Cherished: Love in London Series 2

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Cherished: Love in London Series 2 Page 3

by Watts, Demelza

  “And your parents?” she probed, enjoying learning about his siblings.

  A warm smile spread across his face. “Well, my parents have been married for the longest time – my mamma, Annalisa, got married when she was seventeen. My papà, Gianmarco, is self-made.” Nico took another sip of water before continuing. “He owns Morretti Investment Banking in Milan, which is where I work, overseeing new business. Started it from the ground up and now it is one of the most respected banking organisations in the industry.” He spoke proudly of his father. “Because he spent most of his time at work, growing up, my mamma played a big role in our lives. She’s pretty amazing.”

  Amber impulsively squeezed his hand and then realising what she did, she tried to pull away, but Nico held on and her heart-rate picked up as she watched him entwine their fingers. Heat spread across her face as she looked at him, chewing her lip in uncertainty of the situation. She felt his thumb gently circle her hand, sending tingles to the pit of her stomach. What was he doing to her? Distracted, she didn’t know what to say. She was lost in the sensation.

  “Tell me about you. Who is Amber Preston?” His smooth deep voice cut through her thoughts.

  She laughed nervously. “There really isn’t much to tell, Nico.” She looked away. God, she wished she didn’t have to reveal things about her messed up childhood.

  “Amber,” his voice was soft, almost tender as he brought her attention back to him. “It’s okay, you really don’t have to tell me anything if you prefer not to.”

  “No, it’s not that. It’s just that I come from a really different background to you, Nico. I’m not sure where to start.”

  “Try me. Tell me about your parents.”

  Amber shrugged. It was now or never. “There’s not much to tell, unfortunately.” This time she felt him lightly squeeze her hand. Looking at their joint hands, she felt the courage to carry on. She took a deep breath.

  “My dad had a string of affairs whilst I was growing up and each time, my mother forgave him, always welcoming him back.” Her voice hardened as she recalled her mother’s tears. “Unfortunately, one day, when I was fifteen, he just left with one of his women and never looked back. My mother turned to drinking heavily. It got out of control – nothing I could say or do could bring her back.”

  Her eyes filled with tears and she took a calming breath. “I don’t have any brothers or sisters, although Beth is just like the sister I never had and her family pretty much took me in and looked after me.” A few tears spilled over onto her cheeks. “One day, I came home from school and found her unconscious on the sofa. I panicked when I couldn’t wake her and called for an ambulance…”

  Her voice broke as she recalled that devastating day. “It was too late, Nico. She had taken an overdose with a cocktail of painkillers and alcohol.” A sob escaped from her throat and tears openly spilled over, but she quickly tried to brush them away. “I was sixteen years old.” Before she knew it, Nico moved across the seat and wrapped her up in his strong arms as she broke down crying.

  Part of her was mortified as she had never talked about her past, but in some way, she felt a huge burden being lifted off her shoulders by confiding in him. She tried to move away, embarrassed by her outburst, but Nico kept her in his strong arms. He gently stroked her hair as she cried, his voice soothing when he spoke. “Mio Dio. I’m so, so sorry, carino.”

  She sniffed as she felt her tears drying up. “It’s okay, Nico. I’m okay now.” She smiled, sadly. “I wasn’t for a long time, not until I was persuaded to have counselling. It really helped. You know, I couldn’t touch alcohol until last year?”

  “You are stronger than you know, carino. I hope you know that.”

  “I hope so. That’s why I made peace with alcohol. I know the root of her demise was her depression – it was so severe.”

  He leaned forward and kissed her forehead, continuing to stroke her hair. “Thank you for sharing something so personal with me.”

  Amber sniffed and laughed, wiping away the last of her tears. “Good thing I didn’t give up on alcohol. Got anything stronger than this water?”


  They rode along in silence for a few minutes. She felt comforted and safe in Nico’s arms whilst he continued to stroke her hair as she laid her head against his toned chest. He smelled wonderful, and expensive, his cologne invading her senses and sending desire shooting through her body. However, unwilling to get carried away with her emotions and the confusion she felt towards him, she clamped down on her heart and subtly pushed him away. If he felt rejected, Nico’s face was impassive as she shuffled away from him, fiddling with her sleeves.

