tranquil shook her head, “Males always do.”

  “You will pay for that later, sister. NO, not you, Tranquil!” The tall demigod turned back to Eric, “Champion, Father left me a gift last time, his Rage, but imprisoned here in the First Forest, I have no use for it. I will return it to the sword, so once again his powers will answer you. Right now, it is quiet, but the first storm you find raise my old prison high, calling to his Rage so that it will return. With my presence in the sword, it would anticipate my arrival, and its capacity was greater. You will have to recharge it often, to avoid depleting it, so look to the Bastard since the weather will bow to his will, and with it, Father’s Rage will follow.” Then Fury ran his hands along the deeply carved symbols on the sword, “The elemental runes of protection are now awakened, and as well, the runes of strength. Your question, how can you help? Be the Champion once

  Eric looked up, being unsure of how to say ‘thank you’ to a demigod.

  Tranquil bent down, picked a small blooming yellow rose from the ground, waved her hand over it, and it turned into crystal. She handed it to him, “When next you wear the armor, press this to the breast plate, and it will rebirth the forged dwarf metals, which hold the remaining gifts.”

  “Thank you both,” Eric said, heading back to his chair, and to his drink.

  “Unchosen, one question you do not have,” began Tranquil, “as you struggle with many. The first, gods appearing to mortals, which you think should not happen. Godlike yes, but as for gods, first we would have to agree upon the definition. While our Father is absent, we think our Mother dying, so we are trapped here in the First Forest. At present, prisoners would describe us better. You believe that we should communicate in other ways: maybe through dream images, signs in the clouds, or possibly animal droppings. Something for you to interpret. However, if you failed to understand and did wrong, then what happens? Therefore, we took the direct approach, ensuring that all would hear our words. As for the other thousand questions that you harbor, a third of the answers are unknown at this time, and a third you already have the answers to. As for the remainder, they could change too many rivers, so you will have to navigate them yourself.”

  “Of the last, there is nothing you can do,” added Fury.

  Tranquil shook her head, “Later I will explain what arrogance is to my brother; as the word is long, and my patience is short. He thinks that river flows through rock, but it does not, which means its path you can alter. Be the Unchosen, reach out, grasping what is not there. Understand it, unlocking the secrets hidden, and then do what you think is right.” Tranquil turned to Ryan, “Rage Heart, a name worthy of you finally the dwarves found, and as I understand it, the blood of bards did flow, as they fought as hard as you did at the final battle, searching for a name worthy of you. Your questions, the same as the one you love, the location of your daughters. Your answer is simple: heal my Mother, and your daughters she will find.”


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