The Tie That Binds

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The Tie That Binds Page 16

by Maura, Catharina

  He leans in and whispers into my ear. “You asked for this, Alyssa. I have no problems showing your lover boy all the marks you so happily left on my body. Let’s see if he’s still so keen on picking you out bathing suits when he sees what you did to me this morning.”

  I chuckle humorously and stand on my tip toes. I grab his shirt and yank him closer to me, angry. “Don’t pretend to be the good guy here, Daniel. You just don’t want Olivia to see the kiss marks. You went as far as putting a bandaid on to make sure she didn’t see them. Don’t want to ruin your chances, do you? I wonder if she’ll still go for dinner with you when she finds out my lips have been all over your body..”

  I let go of his shirt and roughly push past him and an astonished Mary. “What did she say to you?” she enquires curiously as I lie down on one of the empty lounge chairs. Daniel shakes his head and storms past her and into the boat house while Dominic sits down by my feet. He’s smiling at me, but his smile is bittersweet.

  “Wow, you really grew up, huh?” Olivia says, glancing at my body. She’s wearing a nice black bikini and her abs are enviable, but she’s flatter and thinner than I thought she’d be. If that’s the kind of body type Daniel likes then he’ll never be satisfied with me. I smile at her politely as Daniel comes storming back in. He’s changed into his swim shorts but he’s still wearing his shirt. He drops his trousers on the seat next to mine and glares at Dominic before he slowly starts to unbutton his shirt, until it falls open. I ogle him through my sunglasses. He might piss me off right now but he’s still hot as fuck. He grins smugly as he shrugs his shirt off, letting it drop to the floor nonchalantly. Everyone stares at him with wide eyes and Olivia pales while Dominic looks away, hurt flashing through his eyes. I look down, feeling terrible about hurting him and embarrassed at the sight of the damage I did. He’s got over a dozen kiss marks on his body, all the way from his neck to the waistband of his swim shorts. I didn’t think I’d left so many. I obviously wasn’t thinking clearly when I did it. It’s evident that he was passionately manhandled very recently.

  Mary clears her throat and looks shocked. Her eyes automatically shift to me and back to Daniel. She suddenly looks contrite for a moment before she purses her lips to try and hide a smile, her eyes lighting up with amusement.

  “Cramp, my ass,” she mutters. I inconspicuously cover my face with my hair to try and hide my crimson cheeks and look down, filled with shame. What was I thinking..

  Daniel walks towards the pool and smiles at Olivia. “You wanted to swim, right, Liv?”

  She stares at him and blinks a couple of times before nodding uncomfortably. “I— you.. uh, your chest, Dan..”

  He looks down at the kiss marks I left on his skin and smiles to himself. “Oh, that.. yeah. To be honest, I didn’t expect to walk around half naked today or I would’ve told my girlfriend to behave. She wasn’t pleased with a decision I made recently. We had a disagreement and worked through it..vigorously.”

  Daniel smiles sheepishly and shrugs, looking far too pleased with himself. This nut job. Did he seriously just insinuate we had an argument and makeup sex? His not so subtle vulgarity is embarrassing as hell. Also, did he just call me his girlfriend?

  Dominic glances at me and shakes his head. There’s a flicker of jealousy in his eyes but he does his best to suppress it. “Fucking hell, Lyss,” he whispers. I look away and run a hand through my hair awkwardly. Thank god Olivia and Dana don’t realise it was me. I don’t dare to look up at Mary, though. I’m not sure I can ever face her again.

  “I didn’t know you had a girlfriend, Daniel,” Dana says, sounding just as disappointed as Olivia. He just grins at her and then glances at Dominic.

  “I do,” he says.


  Daniel was quiet the entire way home. We didn’t get a chance to speak to each other privately between entertaining guests, packing up to go back home and finishing some last minute things for work tomorrow.

  He looks pissed off as we enter the lift and he’s yet to say a word to me. I don’t understand what’s making him so angry. He’s the one that exposed his kiss marks and he’s the one that declared he had a girlfriend, only to avoid me afterwards.

