Say You'll Be Mine

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Say You'll Be Mine Page 4

by Carter Blake

  I am not looking forward to work today. I’m more than a little hungover after a night out on the booze, and this is the last place in the world that I need to be. I knew that I shouldn’t have drunk too much last night, and usually I don’t when I know that I have to be in the office the next day, but at the moment my emotions are all over the place with regards to Naomi, and I just felt like I needed something to take the edge off.

  However, once I step inside, and I see a brown envelope sitting on the ground beneath me, and it piques my intrigue making me forget the intense throbbing that’s in my head. I already know that it won’t be work because no one leaves me documents in that way, because it all goes through Amber first, so it needs to be something different.

  Unfortunately I left the office early yesterday, so I have no idea who would have been here later to slip this under my door. As I sit in my chair behind my desk, and I open it, my heart starts to beat a whole lot faster. This is a photocopied butt, but definitely not a joke one.

  This is one that has been set aside specifically to turn me on, and boy is it working. It shows a very curvy body, one that has me imagining all kinds of things, and that’s even without seeing the perpetrators’ face.

  Who could have done this? Could it have been Naomi? Or is that wishful thinking? I only assume that it might be because nothing like this has ever happened before, and it’s a new innovative way of getting my attention.

  I run my fingers along the image, stopping on the very distinctive looking strawberry birthmark at the top of this woman’s thigh. That instantly proves to me that it isn’t a woman that I’ve been with before because it’s the type of thing that I would have noticed. I need to know who this is, I need to know if this is Naomi, but I don’t know how I’m going to find out without blatantly looking.

  “Morning, Mr. Montgomery,” Amber grins at me as she walks into the room. “How are you feeling this morning?”

  I notice that she’s wearing a swing skirt, that if she moved in the right way I could probably check out her ass…just to be safe. She has been acting a little jealous about Naomi, which does make me wonder. Maybe, noticing that I like her has sparked something within Amber, and it’s made her realize that she does want me after all…or maybe she just doesn’t like being the center of my focus. But how can I find out without being obvious?

  “I’m good,” I reply distractedly, glancing down at her legs. “What do you have for me today?”

  “Well, Chris wants to call another meeting. I think he’s concerned about the overspending of the budget in certain areas at the moment.” She doesn’t need to say it aloud because it’s obvious she means my new PR hire. “So do you want to set a time for that?”

  “Let’s just do it now,” I sigh deeply. “Get it over and done with. I don’t think that I’ll be able to deal with him later, and that droning tone of voice.”

  Amber laughs at this, appreciating my humor a little too enthusiastically, before turning on her heels and leaving me behind. With a deep groan, and one last glace at the images, I make my way into the board room with only one thought on my mind. I don’t care too much about overspending on the budget, especially not if it’s because of that party I asked Naomi to organize, because I did set an impossible task that only throwing a lot of money at it will solve. I just want to know who the birthmark belongs to.

  I get Amber to make everyone drinks while we sit around the table, just in case I can see her bending over at any point, but unfortunately, it doesn’t quite happen. She seems to be pointedly not letting me see, which makes me think even more that it might just be her. For the first time in a very long time, the thought of Amber wanting me doesn’t fill me with joy.

  I’ve wanted her for such a long time, but now that she might just want me back…well it isn’t her that I’m interested in anymore.

  “Well, I disagree with that,” Naomi says sharply, drawing my attention back into the conversation. “I think we do need to spend all of that money, if we want this party to be a success. It wasn’t easy to get the heads of the city hospitals to come at such short notice, but they’ve made some space in their schedule so I really think that we need to put on an amazing bash for them. It might be a small overspend now, but in the end it’ll benefit the company tenfold. It will benefit in the long run.”

  Chris argues back in his very boring manner, which makes me smile a little secretly to myself. At least Naomi can hold her own in this building, that has to say something. The other PR staff I’ve had have been railroaded by accountants, so I’m actually quite pleased. Plus, she’s bringing a new, innovative approach which now seems to be working. We can’t turn our back on that.

