Lucky Star

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Lucky Star Page 11

by Allie Everhart

  "Like pizza?"

  "And beer. But I won't have one tonight since you're not able to."

  "You can have one. I don't mind."

  "You sure?"

  "Go ahead."

  He takes a bottle of beer from the fridge. "I really needed this tonight."

  "Why? Did something happen? Besides getting stuck having to help out the girl who got kicked out of her apartment?"

  "It's not that. It's other stuff."

  "You want to talk about it?"

  "Not really. Actually no, I'd rather not."

  His phone rings and he checks it. "It's Lauren again. I'm not answering." He sends it to voicemail.

  "Is she coming over to get her stuff?"

  "Probably not tonight." He pours sparkling water in a glass and hands it to me. "She has to work another double shift. She'll get almost no sleep before having to be back there tomorrow but she'll still insist on going to spin class at seven."

  "I wouldn't want a doctor working on me after only having a couple hours of sleep."

  "I kept telling her to get more sleep but she wouldn't listen. It's not like she's flipping burgers. She's being trusted with peoples' lives. She needs to be awake and alert."

  "Has she ever made a mistake from being tired?"

  "If she has she wouldn't tell me. Lauren's a perfectionist. She doesn't want anyone seeing her flaws."

  "Even you?"

  "Especially me. She's very competitive. She was always trying to beat me. She wanted to work at a more prestigious hospital than me. Make more money than me. I kept telling her none of that stuff mattered to me but it matters to her so nothing I said would change her mind."

  "Did you like that she was competitive like that?"

  "I did when we first started dating. I thought it was sexy. A strong, beautiful woman determined to do better than anyone else? But then it got old. I couldn't imagine the rest of my life like that, constantly feeling like I was competing with her."

  The pizza arrives and the smell of it has my stomach growling. I'm getting my appetite back and the pizza looks so good I could eat the whole thing.

  Corbin grabs some plates from the cupboard.

  "We can just use paper," I say.

  "Paper what?"

  "Plates. That way we don't dirty any dishes."

  "I don't have paper plates." He hands me a plate and I help myself to the pizza.

  "Can I take this to the couch?" I ask.

  "Um, I guess. Why do you want eat over there?"

  "So we can watch TV. If you don't want to, we can eat at the table."

  "The couch is fine. It's just not something I normally do."

  "Really? Growing up, we always ate in front of the TV. My parents would be on the couch and my brother and I would sit on the floor. We only ate at the table for holidays."

  "My parents wouldn't allow us to eat anywhere but the dining room table. It's what I'm used to, so even though I can sit wherever I want now, I always sit at the table. But what the hell? Let's sit on the couch."

  We take our plates to the couch and watch the end of a movie. Actually, we spend more time talking than watching the movie. Corbin tells me about his sister and I tell him stories about my brother, Seth. For whatever reason Seth always has crazy stuff happen to him. Not bad crazy, but good, like meeting his girlfriend when he went to get his oil changed. They've dated for years and will probably get married. Or there's the time he went into a rest stop on the way to Pennsylvania and found a hundred dollar bill on the floor. Nobody was around so he kept it.

  Good stuff like that happens to him all the time. Me? I get hit by a car and lose my job all in one day. Then I lose my apartment and all my possessions. The family luck definitely went to Seth and not me.

  Except for Corbin. He's the first good luck I've had in a while. I just hope the good luck keeps coming my way.

  Chapter Twelve


  "Hey." I feel Corbin nudge my arm. "Why don't you go to bed?"

  I rub my eyes. "Was I sleeping?"

  "For the last half hour." He grabs our plates from the coffee table. "I'll clean up dinner. You go ahead and get to bed."

  "I can't. I need to look for apartments. Besides it's too early to go to bed."

  "You need your rest. It'll help you heal faster." He stands up, the plates in his hands, and nods toward the hall. "Go. Get to sleep. Doctor's orders."

  "You keep forgetting you're not my doctor," I say, getting up.

  "Well, while you're here under my care, I am. So go get some rest."

