Billionaire Boss Bear: Paranormal Shapeshifter Romance (Bad Bears Book 1)

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Billionaire Boss Bear: Paranormal Shapeshifter Romance (Bad Bears Book 1) Page 7

by Natalie Kristen


  Renee polished off the whole steak and attacked the baked potato. She was famished. She hadn’t realized just how hungry she was until Zack placed the food in front of her.

  Crying was draining, physically and emotionally.

  She needed to refuel and recover.

  With food in her belly, Renee felt a whole lot better. She looked up to see Zack smiling at her.

  He leaned in and wiped a drop of gravy from the corner of her mouth. “Eat,” he urged. “I like watching you eat.”

  “The food’s really good,” she said, blushing. “Really, really good! Dean really is the best chef in the universe!”

  “He is,” Zack said. “Dean’s really talented. He could whip up really delicious meals on a very limited budget since he was a teenager.”

  “It’s just the two of you?” she asked, taking a sip of water.

  “My mom died young. The bear shifter gene was dormant in her so she couldn’t shift. My dad was human. He raised me and my brothers after my mom died.”

  “Your brothers?” Renee blinked. “You have more than one?”

  Zack nodded. “But...Max is gone. He’s my eldest brother.”

  “What happened?”

  Zack let out a long sigh. “When Max was sixteen, he ran out of the house after an argument with Dad. Dean went after him but couldn’t find him. We thought that after he cooled off, he would come home himself. He never did.”

  Zack paused and continued, “I was only eight at the time, and I remember going out with Dad and Dean to look for him. We lodged a police report, and the neighbors all helped to search for Max. But we never found him. Dad was distraught and he never forgave himself. Even on his deathbed, he was calling for Max.”

  Renee reached out and put her hand over his. “It’s not your dad’s fault.”

  “Yeah. Max was a loud, hot-headed teenager. Dean blames himself for Max’s disappearance too. He said he should have stopped him from leaving the house. But from what I remember, no one could stop Max. My memories of him are somewhat hazy. He played with me sometimes, but he often argued with Dad and Dean.”

  Renee fell silent and glanced towards the kitchen. “So it’s only you and Dean now.”

  Zack nodded. “Dad passed away when I was thirteen. Dean had just turned eighteen, and he effectively became my parent and my brother. He worked multiple jobs to put me through college. I owe my life, my success to my big brother.”

  Renee looked around the restaurant and said, “He’s doing very well now.”

  “Yes. He’s the most talented and hardworking person I know. I’m glad he’s doing what he loves.” Zack gave a short laugh. “To think that I wanted him to work in my company!”

  Renee’s brows shot up.

  “Yeah.” Zack chuckled. “When I started my business, I asked Dean to join me. I offered him a high-paying position in the company, but Dean declined the offer. He said that he would be like a fish out of water, and he insisted that it wouldn’t be right for him to be sitting in the office doing nothing. It would be a farce, and he wasn’t an actor, he said. He couldn’t pretend to be a hot-shot investment analyst when he wasn’t one.”

  “He’s honest, and he knows what he wants,” Renee said.

  “Yes. So I asked him what he wanted to do. And he said he wanted to cook, because it always gave him the greatest joy when he saw me enjoying the simple meal he’d prepared for me.”

  “So Zack gave me the capital to start my own restaurant,” Dean said, setting a slice of chocolate cake down in front of Renee.

  “Thank you.” Renee beamed at Dean.

  “I didn’t give you anything,” Zack snorted. “I invested in your restaurant. I’m only in it for the money,” he deadpanned.

  “Of course. Who would invest in a money-losing business, right?” Dean winked and told Renee in a mock whisper, “You know, when I first started, I wasn’t making enough to cover my operating costs. I was bleeding, I tell ya. But my major investor didn’t bail on me. He stuck with me, through the tough times.”

  “Well, that’s what you did for me,” Zack answered his brother before turning to Renee. “I was an angry, rebellious teen but Dean didn’t give up on me. He stuck with me, through everything.”