  “Let’s just see this as an experiment,” I jump in diplomatically, wanting to please them both. “We will run this party as is, and see what a difference it makes with all the heads of hospitals attending. If, financially, it doesn’t work out, then we will take a different approach next time. Naomi is right, we do need to start thinking a bit more outside the box if we want to grow.”

  She shoots me a grateful grin, and Chris nods sharply, which I decide to take as a good sign. At least they both seem to be in agreement with this one now. I’ve managed to calm things down before they escalated, which is what I’m here for. I just hope that Naomi is right, and this will be a success, because it would amuse me to see Chris brought down a peg or two.

  “Right, well if no one else has any business, I think it might be time to get back to work.”

  A low hum of noise sets up about the room as everyone gathers up their belongings and talks quietly among themselves about work. I glance over to where Naomi is, noticing that she isn’t making much effort to move, which has me doing the same. It’s quite clear that she’s waiting to speak to me, and that excites me a whole lot. Sure, she might just be stopping to tell me more about the party, but even if there’s the small chance that she’s going to confess to the pictures and solve the mystery for me, then I really want to hear it.

  “Is everything alright?” I ask, while the others filter from the room. “Can I do anything for you?”

  “Yes, I just wanted to ask you some catering questions…”

  I can instantly tell that this is an excuse. That’s the sort of thing that she’s more than capable of dealing with all by herself.

  “I just want to know if I need to include gluten free and vegan food, because it’ll cost a lot more. I don’t want to upset the accountings team anymore.”

  “That’s fine, it’s much better to be safe than sorry. You don’t want to offend any guests by not catering to their specific needs.”

  “You’re right,” she sends me a heart-stopping smile, which stirs everything up inside of me again. God, I hope that she sent the pictures, she’s so damn sexy. That chignon she has in her hair, showing off her neck is awesome, that tight shirt she’s wearing is thrilling me to no end, and the red paint on her lips makes me think some very naughty things about her.

  She has me excited for every moment of every day and I cannot see that changing any time soon. Usually, I get bored of woman very quickly, but with Naomi I can’t ever see that happening.

  She stands up, revealing a very short skirt, which has my heart racing with joy, and she moves nearer to me. Time seems to stop as she sways those incredible hips, and the moment she bends down to pick something up, I’m so mesmerized that I almost forget to check her thighs. I almost forget to look to see if that sweet strawberry birthmark is there.

  But then I see it, and everything shifts. The axel that my world is resting on is falling apart. All I can think about is her, and her absolutely incredible body, and the fact that she wants to share that with me. I must be the luckiest guy around.

  Naomi left the pictures for me, which means that she definitely does want me. Now, what am I to do with that information? I know what I want to do, but is that the smart thing? Could I pick her up and throw her across this desk before making hot passionate love to her? Or would that
be the worst way to progress things between us? That’s a great way to start a fling, but not something more real.

  “Are you okay?” Naomi asks me with a smirk on her face. She’s testing me, trying to get me to reveal that I’ve seen the pictures, but I’m not going to. Not until I’ve figured out exactly what I’m going to about it all. “Is there anything I can…help you with?”

  “No,” I stand up smiling. “There’s nothing, I think you’re doing a very good job here. I can see that the party is going to be a roaring success.”

  She nods slowly, as if she isn’t quite sure how to take my reaction, which is perfect, and has me grinning to myself. I want to keep her on her toes because I’m pretty sure that will keep her interested in me.

  “I’ll let you get back to it.”