  He takes the plates to the kitchen and rinses them in the sink.


  "Yeah?" He looks back at me as he sets the plates in the dishwasher.

  "I just want to thank you again for helping me out like this. I don't know where I'd be tonight if you hadn't let me stay."

  "You're welcome here for as long as you need." He closes the dishwasher and wipes his hand on a dishcloth.

  "Thanks, but I really am going to try to find a place as soon as possible. I didn't do much today on my search but I promise I'll put my full effort into it tomorrow."

  He leans back against the counter. "Star, I don't want you taking the first place you find just to get out of here."

  "I know, but I told you I'd only be here a night so—"

  "I'm not counting how many nights you're here. If you need a week, or even two, it's fine. I'm not keeping track. Now would you please go get some rest?"

  He sounds so exasperated with me it makes me smile.

  "Goodnight, Dr. Sterling."

  He smiles back. "Goodnight, Ms. Jenkins."

  I feel him watching me as I go down the hall. When I'm in my room I shut the door and crawl into the big, comfortable bed.

  I fall asleep and wake up to light peeking through the shades. I sit up, which causes a coughing fit, followed by sneezing. It's just a mild cold but really annoying and the last thing I need right now.

  Turning on the light by the bed I see a small tray on the nightstand that wasn't there last night. On it is a glass of water, cough drops, cold medicine, and a note. I pick up the note. It's from Corbin.

  Hope you got some rest. Take the cold meds and drink plenty of water today. There's food in the fridge. Help yourself. I'll stop by at lunch to check on you. - Corbin

  It's after nine. When did he leave all this? Last night? This morning? I didn't even hear him come in my room.

  After a quick shower I put on my new clothes and head to the kitchen. His fridge is stocked with healthy food, except for the leftover pizza from last night. I grab a slice and sit down at the breakfast bar.

  "Making yourself comfortable, I see," a voice says.

  Looking up, I see a woman walking toward me. She's tall and beautiful, her shiny blond hair pulled back into a long sleek ponytail. Her makeup is flawless, like it was professionally done, and she's wearing black yoga pants and a hot pink zip-up jacket that fits tight to her lean frame. A giant black purse is slung over her shoulder and she's holding a silver water bottle.

  Where'd she come from? I didn't even hear the elevator door open.

  "Hi." I jump off the barstool and quickly wipe my hands on my jeans. "I'm Star." I go to shake her hand but she pretends not to notice.

  "I'm Lauren," she says as she sets her purse on the table. "I assume Corbin told you about me?"

  "Yes. Hi." I fake a smile, suddenly feeling nervous and like I shouldn't be here. "He didn't mention you'd be stopping by."

  "I didn't tell him. I just finished my spin class and need to shower." She goes to the fridge and grabs a bottle of organic juice from the shelf. "It's too far of a drive to go all the way back to my friend's place."

  I wish she'd told Corbin. I don't think he wants her just stopping by like this but if I told her to go I doubt she'd listen to me.

  "So Corbin said you stayed here last night." She shakes the juice then twists open the cap.

  "I didn't plan to but I didn't have anywhere else
to go."

  She raises her perfectly trimmed brows. "No friends? No family?"

  "Not in Boston. I just moved here from Worcester. I came for a job but missed the first day because of the accident so they gave the job to someone else."

  "Yes, Corbin mentioned that." She takes a sip of her drink. "So any leads on apartments?"

  "Honestly, I haven't had much time to look. But I will today. In fact, I should probably start looking right now." I pick up the laptop Corbin left, hoping to escape to my room before Lauren asks me more questions.

  "If you'd like I'd be happy to help." She unzips her pink jacket revealing a white tank covering her flat chest. She's very thin.

  "Um, thanks but I think I can manage. Besides, Corbin said you work a lot. I don't want to take up your time."

  "I can ask around. See if anyone I know needs a roommate. It wouldn't take any time."

  "Oh, then sure, that'd be great. But the place has to be cheap."

  "What's your budget?"

  I tell her and she almost laughs, but then stops herself and says, "You do know the average rent in Boston is around $2500 a month."

