Bad Dragon

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Bad Dragon Page 7

by Jada Cox

  “Oh god, Julian,” I whispered, pressing against him, wanting him completely inside of me. My fingers ran along his back, and I resisted digging into his skin. It was so intense. As he began to withdraw from me, those tendrils of excitement shot through me, summoning my arousal.

  He moved slowly in and out, gathering his pace as he did so. Blood pulsed in my ears as my body found the rhythm to match his, pushing up to meet his thrusts, listening to his breathing, feeling his kisses on my neck and my chest as he pumped into me.

  “Oh god,” I whispered. It was gaining momentum, and I was going to orgasm again. I was going to come. “Oh god, Julian!”

  I couldn’t hold myself back. My nails dug into his back, and my voice rang out. He increased his speed and brought my leg up, changing the feeling of his cock inside me.

  This brought on a new feeling. A new position meant he was reaching new parts of me, I realized, and as my climax waned, another one began to build. In this new position he was able to move into me deeper and faster. He was coming up to his own climax, I could feel it, and it was hot. I was about to make this beautiful man shoot himself into me. That was me, my pussy that was holding onto him and bringing him to ecstasy.

  The thought was too exciting.

  “Julian, I’m going to come again,” I breathed. “Oh god!”

  His hands wrapped under me and pushed me close to him as he pumped harder into me, a burst of pleasure echoing through me as I lost connection with my body and the room around me. I could only hear Julian’s own cry as he came inside of me, holding me tight against him. I could feel the heartbeat in his chest matching mine, his hips gently pulsing against me.

  Julian looked into my eyes, his own dark and hazy. He smiled and kissed me as he hummed his pleasure into me.

  “Cora,” he whispered. “Oh god, Cora.” He kissed my cheek, nuzzled my ear, and kissed me again. “Are you alright?”

  I laughed at the question. “I don’t think I have ever felt better than this a day in my life.”

  Chapter 9 – Julian

  “So,” I said, trying so desperately to play it cool. I felt like I had just hit puberty and snagged my first crush—except it was so much better. This girl was my mate. She was literally the woman of my dreams who I hadn’t even known I’d been dreaming about. “Room service?”

  I saw the look on her face, the one that said she wanted to be sensible and probably go home. I was going to need to nip that in the bud if I wanted to spend the night with her, and that was all I wanted to do in the world. I couldn’t stand the idea of being with her, being this close and intimate with her, and having the best sex of my life with her, only to have her go home.

  “I won’t take no for an answer,” I said.

  “Alright,” she said. “But not just yet. I’m a little dizzy from that.”

  The way Cora said “that” made me think that she was speaking of the unspeakable, that it was something she had barely become acquainted with. Although, I supposed that was true. I was her first. I couldn’t believe that I was her first, and I felt so honored and privileged to make that claim. With a little luck, it would only ever be me.

  “Is it always like that?” she asked. “I mean, I know that it’s good—people go on and on about it like it’s the best thing on earth. But I had no idea that it could be like … so … mind-blowing. That’s what I’ve been missing out on all this time?”

  I chuckled and pulled her closer to me as she rested her head on my chest. I loved feeling her skin on mine. She fit so perfectly under my arm.

  “It is not always that good for me,” I said, kissing her hair. “Actually, it’s never been that amazing for me before. You are something else.”

  She giggled. “You’re just saying that.”

  “I promise I’m not,” I said. “You are just the right fit, I guess.” I tried to put it as mildly as I could. I was terrified of scaring her off when I’d come so far. Not now.

  I wrapped both of my arms around her shoulders and rested my cheek on the top of her head. I wanted so much to be with her like this every night. I wanted for her to be comfortable around me, for us to lounge together, naked and just let the rest of the evening take us where we wanted. I wanted her to feel how comfortable my own bed was and to know what it was like to wake up in that house with that hot tub in the bathroom. I wanted to lounge in it with her while we sipped champagne.