  Dean clapped his hands and gave a small bow. “So, how was dinner?”

  “Excellent,” Zack and Renee replied together.

  When Dean began to clear away the plates, Zack stopped him and pulled a chair over. “Sit,” he told his brother. “You’ve been on your feet the whole day. I’ll take the plates to the kitchen. I’m going to get some coffee anyway.”

  Dean protested but Zack stuffed him unceremoniously into the chair. “Sit down.”

  Dean rolled his eyes and mock-grumbled to Renee, “He’s been bossing me around since he was in diapers.”

  “Younger siblings can be little tyrants,” she agreed with a laugh. “I have a younger sister too. And she gets a kick out of telling me what to do.” Renee thought of Kim and added, “She likes pushing me out of my comfort zone and getting me in trouble.”

  Dean laughed. “That’s what they do. Younger siblings are your sidekicks. They kick you in the side!”

  Zack came back with three big cups of coffee. “Talking about me behind my back?”

  “Of course,” Dean said, sipping his coffee. “I’m just getting started. I’ve got loads of embarrassing anecdotes to share.”

  True to his word, Dean regaled Renee with funny stories of Zack growing up. From his stories, a vivid picture of a very bright, mischievous boy who learned things quickly and enjoyed pulling pranks on his brother and friends formed in Renee’s mind.

  Renee saw the worry lines and laugh lines radiating from Dean’s eyes. Dean was in his mid-thirties but Renee saw a few strands of silver hair at his temples. The guy had taken on the responsibility of raising his brother when he was still a teenager himself. Renee liked and respected Dean immensely, and she was glad to see that Zack was so close to his brother. Zack had many business associates and acquaintances but as far as she knew, he didn’t have any close friends.

  She enjoyed watching the brothers interact. It showed her another side of Zack. Renee caught a glimpse of that fun-loving, cheeky boy that Dean had described.

  At the end of the evening, Renee thanked Dean profusely for the wonderful dinner and promised to come again.

  At the door, Dean nudged Zack and whispered, “Don’t forget, buddy, I get to be your best man.”

  Zack spluttered as Dean shoved him out the door, laughing uproariously.

  As they walked towards the car, Renee asked casually, “Um, what did your brother say just now?” What did he mean when he said he was going to be your best man?

  “Nothing,” Zack replied quickly without looking at her.

  Renee’s heart sank.

  She had heard Dean’s words clearly.

  Dean was talking about Zack’s wedding. He was going to be Zack’s best man.

  Dean knew something she didn’t.

  Renee’s gut twisted painfully.

  Was Zack planning to marry Karina?

  Karina did proclaim that she was his fiancee.

  There was no ring on Karina’s finger, but that didn’t mean anything. Plans and proposals could be made without a ring.

  But...did that mean that Zack was cheating on Karina with her? Renee shook her head hard. No, Zack and Karina hadn’t seen each other in six months. They weren’t together. But maybe the separation was just temporary. They were going to get back together and...get married.

  Renee ignored the sharp pain in her heart and steeled herself.

  It didn’t matter. It shouldn’t matter.

  Zack could marry any woman he wanted.

  As his PA, she would probably have to organize the guest list, book the venue and help with the behind-the-scenes planning of what would definitely be the most lavish and spectacular wedding of the year.

The press would be there, and the tabloids and magazines would be filled with countless photographs of the bride and groom.

  Was this why Zack had asked her to dinner? To break the news to her as gently and subtly as possible?

  Renee appreciated the gesture. He was letting her down gently and letting her keep her job. He didn’t just fuck her and fire her.

  Well, she was a good PA and Zack was paying her really well. If she could wake up from her silly little dream and keep her head firmly on her shoulders, they should get on fine. It would be rash and childish to quit a well-paying job.

  “Thank you for the dinner, Zack,” she said softly. “It was an honor meeting your brother.”


  Zack dialed his brother’s number again. “Yeah,” Dean answered immediately.

