Ieloharis Island: The Curse

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Ieloharis Island: The Curse Page 4

by CB Colin

  Chapter II

  A normal life

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  The clock was showed eight in the morning. The birds were singing at the window, climbed on the blooming branches of spring. A dog from the Dalmatian type, entered slowly in an airy beautiful blue room, with all the stuff in it arranged, a laptop on a gray desk, and also a pile of books on the bedside, near the bed where someone was sleeping with the blanket over the head.

  The dog has seen the sleeping girl’s legs uncovered and started to lick them like was something delicious. The girl made sounds, disturbed by the dog, and started to push his nose with her foot.

  “Dingo, go away…” the girl said with a sleeping voice, but the cute Dalmatian started again to lick her feet.

  “Dingo, no.” she said once more to the canine, but the dog didn’t stop annoying her, therefore he grabbed with his mouth the blanket and ran away from the room with it, discovering in bed a beautiful young girl, with long and easily at the end curly hair, brown light, with shades of blonde. The girl opened her green emeralds eyes, when she realized that the blanket was gone.

  “I will kill that dog.” she said, turning around on her back, watching the ceiling.

  She tried to remember the dream she had, but was in mist. She woke up, looking outside the window, where she could see the blue sea, which throws foam waves over the coast. Was a beautiful day of month May.

  The girl rose up for good from the bed, and went to the bathroom, dragging her feet on the ground like she was skating on ice. The first thought at that hour was to take a fresh shower, before she will grab her books and go to classes.

  Therefore, the shower was turned on, and the girl jumped in, feeling it pleasant and refreshing.

  After she went out from it, and she dried up with a towel, a lightning has struck her mind. An object was missing from her bathroom, namely, a white towel, with which she was always using it for her face.

  “What the hell?” the girl said, running outside the bathroom, being in her bathrobe, barefoot, getting in the long hall, then she runs down the stairs, letting wet footprints on the wood floor, going to the kitchen.

  “Mom!” she shouted, apparently upset.

  She saw her from the small window of the kitchen. She was in the garden, grabbing weeds that were growing everywhere. The girl marched over the exit door. Dingo came along, and when he saw her, he started to wave his tale happily, like he was just about to take off flying.

  “I will discuss with you later.” the girl said threatening the dog, who remained at his place.


  “What’s gotten into you? Stop shouting like you’re crazy!” the girl’s mother said, leaving the garden, throwing her skin gloves on the ground.

  “Mom, where is my face towel?”

  “The white one? I put it in the washing machine before it would turn to a moping floor rag.” the woman said ironically, but smiling.

  “I told you to not mess around with my stuff.” the girl said, acting upset.

  “And I also told you to put your clothes for washing, but…”

  “Ok, ok. We are quit now.” she said, laughing, then she hugged her mother.

  “Very well, go and dress, then come down to eat and I will drive you to Careville.”

  “Mom, I can drive myself until the college. It’s a little embarrassing for your mother to drive you, don’t you think? I have 20 years old; I’m not longer a child.”

  The woman shortly laughed, sort of sarcastic.

  “Yes, yes. Nice. Mature. Ok then. I will let you drive alone, letting the policeman Sobber to caught you and then you to call me from the prison to pay your ticket for speed…”

  “Ok, I’ve got the idea! I will drive slowly.” She said, smiling, returning to the house.

  “And… Angell?” Amira called the girl, making her turn around.


  “I sent Dingo to your room.”

  “I knew it. I could swear that you and the dog were conspiring against me.” Angell joked, while she was going back inside, making Amira laugh.

  Everything turned suddenly in Amira’s life. She, once 16 years old, she was happily 37 years old and she didn’t changed much in her physical aspect.

  She still had the skin smooth like cashmere, her eyes softly almond and beautiful, and her black hair being long and easily curly. Some wrinkles put emphasis on women's skin, and a pair of half moon glasses were beautiful positioned at her eyes.

  The maturity knocked at her door faster than at other teenager. Angell was not anymore regret, a mistake made, her ex boyfriend wrong wish from the teenager years, but a blessing like the regrettable aunt Creselda said.

  Aunt Creselda loved her niece and her child so much that she left them everything she had, and then she rose up peacefully in Heaven.

  The MoonLight town was a bit different by others, just with few aspects, by its land formations and the fruit trees which it owned. Of course the forests didn’t miss the landscape, richer in their trees, and was like a huge forest with lots of glades.

  Aunt’s house was one of the biggest and vastest in all towns, because Creselda Topkinss was married with a very important business man, Valdo Topkinss, Amira’s uncle, died before his grieving wife, leaving her everything from love, and when the time came, she left as well everything to Amira with the same feeling.

  This house had one big floor, on its side on the back of the house, was a long marble made balcony, supported by five ionic columns. A beautiful garden made a connection between the house and the little park. This garden had a fence made of stone, very beautiful worked. From the garden, it could reach the mentioned little park, only if it took the marble white stair.

  The little park was beautiful arranged, composed by so many plants, looking alike more with a botanic garden, and by tall trees which they were the one who was shading everything, hiding the plants from the heavy summer sun.

  Lowering on the stairs, you would remain stoned when you would see the rebel gold sand which kisses the blue crystalline sea.

  The imposing Veriss family house, and here I meant only Amira and her daughter, was standing perched on a coast, and the road in front of it was smooth constructed, and after that, suddenly turns to left, entering the forest.

  The wonderful animals were not missing. They were the one who animated the yard, already colored by Angell, and the one of the two was the mention dog, Dingo and his play mate, Snowy, a white crazy cat.

  Angell was a straight A student in the Careville city, at psychology second year. This city, like Sareville, was cities in their real name, having skyscrapers, so many buildings and stores, malls and so on. Of course couldn’t miss the primary schools, high schools, colleges and the pubs, locals, clubs, etc.

  For a rebel and crazy kind of girl, Angell was one of the most wised girl on her age. Thin, easy tall, she was Amira’s reflection at her body shape, only few differences were separating Angell from her mother, and was more alike like her father, meaning her eyes were emerald green, beautiful and a different charming smile.