  “I’m sorry, Nico, I didn’t mean to make such a scene.” She smiled weakly.

  “Amber, you have nothing to be sorry about, so please don’t apologise.” He frowned for a moment as he looked out of the window and Amber wished she could read his thoughts. Was it too much too soon, she wondered? Surely he must be totally put off her by now. He turned to her and unexpectedly took her hand again. Amber held her breath as she watched him run his other hand through his thick hair.

  “Tell me about your work. How did you get into interior design?”

  She genuinely smiled, this was a topic she could definitely handle and Amber felt her face light up.

  “Well, after my mother passed, I decided that I really wanted to do something with my life. I was sixteen, about to start college, but I took a job as a Saturday girl running errands at a local interior design company in Taunton, where I’m from.”

  “Taunton? Is that in Somerset?”

  “Yes, that’s correct. Beth and I grew up there together.” She paused and smiled, thinking of her wonderful best friend. “Anyway, I was really interested in what they were doing and little by little, they started giving me extra responsibility. When I finished college at eighteen, they offered me a full time job as a trainee designer so I jumped at the chance. A year ago, I decided that I wanted to move to London to explore more opportunities….and the rest, as they say, is history.” She flashed him a grin. She didn’t want to boast, but the truth was, she was head-hunted by a very reputable firm in Chelsea. Being the youngest in the firm, it was quite challenging at times to get her peers to take her seriously, but she was steadily building up her reputation and was now booked out six months in advance.

  “I think you are too modest, Amber,” Nico gently chided. “From what I’ve seen, you’re hot.” He winked and she blushed, lightly swatting his arm at his double-meaning. “You’re very talented and your MD has said you’re the one to watch at the firm. You’ve done very well for yourself; you should be proud.”

  “Thanks, Nico. I guess I am…” She smiled shyly and looked away. Okay, enough she thought. Time to move onto other subjects.

  * * *

  The remainder of their journey flew by. En route, they stopped off at a quaint little Italian restaurant for a quick bite before setting off again. Nico seemed different to the cut-throat businessman she normally saw; perhaps the change, she observed, was the fact that he was on home soil which relaxed him. Either way, she didn’t care to over analyse it – all she could think was that she was really enjoying his company and spending time with him.

  Her heart tugged in battle with her head as she had to keep reminding herself that this was nothing more than a business arrangement and that it was for the best. Amber knew she couldn’t give her heart to Nico Moretti, so instead tried her best to tuck it away, promising herself to let her head rule this weekend.

  Soon they were approaching Lake Como and Amber gasped at the beauty of the towns and villages as they carefully made their way through the winding roads. It was early evening and the lights of the surrounding villas lit up the area to make it seem magical with the lake glittering below and the mountains on the periphery. It was an incredibly beautiful sight.

  “Wow, you really grew up here?” Amber, wide-eyed couldn’t contain her excitement and surprise. Nico chuckled lightly, delighted at her
child-like response.

  “No, Amber, my family is originally from Bergamo, but we moved to Milan when I was still quite small.” He laughed. “My mamma felt we needed to breathe fresh air on weekends, so my papà bought our property here in Lake Como for weekends and holidays. It’s very commutable to Milan as you can see.”

  Amber was transfixed. She had never seen such a beautiful place. “I think I’ve died and gone to heaven,” she murmured as she craned her neck, taking in the scenery.

  “Carino, trust me, you’ll know when you’re in heaven.” His dry reply drew a sharp intake and sent tingles down her spine, but she purposely chose to ignore his comment. They pulled off the main road and followed a private long and winding path, which eventually led them to Nico’s family villa.

  The sun was setting, it was a beautiful sight to behold and Amber was in awe. Clearly a highly desirable location, the cream coloured villa was overlooking the western part of the lake and surrounded by beautiful, landscaped gardens. Nico had explained that it was constructed over four floors with a sweeping roof terrace to enjoy the stunning views. It was extensive from what she could see and she remembered Nico telling her about the detached staff residence and two guesthouses amongst the other details about the property.

