Tristan: An Alpha Billionaire Romance

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Tristan: An Alpha Billionaire Romance Page 1

by Candy Quinn


  The Delaney Brothers

  Candy Quinn



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6


  About the Author

  Also by Candy Quinn

  Get More Romance & Erotica Here

  © 2016 Pathforgers Publishing.

  All Rights Reserved. If you downloaded an illegal copy of this book and enjoyed it, please buy a legal copy. Either way you get to keep the eBook forever, but you’ll be encouraging me to continue writing and producing high quality fiction for you. This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are the product of the author’s imaginations. Any resemblances to actual persons, living or dead, are entirely coincidental.

  Cover Design by Wicked Good Covers. All cover art makes use of stock photography and all persons depicted are models.

  This book is intended for sale to Adult Audiences only. All sexually active characters in this work are over 18. All sexual activity is between non-blood related, consenting adults. This is a work of fiction, and as such, does not encourage illegal or immoral activities that happen within.

  More information is available at Pathforgers Publishing.


  Book Themes:

  Billionaire, First Time, Strangers to lovers, Pregnancy

  Word Count:



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  The back of the old car smells like fabric and patchouli, but the man who has his thick arms wrapped around me keeps the rest of the world at bay. The only thing besides him that I can even perceive is the sound of the heavy rain pattering on the top of the old Cadillac we’re in, sighing in each other’s embrace.

  He’s so tall that he takes up most of the space in the back of the car. He looms over me as he presses his lips against mine, his large, rough hands roving up and down my back. He’s possessive, fierce, and lustful. Soft, deep groans come from his chest between kisses as he pulls me tighter into him.

  His hand traces down to my ass, squeezing it, pulling me closer and closer to his lap until he pulls me on top of him. His dark eyes devour me, and he wets his lip as that grin of his flashes. Thunder rumbles outside, and his chest rumbles with desire as it’s pressed against my bare breasts. My shirt is on the other side of the car — he ripped it off the moment I was foolish enough to let myself into his grasp.

  My bra went next, and now, there’s nothing between his lustful groping and my tits. He yanks me closer, teeth grazing my nipples while he pinches my ass. I know he wants my tight-fitting jeans down, and he’s working on that fast.

  There’s no finesse to this guy, but god, he’s rough and eager, and he’s strong enough to make it happen. I’m getting turned this way and that like a doll, and he’s enjoying every second of it. I realize the massive bulge between his legs as I grind up against it, and I bite my lip as I start grinding harder, hearing him grunt in pleasure with each moment I work him.

  Finally, he pushes me back just enough to take out his massive cock, and I feel my whole body warm up at the sight of it. It’s beautiful, like some kind of religious relic in the temple that is this beat-up old Caddie.

  This is dirty, sloppy, and anything but classy. And I can’t get enough of it.

  His musk is all over me, and I’m going to get even more of it as I lower myself onto his cock once he works my pants off. There’s a loud slap as he strikes my ass, and I cry out, but nobody can hear us out here — we’re utterly secluded, thanks to the pouring rain outside.

  “How’s about you come with me on tour, baby?” his husky voice growls as his huge cock sinks into me, and I start rocking back and forth, feeling up the endless muscles along his shoulders. I know this guy’s type. He’s trouble. He’s the kind of guy to take a small-town girl and run all over the state with her, not wanting to head anywhere in life than some other run-down parking lot for a quick hookup before crashing in a beachside motel.

  He’s exactly the type my dad would hate. And he’s exactly the type I want to fuck until I’m sore.

  “Anywhere you want,” I breathe, holding onto his sides for support, but his strong arms reach up around me one hand taking a bunch of my long, dark brown hair in his fist and pulling it back just enough to tilt my neck, leaving my whole front exposed.

  “You know how much I love those freckles on you?” he muses, running his thumb over the dark spots on my shoulders while he pushes himself up, bouncing me on his cock while I thrust desperately, trying to please this titan of a man. “I’d never get tired of having them up against me, babe.”