  “How much wine should I add to the sauce?” Zack asked. “I think I added too much!”

  Dean heard the panic in his voice and said, “It’s all right. Calm down. It won’t ruin the sauce.”

  “You sure?”

  “Yes I’m sure.” Dean laughed. “Don’t worry. I know Renee will love your cooking.”

  Zack took a deep breath. “I’ve never cooked for a woman before.”

  “I know. And that’s why I know she’ll love what you’ve prepared for her. When you eat food that’s been prepared with love, you can feel it and taste it.”

  Zack grimaced. “I’m not sure...”

  “Just let the sauce simmer for a few more minutes then turn off the fire. After that, just step away from the stove and stay out of the kitchen. Don’t do anything more,” Dean instructed. “It’s done.”

  “Okay.” Zack stirred the sauce and put down the ladle. “Thanks, Dean.”

  “Good luck, buddy. Gotta go. The restaurant is packed tonight.” Dean clicked off.

  Zack took off his apron and went to shower. He was excited and anxious. After the dinner at Dean’s restaurant, Renee had abruptly told him that they should end their affair.

  “You’re a great boss and a wonderful man. You will make a lucky woman very happy someday. I would like to continue working for you, if that’s okay. I like my job, and I hope things won’t be too awkward between us.” Renee had even laughed and added, “I think I’m ready to start dating again. Wish me luck!”

  Whenever Zack tried to talk to her, Renee would shut him down and shut him out. She did her work efficiently and she never complained when she had to work late. But she kept things strictly professional between them. She erected an invisible wall between them, and she wouldn’t let him breach it.

  As far as he knew, Renee hadn’t gone on any dates. She worked long hours, even on weekends. She didn’t have time for dates. That was his only comfort.

  But he had played by her rules long enough.

  He had given her enough time to straighten out her own thoughts and feelings.

  He had given her all the space she needed. He didn’t want to wait any longer.

  The past two weeks had been sheer torture. He saw her at the office but he couldn’t touch her. He saw that she wasn’t happy either. She was hurting and aching, and he had caught her stealing glances at him when she thought he wasn’t looking. They both wanted each other. But she was being so damn stubborn.

  He wasn’t going to deny himself and his bear any longer.

  It was time to claim what was his.

  After taking a quick shower, Zack pulled on a pair of comfortable jeans and t-shirt. It was a Saturday night and he had called Renee and asked her to locate a file for him. He told her he needed to work on the contract over the weekend before the big meeting on Monday. “Grab it from my office and bring it to me this evening, at seven,” he’d ordered.

  Renee had muttered some snide remark, but she didn’t object. Zack knew that she wouldn’t have agreed to come over to his place if it wasn’t work related.

  His doorbell rang and Zack skidded to the door. He raked his hand through his wet hair and opened the door.


  Renee stood there, clutching the thick file in her arms. She stopped worrying her lower lip when she saw him.

  “Hi, Zack, here’s the file you wanted,” she said.

  “Come in,” he said. Renee hesitated a beat, before stepping nervously into his penthouse apartment.

  She was wavering, and she was afraid that she wouldn’t be able to resist him. The attraction and desire still burned like wildfire between them. Not being able to touch her and hold her was pure torture.

  “Here’s your file,” Renee said, holding the file out like a shield.

  Zack gestured towards the table. “I’m about to eat. Join me.”

  “I don’t think...” she began.

  “We can discuss the contract while we eat. I’d like to know what you think. You’ve been going through this contract with me for the past week. You know the terms as well as I do. And I think you agree that some terms definitely need to be changed.”

  She nodded. “Yes. I...”

  “Great. Sit down,” he said, pulling out a chair for her. “I hope you like pasta.”

  “I love pasta.” She smiled.

  Zack exhaled in relief. He hadn’t even realized that he’d been holding his breath.

  Hurrying into the kitchen, Zack lifted the lid from the pot and took a whiff of the aromatic sauce. Dean was right. The sauce was perfect. He smothered the pasta with the thick, red sauce and took the plates to the table.