  Actually I didn't know that but pretend that I do. "That's why I need a roommate, or maybe two."

  She comes out of the kitchen to where I'm standing. "I'll ask around but really, why are you staying?" She tilts her head to the side, her eyes doing a quick scan of my clothes before returning to my face.

  "I'm not sure what you mean."

  "Why are you staying in Boston if you have no friends or family here and no job?"

  "I've always wanted to live here," I tell her, although it's not really true. I just wanted to get out of my hometown. I didn't really care where I ended up. "I like the city."

  She shrugs. "It's okay. I, myself, find it a little stodgy. Everyone's so academic here, which was fine when I was a student but now that I'm older and beginning my career I want a city that's more alive. More vibrant."

  "Like New York?" I ask, remembering what Corbin said about her wanting to live there.

  "Exactly. New York has an energy to it that no other place seems to have. I'm still trying to convince Corbin of that. Once he's living there, he'll see how great it is and eventually come around."

  "Corbin's moving?"

  "Not yet, but once I get a job there he'll have to."

  "Um, I guess I'm confused. I thought you two weren't dating anymore."

  "It's only temporary. Corbin and I have a tumultuous relationship. We're just taking some time apart."

  I don't think Corbin would agree with that. He made the breakup sound permanent.

  "You really think he'd move to New York?"

  She eyes me suspiciously. "You're awfully concerned about Corbin and his future plans."

  I shake my head. "I didn't mean anything by it. I was just thinking that his family lives here and he's from here so maybe he'd want to stay."

  "Men don't know what they want. It's up to us to tell them. Corbin may think he wants to remain here but he'll change his mind when we get to New York."

  She's really in denial. Corbin said she wasn't accepting the breakup but I thought that meant she was just sad about it, not that she was thinking they were still together.

  "So any ideas about what you'll do for a job?" she asks.

  She won't stop asking me questions. I really just want to go down to my room and get away from her. She's making me nervous.

  "I haven't given it much thought," I say. "So much has happened the past few days I haven't had time."

  "Do you have time now?"

  "Um, yeah, I guess. What are you thinking?"

  "Come with me." She starts walking to the elevator.

  "Wait. Where are we going?"

  "Downstairs. C'mon." She holds the elevator door open for me.

  Downstairs? What's downstairs?

  We take the elevator to the first floor and I follow her to the coffee shop that's on the street level of the building. It's bustling with men in suits talking on their phones.

  The squeal of the espresso machine greets us as we walk in. That sound always hurts my ears, which is why I tend to stay out of coffee shops. That and the fact I don't have money for coffee.

  "Alexis!" Lauren yells over the machines, waving her hand at a girl who could be her twin. They both have the same long blond hair and matching makeup, like they use the same brand and colors. Alexis is shorter than Lauren but just as thin.

  Alexis turns and spots Lauren. "Sister!" she squeals, coming around the counter to give her a hug.

  "You two are sisters?" I ask.

  "No." Lauren laughs. "But we act like it so we've declared ourselves sisters. "Alexis, I want you to meet Star. She's the one I told you about that's looking for a job."

  That's why Lauren took me here? For a job interview? I'm not dressed for an interview and I didn't really want to work at a coffee shop. It doesn't pay enough and the squeal of that machine all day would drive me crazy.

  "Oh, um, I wasn't—"

  Alexis interrupts. "Nice to meet you." She shakes my hand. "So I was thinking we could start you in the back. The kitchen could really use some help in the mornings. And then as you learn more, maybe we'll put you out front."

  "Wait—you're giving me the job? You just met me."

  Alexis and Lauren laugh. I'm not sure what they're laughing about.

  "If I recommend someone, you're basically hired," Lauren says. "You seem hardworking and responsible, which is better than half the people who apply here. Right, Alexis?"

  "Totally." She rolls her eyes. "You should hear the stories of the college kids I've hired. They think they're too good to have to lift a finger at work. Seriously, this one guy just sat in the corner and read a book all day and then wondered why I fired him."