  Unfortunately, the girl didn’t know the story about her father, and what really happened in that terrible night, her birth literally killed two persons and the third, this being her father, ran away. Sometimes Angell was pretty curious about why not having a father, and when she asked Amira about that, the woman starts to gets sorrow, saying that he died before she was born, in a car accident. Something tells Angell that her mother was lying. Creselda decided from the beginning, to be the grandmother for Angell to not miss a parental figure in her life, but after her death, the girl was starting to feel the absence of a parent, that was the father figure.

  But she wasn’t complaining about that, because she and Amira were the best friends ever. At the table, Amira was preparing the cutlery, throwing her eyes on the big clock in the kitchen. She observed that wasn’t much time until Angell will be late for her last school year

  “Angell! What the hell a
re you doing? Get down for breakfast.”

  No sign of her. Amira was softly smiling, presuming why her daughter doesn’t get down to the kitchen. Therefore she arranged the table, pouring milk in two crystal glasses, and went hurry in the house’s main hall, after that she climbed the wood stair to the next level, at the other long hall where her daughter’s room was and also her bathroom, and yes, she presumed correctly; Angell was preparing to intense, like usual.

  “Angell, dear, you are not going to a wedding.”

  “I know mother, but I cannot appear in the public looking randomly, right? I need to be presentable.” The girl said, making her hair straight, using a hair plate.

  “Yes Angell, I understand, but at school you need to look like a student, not like a…”

  “Like a what? Like a prostitute?” Angell laughed.

  “I didn’t say that. But like a magpie.”

  “Good one mom. No. After the school I will go with my gang at a pub, so…”

  “OK. But come down to eat, otherwise I will bring the table for you here, to eat sitting on the toilet.”

  Angell made a face at her mother, who rolled her eyes. The girl putted the hair plate down, and after she glanced some looks in the mirror, to make shore that everything was ok, she came down to the kitchen happy.

  Neither good she sat at the table, for that her cell phone started to ring a song.

  “Angell, you know the rule, not at the table.” Amira said.

  “Yeah I know, but it’s Serena. I have to answer her.”

  “Fine, do as you like, I see that…”

  But Angell kissed her mother on her cheek, making Amira smile to not get upset, and then she sat back at the table.

  “Hey Serena, say it quick, I am at the table.”

  “Hey Angel, girl listen! You know who returned back to Ieloharis?”

  “No, who?” Angell frowned her eyebrows, drinking milk.

  “MARVELL MARVOLLIO!” Serena screamed happily at the phone, making Angell spit the milk from her mouth. Of course that Amira didn’t have a pleasant face.

  “WHAT? When, where? Huh? You’re joking.” Angell said, starting to shake.

  “No girl, you know I don’t joke about these things. Come to the center immediately, we will go to school, then we will come back to MoonLight, and maybe we will meet him!”

  “God… I don’t believe it… I don’t know… are… are you sure?”

  “Come on! Did I ever lie to you?”

  “God… OK Serena, see you in a half an hour.”

  “OK bye.”

  Angell closed her phone, starting to dance at the table.

  “Angell, have you lost your mind?”

  “Mother, guess who returned from the continent?”

  “I don’t know, Santa Clause?” Amira said, not interested.

  “No. Marvell!”


  “What do you mean who? The most wanted guy from the island, whatever, from this town.”

  “Oh no, this doesn’t sound good.” Amira said, sort of threatening.

  “This doesn’t sound good, what? He is an old friend mother, and he is damn cute too.”

  “Angell, I heard that this boy it’s a big womanizer. Why in the world you want someone who is messing around with you, then let you pregnant and…” but she stops, because the words were waking up painful memories. She putted the fork down, and then she smiled at her girl.

  “Just be careful, ok?”

  “Mom, are you all right?” Angell asked, seeing she suddenly changed.

  “I have something for you.” Amira said smiling, raising from the table, and left the kitchen.

  After couple of moments, she returned back with a pair of keys in her hand.

  “Take my car; just too… show off a little.”

  “Mother! God, I love you.” Angell said, hugging her then she took the keys and ran from the table, going to the big hall, then through the exit door.

  Amira smiled; looking down at her half ate egg. She saw the girl again, how she came back to the table, taking a slice of bread with jam, running back.

  “Kiss you, bye!” she shouted, exiting.

  She went to the garage, going inside of it and saw the car that she wanted so bad to drive since her mother bought it. It was silver, modern, and perfect for showing off to someone.

  Angell smiled happily and then she got inside the car, when she saw that her mother was calling her.

  “Yes mom?” Angell answered the phone.

  “Ah Angell, I forgot to mention something. If I will see a single scratch on my car, you will sleep with Dingo in his little house.”

  “Perfect.” Angell said, hanging out.

  She let the handbrake down, putted the key in the contact and she goes through the big gate, which opened by itself and closing after she left, automatically. She looked into the left and into the right, and then ran off with the car towards the center of MoonLight, where her friend Serena was waiting for her to arrive.

  “She will kill me. I’m so late.” The girl said, stepping hard the acceleration pedal, but after a while she let it go, when she knew where the policeman Sobber was at his post. She really does not want to imagine spending the night in a cold cell, when she should spend it with Marvell.

  When finally she arrived in the center, which wasn’t much different than the center from Sunshine town, only a statue of the famous night goddess (Moonlight) was in the center of a big square, where more than one artisanal fountain were.

  Angell parked almost perfectly, getting off the car. To her, a tan skin girl approached, with black hair and cut elegant, short until the shoulders, like an Egyptian style.

  “Can I slap you?”

  “Hey Serena, sorry I’ve been late, but mom…”

  “Wow.” Serena said, looking at the convertible car. “Your mother gave her car to you? What did you do for it? Clean the entire house?”

  “No my dear, if you really want to know, she gave me the car special for Marvell, to show off a little bit.”

  Both of the girls started to laugh and a third girl approached them, one more thin and shy then them, having her hair sand blonde, long until de hips, like Angell’s. She had brown eyes like a child.

  “Lania, I told you to be here half an hour ago, to wait together for Angell to come. But seems to be that…” Serena started but Lania ended.

  “Just give me a break, will you Serena? I had a fight with my mom and…”

  “Again Lania? What was wrong this time?” Angell asked, knowing the relationship between her friend and her mother.

  “Nothing, I really don’t want to talk about this, ok?”

  “Ok, let’s just let the dramas go, and enjoy that Marvell came back on the island.” Serena said, jumping happily with Angell, literately, making Lania amazed.

