Endgame (Book 2): Alekhine's Gun

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Endgame (Book 2): Alekhine's Gun Page 90

by W. A. R.

  Amber wanted to ask what Rusty had meant by that, but she never got the chance. Once the men raised their hands in surrender, there was the roar of truck engines and tires squealing on pavement behind them. The pair immediately reached forward and grabbed the collars of the two strange men, jerking them against their chests and aiming the guns at their heads. They weren’t sure what was going on, but it didn’t take a genius to know that it had something to do with either the women or the men they had. Either they would be hostages or human shields. Either way was fine. Miles and Amber turned to see what the commotion was, only to see a very large armored truck whip in, followed by two more trucks. The armored truck ran into and over whatever zombies were in its way, as well as the young women that they had just killed. Amber’s heart beat wildly in her chest and she shifted minutely closer to Miles. The two men they held against them grumbled something and Amber pressed the barrel of the gun tighter against his head. She glanced at Miles. There it was again, that heavy settling in the pit of her stomach; the weighted feeling that told her that this was what had been waiting for her, what had been bothering her since that morning.

  “Oh shit.” Miles muttered, keeping his gun raised and stepping slightly around and in front of Amber. Amber kept her gun raised as well, peeking around Miles’s side. Rusty, however, stepped closer to them and raised his hands into the air.

  “Rusty, what in the hell is going on?” Amber asked him once he got close enough to hear. She could hear the anxiety in her voice, could taste the fear on her tongue. He kept his eyes on the trucks as they pulled to a screeching stop before them. Rusty didn’t get to answer her, however.

  “I suggest you lower your weapons and release my men.” A loud voice bellowed over a speaker. The voice sent a chill up Amber’s spine and Miles stepped further in front of her. Amber and Miles hesitated, unsure and quite frankly, frightened. Amber was scared. There were weapons on top of these trucks, and God knew how many people inside. They were overbearing, overwhelming, and she was terrified.

  “Lower your guns. Do what he says.” Rusty demanded and it was clear he was tense as well. He was tense and agitated and maybe even a little scared himself; however, he seemed as if he knew what he was doing. Seeing this, Amber touched Miles’s arm in assurance, in a pleading way. They needed to comply or they would surely die. He was reluctant, glancing at her in desperation, and when she nodded, he loosened his hold. Together, they lowered their weapons and their holds on the men. The two men that they had released were gone then, having seen their opportunity, and they rushed around them and towards the trucks. The two men met them at the doors of the trucks. Miles and Amber then knelt, placing them slowly on the ground. The air around her grew thick and heated.

  “Stay behind me.” Miles ordered her and she nodded, her hand finding its way to rest on his back. As long as she kept her hold on him, she would be fine. He needed to stay in sight and within reach. That was all she was asking for. Sweat beaded on her brow, falling down her neck and her adrenaline was high. It didn’t take but a split second for the driver door on the armored vehicle to open.

  “Well, well, well…I was wondering when I would see you again brother.” A familiar voice spoke out from behind the open door and tinted window. Amber’s heart leapt into her throat and Miles visibly relaxed, though he kept his composure. Ryder stepped from the door and closed it behind him, followed by many other doors being open. Other men and women clambered out of the trucks, guns held high and pinned to Miles and Amber. Rusty lowered his hands, though he didn’t move. He wouldn’t leave their side. Ryder made his way towards them, and Amber saw the heavy question in his eyes: What in the hell are you doing here?

  “Yeah, Michael and I have been…” Rusty began, but he was immediately cut off by another voice coming closer.

  “Busy…” Amber straightened and Miles tensed. Amber gripped his shirt to remind him that she was there and that he shouldn’t lunge at the man. Justin was ambling up to them, gun in hand. His eye was swollen still, the dark bruise that had once been there fading. His jaws and cheeks were still swollen and disfigured. He looked like he had literally been run over, with the cuts and the gashes across his skin as well. Her eyes widened slightly and an incomprehensible anger came over her. She felt her heart pick up its pace and the tug of fear in her stomach. She became so vividly alert that she could sense everything: how light he was breathing, how his eyes strayed to where she stood, how the moisture in the air smelt, and the taste of blood on her tongue from where she bit her cheek to keep from lashing out. Justin’s eyes landed on her and she shivered. Yet another man that tried to kill her.

