Ekton: Winter Valley Wolves #6

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Ekton: Winter Valley Wolves #6 Page 4

by V. Vaughn

  He wraps his arms around my waist and kisses my round belly. “The scent of you is like a drug.”

  I frown at the fact that he’s sniffing me, even though I know what he means, because I like the way he smells too. His hair is silky soft in my fingers when I thread them through it. He moves his mouth lower, and his breath is hot on my mound when he asks, “Can I?”

  This is a first for me, and I’m glad it will be Ekton. “Yes.” I sit on the chair, and he lifts my legs up and over his shoulders as I perch my butt on the edge of the chair. I bet studying at my desk is never going to be the same. He searches my face with his gaze as he slides a finger between my folds. “Does the scientist have any instructions for me?” He dips it into me, and I let out a small noise.

  I grip the edge of the chair tight. “She trusts he knows what he’s doing.”

  He winks at me, and I’d laugh if he hadn’t just thrust another finger into me. Ekton swipes his tongue over my clit, and now my cry is a little louder. I no longer know what he’s doing, because I’m lost in the sensations I’m feeling for the first time. I dig my nails into the wood of the chair as my orgasm comes quickly. I muffle my scream with my arm so the whole floor doesn’t know what we’re up to.

  Ekton lifts me up and sets me down on my bed, set up at top bunk height. He climbs up and crawls over me to say, “You don’t need to hide your pleasure, quiet time is a couple hours away.”

  I smile back at him and would come up with something clever as a reply, but I’m still quivering. I reach for his cock and stroke it. It’s firm in my hand, and I imagine the pressure of him inside me. I should probably return the oral favor, so I ask, “Can I taste you too?”

  “Not if you want to use these.” Ekton rises up on his knees, and his head almost hits the ceiling as the cardboard tears. “Do you still want to do this?”

  I squirm under him in anticipation of him filling me. “God, yes.” I’m still stroking him and squeeze tighter as a foil packet crinkles when Ekton opens it. I release my grip so he can put it on.

  He lowers himself to kiss me. The faint flavor of what must be me is slightly sweet, and my core quivers from my recent experience. Ekton lifts up and slides fingers into me. “You’re so tight, Mia. I don’t want to hurt you.”

  “You won’t. This scientist knows that even though you’re larger than the average man, you’ll fit.”

  He chuckles as he removes his hand. “Okay, but the test subject is still taking orders. You can tell me to stop any time.” He guides his cock to my entrance and pushes gently. I spread my legs further as his eyelids droop, and he moans.

  When Ekton is all the way in, he sighs. “I could stay here forever.”

  I pinch his butt. “You’d better not. I expect a little movement.”

  He withdraws and pushes in again more quickly this time. “Still good?”

  “Seriously? Just shut up and do this. I’m dying here.”

  He thrusts in harder, and I sigh to let him know it’s good. I rock my hips as a rhythm forms, and both of us make little noises to express our pleasure. This time my climax builds slowly, and I’m grasping at his sweat-slicked skin as if I can pull him all the way inside me.

  When Ekton reaches between us to rub my clit, I explode. I dig my nails into his back, and I think I scratch him as I writhe under him while he pumps fast. His release quakes through his body. A low rumble starts in him until it comes out as a growl, and he collapses on me as we both pant.

  I gaze at his back where I think I drew blood. I’m about to apologize when I notice the marks fade before my eyes as if I’m watching time-lapsed photography. I wear my glasses for long-distance vision, so I’m sure this is real. What on earth? Within seconds, they disappear. Oh my god. I slide my fingers over the skin where I scratched him to make sure.

  Ekton mumbles in my shoulder. “You didn’t hurt me.”

  No. I didn’t. I’m not sure I can. “Good.” I let out a big sigh. What did I just witness? My mind flashed to the growl he makes, and the way his hands are always unusually warm. Oh my god.

  I hug him tight, and he kisses my neck before he whispers, “What’s going on in that head of yours, Mia Maybee?”

  His use of my name reminds me of the first day when he said he was going to change Maybee to a yes. I say, “I think you have to call me Mia Yes now.”

