Mine Would Be You

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Mine Would Be You Page 12

by Danielle Jamie

  I slam back down harder this time and lean forward, bringing my lips to his and sliding my tongue along his bottom lip before dipping it into his mouth. The second our tongues connect, it sends a jolt of electricity that travels from our mouths straight to my core, making my entire body tingle with desire and my clit ache to be touched. I grind against his pubic bone as I continue to bounce up and down, savoring the feeling of his dick sliding in and out of me.

  His hands slide to my ass and he squeezes my cheeks tightly. It almost hurts, only causing my core to tighten more. I am about to explode. I’m soaking wet as I inch towards my climax.

  Our breathing increases as we chase the orgasm we both crave so fiercely.

  “Ohh my God,” I moan against his lips as my orgasm tears through me and I feel his dick hardening and his girth expanding even more as begins to climax right along with me. I feel my body soar with ecstasy as I ride out my orgasm, and we moan and curse into each other’s mouths as we try to go unheard.

  Finally, I collapse on top of his chest, and we lay there for a few minutes as I try to regain enough strength to get up.

  After a few minutes, I climb off of him and curse as I feel his cum slide down my leg. “Crap, I don’t have anything to clean myself up with.” I’m panicking as I look around in the dark.

  Laughing, he digs in his pocket and pulls out my panties. “Looks like you’ll have to use these and then toss them in the trash in the ladies room.”

  I’m so relieved I opted to wear my cheeky Victoria Secret panties under my dress today.

  I finish cleaning myself the best I can before balling my panties up in my hand, grabbing my heels and running beside Lawson up the hill back towards the party. We’re both laughing hysterically as we sprint in the rain that’s starting to fall harder towards the tent.

  For the first time in years, I feel rejuvenated and happy. I’ve never been this spontaneous in my life, but I’m so glad I stepped outside my comfort zone tonight. I can’t believe I went from being moments away from beating Lawson with my heels, to fucking him under a tree behind Delilah and Grayson’s wedding reception!


  As we reach the top of the hill, Lawson stops suddenly and turns to face me. We’re standing just under the tent now, shielded from the rain. I shake my head, laughing and wiggling my body, shaking the water from my arms.

  A ghost of a smile creeps across Lawson’s face as his eyes slowly slide over my body and then come to stop to stare heatedly into mine. He wraps his arms around me, pulling me against him, and presses kisses to the top of my hair before looking down at me again. “You okay?” he asks as he rubs the pad of his thumb gently across my cheek.

  I nod up at him with a smile. “All good. Just need to use the ladies room as quickly as possible.” I laugh and try to brush off the unnerving feeling in the pit of my stomach.

  Am I really okay?

  I don’t know yet. Right now, I feel fine, but when tomorrow comes, I’ll know the real answer to that question.

  The rest of the night went smoothly. No more overly manly testosterone-fueled outbursts happened. I cleaned myself up in the ladies room and then proceeded to find Tucker. I spoke with him privately and explained to him Lawson and I have an extensive past, with the last several years being rocky to say the least.

  He understood, and like always, was way too sweet and understanding, when I thought he’d be pissed I wasn’t up front with him to begin with. As soon as I finished speaking with him, I found Delilah and caught her up on everything, minus the quick romp Lawson and I had in the back field. I was way too embarrassed by my brazenness to tell her what I’d actually done. She was ecstatic to learn we’d finally stopped dancing around the subject and talked.

  I wanted to talk to her more about everything, to have her opinion on it all, but the party was in full swing, so it was impossible to have more than a two minute conversation. We promised to get together as soon as she got back from her honeymoon to talk about everything with me, and said she’d text or FaceTime me when she could. She went on and on about only wanting us both to be happy, but I know her and how her crazy little mind works. She’ll do everything in her power to play matchmaker and make sure we get back together one way or another.

  When the party ended, Delilah, Grayson, Lawson, and I all headed to the limo that would bring us home. Everyone else had a shuttle bus taking them to their houses, since the wedding party’s vehicles were still at the church and everyone was beyond drunk, so there was no driving to be done by anyone.

  We all know—sadly, from experience—what drinking and driving can result in, so Delilah made sure to have money in her wedding budget for the shuttle. Thankfully, we’re a small town, so many had designated drivers and carpooled to the reception together.

  I had all intentions of going to my place alone, but was shocked when the limo stopped out front of my condo and Lawson climbed out too. He enjoyed the look of utter shock on my face as he wrapped his arm around my waist and walked me to my door.

  Within seconds, we were tearing each other’s clothes off in a hurried rush, as if we’d die if we weren’t naked and tangled in my bed sheets the moment we stepped into my apartment.

  Neither of us got much sleep due to all the catching up we were doing, so both of us slept in, not awakening until after noon. It’s the latest I’ve slept in since my early days in college.