  My mind wandered to all the wonderful things I wanted to do with her. She was an artist, so I wanted to take her to France, to Amsterdam, to Japan, to Brazil, to experience all the art in the world. I wanted to show her the places I had been across the country and show her what it was like to live life, to fall out of the norm and just experience the world.

  By the time I realized she had fallen asleep in my arms, I had already mentally mapped out our life, the adventures we would have together, if she wanted. I didn’t care what we did. As long as I ended each day with her in my arms, just like this, I wouldn’t mind what we did for the rest of our lives.

  Our lives.

  I had lived so long, and while I knew that once we were mated, Cora’s lifespan would expand to match mine, she didn’t know that. She didn’t know that I was anything other than a man in bed with her.

  She was human, and as far as I knew, a human who had no idea that shifters existed, never mind that I was one. Even I was somewhat mythical in the shifter world. There weren’t many Dragons around, at least, not as many as there were other Animals. During our travels, we had come across plenty of other shifter motorcycle clubs who were convinced that Dragons had died out a long time ago.

  And now, not only was I going to need to shatter her understanding of the world by telling her that shifters existed, I would also be telling her that Dragons existed. And that I was one.

  I sighed as I felt a wave of sleepiness come over me. I would need to tell her sooner rather than later.

  I woke to Cora getting out of bed and pulling on her clothes.

  “Good morning,” I said.

  She glanced back at me and gave me a half-smile before she pulled her blouse over her head. “I need to get home and get a shower,” she said.

  “You can shower here,” I said. “Hotel rooms come equipped with those things these days.”

  “I don’t have a toothbrush. And I still need to get changed,” she said. “I shouldn’t have stayed out last night.”

  “You can let loose from time to time, you know,” I said. “You’re a grown up.”

  “But it’s still a school night,” she said. She pulled her jacket ever her shoulders. “I’m just glad I woke up in time to get ready. I think I’ve got about enough time to get everything done before I head to work.”

  “Hang on a sec,” I said, rolling out of bed and getting my own pants and underwear. “Let me get dressed. I’ll get us some coffees to go, and I’ll walk you to your car.”

  Cora twisted her mouth awkwardly as she looked at the ceiling.

  “What?” I asked.

  “I don’t know where you’re parked, but I’m parked right outside my work … I don’t know that I’m ready for anyone to see me walking back to my car in the clothes I wore yesterday.”

  I chuckled. “Alright, that is a fair enough point. At least let me get you some coffee.”

  She nodded, yawning. “I don’t think I could say ‘no’ to that if I wanted.”

  I loved seeing her try to be awake enough to get ready. She wasn’t as talkative on the way to the coffee place upstairs as she had been the last time we got coffee together. It wasn’t until she had had her first few sips of java and we were checking out in the lobby that she began to perk up.

  “Can we do this again?” I asked as we exited the hotel.

  Cora didn’t answer but instead raised her coffee to her lips and smiled, keeping her eyes forward. I smiled in return, taking that as a yes.

  “Do you want me to take you home?” I asked.

  “No, it’s alright. I’ve got my car here. I ne
ed to get back to work, anyway.”

  “I could take you back to work. I could help you get showered. And dressed. And undressed …” I said, nudging her as we walked.

  She giggled. “No, I think I’m quite capable of doing all of those things by myself.”

  “I don’t doubt that you’re capable, but it’s more fun when you have a helping hand.”

  Cora laughed but didn’t give in.

  The fresh air was perfect for a morning walk. I loved the idea of getting up and walking to get coffee in the early morning hours. I didn’t know if I loved the idea of it because it was refreshing or if it was the mood I was in, but either way, I was happy.

  “This is far enough,” she said as we approached the corner. “I’ll take it from here.” The parking lot was just across the street.

  “So,” I said. “I’ll call you?”

  “Let’s just see how things go,” she said.

  “You don’t have to be guarded around me,” I said. “I’m not one of those guys who leaves you after a one-night stand.” I leaned forward and kissed her. “I’d like to be around.”