  Ekton’s body shakes on top of me as he laughs, and he lifts up to gaze at me. “Mia Yes.” He sighs as he stokes my cheek with his finger. I bask in a touch that belongs to something not quite human.

  I ask, “What’s going on in your head?”

  His gaze is intense, and he says, “I’m trying to figure out if I should tell you the truth.”

  My eyes widen as I wait for his confession. He says, “I should. I’m in love with you, Mia.”

  “Oh.” Tears seem to have come from nowhere, and I blink up at him to hold them back. The thing is, I feel the same way. I have since the night he brought me to the lake. “I love you too, Ekton.” He kisses me, and I wonder what I’ve just done.


  I didn’t get much sleep last night. I was too busy piecing together the clues of the past few days. I think Ekton is a werewolf, but I need proof, and today I plan to find out for sure. I grab my plastic bag that contains the strand of his hair I found on my pillow and his skin I scraped out from under my nails. With any luck, Andi won’t notice I’m not testing the samples I gathered yesterday.

  Fall weather arrives early in Winter Valley, and once I’m ready to leave, I open my closet for a light sweater. I notice the sweatshirt I’ve never returned to Ekton. The cotton is soft on my face as I hold it to my nose and inhale the faint trace of his scent. Fear grips my heart as I imagine what I’m about to find out. Am I really in love with the very thing I came here hoping to find?

  My stomach rolls, and I don’t think I can eat breakfast, so I head straight to the lab instead. Andi gets in at seven every day, and I’ll just tell her I have an exam to study for and I wanted to get the testing out of the way. My need for the truth propels me all the way to the lab. But when I push open the door and Andi glances up at me to smile, my fear takes over.

  Words spill out of my mouth. “Hey, I’ve got a big exam, and I need to get my work done.” Andi blinks at me as if I’m from another planet. Right. Not the least bit suspicious, Mia. “So. Yeah. Good morning.”

  “Good morning to you too.” She shakes her head and returns her gaze to her laptop.

  I set my bag down near the microscope and open it. In between stealing glances at Andi, I remove the plastic bag with Ekton’s samples and slide it up my sleeve so that I can add it to the others as I prepare the slides. Andi doesn’t look my way, and she appears to be engrossed in what she’s doing, so I relax a bit as I walk over to the refrigerator.

  Once my slides are ready, I return to the microscope and place the hair sample underneath. I lift my glasses to the top of my head and peer down as I zoom in and notice that it’s like nothing I’ve ever seen before. I let out a tiny gasp and dart my eyes to see if Andi noticed. She’s frowning at something, so I continue. The hair appears to be a combination of wolf and human in a completely different form, and reality is slammed home. Ekton is a werewolf. I remove the slide to put the skin sample in next. It’s even stranger, and I’m so focused on my amazing discovery that I don’t notice Andi is next to me. I jump when she asks, “What are you finding?”

  “Oh. Um, nothing really.” Shit! What if she looks?

  Andi squints her eyes at me. “You’re a terrible liar, Mia.”

  She pushes at my shoulder to move me out of the way, and I freak. I grab the slide. “No.”

  Andi grabs my hand with a grip stronger than I would have imagined. Her voice is stern. “Give me that slide, Mia.”

  “I can’t.” I struggle, and she lets go.

  She puts her hands on her hips, and suddenly I’m afraid of her. She asks, “What do you plan to do with this information?”

  “Wh-what do y
ou mean?”

  “You found what Dr. Sand has been looking for, haven’t you?” Her voice cuts like steel, and now I fear for Ekton.

  Blood drains from my head, and stars float before my eyes. “No. She can’t find out. She—”

  Andi’s voice softens as she says, “I’m on your side, Mia. She can’t find out. Do you realize what she’d do?”

  I whisper, “Ekton wouldn’t be safe, would he?”

  “No.” Andi shoves her bangs out of her face. “Dozens of people we know wouldn’t be safe.”

  I ask, “You know some—?” I can’t say the rest, and I glance around the room as if I’d be able to see we’re being monitored.

  Andi says, “We’re not monitored. But yes, I suspect some.” Her gaze drills into me, and I shrink back a little when she says, “So I’ll ask again. What are you going to do with your discovery?”