  He drops our luggage to the floor as soon as we walk in and scoops me up. I yelp as he lifts me into his arms, one hand underneath my knees and one wrapped around me. He carries me to his bedroom and kicks the door open before placing me on his bed gently.

  I’m surprised when he helps me take off my flip-flops and kicks his own off before lying down next to me. He rolls so he’s on top of me and glares at me.

  “What’s wrong?” I ask, my voice quivering.

  “Nice bathing suit you had on today. I understand Dominic picked it out for you?” he bites out. My eyes widen. “Oh, that,” I murmur nervously.

  “Hmm, that,” he repeats. He glances at the red strap that’s peeking out from underneath my sundress, his eyes darkening. If I’d known it’d upset him this much I would’ve taken it off at the mansion. I kept it on because it dried nicely while I sunbathed and I figured I’d want to shower before bed anyway.

  He grabs the hem of my dress and lifts it up. “Off,” he orders. I raise my arms obediently and let him take it off. He throws my dress on the floor and stares down at my body hungrily.

  “I’ve gotta say, it does cup your perfect tits beautifully,” he murmurs. He grabs a handful of my breast and squeezes. He glares at my bikini top and puts his hands on the cups before pulling it apart in one fell swoop. The fabric tears like it’s nothing and I gasp as my breasts spring free. Daniel throws the remains of my bikini top on the floor with force, as though it personally offended him. He leans down and takes my nipple into his mouth. I moan and arch my back eagerly, making him chuckle. He pulls back and places his lips against my neck, sucking harshly. My eyes fall closed as a thousand different sensations crash through my body. Daniel pulls back and looks at the mark he made with satisfaction before doing the same thing on my collarbone, my chest and my stomach.

  He pauses when he reaches my bikini bottoms and stares at it in anger. He looks up at me and glares at me. “I saw you. I saw the way you hugged him. I saw the way he stroked your hair and held your hand. The way he pulled you away and towards the house. Did you let him into your bedroom? Did he go through your outfits to pick out the one he liked best?”

  He trails his nose against my inner thigh before sucking down and leaving another mark. I tremble underneath him. I’m beyond turned on. He’s never been this rough with me before and I’m almost embarrassed to admit that it drives me crazy.

  Daniel glances up at me and grins wickedly before tearing off my bikini bottoms, ruining it. He smiles down at me and kisses me on my lower stomach and down, until I’m trembling with need. He looks up at me and then drags his tongue down my slit, eliciting a loud moan from me. He moans at the same time I do. “I knew you’d be fucking delicious,” he whispers. He grins and slowly but surely drives me crazy. He swirls his tongue around my clit and has me ready to come within seconds. I bite down on my lip and try my best to hold on as he tortures me with both his tongue and his fingers. The combination of the two is almost too much for me, but every time I’m about to come he pulls away.

  “I don’t want him even thinking about you,” he bites out. “You’re mine, Alyssa, and I’m done playing games. I’m done stepping aside and trying to do the right thing. You’re mine.”

  He pushes a finger against my g-spot while he swirls his tongue around my clit and I almost lose it. “Ohh, fuck. Dan. Please..”

  “Say it, Alyssa,” he whispers.

  “I— what?” I can barely even think straight.

  He finally pushes me over the edge and I shatter on his lips, coming harder than I ever have before. I’m still trying to catch my breath when Daniel gently lifts me into the bed and pulls the covers over both of us. He rolls on top of me, his clothes cold against my skin.

  He brushes my hair out of my face and kisses me so sweetly that my
heart feels like it might burst.

  “Tell me you’re mine, Alyssa. Officially from now on. No more games. No more blurred lines. No more flirting with other people and making each other jealous. No more guessing and no more miscommunication. I want you, heart and soul. Tell me you want that too.”

  He looks so vulnerable as he stares down at me. I pull him to me and kiss him as gently as he just kissed me. Is he actually asking me what I think he’s asking? My heart is racing and hope blooms within me.

  “Only if you promise me there’ll be no more pulling back and hiding your thoughts and emotions, no more unwarranted jealousy and definitely no more separate bedrooms,” I whisper.