  “Ma… Marvell came back? Marvellio?”

  “Yeah. Isn’t this great?” Angell said.

  “No. I mean. I never like that guy. Plus that story with…”

  “Ah Lania, don’t start!” said Serena sharp.

  “What story?”Angell asked, being very curious.

  “It’s just bullshit anyway.”

  “You know what? I propose for us to go to the Sun-Ray bar, drink something and maybe tell me that story.”

  “But Angell, today is the last day of school, I cannot skip.” Said Lania scared.

  “I say you can, we all can.” Said Serena, making Lania much scared then was before.

  “Lania, stop worrying. You are only in the first year of college. It’s just a premier festivity and above all that we would see the graduate students how they get their diplomas and throw even their underwear in the air. It’s better for us to do something else.”

  “Oh really, like what? To talk about Marvell?”

  “Yes.” Said in choir Angell and Serena.

  “Do I have a choice?” Lania asked.

  “No.” said again in choir Angell and Serena.

Lania rolled her eyes, getting in the car with the girls. Angell putted some music, while she and Serena, who was seating right next to the driver, were singing and Lania sulked in the back of the car, upset that they will not got to the last day of school.

  The girls didn’t drive much and they stopped in front of a bar named Sun Ray, near the church.

  The local was selected and wide. Everything was in yellow color, gold, white and orange, having a shining floor, in the chess board style, only that was made of white and yellow colors. At the windows were round tables, with tall chairs, where the people were eating or serving a coffee. The opposed of the tables, was the bar, long, with typical tall chairs. The waitresses (six in total) were seating and talking with the clients, while they were serving them, and others were paying attention at the conversations, while they were washing the dishes.

  After the girls took a seat at the bar, and they ordered three sodas, Angell turned her face to them, being very curious.

  “So, spill it out. What’s the story?”

  “It’s a dumb story Angell, but I will tell you.”

  “Hold on, Emell is calling me.” Angell said, answering her cell phone.

  “Hi Angell, where are you? The premier has just begun.”

  “Hey Emell, we will no longer come. Something came by, and me and the girls we are home in MoonLight. If you want, you can come here later.”

  “I don’t know what to say, I and Mariuss were waiting for you, but if you no longer come, and then I will call you later and talk.”

  “Ok Emell, kiss you. Bye.”

  “What Emell wanted?” Serena said.

  “He wanted Lania back in his life; he said that he misses her so damn much.” Angell joked, making Serena laugh and Lania to get all red.

  “Me and Emell we have nothing left in common, clear?”

  “Aha, if you say so.”

  “Ok, here is the story.” Serena started. “You know Villo, right?”

  “The little boy who killed his mother, then killed himself?”

  “Exactly, that Villo, so the story says something else. That not Villo, which had eight years old, killed his mom, he wouldn’t possibly do that, but someone else.”

  “Someone else, being who?” said Angell, but somehow she presumed who might be that person.

  “Someone else being…” Serena hesitated. “Marvell.”


  “Yes, that Marvell killed Villo’s mother, stealing everything from the house, and he sets up all, killing little Villo, to look like he committed suicide. Unfortunately is that in Marvel’s courtyard, the policemen found out the jewelries and Villo’s dead body.”

  “Serena, this is ridiculous, come on! This is rubbish.”

  “And the people say that that’s why Marvell left the island. He ran to the continent to not be caught.”

  “I think its foolishness, I don’t think so.”

  The three of them flinched when a waitress came by, listening to their conversation.

  “What did you heard?” Angell asked, not being disturbed.

  “That the murderer was actually Villo’s mother’s lover, and she turned him down. So therefore he killed her, and then the next victim was the little boy, hiding his body in Marvollio’s courtyard.”

  “How do you know that?”

  “Well there is newspapers and rumors sweetheart.”

  “And from where the criminal is?” Angell asked, being curious.

  “Well some say that he lives here in MoonLight, others say that from OldStory. But he sure lives on the island. I for one do not believe this.”

  “God, it’s like you are afraid to go out at night.” Lania said, playing with the straw from her soda.

  “Don’t worry honey. The criminal doesn’t exist.”

  “Why you say so?” Angell asked.

  “Well the little boy killed himself in that courtyard. The obsessed man is just a story to scare kids to not go out in the night.”

  The girls exchanged significant glances and as well as confused.

  “Was like now two years ago.” The waitress said, and then she went to a client to take his order.

  After they paid the orders, the girls got out in the strong sun light, getting in Angell’s car.

  “So… where are we going?” Serena asked.

  Angell smiled, putting a pair of sunglasses on her nose.

  “Where did Marvell hang out usually?”

  “I think at the Pond.”

  “The Pond it is.”

  “You are crazy.” Serena laughed.

  “I know, right?”

  This idea didn’t smile at Lania to see Marvell especially that she believed in every rumor and ghost story, being compelled to shut. At one point she exploded, couldn’t hold for much longer inside the frustration.

  “I don’t want to see that guy!” She started to whine like a baby who was making whims at a sort of a food.

  “Lania, what’s got into you?”

  “The guy gives me creeps. I cannot see him. And above all that he is full of shit.”

  “What?” Angell got amazed by her behavior. “Lania, you… wait a minute, you don’t know him, and I think I know what the big deal is. It’s the think with that stupid story, right? You are afraid of him because you think that he is a murderer.”

  “It’s not that. Just I don’t like him, that’s all.”

  Angell smiled at Serena with understanding.

  “Serena, you know what they say about a person who cannot stand another one?”

  “No Angell, what they say?” Serena started to act.

  “Well my dear friend, they say that actually it’s the opposite way, that you actually like that person.”

  “What!? No! Never. “Said Lania alarmed.

  “Yes you are so right Miss Angell. It’s true.”


  The girls started to laugh, making Lania to get upset even harder, crossing her arms.

  “Come on Lania, stop fooling around. If you want you can remain in the car and me and Serena will go and say hi to him.” Angell said, making hi five with her friend from the right side. „ “How will you going to say hi? French kissing him?” Lania said ironically.

  “Hmm, we cannot both French kissing him, we will take turns.” Angell laughed.

  Lania didn’t say a word after that. The Pond was actually a big natural park, in the middle of a small forest, with an oozy small lake in the middle, surrounded by weeping willows.