  He’s looking right into my warm brown eyes, and for a moment, I want to believe him. Maybe this guy really is the type to treat a girl right, even take her on the road for the trip of a lifetime. Or maybe he’s just another lustful sex machine roving the California coast for his next conquest.

  Either way, I want him inside me, and I don’t want it to stop.

  “You can have me,” I gasp, feeling him buck up into me harder and harder, pulling me back and rendering me helpless to do anything but take everything he’s pounding me with. “I want to be yours, just don’t hold back!”

  “Fuck,” he groans as I feel him tightening under me, “oh fuck, Sienna.” My name is like sweet honey on his lips. “Sienna...Sienna...Sienna…”


  “Sienna! Sienna!” the voice says, morphing from a sensual male voice to a gruff female one. “Wake up! Break’s over and table three is getting rowdy.”

  I open my eyes and realize that in the place of a handsome stranger is actually my surly, no-nonsense boss at the diner where I work. Her name is Thelma and she’s staring at me with her hands on her hips. My delicious dream fades away and I immediately get to my feet, sweeping my dark hair back into a bouncy ponytail and straightening out my fifties-style apron and skirt.

  “Yeah, yeah, I got it,” I answer quickly. I leave my little corner in the kitchen and head back out to the main dining area with my waitressing pad in hand. To my dismay, when I look up, I see that table three is populated by three familiar faces: Cami, Lindsey, and Jackie. My high school’s resident mean-girl cheerleaders who made my school days a living hell. And now I have to serve them.

  Forcing myself to stay calm, I walk up to the table with a smile. “Good evening, I see you’ve already gotten your waters, but could I put anything else in for you?” I ask sweetly.

  Cami props her chin up on her thin wrists and says, “We just want fries to share.”

  “Okay, got it,” I reply, all but hurrying away. But then there’s a clatter behind me and I look back to see that Cami has “accidentally” spilled her plastic water cup all over the floor. She gives me a shrug and distinctly unapologetic “oops!”

  “No problem, I’ll clean it up,” I respond quietly. Grabbing a mop, I start tending to the spill, and as the girls start talking, it dawns me why they’re doing this.

  “Oh my god, did you hear about Rob Harvey?” Lindsey says loudly, and my ears perk up at the mention of my ex boyfriend’s name. My wealthy, popular, jock ex-boyfriend who dumped me right after graduation and headed to L.A., while I stayed behind in my tiny hometown of Big Lagoon to work as a waitress over summer vacation. All the rich kids I went to school with were off on big, fancy vacations before starting college, and here I was, mopping up a spill at a kooky little coast side diner.

  “You mean how he met up with his gorgeous model girlfriend in Los Angeles right aft
er graduation? And how they’re getting engaged? Yeah, I heard about that,” Jackie adds, with a pointed look at me. My heart sinks. So that’s why he was in a huge hurry to leave me. I was just a placeholder for his real girlfriend all along.

  “It’s so sweet how he finally gets to be with someone who’s really in his league, you know? Someone on his level,” Cami remarks, staring right at me. Then she feigns surprise and clucks her tongue, adding, “Oh goodness! I’m so sorry Sienna! I totally forgot you were even there! It must really hurt to find out about Rob this way.” Her voice is falsely apologetic but there’s nothing but cruel enjoyment in her cold blue eyes.

  I have to grit my teeth to hold back the wave of emotion threatening to take control. These girls, all three of them blonde, perfectly tanned, and well-off, made high school hell. They called me names, started cruel rumors about me, and did everything in their power to constantly remind me that Rob was out of my playing field. He was one of them, and I — well, I was not. But high school is over now, and I’ll be damned if I let them see how much they hurt me. I have to be strong.