  Daniel exhales in relief and drops his forehead to mine. “I promise, Alyssa. I promise.” He glances at his walk-in wardrobe and grins. “I better make some space for you, huh?”

  I giggle and throw my arms around him. He nuzzles my neck and pulls back to kiss me. I moan against his lips, already wanting more.

  I pull away and glance at him, suddenly feeling vulnerable. “What is it, baby?” he whispers.

  “I.. do you.. it just kind of seems like, I don’t know. Do you not want to sleep with me?” I say, my words coming out rushed. I’m blushing and feeling embarrassed that I have to ask at all.

  Daniel looks at me with wide eyes. “What?” he says. “What the fuck?”

  He grabs my hand and shoves it down his shorts, making my feel how hard he is. “Alyssa, you could merely glance at me and I’ll want you. Hug me, and I’ll be painfully hard. I always want you, baby. What could possibly make you think I don’t?”

  I hesitate. “Communication, right baby?” he reminds me.

  I nod. “It’s just that you never seem to want to go all the way with me. You’ll kiss me and then just go to bed.. or you know.. you’ll touch me and then you won’t let me touch you in return and just go to sleep. It makes me think you might not really want me.”

  Daniel groans. “Alyssa, I’ve been trying to treat you respectfully. I didn’t want to rush into anything with you. You’re not some one night stand or a girl I know I’ll dump in a few weeks. You’re my wife. I wanted to do right by you.”

  He pulls a hand through his hair and shakes his head. “Jesus, Alyssa. I’m dying to sink my cock deep inside you. Fuck, you were so wet just now all I could thick about was how you’re going to feel wrapped around my dick. I’m throbbing at the mere thought of it. I need you so desperately, baby.. But you’re not just a quick fuck. I wanted it all with you. I wanted to make out with you and play with you without any expectations. Just pleasuring you brings me enough satisfaction.”

  I bite down on my lip and throw my arms around him, hugging him tightly. “Okay,” I whisper. “You’ve done it. You’ve done right by me. Don’t make me wait much longer, Daniel. A few more days or I’ll jump you myself.”

  He smiles and kisses me tenderly. It’s been a long time since everything has felt so right in the world, but tonight it truly does.


  “You got laid, didn’t you?” Linda says, grinning.

  I frown at her. “What are you talking about?”

  She smiles knowingly. “You keep smiling at your screen and zoning out. That’s never happened to you before. You’re always hyper focused on work, so it can only mean one thing. A man is involved. Besides, that’s obviously a hickey in your neck.”

  Jake and Luke stare at me with wide eyes, both of them obviously curious. Jake looks at me wistfully, as though part of him is hoping it isn’t true. He hasn’t tried to pursue me since he started working with me and I’m so relieved about it. It’d just get messy, especially if Daniel caught wind of it.

  I glare at Linda. “Fine,” I admit. “I’m dating someone. We’ve been seeing each other for a little while and finally made it official. I’m just kind of giddy, I guess.”

  Linda squeals and claps. “Oh my god! You’re actually dating someone!”

  I roll my eyes. She seems more excited about it than me. “Wow, you’ve never dated in all the time I’ve worked with you. Not that I know of, anyway. I’ve never seen you this happy before. It’s kind of weird to actually see you looking your age.”

  Linda is five years older than me and started at DM just before I did, though I did get promoted faster than she did. I’ve always appreciated that she takes me seriously despite my age, but I guess part of it might also be that I’ve always been really serious. Her smile drops when Daniel walks into the office. She nudges me and looks down. “Don’t tell the boss,” she whispers. I frown at her. “Why not?” I ask, confused. She just shakes her head and turns back to her screen. “Just don’t,” she murmurs.

  Daniel pauses at my desk with a wide smile on his face, causing the butterflies in my tummy to go wild. He places a coffee cup on my desk before holding a couple of other cups up for the rest of the team.

  We woke up together this morning and got ready for work together. It was incredibly sweet and exciting. I loved it. I wish we could’ve gone to work together, but Daniel had a meeting at Devereaux Inc. I discreetly ogle him as he hands out the rest of the coffee cups. He’s wearing the tie I picked out for him this morning. We barely managed to get dressed between the kisses. I take a sip of my coffee and look down at it with a wide smile. He got me a mocha? It’s my ultimate guilty pleasure but I rarely let myself have one. How did he know? Daniel winks at me and walks towards Kate to give her a cup of coffee before he disappears into his office.