  Angell drove like a crazy person with her mother’s silver car, like she didn’t care about her warnings, but basically since when she cares about something?

  She stopped and parked the car, next to a willow.

  “Girl, look, it’s him!” Serena said cheerfully, bunting Angell which was the same enthusiastic as her friend.

  “Let’s go, so Lania you will stay in the car?” Angell asked Lania, hoping that maybe the blond girl changed her mind in the last moment.

  “Yeah, I will.” The girl said short.

  “Ok. Come on Serena.”

  “Let’s go.”

  The two girls got out of the car, being very excited, and they were approaching a gang of three boys. One of them, who were the famous Marvell Marvollio, was seating on a bench. Tall, athletic type, dressed in black color and of pants having attached a silver chain, Marvell had blue eyes, black and short hair, raised easily up. On his fingers he has on some rings, and also a white gold bracelet on his right wrist. He was talking to the other guys, which were like disappearing from the Pound’s landscape, compared with their friend Marvell.

  “Who are those?” One of them asked Marvell, looking ugly at the girls.

  Marvell took his eyes from him, and then he fixes them in the indicated direction, and remained impassible for a moment, after that he smiled with all his force, getting up on his feet.

  “Well, well, well, look what the wind brought here. Angell, Serena.”

  Angell tried so desperately to n
ot blush, so therefore she hugged him with warm, then kissing his cheek.

  “Oh my God, I cannot believe how beautiful you have become.” The boy said, kissing Serena on her cheek.

  “Look who’s talking. You grew so much.” Angell said excited, holding Serena’s hand.

  “What can I say; the life is good on the continent.” He joked.

  “But how is on the continent? I heard that the life there it’s so different then here. I never left the island before.” Serena said.

  “Yes is true. You cannot compare the life there with this one here, that is clear, but I returned back home for a while. Anyway, I will return back in October.”

  “You will not stay here for the holydays?” Angell asked.

  “Trust me Angell that I really wish to remain here, but I work on the continent, my first year.” He said proudly.

  “You have finished the college?” Serena asked, like she was never hoping for him to finish it.

  “Yeah I did. Now I am my father’s fresh assistant. I have an attractive salary, and now I’ve taking a little break.”

  Angell frowned her eyebrows still smiling, this time with her mouth closed, thinking at Marvell’s father’s company. The company was named “Seven Days”, a very odd name for a publicity company, having a huge success.

  “And second of all,” he continued, smiling to the girls. “I had another reason to come back in MoonLight. And I mean the beautiful girls on the island, like you Angell and Serena.”

  He smiled warmly to the girls, who couldn’t resist to not smiling back with the same feeling. Without a warning, Angell blushed, a thing observed only by Serena who tried to capture the boy’s attention, breaking that moment of silence.

  “Marvell… I found out something interesting, about that murder story with the little boy Villo.”

  Bad choice of subject. The boy’s smile gone with a blink of an eye, and his eyes were burning hate against the rumors and the stupid bad gossips.

  “You really think I’ve killed him?”

  “For God sake Marvell, no, not at all, we were just saying, that’s all.” Angell said, sort of panicked by the sudden reversal of circumstances, trying somehow to delete the error made by Serena. But then she was relieved when Marvell smiled back.

  “I’m glad; you were the last persons at which I was expected for you to believe this shit.”

  “Hey, where is the other bitch? Weren’t you three?” One of the boy intervened.

  “Be careful what you’re saying, you asshole!” Angell said easily agitated.

  “Yeah really Derek, take Adrian with you and go for a walk.” Marvell said, making Derek and the other boy to leave them.

  “Sorry for him.” Marvell said.

  “Don’t worry. We now that he is your looser.” Angell said, making him laugh.

  “And still, where is Lania? I remember you were three girls, plus those two boys...”

  “We are still the full gang. Only that Lania it’s too shy and she is in the car, and Emell with Mariuss are at school.” Angell said.

  “And you don’t?” Marvell smiled slick.

  “Ah, well we… anyhow was the last day so…”

  “Should we go and bring her here?” Serena asked with a hope for teasing Lania.

  “No. Leave her in her cell.”

  Marvell bended his head, looking at his shoes, then came back, like they never talk about Lania before.

  “By the way, are you coming tonight at a party, given in my honor?” Marvell said.

  “Are you throwing it?” Angell asked suspiciously.

  “No, but Covell will.”

  The girls started to giggle, knowing that the boy named Covell wanted so bad to be one of Marvell’s close friends. But of course that Marvell didn’t even think about to accept him.

  “When that kid will learn to not trust every single person?” Serena asked amused by the situation.

  “I don’t know, maybe until someone will hurt him.” Marvell joked.


  “So, at eight you are there, right? Do you know where Covell’s house is?”

  “Yes, we know.”

  “Ok girls. Kiss you both and see you there. And take Lania with you, and you can also take the boys as well.”

  “Super. See you. Bye Marvell.”

  “Bye girls.”

  The girls went back to the car, holding arms, both of them with their smile until their ears. Lania was seating bored, supported by her elbow on the door, but then when she saw them happy, she crossed again her arms.

  Angell got up at the wheel, starting the engine, and like a professional, she left the Pound, turning the car to the right, driving with the thought to get faster home.

  “I really don’t understand why you didn’t come with us. He doesn’t bite, you know. He even asked for you. ” Angell said at last, breaking the silence in the car.

  “The more so.”

  “He’s throwing a party tonight, whatever, Covell will in his honor. You have to come, we are all invited, me, you, Serena and the boys.” Angell continued to talk, not taking her eyes from the dusty road.

  “No.” Lania answered short and to the point.

  “We will take you by force.” Serena said.

  She showed her tongue to the others, like she was a little child, obviously, not happy with the decision made.

  “But I don’t understand why I have to come too?”

  “Because you are our friend, and you cannot just let us down.”

  “Aha, you are playing with the guild card.”

  “Me? God, no, I’m telling you what attribution you have, if you care of course.”

  Angell smiled to Serena, sort of slick way, because both of them were playing with words, making Lania to not take no for an answer. At the beginning Lania seemed to have a break down, because she didn’t have a backup door to exit from that situation, but then she sulked, grumbling upset.

  After they reached the main road, Angell increased the speed, with a thought to get faster home. She and Serena were singing a song from the radio station, and Lania was still seating upset in the back of the car.

