War of the Worlds 2030

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War of the Worlds 2030 Page 20

by Stephen B. Pearl

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  A Personal Reason To Kill

  “Edwin, passes,” said Richard in a voice more suited for asking the time of day. He pulled the gag from the mayor’s mouth. Edwin now sported a broken nose and was missing the tips of both pinkie fingers. His pants were pulled down around his ankles in preparation for the next step.

  “You are fools. We can’t win. Our only hope is to be useful to them. They’ve promised me Hawaii.”

  “You’re the fool, Edwin. What makes you think they’ll keep their word?” demanded Richard.

  “They need us. They need humans in case their genetic makeup slips. A repository of DNA. They only want to destroy our potential to threaten them. The humans they leave alive can be a new jumping off point for our species. We can preserve our technology in secret labs. Show them a Neolithic face, but keep the knowledge amongst intellectual elite. Experiment in secret. Hide from them until we have the technology to fight back.”

  “They’ll kill us all,” snapped Zane.

  “Passes,” stated Richard.

  “You could be a king. Both of you could be kings. With what you know, they’d pay you almost anything,” offered Edwin.

  “They would offer and they would be lying.”

  “You’re a fool, Richard. Zane, imagine the women. Anyone you desire. Would you like my secretary? Take her. She’s trained. I’ve seen to it personally.”

  “Can I do the next session, Richard? Please?” asked Zane.

  “Passes, work orders. I don’t care how, Edwin. Just get us past the perimeter defenses.”

  “Bugger you,” said Edwin.

  Richard put the gag back in his mouth and secured it.

  “Rest assured, this is going to hurt you a lot more than it does me.” Richard pulled a knife from beneath his uniform and circumcised the other man. Edwin screamed into the gag.

  Rachel watched with a gleeful gleam in her eye. “Do it again, please.”

  “Maybe later.” Richard used the blade to cut a slice across Edwin’s chest.

  When the mayor’s breathing steadied Richard pulled out his gag.

  “Passes,” he demanded.

  “Screw you!” panted Edwin.

  “Soon I’ll see you’re incapable of that,” said Richard.

  “Richard. My way is the only way. You must see that!”

  “We can still win! We must win!”

  “You won’t kill me. I know you. You and your morally superior attitude. Killing me would make you just like me. There is no way you would do something like that for a cause. You need a personal reason to Ki…”

  Richard jammed the gag back into his mouth.

  “Edwin. I don’t think you ever heard the good news. Ashley is my fiancée!”

  The mayor’s eyes went wide with terror. Richard sliced Edwin’s nipples into quarters. He then paused in thought and carved a shallow line from the hollow of his old teacher’s throat to just above his pubis. The whites showed around Edwin’s eyes. Richard removed the gag.

  “You wouldn’t,” gasped Edwin.

  “In half, down the middle, Doctor Robinson. I thought it would be fitting when I was your student, now…Think of Ashley, Edwin. You’re right; I do need a personal reason to be a right bastard. I have one. Now talk or I slice it in half and let you bleed out slowly. Maybe let your secretary play for a while, before you lose consciousness.”

  “You’re as bad as the Darmuks!” snapped Edwin.

  “Maybe. I think a lot goes to what you’re trying to accomplish. Passes, travel orders and anything else you can think of that might be useful. The closer to the bio-mind the better.”

  Edwin slumped in his chair. ”You’re dead men.”

  “Of course we are. It’s how we die that matters!”

  Edwin stared at Richard and there was a grudging respect mixed with the fear and pain. “I can only get you to the first interior checkpoint. After that it’s up to you.”

  “Do it!”

  “Un-shackle me so I can work the computer.”

  “Tell me what to enter.” Zane moved around to the mayor’s side and pressed the on switch for the computer on the desk.

  “It would be faster,” objected Edwin.

  “Don’t let him. He just wants to put in the code to call the guards,” interrupted Rachel.

  “Thank you.” Richard looked at the woman. “Now, if we were to release you, could you give us the passes?”

  “She doesn’t have my authorization code,” snapped Edwin.

  “He’s right. I can set them up so all he has to do is give you the code,” she said.

  “What do you want in return?” asked Zane.

  “Just let me go. I won’t tell. I promise. I just want to see my husband and kids again.”

  Richard gazed at her considering. “Zane, release her.”


  “We need to trust someone, it could take us days to find the right forms and work orders.”

  Zane reluctantly undid her handcuffs.

  Rachel moved to the computer screen and brought up the work orders for the embassy. A few key thrusts later they were prepped and Auth Code blinked on the screen.

  Okay, Edwin, spill,” said Zane.

  “You’ll kill me.”

  Richard slammed the gag into the mayor’s mouth and Zane scraped the knife across the man’s penile head, drawing blood. When Edwin’s breathing steadied Richard removed the gag. There were tears in the collaborator’s eyes.

  “Oh, God! You are bastards. Ashley, that’s my password.”

  “Ashley.” Richard eyes blazed.

  “Do you think you were the only one that could fall in love with her? I’ve tried to get her away from that bastard since the day I started as mayor.”