  Amber felt like she was stepping into a movie; this was a completely different world to what she was used to. Feeling insecure, she wondered if she would be able to fit into the world of the impressive Moretti’s, even if just for a weekend. Noticing her hesitation to step out of the car, Nico leaned in and offered her his hand.

  “It’s okay, carino. It’s only a house.” His smile was genuine and charming, but most of all, reassuring. Amber smiled at him, grateful that he was so sensitive to her feelings. She reached for his hand and stepped out onto the gravel path whilst the driver retrieved their bags. Holding on tightly, her heart rate sped up as they made their way to the grand front door as Nico pressed the bell. Amber stood slightly behind him, smoothing out her dress and then subtly, her hair.

  “Stop fidgeting. You look beautiful.” His smooth, deep voice halted her in her tracks just as the door swung open. A maid was standing there and her face split into a huge grin as she saw Nico. They exchanged kisses and pleasantries in Italian and then Nico turned to Amber and introduced her to the older lady.

  “Amber, this is Maria. She’s been with our family since I was this high.” He motioned with his hands to that of a toddler’s height and Amber smiled as she greeted her.

  Walking into the house, Amber looked around, taking in the beautiful stone floors and long winding wooden staircase just off to the right. She followed Nico through the house, noting the lovely large living room with the charming marble fireplace and panoramic windows. They passed the formal dining area, which she could see was connected to the large lake-front terrace, whilst also noting a separate eating area. Everything was tastefully decorated and Amber’s professional eye appreciated the design that went into this place. It was truly breath-taking. The kitchen was towards the back of the house, which is where they could hear the animated voices. Nico stopped and turned to her.

  “Ready?” He took her hand.

  She nodded, taking a deep breath. Wiping her free hand on her dress, she smiled at him. “As ready as I’ll ever be, Nico.”

  They walked into the large detached kitchen, where an elegant older couple were laughing whilst drinking coffee. A younger girl was sitting with them at the table, but as her back was turned, Amber couldn’t see her face.

  “Ciao!” Nico announced his presence loudly and the younger girl spun around. Leaping out of her chair, she squealed and raced towards Nico, throwing her hands around his neck.

  “Nico! Come va? Vi trovo bene!"

  Amber stepped back, smiling, and watched the show of affection with curiosity.

  The girl was stunning. She had poker straight light brown hair, which had sun-kissed blonde streaks running through it, sitting just past her shoulders. She had the most stunning green eyes, outlined in dark liner, which gave her a slight feline appearance. She was slight, about the same height as Amber and dressed in her black jumpsuit, colourful beaded necklace and high pumps, Amber thought she looked like she had stepped off a catwalk. She waited patiently whilst the girl shot Nico rapid-fire questions in Italian. Gently peeling her arms off him, Nico reached for Amber’s hand and brought her against him. The older couple, smiling, stood up from their chairs and also approached them.

  “Ciao, Nico”, the older man spoke. “Good to have you home, son.” The two men embraced quickly. Nico turned to Amber.

  “Amber, I’d like you to meet my family.” He indicated the girl who was smiling warmly at Amber. “This is Mia.” He then turned to the couple. “And these are my parents – Annalisa and Gianmarco.”

  Before she could open her mouth, Mia greeted her with a bear hug. Laughing at her exuberance, Amber couldn’t help but immediately feel a warm affection towards her.

  “Ciao, Amber! It’s so good to finally meet. Nico has told us so much about you.” She flashed a smile, displaying a set of perfectly white teeth.

  Amber smiled at Nico, curious as to what he must have told them about her.

  “Lovely to meet you, Mia. I’ve heard so much about you too.”

  Next, Annalisa stepped forward and Amber could immediately see whom they inherited their beautiful green eyes from. She was petite with dark blonde hair fashioned into a neat bob. With her youthful skin, high cheekbones and full lips, it was plain to see that she must have clearly been a stunner in her younger days. Amber smiled shyly at her and outstretched her hand.