  Maybe because of a moment of inattention, something jumped on the car, sort of a red with white and blue thing, being smashed by the car with a deafening sound. Angell pushed the break paddle harder, yelling on the same time, turning the wheel so much that the car made a perfect circle on the road. For a moment, the girl stood stoned, standing with her forehead on the wheel, shaking and breathing jerky and didn’t dare to move, but after the dust evaporated in the air, she got off like a lightning from the car, going directly to the front, being afraid that she will see only blood. She looked everywhere, with her white face, but no one nothing, in the middle of the road. She putted herself in the knee, looking below the car, and again she didn’t discover a thing. She really didn’t get it, was so real. She wondered if her mind was playing with her.

  “Angell, are you all right?” Serena asked, pretty worried, coming next to her, with her hand on her chest.

  She didn’t answer. After a while where she stood still, looking around, she was convinced by her scared friend so drive further. The girl didn’t comment, but when she started to drive even a snail could pass them without a problem. The shock which she had didn’t pass that easily, the proof being her hands that were softly shaking on the wheel, like the girls was suffering by some strong cold. Serena and Lania didn’t ask a question. They were too confused to talk, like they were afraid that their friend will yell at them or pass out. Angell still didn’t understand what exactly happened; it was so fast, and she didn’t have the time to realize that situation. But did she really hit someone and the injured ran away? Or if it really was a vision, because her friends were saying strongly that they didn’t see or heard nothing, only suddenly Angell screamed and turn the wheel. A red paper couldn’t make such a strong noise.

  After a while of meditation, she started to forget the strange incident, enjoying the rest of t
he trip with her friends. At a point, Angell’s phone starter to explode with messages, but the girl didn’t bother to pick up the cell phone and see from who they were. Therefore Serena, tired of her rings, intervened.

  “Angell listen, are you not going to answer that? Whatever, to check the messages, because honestly, I cannot take it anymore, and I will take your phone and throw it on the window.”

  “I can’t. I’m driving.”

  “Since when you are worried about that?”


  Angell wanted to say, since that strange incident, but she thought that was better to shut up.

  “I will see them for you.” Serena said, taking the cell.

  “Eh, nothing important, it’s from Emell, he is at your place.”

  “I told that bastard to not come at my place when I’m not there.”

  “Why?” Lania asked curiously.

  “Because he tells my mom everything I do.”

  “Like she doesn’t know everything you do.”

  “True, but I prefer to tell her myself.” Angell said, and this time she hit the acceleration.

  Didn’t last long the trip, because the girls woke up in the front of Amira’s and her irritated daughter’s house. Serena and Lania stood close to their friend, watching her with worry. Like always and never tired, Dingo came by, enjoying very bad their company, like his master just bought him tons of fresh meat. He was waving his tell, sweeping the leaves around, barking, jumping on the girls to lick them.

  “Dingo, seat, down boy!” Angell said to the dog, while Serena and Lania were pet him with love.

  The puppy listen to her, going and seating at a tree’s shadow and started to breath fast with his tongue out because of the May’s heat.

  Going inside the house, Angell wanted first to find out where her mother and Emell are, if they were seating and gossiping about her.

  “Mom!?” Angell shouted crazy.

  Amira appeared from her office, looking ugly at her daughter.

  “Angell, what’s got into you?”

  “Mother, where is Emell?”

  “Emell? How should I know?”

  “Well, isn’t he here?”

  “No.” Amira said surprised.

  “What? He just texted me that he is…” Angell started to talk, but then she stopped, smiling.

  “Son of a bitch, I will show him.”

  “What?” The girls asked curious.

  “Let’s go to my room, I will tell you there.”

  Therefore the girls ran on the stairs up, and Amira made the cross sign, going back to her office.

  The main house hall was huge, with the floor brown and shiny; a beautiful chandelier with crystals, was giving the house a classic aspect. In the left, next to the wall, was stairs carpeted with red, which were going to the next floor. After the wall, down to the stairs, it could enter in the living room, always airy and illuminated. On the other side of the hall, in front with the enter door, was the kitchen. And the on the right side of the hall, was a bathroom and Amira’s office.

  Amira, with the help of her aunt, graduated with brio the architecture college from Sareville; therefore she became one of the most wanted and prestigious architecture from the island. Even if Doloress and Gefred Veriss, Amira’s parents, had other plans for their daughter, she didn’t give up that easily, and she had the courage to say to her aunt what she wanted to become in the future, what was her dream. Creselda didn’t say no, or to laugh at her, on the contrary, she sent her niece to the college with the first buss.

  When Angell was born in 14 February 1990, on Valentine’s Day, aunt Creselda beg Amira to put the baby a second name, after the saint Valentine for luck, and turned out to be Angell Valentine Veriss. Unfortunately, the rebel with this name hated the second one of Valentine, and if someone near her pronounced it, she would react violent, like her middle name was a secret code.

  The main stairs were driving to a long hall, where Angell’s room was. But let’s start with the beginning. In the end of the long hallway was Angell’s personal bathroom. Her room, the beauty altar, how she called it, was next to the bathroom, and on the other part was the gym, and at last near it were four doors, two in front of the others. In one of them was Angell’s office, where she study for college, and the rest three of the rooms were for guests.

  Angell ran into her room, making sure that everything was at its place and no one entered in.

  “So, let’s find out how we will dress for tonight.” Angell said automatically.

  “With cloths.” Lania said sarcastic, taking a seat on the bed.

  “Yeah smarty pants, but what kind of cloths?” Serena asked.

  Angell rose her hand in the air, sign to shut, and went to the door. When she suddenly opened it, a boy just tripped and fell down to the girl’s feet.

  “Emell, my dear, since when you’re listening to some girl’s conversation?”

  Emell smiled to the girl, saying hi.

  “My mother said that you weren’t here.”

  “I just came by anyway.”

  Emell was a thin boy, with brown hair. Having hazel eyes and some little signs on his face, like a small scar and puberty’s acnes, with long and softly aquiline nose and thin lips. He was wearing large clothes and this thing made him look even skinnier.

  “Please, do come in, and take a seat sir.” Angell said ironically.

  “Thank you Lady Veriss. Everyone asked about you at school. Where are the crazy girls?” Emell said.

  “Maybe they asked only about them, I am at other college.” Lania said, like she was very proud that she wasn’t at the same school as her friends.