  “Not hard enough,” grumbled Zane.

  Rachel entered the password and the caption ‘passes printing’ appeared on the screen. “They’ll be at the front desk. You’re workmen laying a carpet in one of the halls. Take the mayor’s pacing rug, it will add to your cover.”

  “Excellent, good thinking with an added benefit.”

  “Thank you.”

  Richard paused in thought. “Can you do personal assignments from here?”

  “With his password I can control any of the human activity in town and even access some of the Darmuk’s data bases.”

  “Re-assign as many people to work on the docks as you can and run yourself off some travel orders. Do you have access to a car?”

  “His lordship’s limousine.” Rachel smirked at Edwin.

  “That’s bloody gratitude for you,” snarled the mayor.

  “May I?” asked Zane.

  “Yes,” said Richard.

  Zane slammed the gag back into the mayor’s mouth and tied it.

  “My dear, I don’t know why you chose to help our enemies and frankly, I don’t care. You have been of service to me. Write orders for yourself and as many others as will fit in the limousine and head inland as far and as fast as you can.”

  “Richard, we can’t risk this,” said Zane.

  Richard unzipped the front of his coverall and pulled what looked like two plastic chokers with a black bead on each from a pocket on his armor.

  “Made these up for just such an occasion.” He clipped one around Rachel’s neck and the other around Edwin’s. “These are tied to my heart telemeter. My heart stops beating while you’re still in range, a radio signal will be sent and it will explode. If you turn us in, the Darmuks will kill us, you will die. However, if you get far away from here before I die, you might be out of range. If you try to take it off, it will explode.

  “Do you think this is enough insurance, Zane?”

  “No, but you seem to, colonel.”

  “We should go now,” said Richard. “Do what I asked, and, if you value your own life, do anything that might help us reach our goal. Goodbye.” He zipped up his coverall and opened his brief case. His sword was inside and he assembled it.

  Zane opened the brief case he’d carried and assembled his rifle.

  Rolling the weapons in the strip of carpet they picked it up and left the mayor’s office.

  They paused at the front desk to collect the travel papers and work order then moved onto the street.

  * * * *

  Still in the mayor’s office, Rachel worked frantically. She authorized shift changes, and worker relocations, then finally cut her own travel orders and authorization to use the limousine. She then turned to Edwin.

  “I hate you. Before you my husband was the only man ever to touch me. I was a good girl, you bastard.”

  Edwin’s eyes went wide where he sat, chained to the chair.

  Rachel pulled open one of the desk drawers and took out a bottle of whisky. She poured it over his wounds. He gurgled and his eyes teared.

  “Enjoying the feeling?”

  He stared at her wide eyed.

  “I could cut it off you know. Or slice it up so badly it would never heal. Or cut off your balls and make you eat them. How does it feel to be helpless, Mister Mayor? To know someone else has all the power. To have no choice about what happens to you. You stole something from me. You stole it from my husband. You are nothing but a thief!”

  Edwin trembled as Rachel pulled out a very dull letter opener.

  “I wonder if you would bleed to death. Probably not if I tied a tourniquet around it first.

  She pulled an elastic from the drawer, looped it twice then lifting his penis, let it snap tight around its base.

  “Just think, Mister Mayor, how it was like for me. Perform for you like some whore or see my husband forced into the bio-mind. Give in to your sick demands or lose my children.”

  She traced the blade of the letter opener under his scrotum. Sweat beaded Edwin’s brow.

  “You know, I’d almost forgotten what it was like to be human. Really human, not some lackey. I don’t know who those two men were.” She slammed the letter opener home just in front of Edwin’s scrotum and left it sticking out of the chair. “But they just saved your balls. I hope you die, but I won’t become you.” Rachel turned on her heel and hurried from the city hall.

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Zane’s War

  “I just wish I could tell him. I feel so, so…wanton,” complained Mary as she settled on the interface couch.

  “It’s always difficult working classified projects,” agreed Kate.

  “He thinks they’re testing experiential drugs on me from all the IVs.”

  “You haven’t confirmed or denied have you?”

  “Of course not.”

  “Good, how about the other things.”

  “I bought a sex book form the used book store on Cypress Street. He thinks I’m getting the new techniques from it.”

  “That’s something at least.”

  “He also is starting to wonder if I’m Bi curious. He…He was so sweet, he told me he loved me and that if I thought I had to he’d understand. Kate, there was so much fear and hurt in his voice, but he still wanted what would make me happy.”

  “You have a good one there.”

  “Yup, and I have no intention of losing him.”


  “Jacking in.”

  * * * *

  Upload monitoring/ Zane Hinkly /Index 16:45/ 8/12/2033

  * * * *

  Zane caressed Janis’s side as he kissed the back of her shoulders. They were in his dorm room and a soft, sax solo played on the stereo. Candles flickered on the night stand and the curtains were drawn casting the room into twilight.

  “God, I’ve missed this since Betty got back,” she whispered.

  “We should just tell her,” Zane said.

