Endgame (Book 2): Alekhine's Gun

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Endgame (Book 2): Alekhine's Gun Page 59

by W. A. R.

  Soon, within minutes, everyone was loaded down and they were surrounding her. Michael cleared his throat. “The first house will be Lawrence. For those of you that do not know, he is one of the few that go around and take out Biters from the holes and from the razor wire. He also gets wood, goes out to the towns for supplies…he does a lot and should anything happen he would be responsible for a lot. We can fit him with some guns and knives or…tools…” he paused steeling a glance at Amber, who only glanced at the bag in her hand and smiled, remembering just how these ‘tools’ had saved her many times.

  “You’d be surprised.” She said easily, turning back the path before her, watching her steps. It was going to be a long walk, she knew, considering he was on the other side of town, but she knew what they were doing. They had to save gas in the truck, had to also push their endurance. They were beginning their training and they didn’t even know it.

  “So, names…” Miles said easily, glancing at Amber because he knew she had the answers. She swallowed thickly. The deep timbre of his voice resonated through her bones and she felt her anxiety heighten.

  “I thought it was originally going to just be me, but since we have you three now, we need to figure this out.” She paused, earning looks from them all. They were curious what she meant and she licked her lips before speaking. “Before deciding names, I need you to realize that your name and personality will be significant in twisting Adrian’s head. It may take time, but I believe it will slowly drive him insane. Pick something good.” She paused, swallowing thickly. “Damien told me what would be most beneficial.”

  Miles nodded. “Alright, so hit me…who am I?” he asked and Amber bit her tongue. She knew what name she wanted him to have, what story, because in all reality, logically, it was perfect for what she wanted to do to torment Adrian. It was something that she had thought long and hard on all night while she hit that punching bag. Miles could be the one that showed Adrian what a real man was like.

  “Miles, you decide your own name…one that you can react appropriately to as if it was your own.” He offered her an amused look before she continued. “Rory Benjamin was Adrian’s real name, though he changed it when Damien was a small child to Adrian Smith. Adrian does not know that Damien knew this information. His mother told him.” She paused, looking at him with concern. “Whatever name you choose will carry a lot of weight, so be careful.” She warned.

  Miles nodded then, smiling. “Alright deal.” He leveled his eyes at her. “My name will be Roman Collins.”

  Amber lifted a brow at this, surprise at how quick his decision was. “Alright…Roman.”

  Lacy was next. “And me?” she asked and Amber glanced up to see how far Lawrence’s house was from where they walked. It wasn’t too far ahead. She sighed.

  “Lacy, Damien was in love with a girl…her name was Sara Lovlis…you will be Sara Henderson. That’s the one exception…you don’t get to choose your name. She was the first victim in his twisted games when he put her in the pit with her experimented on father. This one will be difficult to handle because she was how he decided to lash out against something inherently good in this world. We will go over what your personality, or how you should act, later tonight as well.”

  Lacy nodded without hesitation. “You got it.”

  Buddy was after Lacy, merely lifting a brow in question and breathing one word. “Patrick.”

  Amber shifted the guns on her shoulder, preventing them from sliding off. She was also surprised by how sudden he had decided his name. “Alright. Buddy, I guess your name will be Patrick…Hamilton?” She could sense the hesitation from everyone around her. She cleared her throat. “Look…Ethan was the name that Adrian had wanted to give to Damien when he was born but Damien’s mother won out with the name she chose. This did not go over well…at all. He was desperate for this name because for some twisted reason this name meant perfection, diligence, and aspiration in Adrian’s mind. This was another piece of knowledge that Damien’s mother shared with him without Adrian’s knowing. This will be the type of person you will be.” She explained before receiving a curt nod. She knew he wouldn’t like that personality expectation for him, but he didn’t disagree, didn’t argue. Lacy turned her eyes to Amber as they neared Lawrence’s porch. Amber held back, allowing Michael and Riley to step up first. Her shoulder ached something awful and she set down the bag of tools wincing.

