A Way West

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A Way West Page 8

by Peter Westaway

  Chapter Eight

  No! NO NO NO! Ahhhhh! Monica couldn’t believe it. What a disaster! Her heart was beating out of her chest. A COP! How stupid could she be? What got into her? And now she’s ruined everything. She signals to pull over and is gearing down and braking. Jeff is going to be so mad. Why why why? The cop stays right behind her as she pulls onto the shoulder and stops the bike. Jeff gets off right away and hasn’t said a word yet. Monica is scared out of her mind. She puts the kickstand down and leans the bike and swings her leg off. Jeff already has his helmet off and is staring at her with a blank expression, and still not saying anything. “I am so sorry Jeff, I fucked up bad.” Jeff still says nothing. He tosses his helmet gently onto the grass beside the shoulder, crosses his arms and looks towards the cop car about thirty feet away with its tell-tale roof lights taunting them. He must be in shock; his face is blank and unblinking. Monica is freaking. She’s never been pulled over by a cop before and she picks just about the worst time and place to get caught for speeding. She leans over and dumps her helmet beside his. Her eyes start to water and she approaches Jeff and opens her arms looking for some comfort and reassurance. Still without saying anything he opens his arms and they both squeeze each other tight. “I am so SO sorry sweetie.” Monica starts to cry into his ear.

  “It’ll be okay baby, just try to calm down.” He says quietly. Monica shuts her eyes tight, and Jeff looks up and watches the trooper approach them while he is putting his wide brimmed hat on. Jeff kisses Monica on a wet cheek tenderly and lets her go.

  “So kids, what exactly is the big hurry?” Monica lets go of Jeff reluctantly and opens her eyes and starts to focus on the officer as he comes to a stop in front of them. He sure isn’t smiling, but he doesn’t look angry either. He’s tall with a big bushy mustache and chubby cheeks.

  “Officer I am so sorry! I didn’t mean to go so fast. Please please.... I am sooo sorry.” She feels the tears intensify, as they start to flow down her cheeks.

  “I see you kids are from Canada. Miss, can I see your license and registration please?”

  Monica wipes the side of her face about one eye with her sleeve, then with the other sleeve wipes the other eye and sniffles. “Yes sir, just let me dig them out of my bag.”

  “It’s my bike sir, here’s the ownership.” Jeff is removing it from his wallet and hands it to the officer. He likes that the officer is smiling a little.

  “Is this your girlfriend?” The trooper takes the offered card from Jeff, and starts reading it.

  “Yes sir.”

  “You’re a brave young man to trust her to drive... I clocked her going 76 miles an hour. I would be shitting my pants if I was behind my wife going that fast on a bike.”

  Jeff hopes the cop keeps the decent attitude. “Yes sir, she is usually much more responsible, I guess she just got carried away. We are really sorry. Please go easy on her, she is real good girl and means no harm.”

  “I am sure she is son.” The trooper then accepts the license proffered from the silent Monica. “I’ll be right back; you two don’t go anywhere okay.” The trooper heads back to his cruiser. Jeff had forgotten all about Pete and Issy who were quite a ways behind them. He now notices that the Mustang had obviously passed them as he sees it parked on the shoulder about a quarter mile ahead. He doesn’t see Pete and Issy though.

  Jeff approaches the silent and very sad Monica and wraps his arms around her again. “Relax baby he’s being real nice to us so it might be okay after all.”

  Monica hopes, no, she prays that he is right. She had noticed the Mustang parked up the highway also. “What do you think Pete is up to?”

  Jeff is glad that Monica is starting to relax a little. “Let’s worry about ourselves right now. What the hell were you doing, going so fast? You know you don’t have a motorcycle license. We might be in real big shit. I hope he gives us a break but holy crap this is the last thing we needed.”

  “I don’t know. I just don’t know. I got going and all of a sudden, I wanted that feeling I got when you first let me ride back in Canada. It was such a rush. This highway is so straight and smooth, I just let her rip... I had no idea that I was a speed freak. Maybe I am some kind of adrenaline junkie. Maybe that’s what it’s like to be on those stupid drugs of Pete and yours. I am so sorry, it won’t ever happen again.”

  “Well it’s a little late for that. Let’s see how bad this cop screws us to the wall. I doubt we’re going to jail or anything but wow, this sure isn’t good.” Jeff looks at the cop in his car and doesn’t see him heading back to them yet so he goes to the grass by his helmet and sits down. Monica plunks down beside him. And they both sit quietly.

  They both are noticing that the Mustang still hasn’t moved but Pete and Issy still haven’t appeared. Finally, they hear the door to the trooper’s car close and see him heading back. Jeff notices at almost the same time that Pete and Issy have finally emerged and are walking back to them. They are still quite far and it will take them a few minutes to reach them. Jeff and Monica get up to face the music that the trooper is about to present to them.

  “Well we seem to have a bit of a problem here. Why are you driving without the proper license Monica?” He only waits a couple of seconds and doesn’t get an answer yet. “I am going to have to have a look at your license there son.” The trooper has his hand extended towards Jeff. Jeff fishes it out of his wallet and hands it to him without saying anything. But in his head he is screaming. Please please, give us a break! The trooper takes it and says, “Alright sit tight again, I will be right back.”