  "He thought reading a book was considered working?" I ask.

  "He said he was working by giving the place character. Drawing in customers with his presence. So anyway, when can you start?"

  Alexis and Lauren both look at me, wide-eyed and smiling with their matching pink lipstick.

  "Um, well, I just got out of the hospital." I sniffle. "And I'm fighting a cold so—"

  "She could start Monday," Lauren says, then turns to me. "Trust me. I'm a doctor. You'll be fine by then."

  "Great!" Alexis says. "Then I'll see you at seven."

  "Hold on," I say, stopping her before she goes behind the counter. "I'm not sure this will work out. I mean, I'm hoping to find an apartment soon and I doubt it'll be anywhere near here. I don't have a car, and subway fare will eat up all my money. Plus I was really hoping to find something that—"

  Lauren and Alexis are laughing again so I stop to see what's so funny.

  "It's only temporary," Alexis says. "Lauren said you needed cash fast so she thought this would be a good solution. And as long as you're living upstairs it'll work out perfectly. But if you really don't want the job, then—"

  "No. I do! I just didn't understand. Temp work is great. And yes, I do need cash fast, so thank you. And if I'm able to come in before Monday I'll let you know."

  Alexis hands me her business card which lists her as the manager. "I need to get back to work. See you Monday!"

  "Isn't she the greatest?" Lauren asks as we ride the elevator back up to Corbin's apartment.

  "Yeah. She's really nice. Did you two meet in college?"

  "Yes, at Columbia. We roomed together for a year and then she moved in with her boyfriend. They're no longer together."

  "She went to Columbia but works at a coffee shop?"

  "She's only working there until she finds a husband. Her family is loaded. She doesn't need the money."

  "I can't believe she just gave me a job. Thanks for the recommendation."

  We step off the elevator into the apartment.

  "Whatever I can do," she says as she checks her phone. "I'm going to go shower."

  She goes into Corbin's bedroom, leaving me alone in the living room. Why would she get me that
job? She doesn't even know me. Maybe she wants me to work so I can get money and move out faster. I can tell she doesn't like me living here.

  Sitting on the couch I start up Corbin's laptop then realize I don't have the password. Corbin forgot to leave it so I search on my phone instead, starting with the roommate site I used before. Given my previous luck I probably shouldn't use that site again but I'm desperate.

  Nearly an hour later Lauren appears again, ready for work in black pants and a light blue dress shirt. Her hair is pulled back and she's lightened her makeup. Why was she wearing so much makeup to spin class?

  "How's the search going?" she asks, her heels clicking on the wood floor.

  "I might have found one in Jamaica Plain. But I'd have two guys as roommates."

  "Is that a problem? Do you only want girls?"

  "I can't be picky so I'm fine living with guys, as long as they aren't perverts."

  "Aren't all men?" She laughs. "Good luck with the search," she says as she walks to the elevator.

  When the elevator door closes I realize I forgot to ask her for the laptop password. I'm sure Corbin gave it to her.

  My phone rings, the call coming from a number I don't recognize.

  "Hello?" I answer.

  A deep voice replies, "Star, how's it going?"

  "Who's this?"

  He laughs a little. "Corbin. Who'd you think it was?"

  "I wasn't sure. We've never talked on the phone."

  "I just wanted to check in and see how you're doing."

  "I'm doing okay. The swelling in my leg is going down and my cold seems to be getting better."

  "Good. Keep resting and drinking fluids and be sure to eat something."

  "I will. Hey, Lauren was just here."

  "Lauren was there?" he asks, sounding angry. "What the hell was she doing there?"

  "She came by to shower after spin class. She said it was too far to go back to her friend's place."

  "She could've showered at the hospital. Damn, that pisses me off. She can't just be stopping by like that. She doesn't live there anymore."

  "Sorry, I should've called you. I didn't know what to do."

  "Don't be sorry. It's not your fault. She knows she's not supposed to be there without telling me. I'll have a talk with her. If she shows up again, text me and I'll call her. Did she give you any trouble while she was there?"


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