  As I walk back to my office, with a grin plastered across my cheeks, my hangover is long forgotten. It’s as if I’m floating on air, happier than ever, and I don’t want anything to bring me back to Earth with a thump. I lock myself inside for a few moments, just wanting to get lost in my thoughts, and I allow my imagination to run wild as I glance at the picture of her amazing butt once more. I imagine myself pressing her up against the wall and kissing her with all the passion I’m feeling deep inside, I picture myself tasting her, sending wild pleasure racing through her, getting her to toss her head back in ecstasy, and I wonder what it’ll be like to bury myself inside of her.

  Naomi Hayes, you really are something else, I think happily to myself. And I can’t wait until we actually take things there, but I need to take things slower, just for now.

  “Mr. Montgomery, are you there?” Amber calls through the door, using her sweet tone of voice. “I have some things that I need to discuss with you.”

  I slide the pictures back under my desk quickly, not wanting them to be seen by anyone, before standing up to unlock the door. I like the little secret that I have with Naomi, especially as we aren’t even discussing it ourselves yet. It makes it feel even more exciting.

  “Yeah, come in,” I call out half heartedly, trying to get my head back in the business. “Tell me all that I need to know.”

  Chapter 7


  As I watch the room fill up, my nerves finally start to subside. This party might have been extremely difficult to plan in such a short time, and with so many other thoughts on my mind, but it actually looks like I’ve done it. Not only have I managed to sort out the canteen for the party, with great food and incredible decorations, the attendance is really high too. I have definitely proven myself, and helped to raise the profile of the company.

  I just can’t wait for Wesley to get here and see it. I want him to know that I am actually worthwhile and that I can be good at this job, especially with the trouble that I’ve been having with Chris recently. Him and his stupid budget complaints, honestly what a nightmare.

  I can’t wait for him to see me either. I have on a long black, figure hugging dress that I hope will turn him on. Ever since I sent him those pictures, he’s been giving me lingering looks and I can’t wait to see where that will lead me. I’m excited about the thought of getting into his office, and for more reason that one. I know why I’m really here, and I know what I’m doing, but the more I spend time with Wesley, the more I want to know what he’s like in bed…it’s just intrigue though, nothing else, I’m sure of it.

  I sip my fourth glass of champagne nervously, glancing around to see if he’s here yet, when another powerful thought strikes me. My Dad should be here. He helped to start this company, he gave them the boost that they needed to become recognized and taken seriously, and he’s pushed out. My Dad is such a nice man who will do anything for anyone, so this is even worse. Even if John didn’t want him back anymore, for whatever petty reason, Wesley could have overturned that decision when he died.

  I pull out my phone, ready to send my Dad a text to tell him that the party is up and running, and that everything is going well, but before I get the opportunity to, I’m interrupted by Wesley making his grand entrance. He stalks through the door waving at everyone in turn in such an overdramatic gesture that I can’t help but laugh and roll my eyes. He seems to have this way that draws people in, and that makes you not want to hate him…well, except for me but that’s because I have a powerful reason to.

  He jumps up on the stage with pizzazz and starts making his speech, in a funny, charismatic way. I knew this party was for some announcement in the pharmaceutical field, but I never bothered to ask what. I guess I probably should have done, but it just didn’t feel important.

  However, as I listen to Wesley telling everyone that he has created some drugs that could reverse the effects of cancer, an intense anger builds up inside of me.

  This isn’t his announcement to be making, this isn’t his drug, I’m sure of it.

  I’m pretty sure that this is the research that my Dad started and I don’t like to hear anyone else taking credit for it. This is the formula that my Dad wanted me to steal anyway, so I assume that it’s his design.

  Before I even realize what is going on, I’m gripping on so tightly to the glass between my fingers that it almost breaks. This is it now, reinforcement that I need to take this asshole down, that I need to do what I came in here to do, and I’m more than prepared to take this one step further.

  I watch everyone clapping happily, lapping up every word out of his stupid mouth, and I find myself wanting to crush him even more. For some reason, I have the intense desire to not only strip this company away from him, ruining the future that his dickhead father handed to him on a plate, but to also break his heart. I want him to fall for me, properly, and I want to destroy that within him.