  Waking up this morning with a massive hangover is not very fun, especially when you awaken to a naked Adonis in your bed. I roll out of bed and quietly slip into the bathroom, leaving Lawson sleeping. After using the bathroom and brushing my teeth, I slip into the shower. The moment the hot water hits my skin, my body sags under the warmth cascading around me, relishing the calming sensation that blankets me for a few minutes, letting my tense muscles be soothed as I breathe in the fresh steam filling the room.

  I dry off, slip out of the bathroom, and into my closet to grab a pair of cut-off shorts and a tank top, then make my way to my kitchen. My head feels like it’s going to explode any minute as I pop two Advils into my mouth and wash them down with a bottle of Gatorade. I’m pouring creamer into my second cup of coffee when Lawson comes out of the bedroom at almost one in the afternoon.

  “Mornin’, my beautiful nurse. You got any feel-good pills? My head is pounding right now.”

  Laughing, I walk over to the small cupboard next to my fridge and grab him the bottle. I toss it at him before getting a bottle of Gatorade from the fridge. “Here you go, the perfect remedy for hangovers. Well this, and maybe not leaving bed for twenty-four hours, and then swearing you’ll never drink that much ever again,” I tease as I climb up onto my bar stool at the kitchen island and sip on my coffee.

  My apartment is nice but small, since it’s a one bedroom. I have just my kitchen, living room, my bedroom, and one bathroom.

  There’s no room for a kitchen table, so I normally eat at the island or at my coffee table in the living room.

  “Well, I will start off this tradition by downing these bad boys,” he says, tossing the two pills into his mouth and chugging down half the bottle of electrolyte-filled liquid. Licking his lips, he walks towards me, setting the bottle down beside my coffee mug, and slips his arm around my waist, while a playful grin appears on his lips. “Then, I’m going to drag you to bed and not let you out of it until it’s time for me to leave. Lastly, I swear on all that is holy, I will never drink that much ever again.”

  I can’t hold back my laughter at his overdramatic self. Even when he feels like crap, he doesn’t lose his sense of humor.

  My stomach sinks as I ask the one question I’ve been dreading, “So when do you head back?”

  Hugging me tighter, he kisses me softly and sweetly before making his way around the counter and getting to work on making himself a cup of coffee. He spins my K-cup holder a few times, looking over the different flavors I have to choose from. He’s making me even more nervous with his hesitant reply.

  Is he l
eaving really soon? So soon, he’s afraid to tell me right now and ruin the good mood we’re both in?

  Only after his coffee is brewing does he answer me. Leaning towards me, he rests his elbows on the island and his chin in his hands as he stares across the small marble countertop at me. He’s so close I can make out every tiny speckle of color in his hazel eyes.

  “Let’s not tread on that now. For now, let’s get our caffeine fix so you can work up the energy to go a few more rounds with me before I have to go.”

  There’s the Lawson I know so well and fell in love with, the ‘let’s look at the glass half-full’ guy, who always tries to prolong happiness and not dwell on the bad stuff more than we need to. He’s been missing since the night of the accident, but since last night, I’m beginning to see that man again.


  “Are you sure you want me to come with you?” I ask for probably the twentieth time as we drive in my car towards Lawson’s mother’s florist shop.

  He narrows his eyes at me as I put my car into park. “Like I said the last ten times you asked me…yes, Emelyn, I want you to come with me. I’ve been putting this off for two weeks. It’s been almost four years since I visited her grave. I think having you by my side will make this easier for me.”

  I put my hand on his that is resting on his thigh and give it a gentle squeeze. “All right. Go grab the wreath and then we’ll head over.”

  A few minutes later, he’s climbing back into the car with a beautiful floral wreath filled with yellow roses and bright pink lilies.

  “Wow. Your mom did an amazing job—the wreath is absolutely beautiful.”

  His eyes look from the wreath up over to me. His eyes are filled with sadness but he forces a smile. “Yeah, she did. I think Lily would love it.”

  “I know she loves it.”

  Putting the car in drive, I pull back into traffic and drive towards the cemetery. My heart is racing in my chest and my stomach is twisted in knots when the gate comes into view. Slowly, I pull in and drive down the one lane dirt road towards her gravesite.

  This time, it’s Lawson’s hand that finds mine and squeezes it, showing support without speaking any words. I turn off the ignition and sit in the driver’s seat for a few moments as I try to reel my emotions in.

  “Are you ready?” I finally ask as I grab the door handle and look to Lawson.

  I didn’t think it would be this hard. I come here every year on the anniversary of her death to put fresh flowers on her grave. But I think being here with Lawson, knowing how monumental this is for him to be here, is making me all jittery and emotional.

  Nodding, he mumbles, “Yup,” before getting out and carrying the wreath over to her small gravestone.

  He kneels down in front of it and slowly traces her name with his fingers. Neither of us speaks. If I wanted to, I wouldn’t be able to due to the lump lodged in my throat. Seeing Lawson here, vulnerable like this, is breaking my heart and healing it, all at the same time.

  So many years, I carried around so much hatred for him, but now, slowly, I feel my heart beginning to mend. I think Lily would be happy to see us finally finding our way back to one another.