  “Yeah, whatever. Let’s talk about something more important, like with what we will dress tonight?” Angell asked.

  Emell laughed, making the girls looking with not good eyes at him.

  “What’s so funny? Please do tell, for us to laugh as well.”

  “I see that I came in a bad moment…”

  “No Emell, you just came in the perfect moment. You will help us.”

  “Do I look like a tailor to you?”

  “Then young master, you are free to go.” Angell said.

  “I just wanted to tell you that Mariuss wants to try again an experiment.”

  “Again?” Serena asked.

  “Yes. Are you in?”

  “Emell, sweetie, last time when Mariuss tried to contact the spirits, was so close for all of us to burn in flames.” Angell said.

  “Yeah, because of Lania who jumped like an idiot, hitting the candles.” Serena said laughing.

  Lania didn’t take it well.

  “Look who is talking. At least shut up, the one who doesn’t resist to not having at least one date by a night.”

  “What do you mean by that?” Serena got angry.

  “I mean that you cannot keep your underwear on you.”


  “What the hell got into you?” Angell said, but she was speaking to the walls, because Serena had her face red, ready for a verbal attack.

  “At least I have part of, not like you, Virgin Mary!” She said sharp.

  “Better virgin then a slut like you!” Lania shouted back.

  Didn’t take too much time, and Serena’s hand was already in Lania’s blond hair, making her to kneel. Emell tried to break them up, but in vain, Serena pushed him away. Angell, used with this kind of fights between them, grabbed Serena’s hair, making her releasing Lania, and after that Angell slapped them both.

  “You are both stupid! I swear to God girls, that if I will ever see you again fighting, I will break up our friendship and I will personal kick your ass.” Angell said red-faced.

  Emell was scared, so therefore he tried to escape, reaching the door.

  “Where you think you’re going?” Angell said behind him.

  “Well you said…” He started saying scared.

  “No. Get back and help us with the clothing. Tonight w
e all go to Marvell’s party, and call Mariuss.”

  Emell didn’t say a word.

  Therefore the girls calm themselves, and Serena with Lania didn’t talk to each other, answering only to Angell.

  At eight o’clock in the evening, the gang was ready to go at Marvell’s party, or whatever, at a party in Marvell’s honor. Angell was very attractive in that night, with a short and white skirt, a light blue jacket on top and her hair straight and long until her hips, and on the head she had a purple hat. With the others, they exit the house very cheerfully, making Amira wonder if they didn’t taste alcohol before they hit the road. Mariuss was waiting them at a black car. An average tall boy, with black hair, Mariuss stood relax being very amazed by his friend’s happiness on their faces.

  “Hey, what’s up with you?” He asked confused.

  “Nothing, we are just happy that’s all, party hardcore, we have even a reason for that.”

  “Like what? You lost your virginity?” Mariuss laughed.

  “Ha ha, no you smart ass.” Serena said.

  “Ok virgin girls don’t get frustrated, I was just joking. Come in the car, tonight you will drink and I will drive, the destiny it’s so good with me.” Said Mariuss ironic, getting in the car on the wheel, and next to him Emell got in.

  “Dude, you smell like a chick.” Mariuss laughed.

  “No you moron, he smells like men perfume. Now stop with your stupid jokes and let’s go, we will be late because of you.” Said Angell, making Mariuss to swallow his bad jokes and to drive towards Covell’s house, which was beyond the center. In the back of the car Angell was talking with Serena about Marvell and Lania was very close to fall asleep on how bored she was. Mariuss was driving calm and Emell was watching Lania from the rearview mirror.

  “So Lania… I heard that you will get laid tonight with a guy.” Said Mariuss, making Lania to get all red being ashamed and Emell the same but furious.

  “Bro’, easy with the mouth.” Emell warned him.

  “Really Mariuss, did you drink something before you become so idiot? What is with these jokes?” Angell said angry.

  “OK bro’, the man cannot tell a joke because of you. With you I should talk only serious.” Mariuss said, turning left to the center.

  “No but you have to control your mouth.” Serena said, and then she goes on. “Of course if you still want to have friends.”

  Angell smiled very pleased by the acid line which Serena cast over the driver, who stopped smiling being a little shocked by that affirmation. Lania smiled to Serena, and Emell winks.

  After a couple of minutes from that conversation, Mariuss stopped the car so suddenly, intentionally of course, that the girls from the back to hit their heads, and they exactly this thing did, heating their heads between them, cursing. They stopped at a big house, where a small skinny boy, dress inappropriate for his constitution, meaning that he was dressed like someone blind choose his cloths, was seating at the gate having his blond hair tight braids and freckles on his child and white face.

  “Hey, hey, did you came to party hard?” Covell said with a pinch voice, when he saw Angell and her gang.

  “No, we just came by to see if your pipes from the house are made of copper or not.” Mariuss said sarcastic, making the others laugh and Covell almost crying, making way for them to enter the back yard.

  They went on a paved alley, directed by the noisy music from behind the house. After the past half of the way, Marvell came by.

  “Hey gang, glad you made it.”

  He shook the boy’s hands, and then kissed Angell’s cheeks, taking her hand and the girl made a pivot guided by Marvell which he studied her from up and down.

  “Wow Angell, you look electrifying.”

  Angell smiled softly at the electrifying word, but didn’t last long and the girl smiled with her all mouth.

  “Yeah! Angell electrocutes all, right Angell?” Said Mariuss, being nudged by the girl.

  “And you Serena, you look awesome. I like the fact that you girls have taste. But where’s Lania, didn’t she came with you?”

  Angell’s shining smile perished with a blink of an eye from the girl’s face with the purple hat, turning terrified around.

  “Oh no, I will kill her, I will smash her face. She is seating again in the car?” She asked the others, but found out the answer quickly.

  Lania came along behind them, ransacking in her green purse.

  “Where have you been?” Angell took her hard, making the girl stoned by her reaction.

  “I was searching my cell in the car, but after all I found it in my purse. What’s wrong with you?”

  Before Angell opened her mouth, Marvell came between them smiling; taking Lania over her shoulders and fortunately the boy didn’t saw that the blond girl was very red-faced.

  “Good then, now that everybody is here, let’s go to the back, at the pool.”