  Lacy spoke then, asking what Amber knew would be next. “So, what about you then?”

  Amber shifted on her feet to turn and face the young woman as Michael knocked on Lawrence’s door. She sighed, knowing, feeling Buddy’s and Miles’s eyes on her as well. “My name will be Amelia. She was Damien’s mother. Adrian beat her and killed her. She was his first ever kill, before the world went to hell in a handbasket, but some part of him also loved her too…and only her. We will…go over all of the history behind the names tonight when we review our back stories, personalities, and the relationships with one another we should portray.” She stopped speaking as Lawrence came around the side of the house, wiping his hands on his jeans. Derek, Rick, and Jacob were behind him, sweat running down their faces though the morning brought a chill to Amber’s bones. She blamed it on her emotions.

  They all spoke for a long moment even before any of the weapons were exchanged. Michael had suggested taking the guns and weapons from Amber first considering her shoulder. She wanted to argue but didn’t. She couldn’t deny the fact that it felt as if it were on fire. And so, she allowed the men to take away the guns and the bag and then she stood stretching her arms, wincing, as they also took a few guns from Miles. They all conversed for a few minutes before Lawrence and the three men that had volunteered for duty under him disappeared, weapons with them. Amber attempted to take the pressure off of the others that were still carrying weapons, but none would relinquish their holds. And so, she walked beside them, hands in her pockets, when Miles spoke.

  “So Damien told you all of this?” he asked, his brow lifted in surprise. Amber looked away, remembering their conversations, how Damien had entrusted her with everything.

  She swallowed. “Yes…he did.” She said and before Miles could say anything, Michael intervened and for a brief flash of a second she was relieved.

  “Keep in mind that after today, we will all be addressing you as your new aliases. You need to condition yourselves to respond to these given names. You do not answer unless someone calls you by your new name.”

  “Seriously?” Buddy asked and Michael snapped his eyes to the man as they changed course to Jody’s home next.

  “There cannot be one slip up. One slip up can mean death.”

  Buddy scoffed. “Okay, but Amber convinced them all that we were dead, right? And that asshole Justin thinks Miles and Shelly are goners too…so what’s the deal? I’m sure they won’t think anything of it.” Amber felt her feet grow heavy and her heart rate picked up. Rusty passed by her, giving her an apologetic look. He knew it was coming as well and there was no stopping it. Michael then glanced at her and she shook her head, trying to rid herself of the feelings that were coming over her. Guilt was hidden in their depths but she knew that those feelings would not hold him back because the others deserved to know what they were getting themselves into.

  “We can’t take the risk. We cannot risk anyone finding out who Amber is…and your real names relate to her.” Michael finally said. He bit his bottom lip, catching curious and suspicious looks from the trio that would be joining them on their mission. “I’m sorry…he absolutely cannot know who she is…under absolutely no circumstance can he figure it out. Can you all agree to this?”

  And for a moment everything is silent. They had stopped moving by this point, realizing that something was amiss. She could hear the question in their minds. If they had witnessed her death, and believed her to be dead, why would they be so concerned with her? Miles, however, merely studied her, watching her fear turn into hate and disgust for herself. Finally, they all nodded.
  “Absolutely.” Miles said, straightening. Lacy agreed as well, but Buddy hesitated. Amber knew that he was going to ask and she hated him for that.

  “Why is she so important?” he asked and she winced. Riley also stepped in front of her, as if protecting her. “They watched her die.”

  Michael sighed. “They will go looking for her body and if they realize she isn’t dead then they will hunt for her. The body will be gone. We made sure of that…but there is always a possibility that someone didn’t believe her death to be legit.”

  Lacy was confused now. “Why would they look for her body in the first place? I mean…I thought all they were doing was looking for live people to experiment on. Wasn’t he obsessed with making monsters?”

