Adrianna's Storm

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Adrianna's Storm Page 4

by Sasha Parker

  Mamo joined them at the table and they blessed the food, then her grandmother asked, "So, we get to have you for a little longer this time, right?"

  Ari looked up from her plate and said, "Yes, I was able to take a little longer off than I thought. I don't have to go back until June. That gives us a whole three weeks together."

  "That's wonderful. I'm already out for the summer, I took my exams early so we can spend some time together and don’t have to rush," Calli told her.

  "I just wish the others would do the same," her grandmother said with a frown.

  "Sheela told me she would be able to stay a while as the movie is wrapping up and she hasn't lined up the next job yet because she needs a break," Calli informed them.

  "I spoke to Kira and she said she just finished up that dig in South Africa. She says she wants to take some extra time off," Ari interjected.

  Their grandmother stopped eating and grinned. "Excellent. It will be good to have you all here for a while. You all need to be together this summer. See what you can do to get Erin to stay as well."

  Ari and Calli exchanged a look. Calli laid her hand on Mamo's arm. "Why is it so important that we spend time together this summer?"

  "Well, it's time," Coni said. "I'm just saying, you all pop in and out. It will be good for all of you to have a lengthy visit," she stuttered.

  The two girls glanced at each other again and Ari shrugged. She could never figure out her grandmother and had given up trying years ago. They finished their dinner and then went into the family room off the dining room. It was a comfortable room with two couches and a large screen television. The room was warm and inviting with its earth colors. Large windows lined the far wall with sheer curtains that faced the pool house. They chatted and watched the news together then their grandmother decided to go to bed. She was never one to stay up late.

  After they said good night, Ari went up to her room and got into bed, still tired with jet lag. She had gotten her kindle out of her bag and decided to read her latest downloaded book. When she fell asleep, she dreamed of two men coming to her through the fog in the glen. They were both tall and strong bodies. The kind of bodies that women drooled over. Ari felt a quickening in her belly as her dream-self watched them coming for her. All she could do was stand there as they approached her.

  Suddenly her dream became dark and heavy clouds came overhead. As she looked around to find her men, she couldn't see them anymore. The fog had thickened and she felt a chill run down her spine. She heard scary, evil laughter surrounding her and then a voice came out of nowhere.

  "I'm coming for you. You and your sisters are mine. No one can save you."

  The dark voice scared her and she began to run in her dream, trying to find the two men she knew could help her. She couldn't see anything and she kept running. She stopped abruptly in her dream and looked around. Something was coming for her, she could feel it. Just when she expected something to grab her, she woke up. What kind of dream was that? she thought. She glanced at the clock and saw it was seven in the morning and knew she wouldn't go back to sleep. She got up and went in search of coffee, trying to shake off the dream as she went.

  He had made the first contact. She was scared and he soaked in the fear he had gotten from her. He didn't like the two others in the dream but dismissed them as a woman's folly. This was part of his plan. He had to make them fearful, off balance. He knew of all the girls, Adrianna would be the first he had to take down.

  She was strong and as the eldest, she would be the most powerful. He knew it would take some time to break her down. Last night had been a good start. He would continue this way and make her fear a living pulse inside her.

  He got up from the floor where he had been meditating in order to join with her. He was tired from his efforts and would lay down for a while. His staff knew better than to disturb him until he rang for them.

  As he lay down, he smiled at the smell of fear that still wafted to his nostrils. She was a beautiful woman, he thought as he stroked himself. He closed his eyes and could see the fear reflected in her eyes. A shame he couldn't have just one taste, but that was forbidden if he was going to receive their power. He continued to stroke himself faster as he felt his balls draw up. However, it wasn't her beauty that got him off, it was the thought of the power he would get from their deaths that pleasured him into release.

  Erin and Kira blew in the next morning like a summer storm. The girls all squealed and hugs were exchanged all around. Mamo was in the kitchen whipping up a feast for breakfast. The new arrivals stowed their bags in their rooms and they all congregated in the dining room.

  Ari raised her voice to be heard and asked, "Kira, how was the dig?"

  All the girls stopped talking to hear the answer. Kira smiled. "It was good."

  "Good? You have never said that before, what's wrong, daor amháin, dear one?" their Mamo said.

  A frown formed on Kira's face. "I'm not sure, for some reason, the digs are just not as exciting as they once were. Actually, I guess now is as good a time as any to tell you. I can fill Sheela in later." Silence filled the room as everyone stopped eating to listen. "I've taken a sabbatical from work. Before I came here, I turned in all my findings and catalogued all the samples we have found. I've taken a few months. I just need to get some things straight in my head. Take some time for me."

  "I think that's a fine idea," their grandmother said. "Here is a fine place to do it. The glen will heal you, leanbh. Don't you worry."

  Ari, who was sitting across from Kira, reached across the table for her hand. "I'm taking some extra time, too. We can talk if you want. We are all here for you."

  Calli nodded. "Of course we are. We are going to have a great time."

  Erin chimed in. "We sure are. I was able to take a few weeks myself. Unless I get called back for an emergency, I should be able to stretch my stay for a month."