  So I straighten up and smile, saying, “No big deal. It was just a silly high school relationship anyway, and I would like to think life has more in store for me than to just peak in high school. Oh hang on, let me go get you another water and put in your order for fries.”

  I swivel around and march back to the kitchen, slumping back against the wall and trying to stay calm. Does it hurt to find out that Rob was cheating on me all along? Hell yeah, it hurts. But I know it will hurt more to let them see that. So I just continue to serve them as though nothing is wrong.

  They barely pick at their fries, wrinkling their noses at the plate since I’m sure it doesn’t live up to their lobster-and-caviar tastes, but finally they take their check and — big surprise — they don’t leave a tip. Nothing. Nada. Of course. As the girls walk out the door, Cami looks back over her shoulder and gives me a bitchy wink and a wave, and it’s all I can do not to throw up a middle finger in response.

  “Rise above it,” Thelma whispers to me in passing. “Don’t let them get to you, hon.”

  I nod firmly and sigh, leaning against the counter with my arms crossed. But then, something happens to take my focus away from the mean girls: a beautiful, sparkling baby blue vintage convertible pulls up in the parking lot. The girls all freeze in place, staring with rapt attention as a mind blowingly hot young man steps out of the car and whips his designer shades off. He’s tall, muscular, and well-dressed, with sandy blond hair and a perfectly-chiseled jaw structure that makes me feel a little weak in the knees.

  He doesn’t even give the girls a passing glance as he walks straight past them and through the door to the diner, and my heart seizes up when he sits down at table three.

  My table. Which still needs to be bussed and wiped down. I finally shake myself out of my frozen spot and hurry over with a wet rag to scoop up the dishes and wipe down the table, trying not to make eye contact with the hottie.

  “S-Sorry,” I mumble, “I just need to clean this up.”

  “No worries,” he says, and his voice is like plush velvet to my ears, and I immediately detect another surprising aspect: a British accent. “When you get a chance, love, I’d like a plate of chips and some tea.”

  I make the mistake of looking up into his beautiful amber eyes and my stomach goes a-flutter instantly. “Oh, you mean fries? And um, do you want that iced tea sweet or unsweet?” I ask.

  He frowns for a moment and then laughs. “Oh, right, right. Fries. And I forget you do your tea cold here, yes? I’ll just have water, then. Thank you.”

  I nod and all but bolt away to put in the order, spending the next ten minutes alternating between avoiding him altogether and flat-out staring at him from a distance. It’s getting late, and the diner is virtually empty now except for him. My mind drifts back to what the girls said about Rob, about how I was never in his league to begin with. And if Rob is out of my league, then this British hottie sure as hell is, too. But I guess my despair shows on my face despite my attempts to hide my feelings, because the guy keeps asking me what’s wrong. I dodge his questions over and over again until finally, he holds out his hand to introduce himself and asks me to sit down with him.

  “Come now, there’s nobody left here but us,” he says, gesturing for me to sit down across from him. Biting my lip, I only hesitate for a moment before taking his offer and sliding into the booth. He grins, and for a moment it’s like I’m blinded by his charm.

  “My name is Tristan. Nice to meet you, Sienna,” he says, and I look at him in confusion.

  “How… how did you know my name?” I ask.

  He points to my chest. “It’s on your nametag,” he remarks, grinning with amusement.

  “Oh. Right,” I answer, blushing furiously.

  But despite everything, he somehow manages to get me to open up, and before long the two of us are talking like old friends. When it’s time to close up the diner, we head outside and sit in his fancy car, all the while my brain spinning, trying to make sense of this unbelievable encounter.

  “High school was such a drag for me, though for very different reasons,” he says, and I have to wonder how true that could possibly be. Maybe it’s some resentment still at my ex.

  “Oh yea, it’s probably really hard being super gorgeous and well off,” I say before I can catch myself, and I’m not sure if I’m more embarrassed that I was so rude to him, or that I just called him super gorgeous.