  “Mrs Moretti, pleasure to meet you. Thank you for extending the invitation to your party.”

  Annalisa looked at her outstretched hand, waved it away and also grabbed Amber into a warm embrace. “Benvenuta, Amber.” Slightly shocked by the warmth of this family, Amber felt a lump developing in her throat. Besides Beth’s family, she had never been treated with such open affection. Gianmarco also welcomed her by kissing her cheeks and giving his son a wink in approval.

  “Bene! I think that’s enough, let her breathe, hey?” Nico joked as he took her hand again, flashing her a smile. Amber felt slightly overwhelmed, but at the same time thrilled to have been given such a warm welcome.

  They sat down for coffee and even though she understood a small amount of Italian, the Moretti’s were kind enough to speak fluently in English so that she could join in the conversation. It was a very pleasant evening and as the night progressed, a delicious antipasti platter was brought in and Amber found herself completely relaxing, even joking along with them.

  * * *

  It was fairly late and stifling her third yawn, Nico took her hand, excusing themselves for bed. It was strange to be acting like a real couple in front of his parents, when in fact, it felt completely natural. Aside from holding her hand, Nico didn’t display any other form of affection and secretly, Amber felt a stab of disappointment.

  He quietly led the way to the guesthouse and Amber followed him along the gravel path concealed with pretty hidden lights. Amber wondered what he was thinking for he seemed lost in his thoughts, winding his way through the garden.

  Stopping outside the door to the guesthouse, they stood facing each other. In the dim light, Amber drank in his handsome features. His gaze darkened as he looked her over seductively and she felt her heart jolt and her pulse start pounding. Without a word, he stepped closer, pinning her to the door with his large frame. She gasped.


  She didn’t get to finish her sentence as Nico pulled her roughly, almost violently, to him and crushed his lips against hers.


  Nico kissed her hard and fast as he pressed her up against the wooden door of the guesthouse. At first, shocked, Amber tried to resist, but she felt her knees weaken. In an instant, her hands tangled up in his hair as she opened up to him.

  They kissed like they couldn’t get enough of each other as their tongues d
anced in an endless motion, getting lost in the kiss. Nico pressed his arousal into her stomach and she let out a moan, pressing herself harder against him.

  Abruptly, Amber pulled back, breaking their connection. She placed her hand on his chest for distance. What was she doing? This was not how it was supposed to be! Her breathing was erratic as she tried to settle the desire running through her.

  “Nico,” she whispered, still breathing heavily as she touched her fingers to her swollen lips.


  She heard his curse in Italian as he roughly ran his hand through his hair. His closeness was driving her crazy with desire as she desperately tried to calm down. Nico looked at her, lust-filled eyes mixed with regret. Slowly he backed away.

  “I’m sorry, Amber.” He half-turned around, looking up at the stars and slightly shaking his head. “It won’t happen again.” She heard him inhale deeply. “You should find everything you need in your room. I’ll come by in the morning and we’ll go for breakfast.”

  Unable to meet his eyes, Amber just nodded, her fingers still pressed to her lips. She watched him walk away then turned the door handle. Shutting the door behind her, she took a shaky breath and leaned against it, tightly squeezing her eyes shut. A single tear escaped as she fought with her feelings of desire and frustration. She told herself over and over that she could not fall for Nico, that he would ruin her.

  She scanned her beautiful room, running her hands on the soft duvet of the king sized bed as she made her way to the bathroom. The deep iron-cast tub was the first thing that caught her eye. She would definitely be making use of that, but right now, all she wanted was a hot shower and bed.

  Placing her hands on the counter, she looked at herself in the mirror. Her face was still flushed and her pink lips were dark and swollen. She noted that her piercing blue, tear stained eyes were filled with sadness. Looking away, Amber quickly stripped off and walked into the rain shower. The hot water was heavenly on her tired body. Wrapping herself in a towel and quickly brushing her teeth, she crawled into bed. Normally she would sleep in a t-shirt, but the bed was so comfortable and the sheets so soft that she decided to just fall asleep in the nude. Thankfully sleep came quickly. Her dreams were filled with Nico.


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