  “Oh right. Hello dear, just wanted you to know I’m sleeping with the man who took your virginity. Yes, the one you decided you hate because his politics are different from yours. I can just see that.”

  Zane pulled her around and kissed her. “I love you. I don’t care who knows it. Betty can just deal.”

  “I love you too, but I also love my daughter. She may be all grown up, but she still needs her mother.”

  “I think she should see her mother as a person, not just her mother.”

  “That’s what I have you for.” She kissed him.

  The door burst open. “Zane, you have to help me. They’re accusing me of raiding the…” Betty fell silent staring.

  Janis tried to hide under the sheet, but it was too late.

  “Hi, Betty, umm…” began Zane.

  Silence reigned for a long minute.

  “My God! Talk about keeping it in the family! Mother, you so desperate you have to pick up my throwaways?!”

  “That is quite enough of that, young lady,” snapped Janis. She deliberately threw the sheet off and reached for a robe that lay draped over the office chair. “Close the door, dear. There is no reason the rest of the dorm should hear this.”

  Slack jawed Betty complied.

  Zane reached for his robe while trying to keep himself covered, and nearly fell out of the bed.

  “I can’t believe this. My mother, my boyfriend.”

  “Ex-boyfriend,” Zane and Janis corrected in unison.

  “Zane, she’s…I mean…You’re.”

  “Does the age difference disturb you?” asked Janis. “Zane is very mature, and I’ve always liked to think I was young at heart. We haven’t found it to be much of a problem. Of course the fact I look young for my age has helped with that.”

  A knock sounded on the door. “Oh, God! That’s them.”

  “Who?” asked Zane.

  “The police. That raid on the Darmuk compound a couple of weeks ago. They’ve accused me of organizing it and decided to press charges.”

  “Betty?” demanded Janis.

  “Mom, I swear. Peaceful protests. No illegal activities.”

  “We need time to work this out.” Zane belted on his robe and stood. “Betty, get into my closet. Honey, stay out of sight of the door and follow my lead.”

  “Zane what?” objected Betty.

  “Dear, do it. Zane is good for times like these,” said Janis.

  Betty slipped into the closet. Zane rubbed his hand over his mouth as the pounding on the door repeated. He opened it a crack, half shouting, “What?”

  “Police. May I come in sir?” demanded a burly officer with a crew-cut and handle bar moustache.

  “I’m sorry officer, no.”

  “Sir, it won’t take a minute.”

  “Officer. Now is not a good time.” Zane looked sheepish. Behind the door he waved at Janis.

  “Love, who is it?” she asked innocently.

  “Sir, I must insist. A woman matching the description of a fugitive was seen entering your room.”

  “Officer, I assure you.”

  “Sir, step away from the door.”

  “Just a moment, so my friend can make herself presentable.”

  “It’s okay, Zane.” Janis stepped up behind him. What is the problem, officer?”

  “Mam, we err.” The policeman glanced from a small screen he carried to Janis and back. “Mam, I apologize. You have a striking similarity in appearance to a fugitive we saw run onto the campus. I’m sorry to have troubled you.” The cop checked the nameplate on Zane’s door. “Mister Hinkly, I apologize for intruding at a delicate time. Please have a nice day. The cop smiled at Zane and quickly winked before moving down the hall.”

  “The nerve,” said Janis as Za
ne closed the door.

  “It’s a guy thing,” soothed Zane. “Good thing you and Betty look alike.”

  “That is something I didn’t need to be reminded of.”

  Zane took her into his arms. “Hey, blue eyes, every guy has a type. You just happen to be the finest example of mine ever born.”

  “Zane.” She kissed him.

  “Eww.” Betty poked her head out of the closet.

  “I suppose there are worse closets you could be coming out of dear, but you can reserve your comments for someone who cares,” remarked Janis.

  “Only once and it wasn’t that good,” muttered Betty as she stepped into the room.

  “What?!” gasped Janis.

  “Hey, I’m the one who’s shocked here. I mean, Zane, Mother? He was my first.”

  “Not your last. Betty, I understand you being freaked, but what did you expect me to do. Wait for you?” asked Zane.

  “I didn’t expect you to start dating my mother.”

  “Dear, frankly, this isn’t any of your concern and you might show some gratitude, since we just helped you avoid arrest.”

  “Right so. What next?” asked Betty.

  “Next you tell us what’s going on,” replied Janis.

  * * * *

  Upload monitoring/ Zane Hinkly /Index 17:30/ 8/12/2033

  * * * *

  “So now they’re accusing me of organizing the raid. I didn’t.” Betty paced back and forth across Zane’s room. Zane and Janis sat side by side on his bed.

  “What’s the charge? Trespassing? Public mischief? Pay the fine.” Zane’s voice sounded peevish.

  “High treason and espionage. They’re saying since the Darmuk facility is classed as an embassy it was a matter of national security. Their capital offences,” explained Betty.

  “God no!” whispered Janis.

  “We need the Doc. He has connections.”

  “I don’t want anything from that animal torturer,” growled Betty.


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