  "Wonderful!" Mamo exclaimed. "Now let's all eat and then get down to the party planning. We only have a few days."

  They ate and all chatted about the upcoming party, making some plans. Then their grandmother got out a book that Calli had put together of all the things she wanted for her party. All the girls discussed who was coming, old family friends and some new friends of Calli's. They talked about food, of course it was all of Calli's favorites. Ari was put in charge of getting the liquor for the event and everything for the mixes. Basically she had become the glorified bartender for the event. The others thought that because she lived in New York City, she could obviously mix drinks with perfection. Ari made a mental note to buy a mixology book.

  When they had everything planned out and assigned, the girls decided to go out and lay by the pool and swim. They talked about their lives, what each was doing and how their careers were going. The topic of conversation eventually came around to men. Erin, Kira, and Calli all looked over at Ari.

  "What? I don't have one," Ari said.

  Erin crossed her arms. "Yeah, and each time we talk to you, you aren't even dating."

  "The last time you saw anyone was Eric," Kira added.

  "I've been busy," Ari said lamely.

  Calli laughed. "You have most nights free and you choose to spend them curled up with your kindle."

  Ari threw her towel at her. "Hey, that's not fair. I get tired standing on my feet all day. Enough about me, who are you seeing?"

  Calli clamped her lips shut. Erin looked over at her. "Oh, is there a man in the picture finally?"

  Kira leaned toward Calli and said, "Spill."

  Calli shrugged. "I was dating this guy. He's older, but it didn't work out. He got creepy."

  Ari sat straight up, alert. "What do you mean ‘creepy’?"

  "It was nothing I could put my finger on, I just knew he had a bad soul." Calli laughed. "I think I have been hanging around Mamo too long. It was like I could feel he wasn't good, does that make any sense?"

  Erin shook her head. "Yeah it does. At least to me.”

  Kira and
Ari both nodded their heads as well. "I broke it off, but I swear I have seen him around here and he lives in Dublin, near the University," Calli told them.

  Ari’s protective instincts kicked in. "Be careful, honey, let one of us know if you see him again. Stay away from him."

  Erin asked. "What was his name?"

  Calli looked at her sisters and knew they wanted to check him out. She remembered all the questions he had asked about her family. Maybe it would be good if her sisters did get some information on him. It might explain his interest. "His name is Fagan, Fagan O'Banian."

  Kira grabbed her hand. "We will check him out. Just to make sure he is where he should be and so we don't worry."

  Ari changed topics, asking if Sheela had called with an updated arrival and Calli smiled a thankful smile. Ari knew Calli had a bad vibe about this guy and something big was up, but she didn't want Erin and Kira to get all worked up over nothing.

  Coni stood in her greenhouse, well, that's what the girls thought it was. It was actually where she practiced her magick. What little she had left. When her last sister had died three years ago, the power they once had diminished. It was time to pass the torch to the girls. Time for their family to be at full power once again.

  Coni had been the youngest of the Blessed Five or the draíochta cúig as they were known in Ireland. It had been passed down through their family for generations. Five sisters, blessed with the elements from Mother Earth and Sun God. It usually skipped a generation and when Coni's daughter had given birth to the five daughters, the whole family had known what that meant.

  Coni had wanted her daughter to teach the girls about their heritage, but Helen, their mother, had refused. She told Coni she wanted her girls to have a 'normal' life and not deal in witchcraft. Coni knew that regardless of whether the girls knew or not, the day would come when they would receive the blessing.

  That day was fast approaching. It was written that when the youngest turned twenty-one, at midnight on her birthday, they would be blessed by the god and goddess. Coni also worried about an unseen force that was looking to harm the girls. She knew she was getting older and she had to teach them all she knew in a short time. When she lost her daughter and son-in-law in the crash and the girls had come to live with her, their grief was so palpable she had put all that on hold.

  She had slyly taught a few incantations to them through lullabies and stories at bedtime, when their mother was around. When the girls had come and spent the summer with her, she had taught them so much more. Then her daughter had found out when one of the girls had done a spell and made her barbies dance at home. Coni had been forbidden to show them more. Then when the girls had lost their parents, she had continued their teachings.

  When the older girls had begun to try to use their powers to get revenge on some bullies, Coni knew the time had come to place a spell on them to wipe the memories of witchcraft from their minds until they reached adulthood. Now was the time to reverse that spell. She hoped they were up for it. She was overjoyed with the fact that the god and goddess had somehow arranged for the girls to spend more time in the glen so she could begin their teachings. She closed her eyes and prayed to them now that Sheela would stay as well.

  All the girls needed to be together for what was to come. In receiving their powers, they would need to physically join hands, but then they would need to be there to support each other. She felt she would have the hardest time convincing Adrianna of this as she was the self-appointed caretaker to the girls and very protective.

  She hoped the Guardians would arrive soon. She had sent for them a month ago and knew the Council was sending them. They would be needed sooner than she thought, if her visions were anything to go by. She closed her eyes and raised her hands to the goddess. She prayed for the god and goddess to protect her girls, especially Ari, as she would have the first challenge.