  “Thank you for the coffee, Julian,” was all she said, though she couldn’t hide the color rising to her cheeks as she crossed the street.

  I watched her drive away before I moseyed over to my motorcycle that was parked in an underground parking garage a block down. I hadn’t exactly planned on taking Cora to the hotel and staying the night, but I had tangoed with the idea the day before. In anticipation, I thought it might be better to be prepared and keep my bike some place safe.

  I felt like a kid who found out he had a week of snow days ahead of him. I was elated and resisted letting my bike drive in exaggerated zig-zags across the lane while I tried to steer it with my knees, like I had done with my bicycle when I was a kid.

  I parked my motorcycle in the garage under the house and found the basement empty, with the controllers for a variety of game consoles strewn about the place. They must have had another competition. Who knew that guys who were in their hundreds could act like such children?

  But then again, I felt like I was about eight years old at the moment.

  I lazily used the elevator to get from the basement to the main floor when I got home. I was becoming quite fond of elevators after having my elevator adventure with Cora.

  “Whoa,” Quin said from the living room as I stepped out of the doors. “I didn’t expect to hear the elevator ping. You getting too self-indulgent for the stairs?”

  “Just fancied the ride,” I said chuckling. I high-fived him as I passed him and turned left for the kitchen.

  “Where were you last night?” Wyatt asked. “I tried texting you.”

  “I know,” I said going for the coffee. “I saw that I had about ten from each of you, plus a couple of voicemails.”

  “It’s not like you not to get hold of at least one of us,” Dain said. “We were kind of getting worried.”

  “I’m touched,” I said, mockingly putting my hand on my chest.

  “Uh-oh,” Quin said, joining us at the island counter. “There’s the sarcasm. Shit guys, he’s happy.”

  “More than happy,” I replied.

  “He got laid,” Wyatt said, pointing a finger at me as he looked at the rest of the guys.

  “Yep,” Dain nodded. “That’s the face. Isn’t it fascinating how even his very pores get cockier when he manages to get with a chick?”

  “Alright, alright,” I said laughing. “Wait, why aren’t you guys at that spa?”

  “Don’t change the subject,” Dain said. “Why didn’t you bring her here?”

  “Wasn’t part of the reason why we got this place that it is a magnet for those wonderful beings we call women?” Quin asked.

  “I was afraid of scaring her away if she met you guys,” I said.

  “More like she’d see me and leave you for me,” Dain said.

  I laughed along with them as I helped myself to a bowl of cereal. I could tell Quin had done the last grocery run: all the cereal in the cupboard was the healthy stuff. Granola and something called Weetabix.

  “Actually,” I said, “I kind of was afraid of scaring her off. I kind of want to keep her around.”

  “Why?” Dain and Wyatt asked at the same time.

  “Whoa there, guys,” Quin said. “There’s some insta-judgement there. Is it so strange that our friend here should seek a long-term companionship, or at least for more than a night? He might want her to stick around for at least a week.”

  They chuckled, though I didn’t join them.

  “More than a week, actually,” I said. “I’m thinking for life.”

  That shut them all up, and they looked at me.

  “She’s my mate,” I said. “Before you think that I’m just hung up on some girl, let me tell you that couldn’t be farther from the truth. I met her and as soon as I laid eyes on her, I knew. We got together last night, and there is literally no doubt in my mind.”

  “Are you sure?” Wyatt asked. “I mean, I think it’s great if you have, but it’s kind of a big deal. There would be some major lifestyle changes for you.”

  “I’m sure,” I said, a little annoyed that he didn’t seem so supportive. Though I could understand. He was right. There would be massive lifestyle changes for me. It might mean that Cora moved in with us or that I left these guys to move in with her. We hadn’t counted on this happening when we bought the place.