  But his laughter doesn’t seem hurt at all, and he reaches out, lightly touching my leg. “Delightful. This may sound a little strange, but… would you like to come with me? I’m heading up north for a few more days, just seeing the sights and, well, it would be lovely to have a local around to guide me. And besides, you are spectacular company.”

  I blink at him in disbelief. Surely he’s joking. Or perhaps I’m being kidnapped. Or punk’d.

  I half-heartedly glance around the empty parking lot, looking if those girls are still here. If they put him up to this.

  “I-I… what? You want me, a stranger, to go on a road trip with you?” I splutter, shaking my head. He chuckles and gives me a flippant shrug. I go on, “Even if that wasn’t absurd, my parents are out of town and they wouldn’t want me to just go gallivanting off like this —”

  “Your parents don’t have to know. It’s only a few days,” Tristan says.

  I pause, biting my lip. “Okay, don’t take this the wrong way, but, um… you aren’t planning to kidnap me or, I don’t know, murder me and throw my body in the ocean, are you?”

  Tristan tilts his head back and laughs. “Holy shite, is that really your first impression of me?” he asks, more amused than offended.

  I give him a wishy-washy shrug and reply, “It can’t hurt to be cautious, ya know.”

  “I swear to you that my intentions are purely innocent, and I am asking you to accompany me in the name of spontaneity and adventure. I solemnly promise not to do anything to you which might result in your picture appearing on the front page of a newspaper. I promise. It’s just a few days, and then you can come right back to this diner job and your quaint little town, if you so desire. So, what do you say? What have you got to lose?”

  I stare at him blankly, my mind running in circles. What the hell could I say to an offer like this?


  Those gorgeous eyes of his have already made the decision for me, and my pussy is feeling warm inside at their enticing gaze that seems to promise the world to me.

  Still, it hits me: if I don’t do something like this now, then when? Dad runs a convenience store and Mom teaches surf lessons. We’re never going to be the types of people who can afford trips, even if my folks are happy with what they do.

  I’ve never been outside California in my short eighteen years of life, and right now, if I’m honest, I feel like I’m spinning my wheels in the mud, working the same dead-end temp jobs and knowing the same grating people. I’m tired o
f sitting here on the off chance that adventure decides to come blowing through Big Lagoon — not that it ever will.

  Except today.

  “You know what? Yeah. Yeah, I will,” I say, and immediately, I feel the adventurous fire in my blood kicking up, sparking something new in me I’ve never felt before. “Screw this crappy job. Screw this boring town. I wanna do something different for once,” I declare, nodding firmly.

  Tristan grins, looking beyond pleased with himself.

  Color comes to my cheeks, and I can’t hold back a laugh. I bite my lip a moment, looking at his outstretched hand, and then I take it. It closes around mine in a firm, warm grip. There’s a lot of strength in that grasp, I realize as another rush of warmth runs up through my body.

  And California is a big state to explore.

  Marble Mountain Wilderness. It’s a four-hour trip up there, but with each passing minute next to this towering, unreal guy, I feel better and better about all this.

  Tristan drives a car that’s like something out of a dream. It’s a light blue Aston Martin, and it looks like it’s a model from the 60s that’s been restored. He hasn’t mentioned whether he restored it himself, but he doesn’t need to. I can tell by the way he handles the rumbling vehicle with such intimacy that you only adopt from something you built up from nothing yourself.

  We stopped by my house to grab a few things and let me change — I figure a 50s waitress outfit isn’t exactly the best thing to go on a road trip with a handsome stranger in.

  I threw on a flowy white shirt, some denim shorts, and slipped into a pair of pink converse, and stuffed a few similar outfits into a grocery store bag before running back out to the car.

  And just like that, I was off on a road trip with a man I met a few hours ago. I always lived such a careful life, and maybe it’s just because of what those girls said, or maybe it’s because of how unbelievable hot Tristan is, but right now I need to take a chance.


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