  “Wow,” Renee said. “Did you make this?”


  “You made the sauce? From scratch?” A teasing smile curved her lips.

  “I did.” Zack grinned. “Tell me what you think.”

  Renee took a mouthful and looked up at him with rounded eyes. “This is great!” she said. “You’re a great cook. Like your brother.” She took another mouthful and made a sound of appreciation. “Wait. Did Dean teach you how to make this?”

  “Yeah, he did.” Zack laughed. “He’s a good teacher.”

  “And you’re a good student.”

  They chatted as they ate, and Zack saw that Renee was beginning to relax.

  “I really have to thank Dean for sharing his secret recipe with me,” Zack said. “You want a second helping?”

  “Yes, please.”

  Zack had a spring in his step when he returned to the dining table with their plates. Everything was going well so far.

  “How’s Dean?” Renee asked. “I haven’t seen him since...” She trailed off.

  Zack kept the mood light and buoyant by telling her about the new dishes that Dean had come up with. “I was at his restaurant last Sunday. It was packed as usual. Business is really good. So good that Dean is finally thinking of expanding.”

  “Please send Dean my regards,” Renee said softly.

  Zack put down his fork. “I’ll be driving up to his restaurant tomorrow,” he said. “Dean asked about you. He would be so happy to see you.”

  “I...” Zack saw that she wanted to say yes. She struggled with her answer and said finally, “I can’t...”

  “Why not?”

  “Please, Zack,” she whispered. “Don’t...don’t do this. It’s hard enough as it is.”

  “Why does it have to be hard?” He took her hand. “Renee, why are you...”

  She pulled her hand away. “I have to go.”

  “No.” He blocked her way. “Why are you fighting me, fighting us?”

  “There is no us!” She glared up at him. “You and Karina...”

  “There’s nothing between us,” Zack said, shocked. “And that was before I met you, Renee. Why does it bother you so much?”

  “You’re marrying her,” Renee said. “I heard your brother...”

  “What? Did my brother tell you that?” He shook his head in disbelief.

  “No. But I heard him say that he’s going to be your best man. You’re planning to get married...”

  Zack barked out a laugh and pulled Renee to him. She beat
furiously at his chest but he held her tight and kissed the top of her head. “You misunderstood. Dean was teasing me, about our wedding. I’m going to kill him,” he muttered under his breath.

  “Our wedding?” Renee froze.

  “Yeah. He knew that I was serious about you. That you’re the only one for me.” Zack quirked a smile. “Dean knows me like the back of his hand. But that brother of mine has a big mouth!”

  “Dean thinks that you’re going to...marry me?” Renee stuttered.

  “He knows that I’m going to marry you,” Zack said smugly. “He just wants to circle the date.”

  When Renee didn’t respond, Zack stared at her and frowned. “Wait. You broke things off with me because you thought I was planning on marrying Karina?”

  Renee sniffed. “She’s more your type. And she told me that she’s your fiancee.”

  “I don’t have a type and I don’t have a fiancee,” Zack replied. “And Karina and I couldn’t be more different. Karina grew up in the lap of luxury. She never had to make any sacrifices or take care of anyone else. Dean and I achieved our successes through sheer hard work and tenacity. We hung on and wouldn’t quit. We would never take what we have and each other for granted.” Zack shook his head and said, “Karina and I have nothing in common at all.”

  Renee bowed her head. “But you and I...we’re worlds apart...”

  Zack tilted up her face and looked into her beautiful hazel eyes. “You know that’s not true. You’ve been by my side for a while now, and you can see how well we work together. We’re a team. We have the same values and goals. We’re both driven, disciplined, determined. We love our siblings, our family, and...” He winked. “We are very compatible, in every way. Our chemistry is off the charts.”

  She gasped and swatted his arm.

  “I’m serious, Renee. We’re perfect together.” Wrapping his arms around her waist, he whispered, “You’re mine, Renee. I found you, and I’m not letting you go.”


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