  After all, he’s torn my heart from my chest by upsetting my Dad.

  In the end, I’m forced to walk outside for a few seconds, just to get some air. While I’m out there, I scrabble around in my bag and I find a lone cigarette rolling around in there. I’m not a smoker, it isn’t something that I’ve ever done on a daily basis, but I always have one with me just in case. It’s a terrible habit that I got into when I was in college and I found the course incredibly stressful, and now it’s become a comfort blanket that I can’t seem to survive without. I haven’t touched a cigarette in over a year now, but it always makes me feel better to have one with me.

  I light it up and inhale the painfully hot smoke, coughing lightly for a second, while willing my stress levels to drop. I want my pulse rate to calm down, the anger to cool, and rationality to set back in. I don’t want to end up doing something just because I’m pissed off.

  “You know they’re bad for you, right?” I hear his bemused voice calling out behind me, which winds me up even more. It seems like I can’t even get a second to myself, which is seriously irritating.

  Never mind, time to plaster the fake smile back on my face, and to act like everything is incredible.

  “Oh I know,” I announce as I turn back to him. “It’s just been one hell of a week.” I drop the cigarette to the ground, and stub it out with my toe, wasting it completely. “But it’s all been worth it to see what a success you’ve had.”

  “You did an amazing job,” he tells me seriously, moving nearer to me. “Everyone has been saying so, and they don’t even know that you did it within a week. It’s incredible. All the phone calls, the advertising, the arrangements. I guess I just don’t want you to feel like it’s all been unnoticed, because it hasn’t.”

  Damn it, why does he always have to be so nice?

  It’s making me very confused. I feel proud of myself that I’ve done such a great job, and happy that I’ve been able to prove myself, which is really derailing me from my hatred.

  “In fact,” he continues, grinning at me. “I brought you out a drink because I assumed you needed a breather. I didn’t realize what you were actually doing out here.”

  “Oh yeah, bad habit.” I wave my hand dismissively, hating that my silly little secret is out. “It isn’t a full time thing or
anything. Only when I’m very stressed.”

  “Good, because we’re working against cancer here. Not towards it.”

  He sounds so much like my Dad in that moment that it takes me back for a second.

  “Yeah, no, I know.” I nod slowly, taking the glass from him. “I’ll stop. I will. I mean, it won’t be difficult for me. I only have about one a year.”

  “Well, you take the time you need,” he reassures me smilingly. “Everyone is having a great time inside, so I doubt they need you now.”

  “No, but they probably need you.” I feel a little strange as I say that, like I don’t want him to go, which is annoying.

  It’s very confusing to have all of my emotions all over the place like this. I know what I want to do, I know what the smart thing is, but I can’t stop a little spark of something from creeping in all the same.

  “They don’t need me,” he tells me, moving closer to me. My heart rate kicks up a notch, and I gulp down a big ball of fear. Something might be about to happen here, I just know it. I might not be prepared for it, or even ready, but if it has to be now then so be it. If he kisses me, and takes me to his office, then I might be able to get what I need. “But I think you might.”

  “Wha-what do you mean?” I ask curiously, unable to keep the stammer out of me voice.

  He leans in, so close that I can feel his breath tickling my ear, and he whispers to me. “I know that you sent me the pictures, I saw that foxy looking birthmark in the board room the other day. Maybe I would like to take you somewhere private and show you something of mine.”

  Shit, that idea has me far more excited than it should do. I feel a stirring within me, one that’s actually turned on by that idea, and I almost don’t know what to do with myself.

  Do it… this might be the only chance that you get.

  I smile up at him, and extend my hand which he grabs hold of happily, before leading me away from the party and the rest of the crowd. The entire time my mind is racing, hoping that it’s the office he takes me to. He could really take me anywhere in this building tonight, and there wouldn’t be anything that I can do about it, so I pray that it goes the way I need it to.


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