  I’m antsy and eager to get some time alone with him. I need his lips on mine already. I try to focus on work as best as I can. We’ll be going to Singapore together next week and I’m so excited about it. It’ll be our first trip together, and I want it to be perfect.

  “Alyssa,” Daniel shouts. He frowns and I jump up, immediately back into work mode. I think back to my schedule and whether anything could’ve gone wrong but come up empty. I walk into his office and close the door behind me.

  I walk around his desk quickly. “What’s wrong, Daniel?” I ask. He grins at me and lifts me onto his desk easily. He parts my legs and stands between them, cupping my head gently. He lowers his lips to mine and kisses me eagerly.

  “God, I missed you,” he whispers. His hands trails down my leg as he kisses me, until he reaches the lace fabric of my panties. He pushes it aside and moans against my lips. “So wet for me already, baby.”

  He pulls away from me and sits down on his chair. I try to close my legs but he shakes his head and keeps them open.

  “Do you remember that time you sat down on my desk and caged me in with your legs? We were arguing and I was being cold to you.”

  The smile on my lips vanishes. “Yeah. You told me you wanted to see other people,” I bite out. I try to jump off his desk but Daniel holds me in place. He rises just slightly and presses a kiss to my lips. “Easy, baby. Let me finish,” he pleads.

  “I thought you were the most beautiful thing I’d ever seen. And when you sat down on my desk, your stunning legs on either side of my thighs and those damn red lace panties right in front of me.. All I wanted was to bury my face between your legs.”

  He grins at me and leans in to kiss my inner thigh. “So let me overwrite that bad memory, my love,” he murmurs, right before he pushes my underwear aside fully and finds my clit with his tongue. He laps me up and then inserts a finger, playing with my body expertly. He makes me come hard right there on his desk, his name on my lips. I cover my mouth with my hand and try my best to keep my moans quiet as I shatter.

  Daniel pulls back and puts him finger in his mouth with a wicked grin. “Fuck. So good,” he moans. “I’ll never ever get enough of watching you come for me, Alyssa.”

  I blush fiercely and jump off his desk, unsteady. Daniel grabs my waist and helps me balance until my legs finally decide to work again. I’m trembling and panting, my head still spinning from how hard I just came.

  “You— you..” I bite out.

  He grins and bites down on his lips, his brows ra

  “Did you actually need something?” I say eventually. Daniel shakes his head and grins up at me so cutely I can’t even be mad.

  “No playing around at work,” I warn him, before storming out. I must’ve looked angry with my red cheeks and my mild annoyance because my team immediately quiets and gets to work diligently.

  I’ve only been working for about ten minutes when the intranet messaging system pops up. I click on it carelessly, expecting it to be someone from one of the other departments. Instead, it’s Daniel.

  Daniel Devereaux: but I like playing with you, wifey. There are so many things I’ve been fantasising about doing to you. Surely you won’t begrudge a man such small requests?

  * * *

  Alyssa Carter: Have you lost your mind? This is the work intranet! It’s on my screen! What if someone walks past me?

  * * *

  Daniel Devereaux: I’ll fire them. Do you know how long I’ve wanted to bend you over my desk and fuck you? Baby, I want you kneeling down between my legs underneath my desk. I want you sitting on top of your desk with your legs spread wide.. You can’t just kill my dreams, my love.

  * * *

  I clench my thighs together tightly. I just came and I’m already ridiculously turned on again. How does he do this to me?

  * * *

  Alyssa Carter: You can’t just fire someone, Dan. There are these things called labour laws. You’d better get to work. Stop making me wet and desperate for you.

  * * *

  Daniel Devereaux: Wet and desperate, huh. How do you expect me to work now? All I can think about is your tight hot pussy. I’m taking you tonight, Alyssa. I can’t wait any longer.

  * * *

  My eyes widen and I gasp. Linda glances at me and I immediately click away my chat with Daniel.


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