  The music was very noisy, perfect for a party like that. Angell and her friends took a seat at a wood round table, escorted by Mariuss (who was wearing easily tight black pants and a chain attached to them and a white shirt on top).

  In that night, the weather was cloudy and chilly, and the yard was moaning of young party people. Marvell left the table, coming back with a carafe full of white wine.

  “Wow, we will drink wine, we are so lucky.” Said Mariuss sarcastic and was shoved by Serena.

  “Well I have flower made whiskey if you want, specific for this island.”

  “No thanks, it’s too hard to drink it, the wine is good.” Mariss said.

  “No it’s not good for you. You are not allowed to drink alcohol.” Angell jumped fast with her mouth, taking the boy’s glass, before he could taste at least a drop of wine.

  “Come on, let the man drink. It’s a party.” Marvell said.

  “And who will drive us back home?”

  “Covell.” Marvell laughed.

  “What do you mean Covell?” Serena got surprised.

  “Well he doesn’t drink alcohol, driving, and his job is to drive everybody home.”

  “Are you serious?” Angell asked.

  “Yes. He offered to do that, I didn’t put him.”

  “Perfect.” Mariuss said, taking the glass back and trying to drink, but for the second time Angell took it back.

  “My love was killed by Angell’s cruel heart, thank you God.” Said Mariuss sarcastic.

  Angell didn’t pay him attention, turning to Marvell who was seating right next to Emell.


  “Why not Angell? Instead of having all of you fun because the deal is done…”

  “Angell, Marvell is right. We are all here, and we didn’t party for ages.” Serena strengthened.

  “See?” Said Mariuss with hope.

  Angell sighed, giving Mariuss back his glass of wine.

  “Ok, fine.”

  “God, I love you.” Mariuss laugh in the amusement of others and took a big drink from it, grimacing. “Wow, it’s so damn good.”

  Angell took her glass too, tasting, and like Mariuss she started to grimace.

  “It’s good?” Marvell asked.

  “Well sort off, do you have sugar?” Angell laughed.

  “No, I am sure that you can sweeten it with your lips.”

  “Angell smiled in the glass, drinking. Mariuss was drinking more than usual, reaching the second glass of wine. Emell was talking to Lania, and she was pushing her hair back. Serena was teasing Mariuss, and Mariuss was answering ironically.

  “I like your friends, you choose them well.” Said Marvell to Angell, who was smiling, looking around.

  At the other side of the yard, next to the house, was a long wood table, loaded with drinks and snacks. At some distance from the table, boxes like they were black wardrobes.

  At one point, Angell frowned her eyebrows and on the girl’s face you could easily read sickness. She saw no other then Vanilla, her number one enemy. Vanilla, a very rich girl, was always jealous of Angell, becaus
e she got all the attention Vanilla wanted so bad, and tried all the time to humiliate the girl with purple hat, but Angell took care for the wheel to turn around in Vanilla’s direction. Angell didn’t stand her and she always wanted to pay her bad.

  After she saw her, she woke up back into her gang, seeing that everyone was amused by something.

  “What’s going on?”

  “Emell wants to take Lania to dance, but she doesn’t want too.” Marvell said.

  “Lania, my dear virgin, I will show you how to do it.” Serena said, getting up from the table. She went into the yard taking Derek, starting to move in the rhythm of club.

  “And Angell how is your mother?” Marvell asked Angell.

  “She’s good, home. Busy with… buildings.” Angell said laughing.

  “I forgot that your mother is an architect.”

  “Yes. What about yours?”

  “Mines remain on the continent. With business, my mother is sick and I think my dad will be soon.”

  “Oh my God, I am so sorry to hear that, means that they will never return on the island.”

  “No, I will go back anyway, so…”

  “When you will go?” Angell said with a path of regret in her voice.

  “September, October.” Marvell said, like he was regretting as well.

  “And… where do you like the most to live?” Angell said, taking off her purple hat, putting it on the table.

  “Where do you think? Of course on the island, but this is it. My work and life are on the continent.”

  Angell sighed, drinking wine from the glass, watching Serena and Derek how they were dancing lascivious, making Lania frustrated and angry.

  “Come on Emell; let’s show her how it means to dance.”

  For everybody’s surprise, Lania took Emell’s hand, going together on the dance floor.

  “This is what I call strong minded woman. Who knows what secrets Lania hides.” Mariuss joked, drinking the wine, and softly swinging, he stood up. “It’s time to find me a passionate dancer.” He said, abandoned the table, and Angell with Marvell were left alone.

  “Did the wine got sweeter?” Marvell joked, making Angell laugh.

  “It’s sourer than it was before.”

  “Can I taste it?” He said.

  “Be my guest.”

  Marvell tasted from the wine then said.

  “Wow, its pure honey.”

  Angell laughed, pushing her hair back.

  “And Angell, what you and your gang are studying?”

  “Well, me, Serena, Mariuss and Emell are studying psychology as for Lania, she is with history.”

  “Hmm, interesting, from there you know the boys?”

  “Yes. Emell comes from Sunshine and Mariuss from OldStory.”

  “Interesting combination anyway, but you guys make a great group.”

  “Yeah, it’s true.” Said Angell watching them how they were dancing each other with their partners.

  At one moment, Angell cell phone started to ring and vibrate.

  “Sorry, I have to answer.” The girl said seeing an unknown number.

  “Sure.” Marvell said, making way for her to pass.

  She went slowly after that, she left the backyard, wanting to answer the phone far away from the party and the noise.

  “Hello, who’s there?”

  No one answered; instead she could hear a weird whizzing, which made her hair stand on end.

  The voice, who spoke in the next seconds, was nothing besides that strange whizzing. It was like it came from the graves, with echo, which made the girl jump in the air of fearing.

  “No! Please… careful!”

  “What? Who is this?”

  “Don’t go… the flower… no, forget me… not!”

  Angell remained stoned, with her eyes fixed on the hedgerow near her. She started to shake of fearing, closing the phone; she took some deep breaths, trying to calm down, taking everything into account of a bad joke, which was more than sure that could be the master piece of Mariuss. She turned and looking around to see the guilty. Mariuss was too busy dancing with a girl to call. Marvell was talking to some friends of his, Lania was “electrifying” with Emell, and Serena was kissing Derek. She was asking herself what was exactly with that mysterious call, but was better for her to forget that incident and to enjoy the rest of the party, but after she started to go back to her table, she ran into the most antipathetically person alive; Vanilla, followed by her gang of glory, Safia and Petrilla.