  A man that believed he did.

  Rusty leveled his gaze at Justin. “What in the hell happened to you?”

  Justin instantly bristled, jerking his stare from Amber to Rusty. “Nothing.” He stated. Rusty turned to Ryder, lifting an eyebrow in curiosity.

  Ryder shrugged. “Nothing of importance. Now tell me,” he began, stepping past Rusty and aiming for Amber and Miles. “Are these people friends of yours?” he asked, and his eyes were begging them to agree. They had to comply because right then, that was all there was to do. Amber cleared her throat to speak but Rusty was first.

  “Yes. We met a while back. Had a run-in with a horde and lost track of Michael, Riley and two of their people.” He stated with ease. Amber glanced at Miles and stepped from behind him, much to his chagrin. He growled low in his throat, but otherwise remained still. A few guns clicked their hammers and she froze. Ryder turned and held out his hand, lowering his arm. Reluctantly the men lowered their weapons as well. Amber was vividly reminded of when she had met Michael and the brothers. “They are trustworthy, and very skilled…”

  “We saw that for ourselves.” Ryder looked between the two of them appreciatively. “Those three women captured all three of you and yet…these two took them down within five seconds and without breaking a sweat.” He grinned a little, a genuine grin. “Impressive.”

  Amber bristled, deciding to go along with their slow forming plan for pulling through this surprise interrogation. “We are standing right here, asshole. Whatever you have to say about us, why don’t you say it to us.” She snapped and Ryder leveled his eyes at her for a moment. He studied her before lowering his gaze and chuckling.

  “So,” Ryder began, looking between Amber and Miles like the good actor that he was. He turned his eyes back to Rusty. “Are they willing to come along?”

  “That’s where we were headed. Stopped here for supplies and ran into those women.” Rusty told him and Ryder nodded, never taking his eyes from Miles and Amber.

  “You two saved our men. You deserve a reward. Do you have names?” he asked, finally addressing them and Miles clenched his jaw. Amber inhaled sharply. This was it, the first page in a horrifying book she had been too afraid to read and yet too determined and resolved to put down.

  “I’m Roman…and this is…” Pause. “Amy…Amelia.” Miles shared and Amber couldn’t resist straightening at this statement. Ryder looked between the two of them, studying them. Justin did as well and noted how very protective Miles was of Amber. He sneered in distaste at the revelation.

  “Nice to meet you both. So, you are going to the compound?” Ryder asked, turning and glancing over his shoulder at his trucks and his men. He was waiting on something…on someone.

  “That’s what we’re told.” Amber replied hotly, a bit on edge. She needed to be though. She had to pretend she didn’t know this man. For all intents and purposes, this man, this friend-slash-stranger made them lower their guns and was treating them like cattle almost. Their plan of action that was supposed to be put into effect in another week, was going into action right then and there. They stood there, complying with every lie and every story that the two brothers decided to come up with to make their presence acceptable.

  “Good. You three can follow us.” Ryder shared before stepping a little closer and waving over some man. “Now, as a precaution, we need t
o rid you of your weapons. Please lift your hands.” And they did as he requested.

  “I don’t like to be touched.” Amber immediately stated. Ryder studied her as the man stepped forward. Without a second thought to her warning he placed his hands on her shoulders to remove her sword’s scabbard straps. Amber snapped, jerking her knee up and into his groin. Once he doubled over, she gripped the back of his head with one hand and rammed her elbow into the side of his throat. He fell over, crying out in pain. She turned, hearing the sounds of guns clicking back into place. She lifted her hands back into the air, her heart beating like a bass drum deep inside of her chest.

  “Well…” Ryder trailed off in amusement.

  Miles shrugged. “She told you she didn’t like to be touched.” He taunted. Ryder crossed his arm across his chest and stroked his chin in thought. Amber’s heart pounded in her ears and she found it so very difficult to breathe. It hurt, her chest, as it constricted.

  “Obviously.” He stated. Amber couldn’t have them run their hands along her body and find not one, but two bite marks…one recent and still bandaged. That was one thing that she couldn’t risk.

  “Look, we are all going to the same place…” Miles began, looking from Ryder to all of the men before looking at Ryder again. “We will relinquish all of our weapons to you willingly…”

  “Don’t lie to us, we won’t lie to you.” Amber picked up on his offer.