  Amber lifted a brow at the girl, then glanced at Miles, knowing that he had been the one to tell Lacy everything. She appreciated that. Still, it surprised her that he didn’t seem the slightest bit…well, surprised. Instead, his eyes were locked on her and he was tense as if ready to fight. Riley spoke then. “Yes.” Was all he said and Buddy turned to face them all fully, his eyes betraying his frustration. Amber flinched but stepped around Rusty to stand beside him.

  “So why in the hell would they want her body if they are only concerned with…with…a fucking cross between a cure and genetic modification?” he asked and she winced, her fingers finding the hem of her shirt. Miles’s eyes found hers again through the turmoil, and she felt all other eyes fall on her when there was no response. She was terrified then, terrified of their reactions and their hate, terrified of herself in that moment. Her heart raced dangerously. Her eyes pricked with unshed tears as she turned her gaze to the side, to the ground and she opened her mouth to speak, to try to explain herself when Miles cut her off.

  “That doesn’t even matter. What matters is that we are going in after Brian and after these innocent people and they will all be depending on our acting, so to speak.” He spat out almost heatedly. His voice was deep and left no room for argument while his stature told them all that he was serious. Amber watched as he shifted the guns on his shoulder. “That is what we are doing this for.”

  “What we are risking our lives for…” Amber trailed off, placing her hands firmly on her hips. She glanced at Miles as he grinned a little at her, the action warming her heart in ways that she had forgotten. She was grateful for his interference but she had to ask…did he know or could he just tell that she was afraid and uncomfortable and wanted to rid her of that feeling? She wouldn’t know. Still, she was eternally grateful for the change of direction of the conversation. Yet another emotionally charged confession narrowly avoided.

  Michael stepped forward. “They are right. There is one hell of a lot to go over. This won’t be easy and it isn’t a game. We could all die…. easily.”

  Riley cleared his throat. “Very easily.”

  “Look guys…I’m sorry I acted so rashly yesterday but there was a reason I didn’t want you to go.” Amber said stepping forward. Her hands were twisted together in a tangled mess of fingers and palms at her waist.

  “We know…” Lacy began but Amber shook her head.

  “No, you don’t. None of you do.” She glanced at Buddy. “You are all treating this like it will be easy, like it is some mere test with no big worries but it isn’t. There is a lot at risk here. We are going up against a man that has hundreds of people at his disposal, a man that is torturing and experimenting on live humans, a man that kills and tortures people for his own entertainment and anytime he feels necessary.” Amber looked desperately at them all. “This man is twisted, and is very influential and charismatic. He is a wolf in sheep’s skin and he hates failing. He will be looking for us, for proof of us because we have killed a significant amount of his men as well as his son and when he doesn’t get it, there will be hell to pay. It is going to get ugly and we are going to have to do things we would never do…”

  “Like…like what?” Lacy asked, and Amber realized that she had their full attention by then.

  Amber gulped, hating her next words. “Like hurting or killing innocent people, turning away from interfering in situations we would otherwise interfere in. We are going to have to appear to belong while molding and changing these people from the inside a little at a time. There will be a lot of pain and regret in this. I…I didn’t want you all to go through that. And I certainly don’t want you…any of you…to underestimate him, his power, or his people.” She paused and licked her dry lips. “Look, I have had time to accept all of this and my possible fate. I have had time to understand and study what I am getting into while you guys haven’t. I don’t want you guys to endure it. It is going to get bad in there and we are going to need to be strong…both mentally and physically. That’s why it would be better if I went in there by myself, so there isn’t as much of a chance of anything being compromised.”

  “So, you think you should go through it alone? I don’t think so.” Miles told her roughly, taking a few long strides towards her. She shifted on her feet and looked down at the ground, unsure of why she was feeling so apprehensive.

  “I would rather…” she began, even knowing that there was no arguing with the man, when suddenly his finger under her chin urged her to bring her stare to meet his. She gasped and clamped her mouth shut in response to his touch. He was close, so very close and his expression told her that he understood everything that she hadn’t needed to say. It was firm and accepting.