  Part of the niceness of traveling for so long was that it kept us from getting too hung up on anyone or developing attachments. We’d figured that since we hadn’t lost any of us along the way to mates, that it would be unlikely to happen now. Of course, as soon as we got ourselves moved in, Malcolm found his mate two doors down. We were just getting over the separation anxiety when I met Cora. I was the second man to fall, and we didn’t even have the house completely furnished yet.

  It would mean that we weren’t all going to go out on the prowl any more, that I wouldn’t be around to sort out the essential things that they didn’t quite have the touch to do (though I supposed Quin would be the most likely out of the rest of us to handle the responsibilities of being an adult). It would mean that once again, our group was shrinking.

  But we hadn’t completely been taken out of the game from hanging out. After all, Malcolm still came over and spent time with us, and if anything, it made us appreciate our time together more. And Cora lived in town, which meant that we wouldn’t be too far away if I did move out. And, if we were ever drinking while I was over, I would always have a place to stay.

  “I’m happy for you,” Dain said. “Who is this girl?”

  “Come on guys, it’s obvious,” Quin said. “It’s the interior decorator, right?”

  “You hit the nail on the head,” I said. “She’s been subbing in for her boss. Last night, we took a step closer toward building something.” When they looked at me blankly, I added, “Because we got together last night.”

  “I’m happy for you, too,” Wyatt said, putting a hand on my shoulder as he passed me to put his cup in the sink. “If she makes you happy, then I’m happy.”

  “Thank you,” I replied. “I hope that’s sincere.”

  “It is,” he said. He kicked me in the butt with the side of his foot. “Just don’t ditch us quite yet, will you?”

  “We’ll see how it goes,” I said. “But I’ll be around like Malcolm’s around at the very least.”

  Chapter 10 – Cora

  I managed to get myself home, washed, dressed, and into work on time after parting ways with Julian. It had been quite the adventure. Every time I looked at myself in the mirror, I blushed.

  I had now had sex. My cherry was popped. I was one of those people, like all of the people around me. And it had actually been good. Fun. Amazing. I had never thought that the first time could be any good. From everything anyone had ever told me, from what women said in movies and books, the first time was always terrible. Though, I supposed that most women had their
first time as a teenager, and when they did, neither of them knew what they were doing.

  I certainly hadn’t had a clue what I was doing, but my body seemed to know. I wasn’t sure what had baffled me more—how enjoyable it had been or that I somehow had known what to do. I also hadn’t expected that I would believe anything Julian said afterward about the quality of it, unless it was a negative review. But when he’d said that it had been great for him, too, I actually did believe him. There was something to him that I couldn’t quite figure out, but I didn’t think he was capable of lying to me, even if it was a white lie.

  But what did it mean? Did it mean we were together? Or was this just a one-time thing?

  A part of me wondered if he was only interested in me because it turned him on that I was a virgin. After all, he’d seemed to intensify his approach only after I’d told him that I’d never dated anyone. That was when he’d kissed me for the first time. And then that very day, he’d taken me to coffee and gotten us a hotel room.

  Suddenly, that option seemed somewhat plausible. Maybe I was just a dupe. Maybe I had been so blinded by the experience of love-making that it was me who was incapable of lying to Julian, and thus incapable of believing he would lie to me. Had my hormones blinded me that much?

  The idea wouldn’t stop haunting me as I struggled to focus at my desk. I had no idea what I was even looking at as I read through emails, my mind flashing back to the sizzling moments between the sheets the night before, the feeling of Julian’s tongue running up my inner thigh while his finger tips brushed over my nipples—all mashed with the idea that somehow I had just been used. Which of course I argued with myself over. I thought about the certainty I had had all morning until that thought had entered into my mind. Every part of me knew it to be true until my self-doubt somehow had a voice.

  I shook my head, re-reading the email for the tenth time.

  What did it matter if he’d used me? I had wanted whatever was being presented to me at the time. It didn’t matter whether I thought he was charming. If I had wanted to wait for the guy I was going to spend the rest of my life with then I’d have waited for my wedding night. But I didn’t know that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with Julian.


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