  I hear a low sob leave Lawson as his shoulders shake. A tear escapes my eye and rolls down the side of my cheek. I don’t bother to wipe it away. Seeing him so emotional is tearing me up inside.

  “I’m so sorry, Lily,” he whispers under his breath as he sets the wreath down. “There’s no excuse for me not coming to see you. I was an asshole. If you were still here, I know you’d be kicking my ass and telling me four years is way too long to wait to finally pull my head out of my ass.” He hangs his head and rubs his hands over his eyes and then over his light scruff on his cheeks. “I hope you’re living it up in that big mansion in the clouds you always talked about having when you got to Heaven. I know Mrs. LaClaire always rolled her eyes at Sunday school, when we’d all go on and on about what would be waiting for us when we finally met the big guy in the sky—but I know all of us are truly hoping that everything we envisioned would be there is—because you deserve only the best, Lil.”

  The tears are falling one by one down my face as I walk towards Lawson and finally fall to my knees beside him. I lay my head on his shoulder and lovingly rub his back, silently showing him that I’m here for him.

  “Thank you for being here with me,” he finally says after a few minutes pass. His tears have stopped, but mine continue to fall. I have so many emotions coursing through me at the moment that I find myself becoming slightly overwhelmed.

  Falling onto his butt, he grabs my waist and pulls me down onto his lap. He gazes up at me with so much love in his eyes that I feel my panic slowly begin to fade away.

  “Thank you for asking me to come with you. I know this isn’t easy for you. I want you to know I’m here for you whenever you need me, Lawson.”

  I drop my forehead down to his and close my eyes as his arms wrap around me tighter. I melt into his arms, feeling safe in a moment of uncertainty.

  I don’t know where our lives are going from here, but if Lawson is willing to fight for us to get back what we lost, I’m willing to fight just as hard.

  “You don’t know how much this means to me, baby. I never thought…”

  His voice trails off as I quiet his words with a soft kiss. I press shaky lips to his as my hands slide into his hair that’s peeking out of the bottom of his ball cap.

  We leave the cemetery hand-in-hand and, I don’t know about Lawson, but I feel as if a fifty-pound weight has suddenly been lifted off of my shoulders.


  It’s almost seven-thirty by the time Lawson gets ready to head back home. We drive to Delilah’s house, where his bike is parked, so he can grab his things and head back to Tuscaloosa.

  I’m trying to hold myself together, but it’s not an easy task when my emotions are all over the place. We stop by his parents’ on our way so he can say goodbye to them. I hate he is leaving, but I know he can’t stay any longer. He used up his two weeks of vacation time already and needs to get back to his shop. It just sucks, because we’re finally getting to a place where we are communicating and trying to heal old wounds, and now he has to leave.

  The only thing keeping me from completely falling apart is knowing he’s only an hour and a half drive away. We’ve already made plans for me to drive there next weekend to see him. I’m nervous about going and possibly losing the chemistry we’ve felt over the last few days.

  I’m standing beside his bike, watching him strap down his duffle bag, and try to keep my tears at bay. I don’t want to cry and appear weak to him. I can do this. We’re only going to be apart a week. I believe we can do this. I believe he wants only me and he’ll stay faithful, but there’s that small, annoying voice in the back of my head trying to plant seeds of doubt in my mind. I’m using all the strength I have to drown her out.

  “Well, it looks like I’m all set,” he says, moving away from the bike and walking towards me. I plaster a fake smile on my face and wrap my arms around his waist, hugging him tightly.

  “Drive safe and text me when you get home, okay?” I say into his chest, where my face is currently buried.

  His loud, deep laughter surrounds us and causes his stomach to rise and fall, jiggling me. “I will definitely drive safe and text you when I get home, and I’ll be doing the same to mom too.”

  I slap his butt playfully, still refusing to let him go. “Don’t laugh, asshole. I don’t care if I sound like your mother. I will not relax until I know you made it home safely on this death trap you like to call a motorcycle.”

  The feeling of his hands sliding up and down my back makes my body shudder beneath them. They leave a burning path in their wake as they make their way to my hair. His fingers tangle in my strands as he tilts my head up towards him. My eyes drift to his mouth and watch as his tongue traces his bottom lips.

  I ache to kiss him, but at the same time know once I do, he’ll leave.

��m going to miss the hell out of you, Emelyn, but we have to just keep telling ourselves we’ll see each other in six days.”

  “Six more days,” I repeat as I lean up on my tiptoes and kiss him. It takes every ounce of strength inside us both to finally pull away and not let the kiss deepen, because we know if it does, he’d never get out of here before dark.

  Climbing onto his bike, he rests his helmet on his lap as he plants his feet firmly on the asphalt and the bike roars to life. He yells over the loud rumble of the engine, “I love you, Emelyn. Believe me when I tell you we’re going to make this work. Failure is not an option for us.” He gives me a playful wink as he reaches out, cupping the back of my head and pulling my mouth to his for one more chaste kiss.

  Stepping away from the back, I smile at him genuinely and yell back, “I love you, too. I’ll see you Saturday!”


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