  “You won’t be alone. You will never be alone.” He told her softly. They stared at one another for just a second before he nodded, clearly satisfied with whatever he saw in her eyes, and dropped his hand turning to the others. He sighed and ran a hand across the length of his face. “This may be hard, terrifying, but I am still willing to risk it and I will do whatever it takes to ensure we don’t get found out. I understand that this is not some test or a game, that our lives and the lives of innocent people are on the line. But I am still in this.” He stated, looking at Buddy and Lacy. Lacy seemed uncertain and scared. “The world, corrupt or not, should not have a human being like him in it. Let’s bring him down.”

  Buddy laughed. “Count me in.” he lifted a brow at Amber. “Like I would ever back down from a fight.” He stated, shifting the guns on his shoulders and the bags in his hands. Amber shook her head in defeat. These two men were so hard-headed and stubborn, she thought as they shook hands and clapped one another on the back. Amber, however, kept her eyes on Lacy, who appeared torn, tears and fear in her eyes.

  “Sara…” she began, using the alias name for the first time. Lacy, however, didn’t react and continued staring at the ground with wide eyes. Her bags were on the ground at her feet.

  “Who’s Sara?” Buddy asked, curious as he turned from Miles for a moment. Once he followed Amber’s line of sight, realization lit across his face, having remembered their newly given names. “Oh, right…”

  “Sara…? Are you alright?” Amber asked. Still, she didn’t answer. Amber knew what was wrong with her and she felt the guilt tie up her chest into a tight vise. She placed a hand openly against her chest without thinking. “I don’t want you to go. You don’t have to go.” She tried pleading with the young woman. Lacy shook her head and moved, her guns sliding against her arms as she lowered them to the ground. Everyone watched this, Buddy and Miles no longer whole-heartedly expressing their enthusiasm.

  “I…” she began, taking a few steps back, still staring at the ground and Amber knew then that everything she had said had frightened her. There had still been so much that the woman didn’t know.

  “Lacy…” Amber expressed softly, reaching out for her. Lacy jerked back and brought her flaming and angry eyes to Amber’s. It was as if she were blaming Amber for everything that had happened to her.

  “Shut up.” Her words came out breathless and rapid, strained. “I…” she gulped “I need time to think.” She stated hotly before turning and leaving them standing there. After watching her walk away down the broken asp
halt covered road, Amber and Miles both went to retrieve the weapons she had left. Amber sighed, feeling remorseful. She had never meant to scare anyone; she just needed them to understand the truth of what they were venturing into.

  The truth that they were coming face to face with the devil and his demons and they would have to pretend to be one of them…and hopefully, just hopefully not let it change them into the very thing they feared.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  One week later…

  The fabric of the blindfold rubbed roughly against the sensitive skin of her cheek and she flinched. She struggled to make a sound, any sound, but the cloth gag in her mouth left her unable to do so. Sweat beaded on her brow and rolled down, meeting the cloth and spreading into the fabric, avoiding her eyes. Her footsteps were level, decisive, as she listened and felt for any indication of where she may be. All she could make out, however, was the stink of death and the sounds of doors shutting. Glass and metal doors. She knew that they had to be in a large building of sorts. More footsteps other than her own and her captors. She wasn’t alone…then again, she didn’t figure she would be, circumstances being what they were. Amber felt her hands tense behind her back, the swords’ scabbards rubbing against her tied hands as the hand on her elbow led her through these doors. She followed blindly and silently, though not without nervous apprehension scratching at her mind and squeezing her chest in the tight band that she was unable to loosen. She was not putting up a struggle or a fight. There was no reason for one. The rough hand on her elbow led her, turning her slightly so that she felt the soft cushion of a chair against the back of her legs. The hand moved to her shoulder forcing her down and so easily, she fell into the seat, unable to balance her momentum.


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