  “I don’t know.” I shake my head as I look at the slide in my hand. The vision of my boyfriend in a cage wrenches at my heart. “This is Ekton.”

  “Oh, Mia.” She sighs as she grips my arms lightly and pulls me into a hug. “You know we have to keep his secret, don’t you?”

  But if Dr. Sand doesn’t get results from us, she’ll just send different people who can. I pull away, because Andi’s embrace isn’t comforting. “Yes. But I’m afraid it’s only a matter of time. Even if I quit, Dr. Sand will find someone else, won’t she?”

  Andi nods. “And I’ll be here to keep them from being successful.”

  I frown. “You?”

  “The wolves are good at concealing things, but to be safe, I’ve been replacing your samples.” She grimaces. “I’m a little tired of digging in my kitty litter box.”

  My nervous chuckle escapes, and I laugh as relief washes over me. When I’m done, I ask, “Is it bad that I still want to study them?” I think about the way Ekton healed a scratch in seconds. “I have so many questions.”

  “Then ask your boyfriend, Mia. Let him tell you all you need to know.”

  The glass of the slide is slick in my fingers as I fondle it. “But isn’t he supposed to keep it secret? What makes you think he’ll tell me anything?”

  She touches my arm. “I don’t know if he will, but doesn’t he deserve the chance?”

  I return my gaze to the sample in my hand as my stomach sinks. “You’re right.” I pick up both of Ekton’s slides and hold them out to Andi. “You can look if you want before I destroy these.”

  She offers me a sad smile. “Thank you. But I’d rather not.”

  I grip them tight in my hand, and the edges dig into my palm as the shame of what I’ve done makes my ears burn. I feel like I’ve betrayed the man I love, and now I have to do what it takes to keep him safe. Andi has returned to her computer, and I say, “I need to talk to Dr. Sand. I can’t work on this project any longer.”

  She says, “Of course. But if you want to keep working in the lab, I’ve got other work study positions open. Just say the word.”

  I nod. “Thanks, Andi.”

  She smiles at me. “Don’t beat yourself up over this, Mia. There will be other ways to make your mark in the research world. You’re doing the right thing, and I’m proud of you.”

  I force a smile back, but I’m not the least bit proud of what I just did. I don’t care that I’ll never be famous. I care that I put my dream ahead of Ekton. I open my hand and notice I cut myself on the glass edges of the slides. Red blood oozes out, and I move to the sink to wash my hands. I watch the pink water flow down the drain and wish my shame would go with it.


  After my morning class, I called Dr. Sand to quit. I told her I couldn’t exploit the wolves, and she took it rather well. She told me she understood, but that I probably wasn’t cut out to be the level of scientist I aspired to be. She was right. I’m never going to be the one who will sacrifice animals for genetic modification. And part of me can’t believe I let myself be led so blindly by Dr. Sand.

  I gaze out the window of my room at the science building. I remember standing in this same spot a few weeks ago while I daydreamed about the accolades I’d receive when I discovered werewolves. I sigh as I think about how quickly that dream was killed. But I’ve replaced it with something else, and I chase my disappointment away with a smile when Ekton’s kiss comes to mind.

  He’s working tonight, so I won’t be able to see him until tomorrow. He talked about cutting back his hours, but I insisted he think about it. I wrap my arms around myself, and I remember cuddling in my bed with him yesterday. We had to order pizza delivery because we missed dinner. The truth is, I hope Ekton does work less, because it almost hurts to be away from the man I love.

  I lean my face against the glass, and it’s cool on my cheek. I wonder how I’m going to approach the werewolf subject. While I’m fascinated by the traits Ekton must possess, I’m more concerned about what that means for us. Can a werewolf and a human be together?

  Two black Hummers catch my attention as they pull up to the science building. That’s strange. Men dressed in black exit and move quickly to enter the building, as if they’re top secret agents. Ice floods my veins, and I stiffen. They probably are! Dr. Sand must think I know something, and that’s why I quit.