  “Well, well, well, look what the crow just doped from her nest. I knew I smelled something rotten.” Vanilla said, with a hate in her small and black eyes, causing her friends a hysterical laughter.

  Angell smiled evil, thinking that wasn’t a good time to knock her down, but this decision was putted to a very difficult test, strengthened by the blond monkey from her face.

  “Vanilla, I’m so glad to see you. I see that you’re wearing the same wig like last time when we spoken.”

  “I’m sorry little angel, but my hair it’s pure gold beside that straw of yours. Even the cows wouldn’t eat that.” She said, and again a wave of false laughing from the other two girls.

  “Well, given the fact that I have one in my face, why to let it ate by you?”

  Vanilla looked uglier then before at her, then she smiled pretty cold.

  “But why are you so alone? Where is your loyal little friends?”

  “We are behind you, you stupid cow.” Serena’s voice could be heard.

  She and Lania were behind Vanilla and her two bimbos. Angell crossed her hand, smiling ironically to Vanilla.

  “What can I say? Big deal that you losers shown up.”

  “Safia, excuse me girl, a peasant from a farm just called and he said that he wants your hair back for his pigs, before he will sue you.” Said Lania happy, maybe too happy, and referring to the red hair which Safia had. She wanted to open her mouth to say something, but was stopped by Vanilla.

  “Well at least she has a cool and rich hair.”

  “Yeah, but too bad the brain it’s full of air.” Said Angell.

  “Be careful what you say Veriss, or you might want to see what my fist can do.”

  “Ouch, I feel threatened.” Said Angell with sarcasm.

  Vanilla grimaced.

  “Come on girls, let’s go, we are losing our time with this witches." Vanilla said, making sign to Safia and Petrilla, to follow her. When they walked past Serena and Lania, Safia was careful to step on Lania’s foot, making her to yell full of anger.

  “I will destroy her!” Lania said angry, being stopped by the other two.

  “Lania snap out of it! It’s no use for us to go down to their level.” Angell said looking at the pool where Marvell and Derek was discussing something with another boy. Vanilla came quickly to Marvell, whispering something to his ear, making Angell to boil inside.

  “On the second thought, let’s get down. Let’s use the Wet Water Rule.”

  “Wet Water Rule activated.” Serena and Lania said in the same time.

  All three of them took momentum then they started to run with their hands stretched. They stopped at time at the edge of the pool, pushing spectacularly Vanilla and the other two girls in the water.

  “Nooo!” Vanilla screamed, floating near her some hair extensions.

  “The Mission Wet Water fulfill.” Angell said laughing, with the rest of the backyard.

  The party was over, and everyone went back to their homes, driven by Covell. The backyard was upside down, meaning that papers, plastic cups were everywhere scattered, a shoe there, a t-shirt on a table, anyway was a total disaster. The last remained were Angell and her gang. Lania and Emell were seating at a distance, because the girl was sick, vomiting, and Emell grabbed her head and hair. Angell was walking with Marvell holding hands, taking another paper from the ground.

  “Don’t bother about that.” Marvell said.

  “Yeah, Covell will do it or what?”

�Of course, it’s his house.”

  Angell laughed shortly; even thou this think seemed to her unfair for him. Covell came by the gate, all sweat.

  “Done Marvell.”

  “Good, now drive the rest home… but where?” Marvell asked then Angell.

  “At my place. They will sleep at my house.”

  “You know where Angell’s house is, right?” Marvell asked Covell, and the last one approved.

  “Cool, drive Mariuss, Serena, Emell and Lania at Angel’s home.”

  “But I don’t have a seat in the car?” said Angell amazed.

  “I will drive you personally home.” Said Marvell smiling.

  “Well, I don’t think that it’s such a good idea.”

  “Of course it is!” Serena said, passing near her and Marvell, holding Mariuss hand, laughing. She pushed softly Angell, in her passing, in such way that the girl woke up in Marvell’s arms. Emell was carrying Lania easily.

  “Everything will be ok. Come…”

  Covell open the doors, and Lania thrown up once more before entering the car, after that they start the car and gone.

  “Ok, now let’s drive you home.”

  “Why you wanted especially to…”

  “Are you seriously asking that question?” Marvell said.

  Angell smiled to him, being taking of her hand and he led her to his expensive black car. The boy opened the door, and the girl took a seat next to the driver.

  Was very late at night, and at that hour only he wind had the courage to make a little noise, blowing softly, pleasant, kissing the leaves. The clouds crowded on the night sky, sifting a smooth rain but not enough for the burnt harvest.

  Only two younger were awake and actives; Angell and Mariuss were “swallowing” each other. The daring boy putted his hand on Angell’s bottom, but she jumped like she was burn at the touch under her skirt, and the boy took it back quickly.

  “Marvell.” She said whispering.

  “I’m sorry, I really didn’t mean too.” He said embarrassed.

  “It’s ok.” Then Angell smiled looking at the time from her cell phone. “Oh shit, my mom will kill me! It’s three in the morning. Can we please go?”

  “Sure.” Marvell said, little disappointed, starting the engine

  “I’m sorry Marvell, I really like you only… maybe it’s better for us to stay friends.”

  “I really like you too Angell, you are very special girl and beautiful. I’ve always liked you. I really want more with you, honestly.”

  “Me not, I mean…” the girl said quickly, seeing the boy’s expression. “I mean that you will return back to the continent. What use to start something, only for me to die because of missing you?”

  “Why you are not coming with me on the continent?”

  “What? I cannot abandon my life here on the island that easy. I still have school to do, and I can’t leave my mother alone. And some other stuff.”

  Marvell didn’t say a word, thinking intensely, making Angell feeling uncomfortable. Near the house, he stopped the car, and when Angell loose the safety belt and wanted to get our, Marvell stopped her.

  “Angell I say to let the feelings unfold. What do you say?”

  Angell looked at him, and the boy’s smile made her forget thoughts about the future.

  “Agree then.”

  Then she lends over him, and kissed his cheek.

  “Good night Marvell.”

  “Good night beautiful.” He said, and then started the engine, turning the car. Angell smiled, turning around happy, going towards the house.


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