  Jeff and Monica sit back down where they were and aren’t sure what to think. Pete and Issy are steadily getting closer. This is not a good scene, not at all. Jeff doesn’t know whether to yell at Monica or yell at himself, but none of that would be much help now. The trooper is heading back to them quicker this time and they both get up to see what he has to say now.

  “First of all, who the hell are these two that are leaving their car way up there and coming to see us? Friends of yours I assume?”

  Jeff answers, “Ya they are a couple of Americans we met yesterday and we were travelling together for a bit.”

  “And just where were you all travelling to?”

  “Well officer we are on our way to British Columbia to help out on my cousin’s farm. Those guys.” Jeff motions his head towards the couple that have almost arrived. “Are heading to Seattle I think.”

  “You two seem like good kids so I am going to give you a big break. I happen to like Canadians, my beautiful wife is from Winnipeg. Your records seem to be clean according to my computer, so I am going to ignore the fact Monica doesn’t have a bike license. BUT young lady, consider this a big lesson. First, don’t be so stupid to ride Jeff’s bike again until you get a proper license. And.... slow the hell down, or you are going to die. Now, you are still getting this ticket for speeding though. I strongly suggest you pay the fine before you leave North Dakota. Bismark our capital city isn’t too far ahead. You can do it there. I don’t think you want to push your luck. The next cop that stops you just might not be so nice.” At this point Pete and Issy have finally arrived. Monica takes the piece of paper from the trooper; the trooper is staring at Pete and Issy.

  “And just what can I do for you?” The trooper directs the question at Pete. “Officer these are just a couple of naive kids from Canada, I think you should give them a break.” As usual while he is driving during the day, Pete’s eyes aren’t visible through his mirrored aviator glasses.

  The trooper takes a couple steps towards Pete, maybe to see if he can see through the mirrors. “And just what the hell do you think you’re doing telling me how to do my job?”

  “Hey officer I am only trying to lend a hand to my new friends here.” Pete’s suddenly not sounding his usual confident self.

  “Well it just so happens that they were doing just fine on their own... Is that beer I smell on your breath... Mr. Just Wants to Help?
” The Trooper has his face only a few inches from Pete now.

  Pete takes a couple of small steps back, “Umm, ya... Ya I had two beers back at the rest area back near Jamestown. I am sure I wouldn’t blow over any limit or anything though.”

  Issy is standing beside Pete still, she stepped back a bit as he did. “That’s true sir, he’s only had two, I swear, and I had one, and we have none left.”

  The trooper looks from Pete to Issy. “Ya, you sure are being a big help to your new friends now.” He looks over to Monica, “Monica did you or your boyfriend have any of these beers?”

  “No sir but it is true; he has only had two of them.” The trooper looks back at Pete, “It’s not even eleven a.m. There are lots of people who think that only alcoholics drink before noon. Are you two helpful friends alcoholics?”

  “No sir, not at all. We had a couple left over and just felt like having the rest. I promise sir I won’t drink anymore. None.” Pete’s confidence is being a little shaken.

  “Well I am going to believe you and not bother giving you a field test. You are all lucky I am in a good mood. But I would like to see your license now Mr. Helpful.” Pete quickly produces it, sighing with some relief. The trooper starts looking it over. “Jeff I think you should get on that bike and get Monica to Bismarck like I suggested. You told me that you just met these two yesterday so you really have no need to wait for them while I just run this license to make sure Mr. Helpful here isn’t some kind of wanted killer or something.

  “Well sir we were hoping to keep travelling with these two.” Jeff is behind the trooper.

  Trooper Park (according to his name badge) turns his head slowly to look at Jeff, “I suggest you start taking my advice there son or I just might start losing that good mood that I have been trying to hold onto.” He goes back to studying Pete’s license.

  “Yes sir, sorry sir, ahhh ya thanks for your help, we’ll get going... I guess this is bye Pete it was nice meeting you. And bye Issy it was real nice meeting you too. Good luck in Seattle.”

  Monica had been watching quietly, she had started to feel much better about things until she heard this new twist. “Officer could you please give me a second to write down Issy’s email. I have no friends out west and I would really like to be able to contact her when I get out there.”

  Trooper Park looks over at the pleading face of Monica “Ya I don’t see a problem with that I guess. In fact, to speed things up I’ll even write it down for you.” He grabs his note pad from his shirt pocket. “Go ahead there Mrs. Helpful what is your email?”

  Issy isn’t happy with any of this, “It’s easy enough for her to remember, it’s Issy68 at Hotmail dot com. That’s i-s-s-y-six-eight at hotmail dot com.”

  The trooper jots it down quick and tears the page and hands it to Monica. “Now get your little Canadian butts out of here.”

  “Thank you sir, I appreciate all your help.” Monica goes and gives Issy a hug. “Bye Issy I promise I will write you as soon as I get a chance.” “It was real nice meeting you Monica, good luck at the apple farm.” She lets go.

  “It was real nice meeting you too Jeff, take good care of my girl here.” Monica heads over to get her helmet.