  Miles nodded in agreement with Amber’s words. “We are just asking for trust.”

  Ryder looked at them, the look in his eyes playful and amused. “I think we can do that.” He stated and Miles and Amber both nodded, relieved beyond belief.

  “Thank you.” Amber and Miles both stated before slowly moving to remove their weapons from their bodies. She shrugged out of the straps of her scabbard while he removed his daggers and then his guns. She handed over her swords, her gun, and her knife while he did the same. She felt bare, vulnerable, and naked without her weapons. Ryder and Rusty wouldn’t let these men hurt them, would they? Her mind was racing as she stood there under their scrutiny. This was it, the beginning of the end. How had this happened? She would not be able to tell her daughter and Elliot goodbye, and she would not be able to alleviate her mother’s fears. They were going to go face the danger that is in the compound, to face the fears that they had been putting off for so long. She was scared, terrified, and she wasn’t sure how to handle things that were happening other than agreeing with what they were saying, going along with the inevitable. And yet, there was a sense of calm about her with the realization that everything she had been waiting for, training for, was finally happening.

  She was going to be torn from her family yet again.

  “Now, I need you both to understand something.” Ryder stated, seeming a little uncertain.

  A man rushed up behind him, something blue in his hands, and he stood there patiently. Another man rounded them, something red in his hands and accompanied by two men with semi-automatic weapons. Miles watched the three men until he disappeared behind them and the click of the guns right behind them heightened the intensity of the situation. Miles shifted slightly towards Amber, his eyes reflecting her own concern.

  Ryder continued, moving closer. “With the many deaths we have recently had, I am so very sure there is someone that really, really, would like to meet the people that saved some of his men.” His eyes dabbled with regret before he turned to face a man that had come to stand behind him. “I am sorry but this is necessary.” He said and before either her or Miles had a chance to react, Ryder’s hand shot out and grabbed her by the neck. It was lightning fast, too fast for her to defend herself. He jerked her, turning her and as soon as her back collided with his chest he slapped a cold wet cloth over her nose and mouth. The scent was sweet, almost intoxicating and panic set in. She knew what it was; chloroform. With every rapid breath she took, the scent melded into her veins. She screamed into the cloth and instantly began kicking and scratching at his arm, at his hand. She knew she was drawing blood.

  “No!” Miles exclaimed rushing forward toward her. He was stopped by two men grabbing him by his arms and a third quickly grabbing his hair and jerking his head back, pressing the red cloth to his nose and mouth. He yelled muffled obscenities at the men while struggling to throw them off of him. One man brought his gun to the backs of his knees, the metal colliding with muscle and Miles’s knees buckled. He groaned and fell, his knees colliding hard with the pavement. Ryder’s arm pressed hard against her chest, his grip on her shoulder making her want to scream but he was holding her still. She cried out, her eyes wide and focused on Miles. She kicked back and Ryder stumbled.

  “Just take it. You will be fine. I promise.” Ryder hissed in her ear for only her to hear. Her heart was racing, though it was slowing down, as was her breathing. She felt her muscles beginning to go lax, her eyes starting to droop. No, no no! she screamed in her mind, watching in desperation as Miles’s eyes began to roll into his head, they couldn’t be knocked unconscious. Their heavy breaths from struggling made the chloroform settle even more heavily in her veins. “You are both going to be alright.” Ryder whispered to her before nodding at his brother, coming off as a little disturbing and foreshadowing. Then loudly, “Can’t have you seeing where it is we are going until we know more about you.” He finished with a wicked laugh. Rusty stepped forward then, his arms reaching out for her. Her vision blurred around the edges, Rusty’s concerned face going in and out of focus. Amber got the hint. They were going to face the firing squad and she hoped beyond all hope, they survived. They were going to meet the man behind their very mission, the man behind so many lives being taken away. Miles looked up at her one last time with tired eyes before collapsing into a heap on the ground. Amber, wanting nothing more than to fight, felt her arms fall to her sides and her eyes finally succumbed to the darkness beckoning to her. She complied to Ryder’s will and went limp, unable to stand any longer, though not without reluctance out of fear. She was going to meet the sum of all fear, the thorn in her side.

  They were finally going to meet Adrian.

  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Chapter Thirty-Three




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