  Oh god. Ekton. I’m frozen by the window when it hits me. Once they’re done in the lab, I bet they’ll come for me next. Adrenaline surges in me, and I finally move. I yank open my closet door and pull at clothes to find his sweatshirt. I drop it on my chair when a vision of him naked flashes in my mind. The bed. I tug at my comforter and rip at the sheets. A knock raps on my door, and I gasp, imagining I’m too late.

  “Mia, it’s Andi. Open up!”

  I pull my door open, and Andi shoves her way in. “You need to get everything Ekton ever touched out of here.”

  “I know. I saw.”

  She grabs the bedding from me and throws it in a large garbage can that’s outside my door. She must have brought it. I pull my desk drawer open and hand her the condoms. Sympathy flashes through her eyes as she takes them, and she asks, “Do you have bleach to wipe down the surfaces?”

  I nod. “Do you think they know about Ekton?”

  “No. But they suspect something, and I’m not taking any chances.”

  I pick up Ekton’s sweatshirt, and tears fill my eyes. I’m about to hand it to Andi when the door hits the wall of my room with so much force it vibrates. Ekton pushes his way past the garbage can, and when I meet his gaze, his eyes are flashing with something I imagine is wolf. He says, “I take the night off to be with you, and this is what I find?” His nostrils are flaring as if he’s trying to stay in control of his anger.

  “Ekton. I—”

  “I heard you.” He snatches the sweatshirt from my hands as he scans the room. He steps back and inspects the contents of the garbage can. When he’s done, he lifts his gaze to me. “We’re good here. They won’t find anything now.”

  I step toward him, and he shakes his head. “Mia, no.” He hoists the can up on his shoulder and walks away.

  I turn to Andi as tears stream down my face. She grabs my shoulders and shakes me. “You can’t do this now. Where are your extra sheets?”

  I swallow the lump in my throat and point to the shelf in my closet. Andi says, “Help me, Mia. We can fix this.”

  I kick into gear, but she’s wrong. The look in Ekton’s eyes told me there’s no fixing this. Mia, no.

  * * *

  Andi helped me wipe everything down, even though Ekton said it wasn’t necessary. I’m glad we did, because while they couldn’t search my room without probable cause, they came up with one. My dorm was evacuated to check for a possible gas leak. Even though nothing was found, that didn’t stop me from pacing my tiny space all night, sure they’d return to drag Ekton and me away.

  Earlier this morning, Andi stopped by and assured me that nothing in the lab could give them any clues, and that we’d avoided the disaster. My eyelids feel like sandpaper when I blink. I have class soon, and I have
no idea how I’m going to focus.

  While I’m relieved Ekton and his kind are not in danger, I’m heartsick over what happened. The inhuman look in his eyes I saw yesterday flashes in my mind, and there’s no doubt. We’re over, and I can’t blame anyone but myself for my broken heart.

  I know I’m being foolish, but I scramble to get ready with the hope that I’ll catch Ekton leaving for his class. I rush down to wait outside his door. As tempted as I am to knock, I’m too afraid he won’t come out if I do, so I pace a small circle instead. The click of a door opening catches my attention. It’s the guy who lives next door, and he asks, “Mia? What are you doing?”

  “I was hoping to catch Ekton before class. Have you seen him?”

  He says, “He’s not here. He left for some family emergency last night. I guess you two aren’t a thing anymore?”

  I sigh. “Yeah. Sorry to bug you.” I hurry away before he can see the fresh tears that are about to spill from my eyes. It makes sense that Ekton wouldn’t want to stick around and hope he hadn’t been discovered.

  My phone is warm from my body heat when I pull it out. My fingernail clicks lightly on the glass as I tap out a text to him.

  “All clear. I’m so sorry.”

  When I get outside, the wind is colder than I expected, and my light sweater doesn’t protect me from the chill. I keep checking my phone for a reply to come, and by the time I’m at my class, I fear it never will. I send another message. “I love you.”

  Still cold from my walk, I huddle down in my chair as the professor begins to drone on about something that will never matter as much as what I’ve lost. I lift up my feet to hook my heels on the edge of my chair and hug my legs. I begin to shiver as silent tears stream down my face. I may never get warm again. Ekton’s last words to me ring in my head. Mia, no.


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