  Jeff is already putting his on. “And bye Pete you take care of Issy, you’re pretty lucky to have her.”

  Pete’s pretty confused by these changes of events. “Ya bye guys have fun back in Canada.”

  Trooper Park watches as Jeff and Monica get on the bike. They both wave and yell bye to Pete and Issy and are soon spraying a little gravel and back on the Interstate. “Okay there, you two just stay right here and I will be right back.” And the busy trooper heads once again back to his cruiser.

  “Fuck, this is turning out to be pretty stupid.” Pete starts pacing around kicking a little at the gravel.

  “Well gee Pete, maybe we should have just stayed in the car like I wanted us to and then we would be back on the highway with the bike right now.” Issy just stands in one spot watching her dumbass boyfriend. “Just be thankful that you didn’t smoke a joint yet or he would have smelt that on your breath too and then we would be really screwed. I sure hope we both smarten up someday and actually stay out of trouble.”

  The police cruiser starts to move and approaches them slowly along the shoulder. It stops almost right on top of them. Trooper Park jumps out and walks around to the back passenger door and opens it. “Okay you two I want you to get in; you’re not supposed to be walking along my Interstate.” Pete and Issy obey and quickly get in. Trooper Park shuts the door and walks around to his side and gets behind the wheel. “Alright Mr. and Mrs. Helpful I am still in that good mood thankfully for me. You surprised me there Peter and don’t seem to have anything on your driving record, or arrest record. So I am going to keep being the nice guy and now give you a lift to your car.”

  “Thank you officer, I am sorry to cause you a problem.” “That’s alright son, but even drinking a couple of beers isn’t too smart when you’re driving, so try to learn from your mistakes before they become much bigger ones.”

  “Yes sir, I will remember that.”

  Trooper Park has kept his cherries lit on the roof and is on the Interstate approaching the Mustang slowly. As he’s pulling over and coming up behind Pete’s car he sounds about the friendliest he has since Pete’s intrusion on his business, “What year’s that Mustang? It looks in decent shape.”

  Pete obviously perks up, “Sir it’s a 1969 Mach 1, all original mint condition, it’s my pride and joy.”

  “I bet it is. My dad had an original 1964 and a half when I was a little kid. He loved that car. He was heartbroken when he had to sell it when he got hurt and couldn’t work anymore and we couldn’t rub two nickels together.”

  “That’s cool. About him having a 1964 and a half I mean, not about you guys going through such a tough time. Is your dad okay these days?”

  “Nah he lost his battle with cancer a couple years back.” He puts the cruiser in park. Trooper Park checks to make sure no traffic was coming. He gets out and walks around the car. He opens the door to let them out. “Now you kids try to stay out of trouble.”

  Pete is feeling good again, “Yes sir thanks for being a real decent cop to us.”

  “Ya well I try to be fair to people. It’s how I would want to be treated. You take good care of that car of yours.”

  “I will for sure officer. Thanks again, have a good day.” Pete and Issy hurry to their car.

  “Pull over at this exit please! We need to talk!” Monica is yelling in Jeff’s ear.

  Jeff nods and pulls off at the next exit in a couple of miles. He comes to the stop sign and twists his head to get a glimpse of Monica who is craning her neck to make eye contact. “Where did you want me to go from here?” Jeff talks loud to be heard through his shield.

  “Just go straight ahead and pull over.” Monica gets off as soon as he stops. They are now at the start of the onramp to get back on the interstate.

  Jeff stays straddled on his bike and takes his helmet off. “I think we should take the cops advice and pay the fine today. It’s kinda cool actually, that you aren’t getting any demerit points on your license, and it was real nice of him to let you get away with not having the bike license, but there is no way I am letting you ride the bike again until you have one. I mean even in B.C. Maybe we will look into getting you a B.C. one.”

  Monica is holding her helmet and standing just a couple of feet from Jeff. “Ya whatever, I wanted to talk about Pete and Issy.”

  “Ya well, Pete was a bit of a doofus for coming to bug the cop with beer on his breath. But he meant well I guess.”

  “Jeff look.” Monica points in front of them to where the ramp heads back towards the interstate. “It didn’t sound like Pete was going to get arrested or anything so that means they will be back on the road again soon. Assuming of course that he isn’t that wanted killer. I figure we should wait up there near the highway until they
pass by. His car will be easy to spot and you can catch up to him easily enough. What do you think?”

  She looks at Jeff with that look that he knows all too well means that she wants to get her way. “Ahh ya I guess, what’s the big deal? We would have been going our separate ways in a day or two anyway. And what if we don’t see them?”

  “Well I am pretty sure we will see them within a half hour, so let’s give them that long. Like I said to the cop I have no friends out west and in a very short time last night I became real good friends with Issy so I would really like it if we tried to get back with them. Pete was actually really nice to me in the car this morning. Can we give it a try please? I know they will be in Seattle when we are at the farm. But I am sure it is only a couple of hundred miles away. That is a whole lot closer than Ottawa. It would be fun to visit Seattle and I bet they wouldn’t mind coming up to visit us at the farm once or twice.”

  “Ya sure kook anything to keep you happy, we will give a try.”


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