  Coni then began to make up some potions she hoped would help when the time came. She always believed in being prepared. Then she went back to the pool house to check on the girls and to prepare the guest rooms. They would be arriving soon.

  Chapter Six

  Ari left that afternoon with a list of the liquor, well, drinks the girls all wanted. Also knowing what Sheela wanted, she had everything in hand to pick up the necessities. Climbing into her rental car, she drove down the lane. She thought about the upcoming party and keeping an open mind about meeting a guy. Her sisters had made her promise and she had, reluctantly.

  She pulled up to the liquor store and went inside. She grabbed bottle after bottle—feeling like an alcoholic—as she piled them in her cart. She was the only one in the store and the clerk seemed to be watching her. When she was finished, she headed to the checkout and asked the clerk for a box. Then when the clerk saw one box wouldn't do, he got her a second one and smiled at her, leering at her chest.

  She paid for her purchase and told the clerk she would be back for the other box when a strong pair of arms grabbed up the box. She turned and was stunned for the second time in a couple of days by the sheer beauty of the man standing there with her box. He too was over six foot and from what she could see, he had muscles everywhere.

  He cleared his throat. "I can help you with this?" he asked with a deep voice and a smirk.

  She realized she had been caught checking him out and blushed. "Thank you. I'm parked just outside." It took her a few seconds to see she was still standing there staring at him. She shrugged and turned to walk out, knowing he was following her.

  He looked so much like the man at the airport. What was his name? Oh yeah, Reilly. This man had dark hair, as well, except it was cut short, military style. His eyes were a deep brown that could look straight through to the soul. She walked to her car and had her keys in her hand. She pushed the button that would pop the trunk and placed her box inside. He came up behind her and she had to step aside as he set his box inside the trunk as well. Then she watched as his strong hands shut the trunk. She turned to him and stuck out her hand.

  "Thank you again for your help." She seemed to be saying that a lot lately, thank God it was to hunky-as-hell men.

  He took her hand in his and she again felt a tingle. "My pleasure. You seem to either have an issue that you need help with or are going to have a party."

  She laughed and he smiled at the sound. "I am having a party, actually my family is."

  He nodded his understanding. "We have been invited to Calli's birthday, you must be one of the sisters."

  Ari frowned. "How do you know my sister?" She hoped her jealousy wasn't showing. She didn't know why it offended her that her sister might already know this man.

  "We don't know her actually, we know your grandmother, Coni. She is an old friend of our family," he answered.

  She sighed silently in relief and then realized what he said. "We?"

  "We meet again, mo áilleacht, my beauty," the deep voice from the airport washed over her.

  She turned with her back to the trunk and looked between the two men. "How are you here, Reilly? Are you following me?"

  Reilly looked hurt. "No, luv, it's pure luck I have found you again, or rather my brother found ya." He indicated the man who had helped her with the box.

  She was shocked and pointed to the man. "This is your brother?"

  The man bowed his head to her and said, "Lachlan Parsons at your service. I take it you have met Reilly?"

  She kept darting her head between the two like she was watching a tennis match. She couldn't believe it. She had promised her sisters and Julie to keep an open mind to meet one man and she meets two? Who did that? What the hell was wrong with her?

  She came out of her thoughts to hear Lachlan telling Reilly that she was there to get the spirits for the party. Reilly nodded and asked if she was done. At her nod, he then turned to face the town.

  "What about coming with us for some lunch then?" he invited with Lachlan taking her elbow.

  "Um, okay," she said—throwing caution to the wind—and let t
hem lead her to the little restaurant.

  They entered O'Leary's, the little restaurant and Mrs. O'Leary saw Ari and exclaimed, "Child! You've come home then, wonderful! We have missed you so." She ran up and hugged Ari to her ample bosom.

  "I missed you all, too. How is everyone?" The O'Leary's were a large clan; they had eight children.

  "Oh, everyone is fine, just fine, thank you. You are home, of course, for Calli's celebration." It was then she noticed the two men behind Ari. "Ooh, and you brought a couple of special someone's with you this time? How nice!"

  Ari glanced back at the two men who were grinning like idiots and shook her head. "Oh, no. We just met and they invited me to lunch." She saw the men frown down at her. So she did what any girl would do and stuck out her tongue. Then she turned back to Mrs. O'Leary as she called for them to follow her to her "special" booth.

  As they approached the half circle booth, both men indicated she should sit first and then each slid in a side to bookend her. She felt both their muscular thighs rub against hers and her panties grew damp. They each rested an arm behind her as they ordered drinks from Mrs. O'Leary.

  When Mrs. O'Leary walked away, Ari saw her run for the phone up front. Well, that did it, the whole town would know soon. Great. Just what she needed. She couldn't wait to see her sisters and hear all their comments on the subject. She glanced on either side of her and noticed both men watched her. She felt self-conscious of her appearance and she hoped her hair was in place.

  She cleared her throat and turned to Lachlan. "So, you are here to attend my sister's party then?" There were many people invited and she knew some of them came from far away.

  "Yes, we did," he answered. "We decided a little vacation was in order so we came down a little early."

  Reilly leaned forward. "We volunteer to help out in any way we can. All you have to do is point us in the right direction."


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